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Started by Blue Star, June 24, 2013, 10:38:10 PM

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Blue Star

Fellow Bmers I recently had some thoughts, yes you know the cursed things that come to you when you are sober. mm I make this quick.

I was wondering what are the views of using different languages in the game. I mean i've seen Latin, French, Spanish so far and even some from fantasy novels. So I was wondering what is the take on using these languages in game?

Whenever, I use a different language than common (english), I always make sure to do as I did there so it can be understood by those who don't know or use it.

Just wanting to know everyone's thoughts. I mean it adds just a bit of flavor to the game now and then, but I'm not referring to larage passages just the smaller ones.

I think like a sinner. Curse like a sailor. Smile like a saint. :)


I think a signature, a well-known expression in a foreign language or short sentences that aren't in English are acceptable. Basically, anything longer than a sentence that is not in English, I would not use, seeing as how English is the lingua franca in Battlemaster. See how I used Latin there?  8)
Ardet nec consumitur.


I dont like it... i use Finnish at personal messages to finns sometimes...

It can easily to lead to chit chat of few who know the language, even thought you could use google translate, you kind of will feel "outsider" on such conversation.

~Violence is always an option!~


I brought this same topic up once on irc and it was shot down :)

In Barca it would be pretty funny, I think 2/3 of the people speak Flemish/Dutch and even Afrikaans in that realm. Haven't done it yet though.


I have used bits and pieces of relatively common Latin as 'the ancient tongue' but that's about it, and I make a point of putting it in a context where its meaning is clear. Latin is a little easier because it's pretty much equally alien to everyone and therefore easier to buy as some distant Battlemaster tongue.

I wouldn't use any languages still spoken today unless there was a particular word with a readily understood meaning - for instance, Chevalier or Duc. Even then I've just seen them used and not used them myself.


In the past, extensive use of other languages has been discouraged as exclusionary. For example, if you created a realm where you spoke only Spanish and other Spanish-speaking players joined, you would quickly end up with a realm that effectively excluded anyone who couldn't speak Spanish. There are also other reasons to not use other languages related to fairness. For instance, a torture report becomes much less useful if the messages you get are in a language you aren't conversant in.

Thulsoma used Old English extensively in its realm bulletins and general nomenclature, and they ultimately were asked to stop doing so since most players were unable to read them.


The exclusion of other languages to avoid exclusion of players who are not conversant in that languages has an adverse effect as it in itself ends up excluding countless people who are not conversant in English, or not fluent. Besides, if people join a realm that is active but speaks another language, how is this worse than joining the several realms who speak english but where no one says a word to one another? Just as when you decide what realm-culture you like the most before joining a realm, you could take into account which languages they speak.

Furthermore, not understanding other realms' languages would, in my opinion, add value, as it would create a more realistic midieval atmosphere, with in this case, instead of french as lingua franca, english and if you don't understand a torture report, there are many ways nowadays to translate it, or simply ask someone.

Having said that, I don't believe other languages will be accepted into the game.


Quote from: Wolfang on June 26, 2013, 04:19:02 PM
Having said that, I don't believe other languages will be accepted into the game.

They will not. If you want a game with many languages, Tom has said that Might and Fealty will support this.

BattleMaster will remain English-only.
Timothy Collett

"The only thing you can't trade for your heart's your heart." "You are what you do.  Choose again, and change." "One of these days, someone's gonna plug you, and you're going to die saying, 'What did I say? What did I say?'"  ~ Miles Naismith Vorkosigan


yes, I replied purely for the sake of argument  :)