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Best realms to join on June 2013

Started by Wolfang, June 25, 2013, 01:23:42 AM

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The title says it all, I think I will soon be joining Silnaria, and I've heard good things about Fronen & Darka as well, but I saw the topic about 'Least liked island' and saw Atamara wasn't very popular, so I decided to make a thread about it where everyone can have their say and which is up to date, at least as of June 2013 :) .

This will be useful not only for myself, but also for others looking to join a new realm with a new character and that need an up-to-date topic concerning this.

I hope the topic will remain focussed on people describing their realms, whether there is a lot of activity in it, what the overall feel is, whether it is fun and what is currently happening in their realms.

Terises Jr.

For May 2013, Best realms to join ; Minas Leon. Now war has end so will be boring again.. Its hard to get lordship there, even if you active.. So, don't choose atamara..

If you want easy lordship (depend on which realm) but boring, go to Dwilight..

Beluaterra is special, and war just start (balance war).. We require more noble, as knight and region lord.. And you should join the republic of Fronen, there alot of potential, possibility.. Realm like Nothoi and Enweil also good to join.. Old Grekh is small, maybe boring.. Theres now war between Enweil, Fronen/ally vs riombara, small realm vs big realm..

Gustav Kuriga

Quote from: Terises Jr. on June 25, 2013, 01:55:18 AM
For May 2013, Best realms to join ; Minas Leon. Now war has end so will be boring again.. Its hard to get lordship there, even if you active.. So, don't choose atamara..

If you want easy lordship (depend on which realm) but boring, go to Dwilight..

Beluaterra is special, and war just start (balance war).. We require more noble, as knight and region lord.. And you should join the republic of Fronen, there alot of potential, possibility.. Realm like Nothoi and Enweil also good to join.. Old Grekh is small, maybe boring.. Theres now war between Enweil, Fronen/ally vs riombara, small realm vs big realm..

Actually Dwilight is about to go bat!@#$ insane in war. The Farronite Republic just arrested one of the Elders of Sanguis Astroism, who was subsequently released by the fundamentalist judge (couldn't think of another word to describe Halleria, although if the player of her wants to post a different word they're welcome to). Niselur looks to be trying to agitate Astrum into declaring war on them, and might attack Astrum anyways just to get something going. With Niselur having good relations with most of the western realms, and Luria Nova allied to them, it looks to be an interesting time to join Dwilight. The Farronite Republic has an open lordship available as well, to one of the richest rural regions on the continent, both in terms of food and gold.


Quote from: Wolfang on June 25, 2013, 01:23:42 AM
I hope the topic will remain focussed on people describing their realms, whether there is a lot of activity in it, what the overall feel is, whether it is fun and what is currently happening in their realms.

Kindara (Far East Island) - Quite a high engagement level throughout the nobility, and a fully active realm council. One of the largest and most powerful realms on the island, fighting alone and winning in the southern theatre of war in the larger island-wide war of the Free Realms against the Empire. Expanding rapidly, giving good chances for a regional lordship. Highly efficient military (possibly second only to Arcaea). At the discretion of the High Lord, all nobles have a right to sit in the Great Hall where as much diplomatic information as possible is sent for discussion meaning most people have a chance to contribute if they want.

Westmoor (East Continent) - A strong team ethos, meaning the nobility is close knit. The core nobility is highly engaged and works hard at new player retention, making it an excellent first realm for new players. Proud tradition of giving early advancement and access to special message groups to new nobles. A sort of 'round table' atmosphere. Geographically speaking, the smallest realm on the continent. Currently exiting a lost war with continental giant Sirion, and has a new king and an entirely new realm council. Good opportunities for new nobles to influence the future of the realm. Advancement is largely based on merit and making a contribution. Sitting in the realm capital and never speaking will definitely not get you anywhere.

Suville (Atamara) - In the past, a very quiet realm where no-one on the outside of the Military Council had any idea what was going on. Now elected a new king with big ideas to increase engagement and fun for all nobles, which is supported by the Dukes. A big realm, traditionally somewhat isolationist diplomatically speaking, but now seeking a greater involvement in island politics. Very much a realm in the middle of a transition to something new. Excellent chances for new engaged nobles to gain advancement. Actively seeking to build up greater depth of experience in the military leadership. Good chance of getting a regional lordship if you make yourself known to the Dukes/Duchesses.


Quote from: Foxglove on June 25, 2013, 03:49:35 AM
Kindara (Far East Island) - Quite a high engagement level throughout the nobility, and a fully active realm council. One of the largest and most powerful realms on the island, fighting alone and winning in the southern theatre of war in the larger island-wide war of the Free Realms against the Empire.

Or, from another perspective, the Southern Powerhouse Realms Who Betray Their Weaker Allies against the Honourable Realms Who Uphold Their Agreements.
Timothy Collett

"The only thing you can't trade for your heart's your heart." "You are what you do.  Choose again, and change." "One of these days, someone's gonna plug you, and you're going to die saying, 'What did I say? What did I say?'"  ~ Miles Naismith Vorkosigan


Quote from: Anaris on June 25, 2013, 03:59:24 AM
Or, from another perspective, the Southern Powerhouse Realms Who Betray Their Weaker Allies against the Honourable Realms Who Uphold Their Agreements.

Like you say, very much a matter of spin  ;) I use "Free Realms" and "Empire" because at least three of the rulers use those terms.


Dwilight is about to have a World War, so any realms involved should be exciting.

Niselur is a dynamic, relatively new realm with a daring king not afraid to make some interesting political moves, who has become the spark of the anti-SA movement and is about to go to war against all of the Theocracies.

Either side should be interesting, but for those who complain SA is fun killing, then here is your chance to change that.  Join now or forever hold your peace, because if Niselur loses this war, then SA will smother the continent.

With Swordfell remaining neutral, I think the war could go either way and Niselur could awaken the sleeping giant of Astrum, so we need all of the nobles we can get.
Characters:Lain Frostwood, Ghostfire Frostwood, Talia(commoner)


Quote from: Foxglove on June 25, 2013, 04:09:52 AM
Like you say, very much a matter of spin  ;) I use "Free Realms" and "Empire" because at least three of the rulers use those terms.

Yes; I've heard those, but I haven't heard Arcaea's side provide any glib descriptions to counter them.

Clearly, Arcaea needs a better PR campaign.
Timothy Collett

"The only thing you can't trade for your heart's your heart." "You are what you do.  Choose again, and change." "One of these days, someone's gonna plug you, and you're going to die saying, 'What did I say? What did I say?'"  ~ Miles Naismith Vorkosigan


Quote from: Anaris on June 25, 2013, 03:59:24 AM
Or, from another perspective, the Southern Powerhouse Realms Who Betray Their Weaker Allies against the Honourable Realms Who Uphold Their Agreements.

I prefer the Southern Powerhouse who didn't feel like being dragged into a war against their other friendly neighbor whose ruler is an actual statesman instead of a propaganda spewing bully, but to each his own. :p
Life is a dance, it is only fitting that death sing the tune.


Quote from: Stabbity on June 25, 2013, 04:26:27 AM
I prefer the Southern Powerhouse who didn't feel like being dragged into a war against their other friendly neighbor whose ruler is an actual statesman instead of a propaganda spewing bully, but to each his own. :p

Do you deny that Kindara and Cathay were allied to—even federated with, I think—Zonasa, and then declared war without warning?
Timothy Collett

"The only thing you can't trade for your heart's your heart." "You are what you do.  Choose again, and change." "One of these days, someone's gonna plug you, and you're going to die saying, 'What did I say? What did I say?'"  ~ Miles Naismith Vorkosigan


Yes. Just because Steel didn't pass those warnings on doesn't mean they didn't happen.
Life is a dance, it is only fitting that death sing the tune.


There were lots of warnings, but Steel just didn't convey them to his nobles. Basically, he just stopped responding to Kindara's High Lord. I know, because I saw all the relevant letters. Kindara went to great lengths to avoid a war with Zonasa, and even tried to reach out through other diplomatic channels to side-step the unresponsive Regent.

But maybe this would be better discussed in the Far East Local thread so it doesn't derail the information Wolfang wanted when he began this thread.


What are you looking for? Good RP? Promotion opportunities? Accessible leaders? Winning side? Losing side? Big battles? "Safe" realm?

Keep in mind that you get what you pay for. If you go into a realm where you get promoted without doing much, then don't expect the other nobles to do much either.
qui audet vincit


Jeez, we finally get some FEI discussion and it's in an unrelated thread.

To the OP and others looking for a good realm, Arcaea on the Far East Island is always looking for good nobles. We are a strong, active realm whose ruler (me) does his best to take care of new arrivals. We have plenty of rich estates and region lord turnover is quite regular, meaning there's plenty of opportunity for advancement. If war is your thing, Arcaea has been involved in by far the most wars in FEI in the last three years, since I joined the realm.

We're currently engaged in a very fun 4v4 continent-wide war. Our armies tour around the countryside, winning battles and looting as we go. If you want to see the sights (and then burn them down), Arcaea is for you!


Quote from: Velax on June 25, 2013, 07:29:15 AM
Jeez, we finally get some FEI discussion and it's in an unrelated thread.

To the OP and others looking for a good realm, Arcaea on the Far East Island is always looking for good nobles. We are a strong, active realm whose ruler (me) does his best to take care of new arrivals. We have plenty of rich estates and region lord turnover is quite regular, meaning there's plenty of opportunity for advancement. If war is your thing, Arcaea has been involved in by far the most wars in FEI in the last three years, since I joined the realm.

We're currently engaged in a very fun 4v4 continent-wide war. Our armies tour around the countryside, winning battles and looting as we go. If you want to see the sights (and then burn them down), Arcaea is for you!

Arcaea also takes great care of their adventurers, even avenging their mistreatment at the hands of the enemy judge!