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Where to find helpful Adventurers?

Started by Gordy77, July 02, 2013, 11:38:43 AM

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Is there a particular town or place to meet helpful adventurers? I would like to assist in quests against monsters and undead and have people assist me on mine. I am only new to the game. There are three adventurers nearby when I want to message them (though it costs me crazy gold to do so), but they never reply. Am I doing something wrong? Is there somewhere I can recruit for help or is this frowned upon?


First off, Welcome to Battlemaster!! I don't really play adventurer much, but I think that adventurer's guilds are the best for meeting other adventurers and questing and other adventuring stuff... if we know which realm your adventurer is at now, there will probably be some helpful people in the forum who will direct you to the nearest adventurer's guild.
PM me for the Dota 2 guild.
"Darka would like to thank CE and co for their generous offerings, the Holy Volcano will be filled up for days with all these offerings!"-Jaret Jaron's last words


I have a Stromban adventurer on Atamara hanging around Aja.


Advy guilds are really the best way to get in touch with other advies. Most islands have one or two, but they are not necessarily in your area. For example, there is one on Dwilight in the Golden Farrow/Eidulb area, and there used to be one active in Corsanctum (not sure if it still is), and one in Fissoa. On BT there is one in the Fronen area. There are doubtless several others.
If at first you don't succeed, don't take up skydiving.


Quote from: Indirik on July 02, 2013, 06:17:52 PM
Advy guilds are really the best way to get in touch with other advies. Most islands have one or two, but they are not necessarily in your area. For example, there is one on Dwilight in the Golden Farrow/Eidulb area, and there used to be one active in Corsanctum (not sure if it still is), and one in Fissoa. On BT there is one in the Fronen area. There are doubtless several others.

Fissoa's Verminators just found a revival under new leadership, and thanks to the tireless contributions of a few individuals is still interesting.

On Atamara, though, there used to be a secret society devoted to the purpose - but it's not my place to divulge it's secrets :)


looking around in the wiki, there's the Atamara Adventurer's Guild and it's based in Talerium, though i am not sure if it's still active or not...
PM me for the Dota 2 guild.
"Darka would like to thank CE and co for their generous offerings, the Holy Volcano will be filled up for days with all these offerings!"-Jaret Jaron's last words


Any adventurers on Dwilight are welcome to join the Thesaurum Venari (Treasure Hunters) guild. I think it has 2 or 3 guildhouses in Asylon and is hoping to expand to other realms. All are welcome.

The guild provides a place for commoners to sell their goods to nobles and nobles to hire commoners for services. Commoners who join get a monthly grant of 5 gold to help them search for things and also a debt of up to 100 gold so that they can improve things. The 5 gold paperwork fee is a small investment into the wage they receive.

Forbes Family

There is also something for Advies in Strombran.
Forbes Family


If your advy is on FEI, look for Orado. I'm usually in Arcaea and I try to be pretty helpful when I'm not on an assignment for a lord.