Author Topic: Use of Rumour and personal information on irc, in forums, ingame and other places like skype and fac  (Read 36633 times)


  • Noble Lord
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Well thank you for those logs Fleugs, I somehow got another 2 trust medals overnight. ;)

To the protocoll: I want to add that in the line "I am going for a flame war" I meant "I am NOT going for a flame war"
Everyone who knows me from IRC, knows that I am crappy typer and I forget often words.
Still, if you read entire logs and see context, then it makes no sense that I wanted a flame war.
I hate flame wars, I am really too old and have no time for this crap.

Now I strongly encourage to read the entire log for the pieces that Fleugs posted are quite far away from each other.
First of all, I apologize to Jason/Laura for one line in this logs, where I got carried away and fell below my own level, for what I feel ashamed.
However, it also can be clearly seen that my conversation with Fleugs was of investigative nature (he plays BM for 10 years so I was sure he could keep this info for himself, he often accused Jason as cheater, so I gave info to get his info and see if there is more behind the topic) and that I was primarily interested to solve this IC (by defeating the realms and split their power as rulers), and if not possible, with a report. Fleugs encouraged me though to file a report as well.
I also did tell him that this would be a Titan case in order to not spread this issue in public (Magistrate cases are public) around and that I was concerned about privacy reasons.
You can also read that I explicitely asked him not to spread this information around.
I also told him of my mistake with Autrey when I wanted to make sure that he knew of the verdict and that the issue is settled and that intended to solve it via IC means.
The last part is where Fleugs harassed and flamed me on the matter quite harshly calling me things in public out and then in personal to quit my char in Perdan, trying to put me in the corner of "I am taking things too personal". I just let him flame out, obviously, well, at the end, it's Fleugs.

Also, thank you Nate (Autrey) for confirming what I also said in my earlier post. It was a mistake and it slipped out and for this I am sorry.
At no means I wanted to influence his decision and he obviously still wars with Armonia Perdan and I'm totally fine with that.
Also, I was sure that he would not spread this information around, he is a responsible player.