Author Topic: Image BM community gives to players via forums, it is horrible...  (Read 26406 times)

Blue Star

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Insults exist in the ears of the RECEIVER, not the speaker.

If someone is insulting you, the first thing you should do is ask him to stop. Not shoot back and end with "and now STFU", but politely and firmly explain to him that what he says is insulting to you and please stop doing that.

And on the other side, if someone tells you that he feels hurt by your words, you need to stop. Period. Not argue about whether or not it's an insult. Just stop and go elsewhere.

I think personally, it needs to be dealt between the two parties then if it continues it should go further then to the magistrates or titans or Tom. The idea is to play as friends if not family. No one said we had to get along with eachother... we just have to be civil and play fair and follow the Rules....

I think like a sinner. Curse like a sailor. Smile like a saint. :)