Author Topic: Image BM community gives to players via forums, it is horrible...  (Read 26473 times)


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As a moderator, I welcome reports. You see something you don't like--even if it's not directed at you--report it. We can give someone 5 points, or  10, or 15, or 20 points, depending on the severity of the offense. And they don't get muted until they hit 50 points. So if you see something you don't like, don't feel bad about clicking that "report to moderator" link.

On the other hand, just because someone disagrees with you, does not mean you should report that to moderator. I don't care if they think your ideas are wrong. I DO care if they say that YOU are stupid (etc, etc). We have warned at least one person for trying to use moderator reports to "get back at" someone whose opinion differed from their own.


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Yes, it isn't that common, but I have seen it and wondered what the appropriate action was. What about information that is IG? How should that be reported?


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The best option, for any post, is to send the offender a PM, and politely ask them to remove or rewrite the portion of the post that you object to.

I'm of the mind that once it's out there, assume everyone has read it; then there's no point in having the information removed. Probably best to just change your plans and just treat the situation as misinformation.


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The best option, for any post, is to send the offender a PM, and politely ask them to remove or rewrite the portion of the post that you object to.

I'm of the mind that once it's out there, assume everyone has read it; then there's no point in having the information removed. Probably best to just change your plans and just treat the situation as misinformation.

I meant letters between characters, whether the letter is marked OOC or not. For example, if Player A sends a letter IG to his realm as a whole that appears offensive on an OOC level (due to prejudice), where / how should that be reported? It's impossible to remove it or change it once it has been sent.

Assume as well the attempt made to ask for an OOC apology failed. (I'm a big proponent of the idea that we should solve personal disputes individually before seeking the harsher actions.)


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I'm of the mind that once it's out there, assume everyone has read it; then there's no point in having the information removed. Probably best to just change your plans and just treat the situation as misinformation.

I disagree.

For one thing, if it's no longer there, it cannot be replied to or quoted, and those who have not yet read it—which, depending on the speed of the scrubbing, could be a high percentage—will no longer have the chance to see it.

This is as true of inflammatory language as it is of "leaks" from IC.
Timothy Collett

"The only thing you can't trade for your heart's your heart." "You are what you do.  Choose again, and change." "One of these days, someone's gonna plug you, and you're going to die saying, 'What did I say? What did I say?'"  ~ Miles Naismith Vorkosigan


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I disagree.

For one thing, if it's no longer there, it cannot be replied to or quoted, and those who have not yet read it—which, depending on the speed of the scrubbing, could be a high percentage—will no longer have the chance to see it.

This is as true of inflammatory language as it is of "leaks" from IC.

I'm happy to remove inflammatory language. But IC letters? Is posting them a violation of the social contract, IRs, or any other rule? How can the moderators know which IC letters are okay to post, and which they need to remove?


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I do agree that there's a whole lot too much law-mongering and OOC-playing going on. People want to win at any costs, including attacking their enemies on the forum and elsewhere.

That needs to stop. We really need a couple wars and destroyed realms, especially on the more stagnant islands, to shake things up and people out of this mindset.


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I do agree that there's a whole lot too much law-mongering and OOC-playing going on. People want to win at any costs, including attacking their enemies on the forum and elsewhere.

That needs to stop. We really need a couple wars and destroyed realms, especially on the more stagnant islands, to shake things up and people out of this mindset.

I'm afraid we may need more than that, for this and other reasons...

The player density is still very low, Tom. We may yet need to resort to stronger measures to push it back up to less upsetting values in order to make BattleMaster play like it's supposed to.
Timothy Collett

"The only thing you can't trade for your heart's your heart." "You are what you do.  Choose again, and change." "One of these days, someone's gonna plug you, and you're going to die saying, 'What did I say? What did I say?'"  ~ Miles Naismith Vorkosigan


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I'm afraid we may need more than that, for this and other reasons...

The player density is still very low, Tom. We may yet need to resort to stronger measures to push it back up to less upsetting values in order to make BattleMaster play like it's supposed to.

Daimonic invasions for everyone?  :D


  • Honourable King
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I do agree that there's a whole lot too much law-mongering and OOC-playing going on. People want to win at any costs, including attacking their enemies on the forum and elsewhere.

That needs to stop. We really need a couple wars and destroyed realms, especially on the more stagnant islands, to shake things up and people out of this mindset.

You know, this may very well be a partial consequence of the Magistrate system... I think the predisposition to abuse it is there on the part of some people, but the public nature of the Magistrate system may also encourage it to some extent as its far more visible than the Titan system ever was.


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Daimonic invasions for everyone?  :D

Nah. Time to press that reset button!


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@Eirikr: if someone sends something IG, the proper place to report is is the Magistrates. If they say something on the forum, then report it to the Forum moderators using the link on that post.

And please, do report thing on the forum you think are inappropriate. One or another forum mod may not object to something, but another user may. In that case, it is important to let the mods know how you feel.
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You know, this may very well be a partial consequence of the Magistrate system... I think the predisposition to abuse it is there on the part of some people, but the public nature of the Magistrate system may also encourage it to some extent as its far more visible than the Titan system ever was.

I wholeheartedly agree with this. Which is also what I said when the switch over to the Magistrates was being debated.

I'd also note that I think the BM player population has changed. It seems to me our average age has gone up as the game's complexity and seriousness has risen.

I'll also say: I think some of the problem with the forum is that people don't use the ignore feature enough. I ignored Glaumring (or whatever his username is now) months ago after I felt like everything he said just ticked me off, and it's been a great decision. I don't mean that as a dig at Glaumring: I'm not even sure the problem was really him, it may well have been me. It's just that I needed to create space. I think many players would benefit from using the ignore feature on players they persistently find themselves hostile with.

Also, soapbox: people should work to avoid always playing with the same people all the time creating game-wide factions.
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I'll also say: I think some of the problem with the forum is that people don't use the ignore feature enough.

Unfortunately, I do not believe that feature is well-known or easily discoverable.

I also believe that the "report to moderate" feature is significantly underused...
Timothy Collett

"The only thing you can't trade for your heart's your heart." "You are what you do.  Choose again, and change." "One of these days, someone's gonna plug you, and you're going to die saying, 'What did I say? What did I say?'"  ~ Miles Naismith Vorkosigan

Miriam Ics

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Also, soapbox: people should work to avoid always playing with the same people all the time creating game-wide factions.

I agree with almost all Vellos said but this specially.

We need to change teams more often but, it is not easy to find new groups in which we feel comfortable and also, when we try, there's is always one that played with you before and that act as you are that old char.

Anyway, forum and IRC are not the problem, we are and I don't know what is the solution. To hid the magistrate cases can be one solution to reduce complains and discussions but, I can also see many disadvantages for doing this. One of them would be that people will not feel pressed to tell the truth once only magistrates will see it.
But then again, I trust our players so, this might not happen.

I might be wrong but I can see more people agreeing with moderation that discussing it so, more moderation can be a solution.
"Resolve to serve no more, and you are at once freed. I do not ask that you place hands upon the tyrant to topple him over, but simply that you support him no longer; then you will behold him, like a great Colossus whose pedestal has been pulled away, fall of his own weight and break in pieces."