Author Topic: Player Harassment and Creation of a Toxic Atmosphere  (Read 43344 times)

Dante Silverfire

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Jason Elegant:
Letter from Jason Elegant   (12 hours, 9 minutes ago)
Message sent to everyone in "League of the Eagle" (55 recipients)

Please excuse me for interrupting in your political talks. I just want you to tell a story. If any resemblence with any true incidence is found, then it would purely be a coincidence. Here is the story:

Long back, there was a League of the Elite (LoE) consisting of some realms. There was a region called 'Elosta' which belonged to enemy. A treaty was signed between LoE and that enemy (Estonz) to give the region to a new allied realm called 'Real Estonz'. But, suddenly, the lord of 'Elosta' transfered the region to one of the league nations called 'Corio' which was under the influence of an anti league person called 'the one who cannot be named' (TOWCBN). Then TOWCBN got greedy. He refused to honor the treaty of the League. He told that since the region belongs to his duchy, he cant give it to anyone. All the league nations were stunned after hearing this. Nobody expeced this act of betrayal. The league had helped 'Corio' kill 'Hammargays' and steal all its regions and when time came, Corio's top leaders got more and more greedy. Needless to say, no other league nation liked it.

Today, when Corio's regions changed realm, TOWCBN is making such a big fuss about it. He forgets that he will reap whatever he had sowed long back. Moreover, due to two antiqe plans of TOWCBN, league could not defeat its enemy called 'Lightka'. This will never be forgotten by the ones who were betrayed. The only chance of survival of TOWCBN and his fancy name realm is that he helps kill 'Lightka' and bring victory to the League, just like 'Hammargays' were eliminated for him.

So, that was a simple story.

Jason Elegant
Royal of Cagilan Empire

Letter from Jason Elegant   (8 hours, 57 minutes ago)
Message sent to everyone in "League of the Eagle" (55 recipients)
Yes, actually, 'the one who cannot be named' behaves like a 5 year old. Due to this, he has endangered his whole realm...

Next part of story is that the league knows that TOWCBN had snatched 'Lightka' from its jaws. So, the league proposed that either put Lightka back in its jaws or return back the hammargay's all lands to the league. Needless to say, TOWCBN chose to side with Lightka and his whole fancy name realm was wiped out. Poor fellow destroyed his own realm by back stabbing the league by protecting Lightka and taking all anti league nobles in his realm.

Disclaimer: this part of story has no resemblence to any event happening in future. If similarities are discovered later on, then that would be a coincidence.

Jason Elegant
Royal of Cagilan Empire

Nothing in either of the two above letters makes it even remotely clear that he is referring to Merlin and not myself as a player. He doesn't even once NAME Merlin as the person. Anyone knowledgeable of the event though understands that I'm the only possible target.

His response when called on the fact that he was being offensive:

Out-of-Character from Jason Elegant   (7 hours ago)
Message sent to everyone in "League of the Eagle" (55 recipients)
lol... Justin, that was funny bro. Its like watching scary movie series :D

Let's chill with a beer !

Wansu Seisan

Enri Kinsey:
Out-of-Character from Enri Kinsey   (29 days, 11 hours ago)
Message sent to everyone in "League of the Eagle" (50 recipients)
What's with all these hard-to-remember names? Silnaria? Seriously?!

Why not Silvaria?

Or just go full egomaniac and name the realm Silverfiria?


Yangfan Wang
Out-of-Character from Enri Kinsey   (29 days, 10 hours ago)
Message sent to everyone in "League of the Eagle" (50 recipients)

Yangfan Wang
Out-of-Character from Enri Kinsey   (29 days, 10 hours ago)
Message sent to everyone in "League of the Eagle" (50 recipients)
At the risk of pissing off Sean :), let me break character for one more moment to applaud TH's handling of Merlin, who continues to prove that he can play his fellow Corians (sorry, Silnarians) like cheap fiddles.

When Enri writes his memoirs, I do believe he will take full and complete credit for raising such a Machiavellian student. :D

Yangfan Wang

Letter from Enri Kinsey   (15 days, 10 hours ago)
I only read Tyrant Ottar's message after having sent out mine.

"Silnarnia" has a nice ring to it, though.

In all seriousness, Your Majesty, Prime Minister Torsaan is trying his hardest to convince our Senators to agree to peace with your realm and... your loudmouth is not helping. Several Senators have switched their votes to nay, citing your Countess Raziella's messages.

Assuming that we can push this through the Senate, we'll exchange peace for passage rights with you and then get out of your way. You and Tyrant Ottar can have fun with your staring-contest. The rest of us have Darkans to kill.

Sir Enri Kinsey
General of Cagilan Empire
Out-of-Character from Jean Luc Kinsey   (16 days, 6 hours ago)
Message sent to everyone in "League of the Eagle" (56 recipients)
Game mechanics trump RP. Anyway you look at it, CE and Tara are allied with Coria, and Silnaria is the one in rebellion here.

Yangfan Wang

^An attempt to use OOC messages to convince people that the IC discussion is rightfully in their favor.^

Ottar Perkeleet:
Letter from Ottar Perkeleet   (16 days, 6 hours ago)
Message sent to everyone in "League of the Eagle" (56 recipients)
I Can't Believe It's Not Merlin...


That were found on trhat scribe too
To me this mean: I have never asked that any of our infils will go after any Royals so I will not say yes to this question. I want that they will make the first move against us before we will make ours.. That we will wait until Narnia will attack against us and every desent ruler who has been here long enough knows my basic idea sending infils against Royals. It is pointless to twist that principle, yes yes, i know that you don't have any and we couple of old timers have those. We won't sell our words and promises.

Don't even answer on this as will not read your messages. If Narnia has something to say you can send an Ambassador .

Ottar Perkeleet
Tyrant of Tara
Celestial Fury:
Letter from Celestial Fury   (26 days ago)
Message sent to all full members of "League of the Eagle" (31 recipients)

To the realm claiming to be successor to Coria,
And to the former King now King under the mountain once more,

I would have preferred to do this in the elders chambers but apparently many of the elders are most resistant in giving you access once more, even temporarily to facilitate communications. Thus, so be it.

King, Con you explain these words of yours?
Silnaria, continues to see itself as allies of this league, and will support our allies in their war efforts.

THEIR war efforts, is it? Not OUR war efforts? My physician tells me this is most likely due to:
interference of some unconscious ("dynamically repressed") subdued wish, conflict, or train of thought.

It's kind of revealing, yes? But of course as you claim to be the direct and legal successor to Coria, inheriting all its previous functions and roles, no doubt you have already RE-DECLARED war on Darka. Wait, no?? I can't wait to hear the Better Speculative reason (in short, BS) you have for this.

King, Con you explain why you are being paranoid of coming under attack?
If you cannot, do allow me. It has to do with your naming faux pas [foh pah]. You've never being able to get it right. To refresh, in your previous short reign as a Monarch you went through multiple titles and what we addressed you as one day was no longer valid the next day. First it was King Con (King/Consul). Then it was Pimp (Princeps Imperator). And now that you name your realm KOS, you can't sleep at night.

May I can introduce you to my physician?
Celestial Fury
Prime Minister of Cagilan Empire

^Although Celestial Fury is no longer playing, this letter is used as another example of the type of toxic environment that has been steadily created and supported.

Out-of-Character from Mizuhiro Ishida   (25 days, 20 hours ago)
Message sent to all full members of "League of the Eagle" (31 recipients)
I'm sorry Alvin, but I kinda agree with Sean here (as well as what Enri said, I guess). It does seem like Celestial's wording towards Merlin's actions borders on a slightly "un-noble" way of communication, especially the uh... weird acronym play on Merlin's titles that's been going on.

En Kai

Ivore Whiteblood:
Out-of-Character from Ivore Whiteblood   (29 days, 11 hours ago)
Message sent to everyone in "League of the Eagle" (50 recipients)
I'm a bit surprised it's not something like "Get Off My Lawn" or "I'm Taking My Toys And Going Home"

James Stephens

Zadar Nargath:

This one is somewhat unique as Zadar decided to take this in-game OOC message and ridicule to the forums as well.,78.msg109418.html#msg109418

So there is rumours that Coria will form new realm called Freakpot and yes it is the same freak in charge who wanted to create an new Empire. He even sent Infils against own people,against Royal. I really can't understand why others could let this kind of clown rule over them.   So Darka did get an puppet after all.,3275.msg112413.html#msg112413

Hey Madlin,where is the war?,3275.msg112130.html#msg112130
Yes, you are right Silnaria and Tara has not ever been allies. So Silnaria isn't following Corias footsteps in anyway. One thing is sure and you cant twist that. Menedor is under Tara's banner and Silnaria tries to TO it.   Don't twist game mechanis bty saying that Tara took those regions. Couple ofLords did choose to change their allegiance to Tara instead of living under Silnaria and that madman. Of course Tara will try to protect those Nobles.  I heard a rumour that mindplague is coming from Freakpot.

Virgo Blue Star:
Out-of-Character from Virgo Blue Star   (29 days, 11 hours ago)
Message sent to everyone in "League of the Eagle" (50 recipients)

I wish it were "I Can't Believe It's Not Butter" to be honest. Haha imagine if the new nation was called "Falasan" the rps that would of flooded in.

Chris Jones

Archymond Paxwax:
Out-of-Character from Archymond Paxwax   (29 days, 8 hours ago)
Message sent to everyone in "League of the Eagle" (50 recipients)
Couldn't agree more with Yangfan on this one!!

Merlin does a great job at manipulating his peers.....and the ones he doesn't succeed in manipulating he successfully replaces them from their positions and placing others loyal to him in their place! He would truly be a feared king!
Hopefully for all of us here and the free world as well, TH isn't or won't be holding any position of power within a real country anytime soon! :P

And Enri did do a terrific job at raising such a student...too bad it turned out to be an EVIL one! :P

Tiberiu Stanescu

Luthor Forbes:
Letter from Luthor Forbes   (15 days, 21 hours ago)
Message sent to everyone in "League of the Eagle" (57 recipients)

Since when did being in the same region as someone else make you guilty of a crime?

Perhaps it was a commoner that did not like the fact that his Lord decided to abandon Carelia. Or perhaps the songs and poetry were enough to move someone to violence. But there is no proof that these acts were done by the hand of Sir Escent.

At best what you have is circumstantial and not in any means enough for Causus Belli to try and murder someone in the night.

Luthor Forbes
Supreme Chancellor of Strombran

Letter from Luthor Forbes   (15 days, 20 hours ago)
Message sent to everyone in "League of the Eagle" (57 recipients)
Must one be a noble to wield a dagger?

Luthor Forbes
Supreme Chancellor of Strombran

In Luthor's case he chooses to completely ignore game mechanics when stating that commoners can somehow become assassins just to make me look worse. Background: Escent was the only noble in the region besides the target but apparently this isn't enough evidence to prove he was the one who attacked just because he "didn't get caught".

The main takeaway from these things is that while not everyone's offense is on the same level, the protracted and repeated jabs based upon OOC messages, themes, and all targeting me makes for a very toxic atmosphere. And the harassment, at least from my point of view, is heavily against the Fair Play clause of the Social Contract.
« Last Edit: July 10, 2013, 08:08:13 PM by Dante Silverfire »
"This is the face of the man who has worked long and hard for the good of the people without caring much for any of them."