Author Topic: Player Harassment and Creation of a Toxic Atmosphere  (Read 42847 times)


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Bro, I have often used the word "Hammarguys" (you can ask realm council, if they remember). I do not know how did I let that mistake happen in both the letters, i.e., the word "hammargays" (I was traveling in train and the game pressure was on). I did not mean to type that word referring to "gays", all I meant was "guys". If any gay person/general public is offended, I offer my apology. Anyway, it is a mistake and I bear the full responsibility of typing it, without offering any excuses, ready to take punishment.

I don't want to seem like we're just trying to throw everything we can at Elegant

You have thrown everything you could on me in this thread and it seems that you are not satisfied with the outcome. Punishing the player of Jason seems to be your top priority (instead of punishing the character Jason using your char in game). I did a mistake in poor word, but of course, please feel free to take this opportunity to file another case in front of whole game and further humiliate me by writing long posts explaining and magnifying the matter. For your satisfaction, I have already surrendered before you.

"Bro", if it was an honest mistake, there's nothing to fear. You've said you apologize, claim it's a mistake, and are willing to take responsibility. That's good enough for me. All I'd have expected was a warning, and this accomplishes the same effect. There is a collective impetus to clean up the game; this is part of that. It's impossible to moderate IG messages, so a Magistrates case is the current established recourse.

That said, it's also important to recognize the error now as repeated use would indicate a lack of sincerity here.

Of course I'd aim to "punish" (warn) the player of Jason; it's an OOC (that is, player) issue. There were two issues with the letter, completely unrelated in terms of why they were suspect. If only one was considered, it doesn't make the other right; I was trying to be considerate of you by not starting the case when I saw the same letter being used as evidence here. "Top priority" is also incorrect; I continue to play the game as normal. My character has no issue with Jason's IC actions.

If you seriously believe this is about "my satisfaction", I cannot fathom how any further interaction would be productive at all. If the only reason you're apologizing is to make me happy, you've completely missed the point of the entire Magistrates system. If I'm misinterpreting this, I'd gladly retract my words, but you're making it very hard to believe any other explanation.