Author Topic: Favorite thing you have accomplished in-game?  (Read 16012 times)


  • Noble Lord
  • ***
  • Posts: 410
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One of my favourites is keeping my throne against rebellion in Bara'Khur, defending against an OOC clique. Little did they know I had a lot of past rebellion experience to draw on, as well as handily being in the capital with 1000 gold to my name :P I and the couple of nearby loyalists should still have lost the morning battle but there were gale force winds in play and to a man, the rebels were archers. I was leading well in excess of 150+ infantry. Mostly all the other loyalist units were driven from the field, but my unit butchered all comers. I earned my army leadership fame point in that battle >.< It was beautiful.

Managing to keep Old Grehk alive through a massive war and the fourth invasion, despite being easily the weakest realm on the continent at the start of my time there.
I'll salute that one

And kudos to you. I thought Old Grehk's best days were behind her, yet now she's in touching distance of her old heights.