Author Topic: Favorite thing you have accomplished in-game?  (Read 15967 times)


  • Noble Lord
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One of my favourites is keeping my throne against rebellion in Bara'Khur, defending against an OOC clique. Little did they know I had a lot of past rebellion experience to draw on, as well as handily being in the capital with 1000 gold to my name :P I and the couple of nearby loyalists should still have lost the morning battle but there were gale force winds in play and to a man, the rebels were archers. I was leading well in excess of 150+ infantry. Mostly all the other loyalist units were driven from the field, but my unit butchered all comers. I earned my army leadership fame point in that battle >.< It was beautiful.

Managing to keep Old Grehk alive through a massive war and the fourth invasion, despite being easily the weakest realm on the continent at the start of my time there.
I'll salute that one

And kudos to you. I thought Old Grehk's best days were behind her, yet now she's in touching distance of her old heights.


  • Noble Lord
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:P all these things make my stuff look old school.

Overthrowing a mad king in Perdan to reinstate the rightful ruling class....Wow that was back in what? 2003?

Ruling a realm (minus a month or two every other year for personal reasons) for 8 years...

Founding the ~V~ guild in FEI... that was fun getting knights from different realms to talk rulers into letting them wage war against guild enemies.  The real power came when guild members started gaining power tho.

Ahhh good times.  All these things make me feel like I am telling a story to great great grand children....

"Bak when I waza kid...we had to swim to Beluaterra"


  • Mighty Duke
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Hey, the ~V~ guild came back, you know.  Congrats on founding something that left such an impression that it gained quite a few important people in short order.
"You know what the chain of command is? It's the chain I go get and beat you with 'til ya understand who's in ruttin' command here!"


  • Noble Lord
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Came back you say?  Hmmm.. interesting.  You know the founders son has been wallowing around in the north of FEI... searching for his fathers old way of life and only finding hardship.

I will say it is a fun thing in this help build something, watch it fall apart, and then see over time how it affects the game around it...  Much like a sand castle on the beach


  • Mighty Duke
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Yeah, Alpha Endoscopia refounded it.  He's a Duke in Kindara now.  Senoske's son Thain joined, and he's the King of C'thonia (Nighthelm 0.5) now.  Can't remember any other members off the top of my head.
"You know what the chain of command is? It's the chain I go get and beat you with 'til ya understand who's in ruttin' command here!"


  • Mighty Duke
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New favorite thing:

Sanguis Astroism,  after years and years, is finally starting to organize itself.   We are essentially forming a government and charter from the ground up.  This isn't an easy task and it is extremely fun to be involved in the process.

It started out as just #1, 2 & 3.   We've slowly been discussing and adding to it.   It took some yelling and pushing, but I think the church is gaining permanency.   I was always worried that the church would splinter.  Now though I think we have half a chance of not killing each other. 
Kabrinski Family:  Nathaniel (EC), Franklin (BT), Aletha(DWI)


  • Noble Lord
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I think we have a V member up in Arcachon named Wilson as well, though I don't know if he's made it to the guidehall.


  • Noble Lord
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Wilson hmm?  sounds like a tool.  oh wait that's ME!  lol

Wilson is the son of the founder.  He came to the north FEI because it was the location of the only two guild halls he knew of... one in Sartaina and one in Arcachon.  Finding out the guild was destroyed, he attempted to start it again in Athios (thinking old members would come to it) but the region was taken in the wars and the guild hall dismantled.  Was a very odd moment because Arcachons then ruler was at one point a strong supporter of Valius and the guild.

Wilson tried to contact Alpha and Ziode... but they were rather busy I am sure and never paid much attention to him.  Sad story really.  Wilson has all but given up on finding out more of his fathers way of life. 

A bit of a lack luster character anyway.  Perhaps his son will be more exciting.


  • Noble Lord
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If you wanna scheme OOC, I am totally down with having an illegal guild in Arcachon that Ciann's scribes keep her completely in the dark about.  If V starts up in Arcachon, I'll make one of her advisors a secret supporter so I can justify her not meddling (she's a meddler, that's what she does).

Well, if you need anything skewed a little bit to get the ball rolling just let me know because more things=more stories=more awesome


  • Noble Lord
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Secret guild huh? hehe like the secret group that is already there? muwahahaa...  I cant do it tho.  It all has to come IC or I cant justify it to myself.  Good or bad, thats my goal is to keep it all IC....


  • Noble Lord
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Yes, but the thing is we can help you play it out IC.  As in "we won't tell our characters and will make them look some other way while you do it".  I'm with Heq here.


  • Honourable King
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Yes, but the thing is we can help you play it out IC.  As in "we won't tell our characters and will make them look some other way while you do it".  I'm with Heq here.

This bothers me. Just sayin'.
"A neutral humanism is either a pedantic artifice or a prologue to the inhuman." - George Steiner


  • Noble Lord
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This bothers me. Just sayin'.

Well, it would bother me more if he revealed something super awesome on the forum and then he couldn't carry it out because the players of the realm's council members read about it here.


  • Noble Lord
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The more I think about it... the more it seems a game mechanics / message system issue then an RP issue.  There have been a few times where I have tried to contact Alpha and messages not be passed on.  I do not mind that so much now that I have taken a few days to consider it.

*shrug* :) I know it is something that consumes the character...


  • Noble Lord
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If there is one thing Arcachon is known for it's characters having an all consuming passion which robs them of reason.

That's kind of our bag, especially when it contributes to the whole Island being a half-savage madhouse.