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Lift Character Restriction on Dwilight?

Started by Varwulf, July 14, 2013, 08:55:11 AM

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If at first you don't succeed, don't take up skydiving.


Aye, Dwilight was more fun to me when monsters still posed a significant threat. No peace for mankind!


Quote from: Scarlett on July 15, 2013, 05:34:46 PM
There are two reasons why this is hurting Dwilight.

The first is that everybody is a lord and so the feudal ladder has had rungs removed. Nobody has knights. This reduces the value of higher titles because there are so many to go around. When everybody is a Duke, Dukes ain't special.

The second is that everybody has only one or two neighbors rather than the four or five neighbors you might have on other continents. Combine this with the difficulty of moving long distances (however justified it may be) and you have incentivized everyone to park themselves in the richest region they can find and send money home to their family rather than doing anything, because doing anything takes much longer and it is pretty difficult to have an impact. Not impossible as there are some dedicated players there who will work around these things.

The rule was a worthy experiment and would be a good idea were the player population twice what it is. I don't have a pony in the race and you could make a case that the damage this rule does is worth the benefit it brings .. rather than plugging your ears and insisting that it doesn't cause any harm.

1. That is only true for the more boring realms. D'hara has half its realm being knights, probably the same for LN too. If you want more characters in your realm, make it a better place and recruit IG or OOG. There is nothing wrong with recruiting specifically for a certain realm, but unless they are already playing BM I find it best to convince them that BM is great game, and your realm is the perfect place to see that then trying to convince just that they will have a lot of fun in your realm.

2. Only Libero has one neighbor and while the other corner realms only have 2 they neighbor, they have others that are in their sphere of influence. When I checked AT it roughly 3 on average while Dwilight has probably closer to 2. (More of an estimation than an actual calculation)
"The true soldier fights not because he hates what is in front of him, but because he loves what is behind him."
― G.K. Chesterton


1 character restriction is a great thing for Dwilight, I wish they would add death to the world (through old age or human vs hman battles).


Would you feel better about the 1 character restriction if you could then have 1 character on EVERY island?


Quote from: Penchant on July 17, 2013, 08:45:51 PM
1. That is only true for the more boring realms. D'hara has half its realm being knights, probably the same for LN too. If you want more characters in your realm, make it a better place and recruit IG or OOG. There is nothing wrong with recruiting specifically for a certain realm, but unless they are already playing BM I find it best to convince them that BM is great game, and your realm is the perfect place to see that then trying to convince just that they will have a lot of fun in your realm.

2. Only Libero has one neighbor and while the other corner realms only have 2 they neighbor, they have others that are in their sphere of influence. When I checked AT it roughly 3 on average while Dwilight has probably closer to 2. (More of an estimation than an actual calculation)

In D'Hara, barely any of our lordship elections get more than one candidate, and barely any of them ever write for their candidacy, and if they do, very rarely more than 1 letter. We might have more knights than some other realms, but we are still in shortage of knights and it does undermine what being a lord is all about, because we regularly elect lords who don't give a damn, never really do anything, and let their regions fall into starvation when there's plenty of food in neighboring regions. Our higher knight density has allowed us to take more land, but hasn't really increased much of anything else, as we spread ourselves as thin as our noble count allows. So I'll have to agree with Scarlett, titles feel meaningless because of how easy it is to get them. I don't think lifting the character limit is the solution, though.
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Quote from: Sacha on July 16, 2013, 06:57:33 PM
Aye, Dwilight was more fun to me when monsters still posed a significant threat. No peace for mankind!


Dante Silverfire

Quote from: Chénier on July 26, 2013, 12:56:11 PM
In D'Hara, barely any of our lordship elections get more than one candidate, and barely any of them ever write for their candidacy, and if they do, very rarely more than 1 letter. We might have more knights than some other realms, but we are still in shortage of knights and it does undermine what being a lord is all about, because we regularly elect lords who don't give a damn, never really do anything, and let their regions fall into starvation when there's plenty of food in neighboring regions. Our higher knight density has allowed us to take more land, but hasn't really increased much of anything else, as we spread ourselves as thin as our noble count allows. So I'll have to agree with Scarlett, titles feel meaningless because of how easy it is to get them. I don't think lifting the character limit is the solution, though.

have you tried removing elections?

Only appoint lords who are going to contribute as lords. If there are none that fit that bill, then don't make the appointment. Leave the region lordless.
"This is the face of the man who has worked long and hard for the good of the people without caring much for any of them."


Quote from: Chénier on July 26, 2013, 12:56:11 PM
In D'Hara, barely any of our lordship elections get more than one candidate, and barely any of them ever write for their candidacy, and if they do, very rarely more than 1 letter.
I find this to be a near universal truth. Few lordship elections ever attract more than one or two candidates, and there is rarely ever any controversy or discussion about it. If there are a few candidates then you may get an endorsement letter or two from some interested parties.

I do agree that this could be due to the wide availability of titles. Getting a lordship really isn't all that big of a deal, unless it's for an important (i.e. rich) region. If it were difficult to get lordships, then perhaps it would lead to more involvement in elections. But this ties back to the whole player density thing. Increasing character count won't do anything about it, unless it is a result of increasing player count.
If at first you don't succeed, don't take up skydiving.


Well, in Barca we're having some interesting elections right now. Every region is getting several candidates and everyone is writing for their candidacies, but I understand this is a rather unique situation right now. I'm sure things will quieten down once we have conquered most of the provinces, and that the noble density lowers.


Quote from: Dante Silverfire on July 26, 2013, 05:06:08 PM
have you tried removing elections?

Only appoint lords who are going to contribute as lords. If there are none that fit that bill, then don't make the appointment. Leave the region lordless.

Right, because no lord is so much better than a lazy lord...

Quote from: Indirik on July 26, 2013, 06:07:32 PM
I find this to be a near universal truth. Few lordship elections ever attract more than one or two candidates, and there is rarely ever any controversy or discussion about it. If there are a few candidates then you may get an endorsement letter or two from some interested parties.

I do agree that this could be due to the wide availability of titles. Getting a lordship really isn't all that big of a deal, unless it's for an important (i.e. rich) region. If it were difficult to get lordships, then perhaps it would lead to more involvement in elections. But this ties back to the whole player density thing. Increasing character count won't do anything about it, unless it is a result of increasing player count.

Indeed, character count won't change anything, because a ton of people are content with having 1 lord and 1 knight, so all of their extra knights wouldn't actually campaign for lordships and as such the demand for lordships will remain essentially the same. Likewise, those who already don't really care for a lordship won't really mind to have 2 knights. It could perhaps allow a few of the more ambitious to have both characters lords, but I doubt the impact would be worth the costs of such a measure.

Back in the days, getting a lordship used to be hard, used to be long. Nowadays, nearly all realms can advertize "Hey, join us, we have like 5 empty lordships and newbies can usually become lords within a week!", or just about.

Quote from: Wolfang on July 26, 2013, 06:10:46 PM
Well, in Barca we're having some interesting elections right now. Every region is getting several candidates and everyone is writing for their candidacies, but I understand this is a rather unique situation right now. I'm sure things will quieten down once we have conquered most of the provinces, and that the noble density lowers.

There's probably special interest for some of the regions you took back, but indeed, if you keep on expanding to the rest of the peninsula... you'll be spreading yourselves thin and seeing the same.
Dit donc camarade soleil / Ne trouves-tu ça pas plutôt con / De donner une journée pareil / À un patron


Quote from: Chénier on July 26, 2013, 06:34:48 PM
Right, because no lord is so much better than a lazy lord...

Totally. Because in one week, an active Lord may step up, but then you're stuck with a lazy one because you couldn't go one week without the 50 extra gold the lazy one earned the realm.

Dante Silverfire

Quote from: Chénier on July 26, 2013, 06:34:48 PM
Right, because no lord is so much better than a lazy lord...

Um, actually it is.

Your realm still receives the gold from the region. You get only a fraction of the taxes, but you aren't gaining that much more efficiency wise if there is only a lord with no knights.

Plus with a system that promotes only giving positions to those that deserve it, maybe people will start stepping up and proving themselves.
"This is the face of the man who has worked long and hard for the good of the people without caring much for any of them."


The only two terms of Lordship I've ever had were self-terminated when I drove my regions to go rogue out of spite. So, if others are like me, it may be a good idea to exercise caution when giving out Lordships. No Lord is better than a spiteful Lord.


I would put all of my characters on Dwilight if I could.