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Closing Islands ?

Started by Tom, July 18, 2013, 12:04:00 PM

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Perhaps the magistrates should convene and speak with the rulers of each islands realms. They all talk with each other discussing what will happen. After the discussion the rulers then go to their people and make a OOC Announcement and a referendum is issued. Because the collapse of the island is more of a OOC event with possible IC side effects. The referendums results are then passed onto the devs and the devs make the final call.
I am a lunatic wrapped in bacon. Sprinkled with swiss, smoothered in mustard and then buried in lettuce. I'm delicious!


Quote from: Foxglove on July 29, 2013, 04:33:09 PM
Another organizational headache for this is what to do about character limits on the islands. Some people are sure to have characters playing on the invading and target islands in such a way that will exceed the character limits.

That is something to discuss with your realm when it comes to choosing a target island.


Since this is an one time event, stuff like religions could be manually imported. Only for the winners, of course.

As to how to make room for the invading realms, you could do that by making a game wide event. You could increase rogue spawns gradually until they start freeing up regions. When there is a city available with some regions around it, make that available for colonizing.


I don't like the idea of manually building new landing realms in the target islands. It's not that hard to convince a realm to make a deal with you to conquer new lands. Just find a realm that's at war and offer to fight for them if they'll give you a duchy or realm in return. Its been done many times before.

If we're going with a cataclysm of monsters spawns and plagues why does it have to inevitably mean the whole continent is going down? I think leaving some parts salvageable will add to suspense. If we make specific embarkation points that could create additional drama as losing those regions could mean losing your chance to go to a given island.


Hey, these people just lost their continent, whatever happens to the host-continent can't possibly be worse. Not even the destruction of host-continent's realms.


Everyone should show up together as a giant, sea-borne mongol-horde with max-recruited units. If they can't get a toehold with that kind of start, then it's their own fault.  8)

I don't mind Tom's original idea of making it a realm-by-realm thing, I just think it would be awesome if 150 characters all showed up at once as one army and just started crushing realms left and right until they ran out of steam and started fighting each other.

Gustav Kuriga

Quote from: Geronus on July 29, 2013, 07:00:59 PM
Unfortunately, I think the missing regions were actually deleted from the DB, though Tom would have to confirm. If so, they may not be recoverable.

They may not be recoverable, but do you not have the regions from Atamara (its twin continent).


Quote from: Gustav Kuriga on July 29, 2013, 10:35:34 PM
They may not be recoverable, but do you not have the regions from Atamara (its twin continent).

I'll let the Devs speak to that, but based on what Tom is saying about new islands I doubt restoring BT is in the cards.

Gustav Kuriga

If it's making the map that's the problem, I'm pretty sure you can just cookie cutter the regions from Atamara back into their respective places (one at a time based on the realms forming in Beluaterra, not entirely) on Beluaterra.


I like the idea!

The rewards could be something complex, or something as simple as 'you have a state? reward!'.

For the emigration, I don't think we will need more regions, nor something 'special' in the receiving islands. They will get a big bunch of nobles, probably in one big wave, with an objective: To re-create their realm in these alien lands! ... something a bit like the 'Visigoth problem' the Romans had... maybe we will see some kind of Adrianople battles!  8)

I suppose the best way would be for the rewards to make easiest their settlement in the new lands...

mmm... Maybe the rewards could be something as simple as multiply enormously the amount of taxes received(or this and the H/P wont in battles)?
In RP it could be as a Curse... The greedy humans provoked the Gods to punish them making a endless rain of gold. Good at the beginning, but in the end, the land need water not gold! And then monsters would awake greedy too for the gold!... It's only a idea, but I would like a IG reason in this 'End of and Island'.

Maybe it's a bit strange, but I hope to have a character in the sunk island!  ;D


Give the surviving characters a permanent bonus of one kind or another, such as slowed aging and some perk that forever makes it visible that they were there and made it.


Quote from: Tom on July 29, 2013, 01:11:37 PM
Gathering everything that has been said, I think here's something that most people could live with. Yes, I realize it will be unpopular still, but frankly, if we don't do anything, the game will run into the ground. Please read this in full before you comment:

On the island(s) picked for armageddon, we will implement some kind of "slow" destruction (meaning a few months at most from start to finish). There is a bonus for holding on and surviving. Something along the lines of honour and prestige gains for everyone in a realm that still has more than half their original regions (or something like that, just thinking out loud there).

Some fully-automated outside force will push realms down. A combination of starvation and monster/undead spawns would be fairly easy to do. Rogue regions can not be taken back - what is lost is lost.

However, we realize that people hate losing their realms and social connections. So every realm can retreat in an orderly fashion by declaring a target island. We will manually re-create the realm there and those who flee can join it. Details TBD (landing location? how to get a region or two to get started?). This way, people can move to a different island with their entire realm. Sure, you lose your land and all, but the people are sitll there and you can rebuild.

The longer you hold, the more you win, but if you miss the optimum point to leave, you will make your re-start on the target island more difficult.

This is just a thought, nothing has been set in stone. But do let me know your thoughts.

I know redrawing maps is a lot of work, but adding a few regions to a more linear continent (like EC or FEI) to make it a bit rounder might help give the lost realms a few (3?) regions without decapitating existing realms all while increasing the average number of neighbors that continent can support (linear geography limits the average number of neighbors).
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Quote from: Tom on July 29, 2013, 03:52:37 PM
As I said, lots of things are not thought through.

Religions may have to be re-founded, or we find an option for them as well. Gaining a foothold will be hard, and I expect quite a few realms to perish. However, those with the right strategy, good diplomacy and a tiny bit of luck should be able to make it.

More likely, those whose leadership also happen to be leaders in the new continent will be most likely to survive. Something to keep in mind, especially when certain people will suggest that a certain continent receive all of these people.
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Having OT from the colonies invade anywhere is sure to cause conflict, and great RP to boot :)
Characters:Lain Frostwood, Ghostfire Frostwood, Talia(commoner)


Pick an island, give 1 months notice, close it and delete anything that's still on it.