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Closing Islands ?

Started by Tom, July 18, 2013, 12:04:00 PM

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Blue Star

That sounds good, great idea Foundation.

What about the SMA and will dwilight retain 1 char for island?
I think like a sinner. Curse like a sailor. Smile like a saint. :)


Penchant and Ketchum mentioned that many play on Colonies because they don't have time to play on the other islands. So perhaps closing AT would result in a bigger influx to EC and FEI.

So AT=>EC+FEI, BT=>Dwilight. A very high influx of density to the core islands. If we are going to close islands, might as well do it fully and gain the most benefit possible. One big pain instead of still having to deal with this problem a few years down the road.

I feel that SMA and 1 char per island are issues tangential to the one at hand. I don't see a reason to change them, but those discussions don't influence which island to close as much.

P.S. For the record, Dwilight=>BT and EC=>FEI+AT is an equal proposition in my opinion as these are examples to think about what would happen and what the result might be like.

[EDIT: These scenarios are worth considering as possible results, the individual islands, which is closed and merged into which other one, matter less in this discussion. :) ]
The above is accurate 25% of the time, truthful 50% of the time, and facetious 100% of the time.


There's a lot of talk about moving realms and cultures over from one island to another.

The problem is that the islands that are being moved to are already saturated with culture.  Sure a realm could emigrate together, and all move to the same realm.  But whatever realm they move into already has lands, and a king, and lords, and history and culture of its own.  You cannot keep both.

It's impossible.  Just something to think about since we're jumping onto the island sinking so fast.
No man is an island, unto himself.

Blue Star

Quote from: Foundation on July 31, 2013, 08:16:38 PM
Penchant and Ketchum mentioned that many play on Colonies because they don't have time to play on the other islands. So perhaps closing AT would result in a bigger influx to EC and FEI.

So AT=>EC+FEI, BT=>Dwilight. A very high influx of density to the core islands. If we are going to close islands, might as well do it fully and gain the most benefit possible. One big pain instead of still having to deal with this problem a few years down the road.

I feel that SMA and 1 char per island are issues tangential to the one at hand. I don't see a reason to change them, but those discussions don't influence which island to close as much.

P.S. For the record, Dwilight=>BT and EC=>FEI+AT is an equal proposition in my opinion as these are examples to think about what would happen and what the result might be like.

[EDIT: These scenarios are worth considering as possible results, the individual islands, which is closed and merged into which other one, matter less in this discussion. :) ]

I was bring up the SMA and player allowance only because those on the island may previously have character. it would be more of a incentive for them to keep their old and bring in their new char. Easing the pain of having to pause a char in all.

I just think the SMA on Dwilight should be kept if anything is going to happen to the island or its going to have newcomers come over.
I think like a sinner. Curse like a sailor. Smile like a saint. :)


Quote from: Foundation on July 31, 2013, 07:47:03 PM

Close BT, migrate to Dwilight (the only testing island left). Close Colonies, migrate to other stable islands.

If the Zuma can be replaced, not assumed, by players, a lot of Zuma specific code can be removed. (Outer Tilog)


3 stable islands and 1 testing island left (I recommend making Dwilight immigration-only like BT so new players can concentrate on stable islands).

This could... actually follow up to one of my suggestions, about giving the old realms a few regions, without actually stealing any from anyone else and without having to redraw any maps. If the continent to be deleted is lost to rogue spawns, with a winner-takes-all kind of thing, then whatever last realm remains could be given an opportunity to land by the Zuma, with a ton of anti-daimon unique items the previous battles would have granted them, and conquer their way into Zuma land, allowing them to establish themselves there.

Sure, only one or two realms could make it there... but let's be honest here, if we transpose realms into another continent most of them will perish very quickly anyways. It's fairer to have the survivors determined by their success on BT instead of by the number of powerful doubles they already had on the target island.
Dit donc camarade soleil / Ne trouves-tu ça pas plutôt con / De donner une journée pareil / À un patron


Quote from: Tiridia on July 31, 2013, 03:59:29 PM
One thing that occurred to me is that now that we know an island is going to sink, it should begin as soon as is feasible.

Very little in BM is ever immediate, so I hope everyone will continue playing as usual. There will be ample warning before anything happens.

I do agree, though, that we shouldn't wait forever.



It's not about the time after ample warning, but the knowledge that it could be my island. I know one island is going to sink (and I hope it will be two) and whether I like it or not, it affects my mood, which affects the way I play and how much I dedicate to the continent.

Still, even if it took a year to announce it, sinking an island (or more) is the way to go.

Also, even though it takes time to complete all the related stuff and get it going, might some simple measure be done once the continent is announced? You could right away disable new character creations so that newbies don't accidentally get into something they do not quite understand.

Blue Star

Quote from: Tiridia on August 01, 2013, 07:38:55 PM

It's not about the time after ample warning, but the knowledge that it could be my island. I know one island is going to sink (and I hope it will be two) and whether I like it or not, it affects my mood, which affects the way I play and how much I dedicate to the continent.

Still, even if it took a year to announce it, sinking an island (or more) is the way to go.

Also, even though it takes time to complete all the related stuff and get it going, might some simple measure be done once the continent is announced? You could right away disable new character creations so that newbies don't accidentally get into something they do not quite understand.

Tom will give us fair enough warning about the island(s) when he has made his executive choice. I mean in reality 2 week or a month notice would be sufficient. Long as it's not around the major holiday seasons I believe everyone will have enough time to do what needs to be done.

Game play should not change, I mean invest what you already are into each character, when it comes I tend to RP it in a certain way, but for now I will enjoy making maps, drinking ale and plotting.
I think like a sinner. Curse like a sailor. Smile like a saint. :)


Quote from: Tiridia on August 01, 2013, 07:38:55 PM

It's not about the time after ample warning, but the knowledge that it could be my island. I know one island is going to sink (and I hope it will be two) and whether I like it or not, it affects my mood, which affects the way I play and how much I dedicate to the continent.

Still, even if it took a year to announce it, sinking an island (or more) is the way to go.

Also, even though it takes time to complete all the related stuff and get it going, might some simple measure be done once the continent is announced? You could right away disable new character creations so that newbies don't accidentally get into something they do not quite understand.

I'm sure we'll all know once the decision has been made one way or the other. If Tom follows through with implementing some sort of migration mechanics, I expect that there could be a significant delay between when it is decided which island(s) are to go and when the process actually begins in the game.


Just had a thought. What happens if a continent sinks that had your family home on it?


Quote from: Revan on August 01, 2013, 09:01:28 PM
Just had a thought. What happens if a continent sinks that had your family home on it?

Same thing that happened when SEI/SWI sank. I forget what that was, but it wasn't a huge deal. Heroes can move their family homes.


Quote from: Tiridia on August 01, 2013, 07:38:55 PM
It's not about the time after ample warning, but the knowledge that it could be my island. I know one island is going to sink (and I hope it will be two) and whether I like it or not, it affects my mood, which affects the way I play and how much I dedicate to the continent.

Yes, I realize that. Still, it can't be helped. The only way to avoid this would've been to make a decision without involving anyone else.


Quote from: Tom on August 02, 2013, 01:09:50 AM
Yes, I realize that. Still, it can't be helped. The only way to avoid this would've been to make a decision without involving anyone else.

I suppose that is so. Thank you for involving us in this discussion.

de Aquitane

I, too, promote the idea that the closing islands should be ones not "special" in OOC means. Colonies has its place as a slow island. FEI is the roleplay island. Dwilight is enforced to be an SMA continent. If EC=BM, then that leaves Atamara and Beluterra. The amount of players is a double edged sword; more players means both more people to distribute to other continents, but more people to possibly leave the game, and cultural supremacy is such an arbitary and bias encouraging thing to discuss that it seems near pointless to me. I don't know of Beluterra's importance as a testing island though.

Blue Star

mm coming to fei I personally haven't seen much role playing, is there a certain realm your referring to?
I think like a sinner. Curse like a sailor. Smile like a saint. :)