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Character count

Started by Qyasogk, July 27, 2013, 01:14:17 AM

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I think we definitely need to allow newer accounts to get more nobles a little quicker. That's a decision that Tom will have to make. (Unless Tim wants to take it on himself...)
If at first you don't succeed, don't take up skydiving.


I definitely think that new players should start with 3 nobles per account, not 2. I'm still convinced that allowing new players to start playing an adventurer from the beginning is a poor idea and should be held back for a period of time while they learn the main noble game. BM is primarily social and adventurers, unless you land in or know to travel to an advy-involved vicinity, are primarily loners. Nobles get much more social interaction and should thus be more readily available to new players.


Fame whoring for character slots is stupid and everyone should stop talking about it.

2 nobles + advy + (noble&4th slot) after a week or so should be standard


Quote from: Kai on July 31, 2013, 09:39:51 AM
Fame whoring for character slots is stupid and everyone should stop talking about it.

2 nobles + advy + (noble&4th slot) after a week or so should be standard

No. They should get 3 noble slots off the start. Screw waiting a week.



I liked the old system where you get 3 nobles as long as you show your details, though I am fine with letting people have 3 nobles without needing to show their details, but there really should be a way to encourage people to publish their details, it's so foreign to not know the players you are playing with.
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