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Character count

Started by Qyasogk, July 27, 2013, 01:14:17 AM

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Quote from: Stabbity on July 28, 2013, 01:30:22 AM
Back in my day it took a year to get a lordship, and longer to rule, and we only had three islands, and we liked it! Get off my lawn!

^ This. I used to get 47 gold a week and I thought I was getting paid decently. I was really happy when my lord raised my income to 90. Good old days... now no one wants to become a knight of a region with 47 gold.


LOL i remember back then I used to balance my gold/bonds distribution so that I wont get taxed...
PM me for the Dota 2 guild.
"Darka would like to thank CE and co for their generous offerings, the Holy Volcano will be filled up for days with all these offerings!"-Jaret Jaron's last words

Blue Star

I think we should get on and attempt to help this young sapling. Rather than going back and forth regarding the medal issue. Should probably take it to that thread. Our personal snipes at the way it used to be and is now isn't going to help this player.

@Qyasogk. At first the games gives you the chance to experience a limited amount so you can further focus on building some knowledge and begin interacting with the other characters/players in your realm. As you grow it gives you the perks of having another character in time. It is best to learn the fundamental and get questions asked during this time. It's like a great time to learn and grow within the realm and to even search around and try different realms out, before settling.

I'd use the time to ask about active realms and to get into the role-plays.

I think like a sinner. Curse like a sailor. Smile like a saint. :)


Ok, a couple things:

My original post was about the 1 character restriction on Dwilight. I was wondering if people wouldn't mind that restriction if they could play on every island (which I wish I could do.)

I've been playing since January, both of my nobles are Lords (I aggressively pursued a Lordship as soon as one was open to me.) I've accumulated 88 honor and 35 prestige, but I only have 3 fame. I am very active and play every day, so I don't see how I could've accumulated fame any faster.

Especially since Battlemaster is short of players it seems especially counterintuitive to artificially prevent people that would like to participate on more islands from doing so.


Quote from: egamma on July 27, 2013, 06:32:46 AM
Fame points newbies can easily get:
1. 10 prestige for 1 character
2. 20 prestige for family (10 per character)
3. Purchase a unique item (or is it make one? not completely sure)
4. Lordship (seriously, they aren't hard to get)
5. 20 prestige for 1 character

Bam, there's your 5 fame.

I have achieved 1, 2, 4 twice (guess you only get the fame point once?)

I have never seen a unique item for sale. And I use my adventurer full time gathering items (rare and risky). I've never found a unique item, but I have been told that some of the rare & valuable items can be turned into a unique item by a sage, but I don't know if its true. Anyway trying to locate a sage is like looking for unicorns.

Blue Star


Yes, you only get the lord fame once.

If I haven't looked at your family page, but I think you currently have 1,4,5 and I'm not sure of two cause you need two character to get 10 prestige each. However, if you do have two char with over 10 prestige each then you have 2 also. Coming to 4 Fame.

Hoard your gold and stash it to you family... Will become useful later when you wish to create more characters.

Unique items are not each to come by that is for certain, though I have rather good luck.
I think like a sinner. Curse like a sailor. Smile like a saint. :)


Drop 150 gold with one of you lords and start a guild. There's your two fame to hit 5. A bit of metagaming/fame whoring, but ... meh. It's harmless, and not against the rule.
If at first you don't succeed, don't take up skydiving.


Quote from: Indirik on July 28, 2013, 10:45:45 PM
A bit of metagaming/fame whoring, but ... meh. It's harmless, and not against the rule.

In fact, I think that's the point of the fame system. It goads you into doing things you may not do otherwise because you are already comfortable the way your characters are. If everyone if comfortable, then nothing ever happens. This guild could end up changing the face of your island! Or, most probably, not. It doesn't matter, you tried, that's the important.
After all it's a roleplaying game.


Quote from: Blue Star on July 28, 2013, 08:34:04 PM

If I haven't looked at your family page, but I think you currently have 1,4,5 and I'm not sure of two cause you need two character to get 10 prestige each. However, if you do have two char with over 10 prestige each then you have 2 also. Coming to 4 Fame.

Both of my nobles have over 10 prestige, but no single character has 20 prestige.

Anyway, you guys are talking to me as if my goal was to increase my fame, which is not the case.

What I would like to do is play on more islands, and I'm surprised given the need for more players, that the devs don't enable and encourage everyone to be able to play at least one character on every island.


Quote from: vonGenf on July 28, 2013, 11:12:35 PM
In fact, I think that's the point of the fame system. It goads you into doing things you may not do otherwise because you are already comfortable the way your characters are. If everyone if comfortable, then nothing ever happens. This guild could end up changing the face of your island! Or, most probably, not. It doesn't matter, you tried, that's the important.

I'm still trying to find those last 8 points of fame.... since rebellion isn't one of them I'm stuck scratching my head now. Also I have three points I have zero idea where they came from.


Terises Jr.

Quote from: Qyasogk on July 28, 2013, 08:16:09 PM
I have never seen a unique item for sale. And I use my adventurer full time gathering items (rare and risky). I've never found a unique item, but I have been told that some of the rare & valuable items can be turned into a unique item by a sage, but I don't know if its true. Anyway trying to locate a sage is like looking for unicorns.

Come to Beluaterra and you may buy unique item..

Terises Jr.

I start play BM since late december and now i have 13 fame, 3 medal..

Maybe luck and some effort to search anything related about fame in wiki has help me.. :)


Quote from: Sacha on July 29, 2013, 12:18:01 AM
Maybe turning 100? :P

I can confirm that 100 did not give a fame point. (Also it's been said that character age specifically does not give it, only actions and things you can 'do' in the game)

Edit: It also kills me that I'm not #1 in fame! I knew for a long time that I didn't have the tourney fame, but I finally got it. Maybe I need to host a tournament successfully again? It's been a long time and I'm not entirely certain I have it.

Blue Star

A hidden fame

Collecting bounty?
Injuring x amount of characters?
Assassinating a Ruler?
I think like a sinner. Curse like a sailor. Smile like a saint. :)