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new player idea

Started by SaDiablo, July 31, 2013, 06:00:20 AM

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So I was thinking along the lines of the better video games out there for getting new players going, Games like Starcraft and Warcraft no matter what version always had a tutorial mission.  Would it not be beneficial to create something for that for a new players.

Example of mission.  You are in your familys region of LALA,  your first task will be to travel to your realms capital which is MAMA,  Your travel route will be LALA to DADA to MAMA.  Once you arrive you earn 20 gold.

Now I know, your rewarding them for moving, well yes it is a new player and you want to do things that say, okay cool now what.   Then you can have them do other missions such as recruit, so don't give a new player to the game a unit and do not give them to much gold to start.  These basic quests can help teach about the game and get them acquainted first before they interact to much with the realm.  The quests should cover the basics no more no less in my opinion over a weeks time period.


Almost the exact same thing was suggested by Velax and approved as a feature request almost a year ago. I guess the devs haven't had time to do the coding yet.,3255.0.html