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Punishments in cases of harassment

Started by Geronus, July 29, 2013, 06:36:51 PM

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Quote from: Tom on July 30, 2013, 01:46:29 PM
No, that's not what it means. Please DO report this guy again as soon as he starts. I do take a dim view on repeat offenders, but right now, thinking that he message might not have come through is not enough. I don't believe in calling people guilty just because they did something in the past.

OK, then I misunderstood, and I apologize.

I don't believe in calling people guilty just because they did something bad in the past, either.

However, if they showed a pattern of behaviour that tried to walk just this side of the line, with plenty of words of appeasement any time someone started to say things looked fishy, and then after getting a punishment they claim that they have learned their lesson and will never do it again...I'm gonna keep an extra eye on them.
Timothy Collett

"The only thing you can't trade for your heart's your heart." "You are what you do.  Choose again, and change." "One of these days, someone's gonna plug you, and you're going to die saying, 'What did I say? What did I say?'"  ~ Miles Naismith Vorkosigan


I seriously dislike these theories what I could do in the future to someone in this game and what would happen then.
It looks to me that some people take repeated offense by my side for granted and will do any small thing to find something against me.
Some might call this also a witch hunt. I will not comment even on the theories I read that current IC behaviour of the realm Perdan is connected to my OOC case at all.
It's like saying 50-60 people in Perdan are stupid and were and still are just my drones, and their only fun is to harm a player. This is a serious insult to the intelligence of these players.

At least this is how it looks to me here - and it gives me this feeling, esepcially since Geronus opened this post here to talk in general about this kind of cases, ano not, like in almost every second post - or more - in here, which is about me or related to me.
If it's going that I am marked now for the next longer time with such continued commenting on my specific case, I could delete as well my account just now and follow Jason out of this game.
Because seriously I don't need this as well, especially that people do not accept the punishment, and start arguing what I would really would have deserved.

As Geronus said, we all took a lesson and move on...

Gustav Kuriga

Quote from: Tom on July 30, 2013, 01:46:29 PM
No, that's not what it means. Please DO report this guy again as soon as he starts. I do take a dim view on repeat offenders, but right now, thinking that he message might not have come through is not enough. I don't believe in calling people guilty just because they did something in the past.

Honestly I'm more worried about future harassment from different people.


Quote from: Gustav Kuriga on July 30, 2013, 05:50:51 PM
Honestly I'm more worried about future harassment from different people.
Well your advocating for the wrong thing. If you care about other people knowing it is serious and will not be tolerated, locking Atanimir's account for a longer time isn't going to magically tell them that. The obvious way is through a public message although I do not believe it should mention this case specifically, just saying something along the lines of in light of some recent issues we would like to remind the playerbase that harassment of other players is not ok and will not be tolerated as it is a very serious issue.
"The true soldier fights not because he hates what is in front of him, but because he loves what is behind him."
― G.K. Chesterton


Hold on.

Are people seriously suggesting that they think we'll be able to make a competitive internet game harassment-free?

I'm sorry, but when I was in this game as like a 14-year-old or 15-year-old I saw lots of not-in-good-fun mocking and harassment in Oligarch, and between Oligarch-Sirion. Let's not act like players getting mad at each other is something new or something curable: nor are perpetually jerkish personalities. As a proud owner of such a personality, I resent the idea of being cured.

What the Magistrates can do is try to address each case, marginally decrease frequency, and establish accepted patterns of behavior.

Did we address this case? Yes. Defendants' cohort thinks it was too harsh, plaintiff's side says too lenient. To me, that says we just hit on ideal Burkean compromise. I'm happy when nobody's happy. If you think that there's a solution to harassment where we all go home smiling and feeling good about the situation then you're deluding yourself. I've been involved in quite a few harassment cases (not as one of the parties, mind you; it was a job-related thing), and I've never seen a plaintiff walk away going, "Yeah, I feel like I've really been heard and things have been set right!" even when insanely punitive rulings are handed down. Why? Because JUSTICE CANNOT REWRITE THE PAST.

Will this marginally decrease harassment frequency? Hard to say. We did establish some clear no-nos about things players shouldn't do. Could we have said more? Yeah. But we've shown that we can hear harassment cases and can, even without extensive evidence, make a reasonable ruling. I am very skeptical of the idea that anyone will harass more after this case, and feel reasonably confident that at least someone will be less likely to harass in the future. This I think the chance of us accomplishing this goal is pretty good.

Did we establish accepted patterns of behavior? No, not just here: but the Magistrates are slowly and steadily building up a growing amount of interpretation and jurisprudence. We can increasingly say about marginal cases, "Hey, we've ruled on this before: here's the answer." We aren't there yet, but we're getting there, and, in my opinion, this verdict was a very good step.

So for everybody who hates this verdict apparently: judge it from the perspective of the possible. We can't respond to every harassment complaint with kicking players out: especially on a first reported offense. This is the harshest punishment the Magistrates have EVER given.
"A neutral humanism is either a pedantic artifice or a prologue to the inhuman." - George Steiner