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FEI Adventurers

Started by Ender, July 31, 2013, 03:55:16 PM

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I decided to try the adventurer game again and play it super lightweight with a little roleplay in there for fun. I spawned in Cathay and have been in Ansopen killing undead, sending the links for the groups I didnt kill out with roleplays, and collecting baubles so far.

I've seen one adventurer nearby, but I was wondering who else is out there!

I was also wondering if it's still possible to find bedrolls. I found them really fast last time I played adventurer, but havent had any luck so far, so I'm just sleeping on floors.

Terises Jr.

Why play adventurer in Far East Island?


Why not?  :)

My only other character currently is on Far East Island and I know many of the noble characters, most realm cultures, and geography well enough to understand where my adventurer is in reference to other things that are happening. It gives more depth to the adventurer game for me, I suppose.


It should still be possible to find bedrolls. You probably just got unlucky (Or lucky last time!). :)


I also play an adventurer in FEI, although on the opposite side of the continent. He is quite the undead and monster slayer.


I've got an advy hanging around, too. He's the pet of the Arcaean Empire. hahaha (Really, ask Velax or Lendin.)

Bedrolls, old tents and tents are still fairly common. I have like 2-3 of both types of tents right now. :/


I'm probably just unlucky.

I've noticed Velax likes to make use of advy's here and there, so I'm not surprised. He sent one or two down our way on various tasks when I was High Lord. That's one of the reasons why I thought FEI might be fun since I was hoping I might eventually run into some nobles willing to engage my advy for services.


Quote from: Ender on August 02, 2013, 01:32:58 AM
That's one of the reasons why I thought FEI might be fun since I was hoping I might eventually run into some nobles willing to engage my advy for services.

Alpha kept several advs. Onamont sold some items and eventually got Azohib. The adventurer carrying my two favorite items died, got deported, or quit the game. That was disappointing.

I've played two adventurers on dwilight. Both died shortly after getting unique items. Even more disappointing.