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Fellow Rpers

Started by Blue Star, July 31, 2013, 03:08:36 AM

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Blue Star

As we all know Rping has declined in the game along with other things. I wanted to bring this up to the community part in here, specifically because you are other i primarily see Rping and you also rp here on occasion.

What can we do to get more Rping back into the game? I ask because I have always enjoyed reading many of your writing whether in game or on here. I know others do enjoy the back stories. I would like to see that increased. I want to see what we can do. Let's bring our creative minds together.

Note* I try to rp and get people involved whenever I can though as we all know time constraints and such makes it a bit difficult, but we will prevail!

I think like a sinner. Curse like a sailor. Smile like a saint. :)

Eduardo Almighty

I'm the last Roleplayer of Sirion... it's hard to see a good RP about anything in the last times.
Now with the Skovgaard Family... and it's gone.
Serpentis again!


Hey I RP occasionally. Especially in Silnaria.

Blue Star

How though can we fix it? Yeah, few realms do and

For instance I have been thinking about on a character a character to just RP no letters or reports, just rping all his/her communications. May be it will get other to rp as well, not sure but debating on trying it out. Posting to everyone only in rp for awhile.
I think like a sinner. Curse like a sailor. Smile like a saint. :)


Quote from: Blue Star on July 31, 2013, 05:51:21 AM
How though can we fix it? Yeah, few realms do and

For instance I have been thinking about on a character a character to just RP no letters or reports, just rping all his/her communications. May be it will get other to rp as well, not sure but debating on trying it out. Posting to everyone only in rp for awhile.

Interesting. I don't think I can commit myself to write 100 RPs in a month again but I might try something similar.

Eduardo Almighty

I don't think this is just about RPs... with Erik I was used to be very influential because we had a lot more players trying to achieve something, now they are all silent, they don't care to build relationships anymore. Without relationships we are doomed to make our own RPs about our own characters instead of interact. I'm used to play and story-teller RPG games... there's an abyss among these games and BM, where we don't have even a description of a character even fighting along him for an entire life.

I doubted they even read my RPs until receive a vulgarity...
Now with the Skovgaard Family... and it's gone.
Serpentis again!

Eduardo Almighty

QuoteRequest from Erik Eyolf Serpentis
Message sent to everyone in your realm (56 recipients)

The Bard's Contest

I'm very bored here in Avamar without enemies to kill or lands to conquer. While we don't decide to march over the peninsula, I want to pass some time enjoying a good time. Then, I'm requesting you to send me your bards. I will sit in my great hall to drink a beer and to listen what they have to amuse me.

The best bard will receive 1000 gold as prize. The second place will receive 500 gold and every bard will receive at least 100 gold. Also, if your bard win, you can enjoy a day in my life. You will sit in Avamar as the Duke of the greatest duchy of Sirion, drink my beer and enjoy my harems (well... the Ladies can prefer to have a single night with me). I'm paying more than Westmoor paid in their tournament, since I'm richest than Westmoor as a whole.

Show me what you have... I'm eager to listen your tales. I will pay just if I receive at least 15 bards.

Erik Eyolf Serpentis
Judge of Sirion
Royal of Sirion
Duke of Avamar
Margrave of Avamar
Now with the Skovgaard Family... and it's gone.
Serpentis again!


Quote from: Eduardo Almighty on July 31, 2013, 09:26:30 AM
since I'm richest than Westmoor as a whole.

LOL it's funny because its true, must be nice being a duke of three cities
PM me for the Dota 2 guild.
"Darka would like to thank CE and co for their generous offerings, the Holy Volcano will be filled up for days with all these offerings!"-Jaret Jaron's last words


One way to try to stimulate roleplaying is by creating RP events. This can be hit and miss, as sometimes it works and sometimes it doesn't. The best roleplaying I've personally experienced in the game was the 'Galiard's trip to Masahakon' on FEI. It had a feast, a diplomatic meeting between two rulers, an assassination attempt, and events that directly started a war. Best collaborative storytelling between players I've ever read in BM.

The problem is gathering enough players who have the time to roleplay the event. A much less successful attempt was the CoH's grand meeting in Perdan where only about three of us contributed RPs.

Maybe I'll start posting more of my own RPs in the section of the forum. I don't have as much time to write them as I once did, but I still do them when there's an event that merits it. I suppose if more of the roleplayers in the game start copying RPs here it might stimulate more roleplays in the game in an indirect way.

Eduardo Almighty

QuoteLOL it's funny because its true, must be nice being a duke of three cities

Madness? This is Avamar.


QuoteReport from Erik Eyolf Serpentis
Message sent to everyone in your realm (56 recipients)

The Bard's Contest

Well, there's no limit of bards anymore.

However, as we can have small companies, a bard per noble must be enough. If you have more than one, let them fight against themselves to chose the sharpest tongue. While hang the worst is always a option, besides the gold, shinning medals are awaiting too for the best two or three bards besides the prizes in gold.

Remember, they are representing you, fine nobles of Sirion. There's much lands in Avamar to practice some fine activities like a good hunt. You forget how to celebrate a good victory!? Enjoy a good time among a battle and another. You're nobles.


(OOC: I believe medals are still in use to allow more characters. Besides the gold, a roleplay medal and a fun medal must add some flavor to the contest... I hope)

Erik Eyolf Serpentis
Judge of Sirion
Royal of Sirion
Duke of Avamar
Margrave of Avamar

I'm still waiting some activity, but as it seems, that's a hard way.
Now with the Skovgaard Family... and it's gone.
Serpentis again!

Blue Star

It's hard but it will make people going. I remember a few offering even unique items for them.
I think like a sinner. Curse like a sailor. Smile like a saint. :)