Author Topic: stopping ForumMaster from destroying BattleMaster  (Read 138246 times)


  • Noble Lord
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"There, fixed that for you" is, at best, a passive-aggressive way of attempting to get your point across, and you're not the first person to be warned for it.

A better way to get across the same general idea you were trying to convey would have been along the lines of, "Tom, I feel that what you are saying about Gustav applies to you, as well."
I agree that posts like mine and Tom's aren't acceptable, which is why I reposted the ftfy, but with Tom's name, and I'm fine with being warned for it. Conveying general ideas doesn't seem to work so well here,  you and Geronus are the only ones left not frustrated enough to have quit this 'constructive discussion', seems like 90% of the forum-goers have stopped forum-going, and you guys are going to have to represent them.

You are reading stuff that isn't written anywhere.

It goes without saying I didn't mean literally 'to-shut-him-up', but claiming the other side is fanatical and zealous, is an often used stratagem to effectively ignore that person, since, all they're saying is fanatical anyway.

Obviously, you'd make yourself immensely unpopular by deleting people's accounts whenever you don't agree with them.