Author Topic: stopping ForumMaster from destroying BattleMaster  (Read 138427 times)

Stue (DC)

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Players who want to become heavily invested in the game usually find their way to the forum, even if they just lurk like me. Players who aren't in the forum usually won't become committed to the game anyway. It's absolutely hilariously to alienate your most loyal players to hope that it would some how make the come-and-go crowd of players feel more comfortable.

not true at all. there has always been number of players who are very committed to game while ignoring forums. it is my feeling that such base of players is diminishing as many feel to have been out of game if not visiting forums, but still dislike forums.

the sole statement that players who like forums are the most active ones, and depriving them of forums will cause their departure and ultimate degradation of the game seems to imply two things:
- players who are active on forums are more worthy and important than others
- players who are active on forums actually like forums more than the game, so they will leave if forums will be closed.

on contrary i have my very personal feeling that players who become too active in forums become worse in-game players, and that complete closing of forums would give much more incentive for in-game play to all.