Author Topic: Favourite class  (Read 8743 times)


  • Noble Lord
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Re: Favourite class
« Reply #15: August 12, 2013, 07:23:04 AM »
Cavalry is good, maybe even the best (tough choice, it and ranged special forces), but only if the people using it know what they are doing. All of the generals I remember serving under treated cavalry as infantry; disposable mooks, to be thrown around haphazardly. They neglect to keep their cavalry behind their infantry for more than a single combat round, or to give their cavalry low retreat settings. The result is that they take DAMAGE. DAMAGE, on cavalry, I cannot believe it.

Cavalry do tons of upfront damage, on their first combat round, when their enemies are held in position so that they get their charge off guarenteed. Allowing cavalry to charge ahead can jeopardize that charge. It also allows them to sustain damage that could otherwise be avoided. Cavalry should not do that. What it should do is deal their charge damage, sustain minimal damage in return, retreat, and then do it all over again the next day. A simple concept that many people get wrong.

Geronus, you are in Astrum (judging by your emblem). Astrum has a general that knows how to use cavalry, so lucky you! That is one thing about Astrum that really impressed me. Prior to engaging you guys, I always figured you were some sleepy realm of AFKs. Maybe you are. But one thing is for sure, you have, at least, some people who are not only active but strategically competent as well. Bravo. Bravo.

My thoughts on cavalier is that it's great. The best class, really. As someone mentioned, there's tons of gold nowadays, and the honour + increased cavalry limit lets you put more of a dent in your stockpile. The lack of looting is no big deal. Only a dozen or so nobles are able to loot before the peasants rise up anyway, so chances are your own contribution would be unnecessary (unless you're running around lone wolf -- a good tactic but not always possible). Because of this I consider cavalier a superior class to warrior, with two exceptions.

Bureaucrat is a good class in peace time. It slowly gains you honour (which is important in peace-locked realms) and allows regions to sustain high-maximum tax rates, depending on your skill. Though, in order to achieve that second boon you either need a region yourself, or you need a lord who's willing to co-operate with you. Oddly, the former is easier to achieve than the latter. I've been given a dozen regions, but no lord seems to care when I offer to double his tax rate. Meh, in that case you can still gain honour, so might as well survey the administration in some region with perfect stats for eternity.