Author Topic: The Panther Claw Academy (in game learning centre for noobies/mediocres)  (Read 7207 times)


  • Knight
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I fully agree with Indirik, that is why i need help from devs to explain what is not explained on the help pages or updated.
I am trying to make a start of all the documentation and hope to get your comments on what i am missing/added wrongly.
There also lots of features who are not advertised anywhere which i would like to include as much as possible.

The documentation will not necessarily be promoted OOC, but rather in game, as they try to stay in character and describe the mechanics lightly role-played.

Retention is also a main focus, but i have not yet yielded any good results as the three noobies in our realm do not respond to any messages at all yet(except one by pausing and unpausing).
Direct approach IC and OOC did not work.
But i do believe that the academy can form a platform for directly helping newbies in game to understand everything while rewarding the 'mentors' with gold and status.

Also if new players more quickly get an overview of what they can do based on sveeral levels of knowledge and how far they are in game so to say, perhaps they get a quicker grasp of the game and what to do/ how to do what they want to.
They can see there objectives more clearly so to say.
Brutus the Brute - Kleptes the Thief - Atreus the Brave - Alucina the Lucid