Author Topic: The Panther Claw Academy (in game learning centre for noobies/mediocres)  (Read 7272 times)


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The Panther Claw Academy is a guild in Fallangard who educates and tests the knowledge of it's nobles.
For new players and inexperienced nobles (honour below 20, max unit below 50) the rank of scout is made, where every noble is taught in the basics of the game and troop leading.
They will be sent ahead of the army to scout and are thus also trained in practice how to responsibly travel from a to b, gather information on the enemy, safely return to the army and fight battles alongside the main army.
Other tasks for scouts is breaking up the infantry line of the enemy in two waves when defending a fort for example, by engaging the enemy outside of the walls, backed by archer fire(depending on unit type chosen).
Once passed for the troop leader exam(a little more advanced knowledge is required here), one can fully join the army as a troop leader responsibly.
Marshals, region lords and other Military leaders are further educated.

The Academy will be mandatory and by taking the test the realm ensures and guarantees quality while offering a quick and efficient introduction and training in the game for noobies.
Those who are experienced in the game basically take one test and gain the rank of troop leader, no further education required.
The lower ranks focus on noobie training, and new players are actively motivated to join the guild where they are helped and guided as much as possible to understand the game while immediately setting and reaching goals, who would otherwise not be there for new players.

Newbie quests have been discussed as a mechanic, i am trying to work it out in game.
Any suggestions and help in any way is very welcome.(that is why i am posting it here)

I am especially looking for your ideas of what exactly a new player should knowing order to handle the game by them selves as at least a troop leader.

I hope to narrow things down as much as possible into clear exam standards and hope to write along side others, many guides for noobies and eventually for higher positions and more complex tasks, like Military leaders and region lords(not necessarily individually).

For more information check out the wiki page.
But most of all, come join Fallangard and the Academy!

« Last Edit: August 05, 2013, 11:34:36 AM by Bhranthan »
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