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If I change one thing to make Battlemaster better, I would...

Started by egamma, August 06, 2013, 07:40:26 PM

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I have some suggestions.

1. Give Mortality to older characters. Give them a higher said % chance to be killed in battles. This will encourage players to create younger characters, without all those connections as pointed out by other. Also this helps to reduce the hogging of all titles by the older characters.

2. Bring back the old food trade system. The starvation is too much even with Buy Provision function implemented.

3. Implement Steward title system. Currently Region Steward is pretty underrated. I remember the first time I hold Region Steward title, it was an Honor to control the food warehouse. Especially with Region Lords absence. In a way, this influenced all my characters to give some control to other players characters as Region Stewards, something for them to do.

4. Newbie system where they are tutored by the Mentors. Most of my characters have been at least a Mentor at one stage in their life. I try to give back something to this game by mentoring and training the new players. Make the Mentor system more attractive and rewarding. I remember I reached the require Mentor points to gain some extra fame, rewards can be consider and discuss in details.

5. Ruler system to add a new channel of communication to the whole realm where Ruler can provide an update of what is going on. A quiet Ruler can ruin the fun of being in the most quietest realm, with only a handful of players talking. Silencing Forum but having a quiet realm, will not encourage players to talk more when there is nothing much to talk on. Or force the Ruler to talk more. Set a certain message level that Ruler must reach within a stated period, let say a month 20 messages. If no reach the quota, then the Ruler will be automatically remove by the system. I have experienced realms where the Ruler is quiet but won the Ruler campaign, in the end the only way to remove quiet Ruler was through rebellions and protests.
Werewolf Games: Villager (6) Wolf (4) Seer (3); Lynched as Villager(1). Lost as Villager(1), Lost as Wolf(1) due to Parity. Hunted as Villager(1). Lynched as Seer(2).
Won as Villager(3). Won as Seer(1). Won as Wolf(3).
BM Characters: East Continent(Brock), Colonies(Ash), Dwilight(Gary)


Create more activities backed up by game mechanics for players to do at the rank-and-file knight level of the game.

At the knight level, there isn't enough to do by modern gaming standards, and I've felt for quite a while that this is a real weakness that makes it harder to retain new players. Even during a war the knight game tends to be quite repetitive, since there aren't the regional economy diversions enjoyed by players on the lord or ducal levels. The planned (if ever implemented) proposals to allow people to do more at their estates might go some way to improving this, but more than that is needed.

Quite some time ago, I made a feature request suggestion about introducing questing for artifacts (possibly set by lords) to add a bit of gameplay diversity, but it didn't seem to gain much traction. However improvements would be done, it would take valuable Dev time and resources, but I feel improvements at this level of the gameplay are badly needed if the game's to survive.


Mortality/permadeath for EVERYONE.

Edit: Forgot the t.


Implement a game-wide one-noble-per-island rule. Noble and advy would be fine.


I would make it so that every duchy would be own realm, and coalition of realms would be federation. Realm could have only 1 city!

Atleast i would test it out :)
~Violence is always an option!~


I like most,  if not all, the this ideas,  but I think the most important thing would be to give more things to do to the characters... Better their state, kill their annoying neighbour noble,  make some business... Etc,  etc...


Death, for everyone. Old age, player versus player battles and assasins can kill a character. Also would like to have 1 character per person implemented everywhere..


Quote from: Geronus on August 07, 2013, 04:28:34 PM
I invite you to make a character on Atamara and try splitting up the Tara-Cagilan Empire federation. In fact, I dare you to. You'll most likely fail miserably, just like everyone else who's been trying for the last few years.

I or Darka aint done yet! :D
~Violence is always an option!~


Quote from: jaune on August 07, 2013, 02:20:01 PM
I would make it so that every duchy would be own realm, and coalition of realms would be federation. Realm could have only 1 city!

Atleast i would test it out :)

That is what is in the works in the Colonies right now... One last hold out realm with three cities and it will be done.  A guild will be created for a senate to discuss Colony laws such as infiltrators buying back bans to keep them from being booted off the island.  But each city will be its own realm...but of course can unite into federations (which would give a unity to senate votes and such).  We will see how it goes.


I have split the response posts off into a separate topic, where they may be discussed without cluttering up this thread.
Timothy Collett

"The only thing you can't trade for your heart's your heart." "You are what you do.  Choose again, and change." "One of these days, someone's gonna plug you, and you're going to die saying, 'What did I say? What did I say?'"  ~ Miles Naismith Vorkosigan

Blue Star

Mortality beside hero, would be good to change things up once in awhile. Silvefire had a good point. Though I don't support the killing rate to be extremely high for instance, it would be come a revolving door at some point. Perhaps, make one of the current island as such where death is rampant and survival is for all classes.

Wounds that fester could lead to death or a miracle. We can't always survive such things especially not back in those times... Perhaps a plague once in awhile? *coughs* Elves.

Note* I find it ironic people want to bash CE-Tara alliance... Darka helped create their hegemony... that now they try to destroy it.
I think like a sinner. Curse like a sailor. Smile like a saint. :)


Just a few ideas which I think would shake the game up and make it more interesting:

  • allow a realm to put its capital in any region it controls, city or not
  • fortifications in any region with no distinction on level
  • anyone able to recruit mercenaries at a capital if they're not at war with that realm
  • founding duchies without cities
  • banks as a region upgrade in towns and cities
  • bonds exchangeable at any bank
  • ambush battles where the number of participants is limited to the attacker's advantage

The main benefit would be to make realms playable even when they lose all their cities or even all their land.


My "one thing" is actually two things that others have mentioned:

1) Forced mortality once your character has reached a certain age. Keep things the way they currently are, until yor character hits, say, 60. Then they become mortal like a hero. And as they get older and older, the chance to die from wounds gets higher. Eventually, *everyone* should die of old age. Start at 80 or so, and have a small, but growing, chance of dying from old age once every RL month. No more immortal characters who will never, ever have any chance of dying.

2) Start the one-noble-per-island rule on every continent. Don't force-deport anyone, just make it so that if you already have an active noble on an island, you can't start or unpause another. Events over time (deportation, death, retirement, pausing, etc.) will, over time, thin the herd. (Yes, this will mean that if you pause both of your characters, you will only be able to unpause one of them.) Combine this with #1 above, and you will sooner than later get to a situation where everyone has one noble per island.
If at first you don't succeed, don't take up skydiving.


Moderator note: Responses/discussion removed. This is not a discussion thread. If you want to discuss things from here, then go to this thread:,4992.0.html
If at first you don't succeed, don't take up skydiving.


Merge all islands into a single game world so that realms can raid or war other continents by sea travel, religions can become intercontinental, and everyone has a higher pool of people and realms to interact with.
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