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Coder qualifications

Started by feyeleanor, August 06, 2013, 03:14:29 PM

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I'm moving the newspaper concept to M&F, where it solves me a few other issues as well (realm boards, etc):,590.0.html


Why don't you find some easyish bugs that need fixing, make an IRC channel for the four of us, and just let us know what its meant to do, yadda yadda, and the four of us can work on it. If we fix it, then you have a bug fixed, and it cost you a little time. If not, you lost a little time and no bug fixed.

However, if out of this experience you put 4 people in, and one comes out as any semblance of a coder, even if its just for fixing bugs, you have doubled the current battlemaster task force.


Quote from: Swiftblade on August 07, 2013, 03:41:17 PM
Why don't you find some easyish bugs that need fixing, make an IRC channel for the four of us, and just let us know what its meant to do, yadda yadda, and the four of us can work on it. If we fix it, then you have a bug fixed, and it cost you a little time. If not, you lost a little time and no bug fixed.

However, if out of this experience you put 4 people in, and one comes out as any semblance of a coder, even if its just for fixing bugs, you have doubled the current battlemaster task force.

I second this.

And Swiftblade, there's already an IRC channel for the devs. And since the rest of the dev team has been pretty inactive (for their various reasons) for the past few months, it's not like chatting with the 4 of you would interrupt anything, or like there would be confidential full-devs-only talk going on in there all the time that we'd have to ask you to leave for.
Timothy Collett

"The only thing you can't trade for your heart's your heart." "You are what you do.  Choose again, and change." "One of these days, someone's gonna plug you, and you're going to die saying, 'What did I say? What did I say?'"  ~ Miles Naismith Vorkosigan


Well then it could be a great boon to the game, and wouldn't really cost that much in terms of time.

If the bug code was emailed (or some other way we could all have access to it), then we could use the IRC to come together and discuss. If we started with that and built from there, then we could just take the rest as it comes.


If Tim wants to put in the time, I won't stop him.


Whatever happens, I am going to learn PHP and doctrine in the meantime. I do wish for you to know that I am underaged in the case of legal and principal issues. I am socially fine around adults, so it shouldn't be that of an issue.

I am also quick to learn: show it to me once and I have it under the belt in a few minutes.

I am really looking forward to this opportunity to returning the favour.


I've 30 years coding experience and it's my hobby as well as my day job, so getting up to speed on things isn't usually a problem. I can probably commit one evening a week to getting stuff done (about four hours) and whilst that's not a great deal of time it's probably enough to knock off bugs, write tests, clean up crufty code, etc.


Quote from: Tom on August 07, 2013, 11:21:42 AM
Try out these demos and then tell me you wouldn't take those any day over fiddling with {{Usr|Tom}}}}|author = {{Usr|Indirik}}}}{{TattleLeft|date = May  21, 2010|title = Server Status.
That's the point of the semantic forms. You define text boxes where the person just puts in their data, and the form handles all the coding. Just like filling out a web form when you buy something online. No more fiddling with markup code for the user.
If at first you don't succeed, don't take up skydiving.


I wouldn't mind helping Tim out with reviewing diffs and stuff occasionally. I don't have much time these days, but this sounds sufficiently fun and with better potential for returns than prior attempts at integrating new devs. :)
The above is accurate 25% of the time, truthful 50% of the time, and facetious 100% of the time.


Last post on the newspaper topic (if you want to discuss it, please start a new topic):

One day, as I said. Crazy easy to use. WYSIWYG editor, layout via drag&drop.
Integrated with M&F, but characters are the only link to anything else in the game, so it would be possible to plug it on to BM in the future.


Nice, we should work on getting that system into BM aswell at some stage, would be pretty chill.



Quote from: egamma on August 09, 2013, 09:24:54 PM

Okay, these are just database rows that need to be added, but it might make a good "teachable moment".

Not really, because these are things I need to do manually at the DB. :-)