Author Topic: Responses to things people would change  (Read 15580 times)


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Re: Responses to things people would change
« Topic Start: August 07, 2013, 04:28:34 PM »

If the GMs rip them apart, the players will re-create them. The issue is with how and why these structures exist and are maintained. Figure that out, and you've solved the problem. No amount of coding will do it.

...Which is exactly why something needs to periodically upset them and throw things into chaos again. Just because these things inevitably happen does not mean that they're good for the game. As I said before, the Invasions did this perfectly well. There are less demanding alternatives that could suffice to do the same without completely resetting an island, like cranking up the rogue spawns to ridiculous levels for a time until the island is in chaos and realms start falling apart.

There's a massive disconnect between what people complain about and what happens in-game, does anyone notice?

That's because of what Anaris observed in the other thread: A lot of players are sheeple who will simply follow their leaders without question. There is an, observable, well-documented phenomenon in humans wherein a group of humans will generally obey an authority figure even if he is asking them to do things that they would normally never do on their own, even terrible, immoral things. How do you think the Holocaust came to happen?

Look, people have built stable power structures on many islands that are extremely resistant to change. If you think it's so easy to upset the status quo and make things happen, I invite you to make a character on Atamara and try splitting up the Tara-Cagilan Empire federation. In fact, I dare you to. You'll most likely fail miserably, just like everyone else who's been trying for the last few years.