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Monsters and Undead - more or less? Vote

Started by Tom, August 08, 2013, 11:36:58 AM

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Would you rather see more or less monsters and undead?

more of both
28 (49.1%)
less of both
6 (10.5%)
more monsters, but not undead
1 (1.8%)
more undead, but not monsters
4 (7%)
something else (explain below)
18 (31.6%)

Total Members Voted: 57

Voting closed: August 15, 2013, 11:36:58 AM


Quote from: Indirik on August 08, 2013, 06:40:04 PM
This would have the effect of hitting the lowest-character-density realms hardest.

It would also provide a disincentive to realms to conquer additional regions unless they are overflowing with nobles. I'm not yet sure if that's a good or a bad thing, but it should be taken into consideration.

Dante Silverfire

Quote from: Tom on August 08, 2013, 08:09:06 PM
It would also provide a disincentive to realms to conquer additional regions unless they are overflowing with nobles. I'm not yet sure if that's a good or a bad thing, but it should be taken into consideration.

Personally, I think simply raising player density may provide enough extra fun and engagement to most realms that our retention rate will improve enough to begin expanding again.
"This is the face of the man who has worked long and hard for the good of the people without caring much for any of them."


If its based upon density, with current density rates, I wouldn't be surprised to see several realms die and rogue wastelands to arise. We are discussing sinking/freezing islands, after all. With more people crowded in less regions, I'm sure that wars will develop to conquer additional regions. With people spread across more regions, its easier to carve out your domain; with more people in less regions, you'll need to do more to move up the social hierarchy with more competition.

This would be a self-enforcing mechanism for density issues. If a continent is so unpopular that it can't sustain enough players to populate it, its probably time to retire it. If an island has so many players that gold is becoming scarce, then its time for them to get to colonize a new/former island. Let the islands with the most players get to create/immigrate a character to any new/reborn islands.

If I had a character in a realm that wanted to go to war, but feared conquering more regions would result in more rogues to fight off, I'd have a number of solutions.

  • Convince foreign adventurers to betray their realm for yours; simultaneously organize your adventurers to hunt the rogues in a cohesive fashion. The spawn rates might be increased, but if you've got a good set of adventurers hunting, then it will be less of a concern and you can spot developing problems beforehand. Put ranged militia in several regions to handle rogues automatically.
  • Have a designated rogue patrol army coordinating with the adventurers.
  • Point out that more glory-seeking nobles will probably join the realm since you're fighting a war, which is perfect for occupying the new regions
  • Rogues provide nice battle experience for newer players
  • Have an ally thats either too far away or uninterested in your war? Convince the to patrol some/all of your regions for rogues

Not going to war because you reached 'optimal' status of rogue spawns and don't think the benefits of new regions outweigh the increased rogue spawn rate is just silly. If anything, you'd probably start losing players from boredom and then you'd have the problem you wanted to avoid in the first place and no new regions. Plus, I don't think there would be something informing you if you reached 'optimal' density. It'll just happen. Nor do I think there'd ever be a point of *no* rogue spawning for optimal density; there's always rogue spawns to deal with.

But it is a way of rewarding realms people find fun (whether they're large or small), counteracting boring realms, and ensuring there's a certain density of players that makes the game fun. I *really* miss BM's more dense days; some of the most fun I've had in a text-based game. :)

Dante Silverfire

Doesn't that mean this is a good idea Vita?

Just trying to understand what you're saying.
"This is the face of the man who has worked long and hard for the good of the people without caring much for any of them."


I absolutely think its a good idea, considering I suggested it. :)


Quote from: Tom on August 08, 2013, 08:07:17 PM
As everyone who hasn't been living under a rock knows, I am no longer a friend of invasions. However, I do like the idea of not simply raising spawn rates, but change them in waves. So instead of rogues being a constant, low-level nuisance the way they are today, there would be times of increased and times of lowered spawn rates, much like the weather.

Definitely a step forward.

Yes, precisely. My hope would be that the waves at their height would be powerful enough to at least partially upset existing power structures and thereby create a significant amount of chaos, and therefore opportunities. I also like the direction that some people were going in of having the increased spawns localized in some fashion, preferably a random one so that the same realms aren't always the ones getting socked.


It would be easy to select new random "hotspots" for every new wave or something so that other people feal the heat every time.


On the subject of increased spawn rates during prolonged peace time: Perhaps add a third rogue faction, and make them human raiders, bandits, brigands or whatever name is most pleasing. The reasoning behind it would be that realms that don't display the might of their armies every now and then will see their criminals grow bolder and bolder, to a point where they start banding together, first into smaller, relatively weak bands, but if left unchecked, into sizable contingents of well-armed, bloodthirsty warriors that loot and pillage any region they're in.


Quote from: Sacha on August 08, 2013, 11:58:35 PM
realms that don't display the might of their armies every now and then

Define that in PHP and SQL before you continue the thought. We have had a thousand ideas all based around these soft factors that are really, really hard to code. TMP was one failed attempt at doing so.


I think the spawn rate is about right, but should be less random.
"A neutral humanism is either a pedantic artifice or a prologue to the inhuman." - George Steiner


having a random leader of the monsters and undead that can boost there attack strength and give them fighting tactics would be interesting.   That would make them harder to defeat.   I would even go so far at random times and regions for the undead/monster push to take over a region and if done successfully start spawning more units attempting to take over the regions nearby.  Not to much it becomes the norm but a reason for a realm to go, crap.  That weakness could create opportunities for other realms to engage in a war with a larger realm.


Quote from: SaDiablo on August 09, 2013, 12:24:08 AM
having a random leader of the monsters and undead that can boost there attack strength and give them fighting tactics would be interesting.   That would make them harder to defeat.   I would even go so far at random times and regions for the undead/monster push to take over a region and if done successfully start spawning more units attempting to take over the regions nearby.  Not to much it becomes the norm but a reason for a realm to go, crap.  That weakness could create opportunities for other realms to engage in a war with a larger realm.

Rogues can already start taking over regions, as witnessed on Dwilight. The other part is interesting though. Would the rogue region taken over by the rogue monsters/undead be different to normal rogue regions?


    having a random leader of the monsters and undead that can boost there attack strength and give them fighting tactics would be interesting.   That would make them harder to defeat.   I would even go so far at random times and regions for the undead/monster push to take over a region and if done successfully start spawning more units attempting to take over the regions nearby.  Not to much it becomes the norm but a reason for a realm to go, crap.  That weakness could create opportunities for other realms to engage in a war with a larger realm.

Rogues can already start taking over regions, as witnessed on Dwilight. The other part is interesting though. Would the rogue region taken over by the rogue monsters/undead be different to normal rogue regions?

That is a very good question, I think I have an idea for it,  since undead/monsters pretty much eat the people or kill them they would only have a finite life in that Region before they starved but in the mean time they spawn more and more till there supply runs out.   Time will be different for each region as a commander could regulate that control and lacking a leader provides a faster death rate.   Leaderless undead/monsters would tend to be weaker in fighting force (always in a hurry no training to grow) compared to a commander type region that provides the best fighters, the best organizing, and the most challenge.  Random rolls for strength of leadership would be fun also.  That way you get varying degrees of challenge when/if this occurs.


Quote from: Tom on August 09, 2013, 12:23:00 AM
Define that in PHP and SQL before you continue the thought. We have had a thousand ideas all based around these soft factors that are really, really hard to code. TMP was one failed attempt at doing so.

Tie it in with the Realm Glory attribute perhaps?

Blue Star

Quote from: Tom on August 08, 2013, 06:01:13 PM
There is an interesting idea there. We could seperate them out by region or geography. For example, undead could prefer the south and monsters the north (or vice versa, or east/west - I'm just brainstorming here). And there could be "centers" of their activity, especially dangerous places, etc. That might give things more variety.

100% Agree I think that is a great idea make coastal regions dangerous as such or even center regions. Possible a migration during certain season would be a interesting concept as well, but it's a concept.

If this is given how about mm say naming such npcs pirates (cutthorats, seabandits etc), that harass coastal regions. It bring a interesting dynamic to the game, possible some added rp can come from the flavor of it. But in reality they are simply just monster/class npcs with varying names.
I think like a sinner. Curse like a sailor. Smile like a saint. :)