Author Topic: New Player Retention - how do we engage their interest?  (Read 16949 times)


  • Noble Lord
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I believe Tom mentioned something I think is critical: Giving new players something to do (that isn't region maitenance) is key. (I think it was Tom...)

Anyway, I agree with this, and ideas for this should be brainstormed.

Anaris already mentioned a potential change that will aid in this: Characters can start with an estate. No need to find one at first. That would be awesome for new characters.

I think this could be enhanced with two pieces:
1. Do not allow regions to have lands that are not assigned to an estate. 100% of a region will belong to one estate or another. This means there will be more estates to drop new characters into
2. Find a way to either automatically or quickly put new characters into an army. Possible solution:
    a. The general sets a default army for new characters. This can not be none.
    b. Each has the option of setting a default army for new characters or to let the general decide.
    c. When a new character joins a realm they are automatically assigned to an army.
        i. If the local lord selected an army in step b, the new character is assigned to that army.
        ii. Otherwise, the new character goes to the army the general set in step a.

This way the character should start with an estate and in an army. On day one he gets orders from the marshal: "Move to this region immediately, we need every man on the front!" or |Move to the capital and recruit a good unit. Here is some gold."

At the same time I would suggest that:
* Players have the OPTION to have their new character start with an estate.
* Only newly created characters can start with an estate. Changing islands and such is different.