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RP capture/torturing

Started by Thehatter, August 26, 2013, 07:43:55 AM

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If one of your characters are captured or torture what RP rules/edict are you suppose to follow. In regular RP's you are not allowed to RP other characters but if they are captured they have little to say or stop the person who is doing the torturing. Also this goes for interactions with commoners.


If you are unsure I suppose you could always send an OOC message to the person asking / making sure they agree or are fine with it and go from there.


The rules don't change. You can do things TO their character, but you still can't play their character.


So finger could be coped off from torture without there contestant?


Quote from: Motosuwa on August 26, 2013, 06:50:59 PM
So finger could be coped off from torture without there contestant?

You should never permanently maim or cripple a character without their consent.
Timothy Collett

"The only thing you can't trade for your heart's your heart." "You are what you do.  Choose again, and change." "One of these days, someone's gonna plug you, and you're going to die saying, 'What did I say? What did I say?'"  ~ Miles Naismith Vorkosigan


I believe there is a chance during tortures you do maim a character that reduces their fighting ability


Yes, tortures can cause a loss of skill due to the injuries involved. However, nowhere does it specify what the actual injury is.
If at first you don't succeed, don't take up skydiving.


Quote from: Indirik on August 26, 2013, 07:24:16 PM
Yes, tortures can cause a loss of skill due to the injuries involved. However, nowhere does it specify what the actual injury is.

I'm pretty sure I remember it saying I cut off or broke someones finger one time.


Quote from: SaDiablo on August 26, 2013, 07:29:43 PM
I'm pretty sure I remember it saying I cut off or broke someones finger one time.

A break heals. That's not "permanently maiming or crippling".

Nowhere does the game text state that you have cut off any part of another player character.
Timothy Collett

"The only thing you can't trade for your heart's your heart." "You are what you do.  Choose again, and change." "One of these days, someone's gonna plug you, and you're going to die saying, 'What did I say? What did I say?'"  ~ Miles Naismith Vorkosigan


Its all for RP reasons. I ask this because, RP wise they are captured and would have little way to stop me from chopping off a finger after I tortured them.


I think the idea is that RP is a sort of colour commentary that runs in the background and flows from the "hard facts" of the game. It can't be used to create hard facts.


Quote from: Buffalkill on August 26, 2013, 10:56:32 PM
I think the idea is that RP is a sort of colour commentary that runs in the background and flows from the "hard facts" of the game. It can't be used to create hard facts.

In the sense that you can't use RP to change game mechanics, that's correct. You can't, for instance, RP that you cut off a man's sword arm, and then expect his skill at swordfighting to be adjusted accordingly.

However, the main point here is not that you can't cut off another character's finger. It's that you can't do it without the player's permission. Nobles can certainly have disabilities; the previous Queen of Luria Nova was blind, for instance.
Timothy Collett

"The only thing you can't trade for your heart's your heart." "You are what you do.  Choose again, and change." "One of these days, someone's gonna plug you, and you're going to die saying, 'What did I say? What did I say?'"  ~ Miles Naismith Vorkosigan


We should mention it goes both ways. Personally (not a game rule!) I would say if your prisoner stonewalls you on any attempts to get a nice RP out of the whole thing, cut off his finger. In-game logic says you could. Working with him OOC to make both people happy is cool. But the other player has as much a responsibility to work with you as you have to work with him.


I'd be happy if I was a prisoner and got that kind of interaction in the dungeons, most of time its the worst trip you can have in game.  I've had a new player land in my dungeon one time which the other judge let me know so I released them as fast as I could (dungeons are not a good place for new players fyi)

Maybe we could brainstorm some new dungeon ideas to promote more interaction, I also do not like that torture is always successful, players should be able to resist :)


Quote from: SaDiablo on August 27, 2013, 02:14:33 AM
Maybe we could brainstorm some new dungeon ideas to promote more interaction, I also do not like that torture is always successful, players should be able to resist :)

Torture is not always successful. And even if it is, the prisoner only divulges some messages, not all of them.