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Please be aware of the Forum Rules of Conduct.

Proposed New Forum Rules of Conduct

Started by Indirik, August 29, 2013, 04:25:59 AM

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The forum mods have put together a proposed new set of forum roles. We are posting them here for comment, prior to releasing them as an official set.

We have decided to keep them short and simple, rather than add lots of extra rules and exceptions that might make things more difficult to comply with, or that may open holes for rules lawyers.

Quote1) Don't be an !@#$%^&. No insulting or derogatory behavior toward other players or forum users.

2) The moderation staff has the right to remove any messages that it considers insulting, inflammatory, or inappropriate, at their discretion and without warning. The moderation staff also has the right to modify posted messages to remove offensive or inappropriate content. Posts that quote deleted posts may also be summarily deleted.

3) The forums are not a replacement for in-game discussion. The forum is for discussing things about the game, not for things that should be better discussed in the game.

4) No posting of in-game messages on the forum, with the following two exceptions.
  • You may post Roleplay messages you wrote and sent in-game, on the Roleplay board. You may not post messages for someone else, with or without their permission. You may post the RPd death of your character on the Roleplay boards without sending it IG, since you can't post it IG once they're dead.
  • IC/IG messages may be posted as part of a Magistrates case, only in the appropriate case thread on the Courthouse/Cases board

When discussing these rules, or proposed changes, please keep the discussion on-topic and civil. If you wish to propose new rules, please try to present them as they would appear. Keep them as simple as possible, and to the point.
If at first you don't succeed, don't take up skydiving.


If your goal is to foster a respectful, friendly atmosphere, starting with "Don't be an !@#$%^&" is counter-productive. Also try using positive tense whenever possible, and less wordy. E.g.

1. Be respectful of other users.

2. The moderators have complete editorial control and may delete or modify postings that go against these rules.

3. The forum is for discussing things about the game. In-game matters should only be discussed in the game. Players may post the RPd death of their character on the Roleplay boards without sending it IG, since they can't post it IG once they're dead.

4. Refrain from posting IG messages other than your own Roleplays to the Roleplay board, except where appropriate as part of a magistrate case, or as allowed under Rule 3.


Quote from: Buffalkill on August 29, 2013, 10:45:21 PM
If your goal is to foster a respectful, friendly atmosphere, starting with "Don't be an !@#$%^&" is counter-productive.

I was thinking of how to say this same thing... But was also considering the age level we're promoting in the game as far as "!@#$%^&" goes.


Quote from: Eirikr on August 31, 2013, 11:26:06 PM
I was thinking of how to say this same thing... But was also considering the age level we're promoting in the game as far as "!@#$%^&" goes.

BattleMaster has always been very much PG-13, at least.

Expecting people not to use words like that in the game and the community around it "for the chiiiiiildren" is not really a particularly helpful attitude.
Timothy Collett

"The only thing you can't trade for your heart's your heart." "You are what you do.  Choose again, and change." "One of these days, someone's gonna plug you, and you're going to die saying, 'What did I say? What did I say?'"  ~ Miles Naismith Vorkosigan


those 4 rules are good.  the don't be an !@#$%^& is really good.   The reason why is make sure people know that the forums are being watched and the tolerance level will be low.  Its a strong statement and that is what is most important.


Quote from: Anaris on August 31, 2013, 11:28:54 PM
BattleMaster has always been very much PG-13, at least.

Expecting people not to use words like that in the game and the community around it "for the chiiiiiildren" is not really a particularly helpful attitude.

I don't have a problem with the word '!@#$%^&' per se, or with swear words in general, but "Don't be an !@#$%^&" is an !@#$%^& thing to say.

Quote from: SaDiablo on September 01, 2013, 12:19:29 AM
those 4 rules are good.  the don't be an !@#$%^& is really good.   The reason why is make sure people know that the forums are being watched and the tolerance level will be low.  Its a strong statement and that is what is most important.

I really don't get this supposed need for more authoritarian controls. According to Tom, only 2 or 3 postings per month get reported. Personally I've never felt the need to report anything. Yes, sometimes people are bitchy and sarcastic and combative and unpleasant. Get over it.


We have had a bit of an upswing on the reported posts, which is good, in a sense. It means that people are taking the time to report issues that come up, rather than just ignore them, or respond to them.

As far as the rules go, yes it is a swear word. But I think it really summarizes things pretty well. If there is a very strong opinion against it, then we could change it, I suppose. It is a bit rude, but that bit of rudeness itself kind of adds to the no-nonsense aspect of it.
If at first you don't succeed, don't take up skydiving.


The opening sets the tone and what that opening suggests is crude and tactless. Start instead with something important and firm, then head forward with a subtle joke to show that although you're a firm boss you're not an uncaring tyrant, then go back to standard firm stuff, then end with "P.S. don't be an !@#$%^&," if you're really intent on including that line.

Or just copy whatever rules Google or some other big company has. They probably spent ten million dollars developing theirs, so it's probably good!


Quote from: Indirik on September 01, 2013, 02:11:01 AM
We have had a bit of an upswing on the reported posts, which is good, in a sense. It means that people are taking the time to report issues that come up, rather than just ignore them, or respond to them.

As far as the rules go, yes it is a swear word. But I think it really summarizes things pretty well. If there is a very strong opinion against it, then we could change it, I suppose. It is a bit rude, but that bit of rudeness itself kind of adds to the no-nonsense aspect of it.

I think it's hard to maintain the spirit of "playing a game with friends" with a militant no-nonsense policy. If you want to encourage dialogue and fun, you have to give people some breathing room, and a consequence of that is you might have to tolerate some nonsense.


Quote from: Buffalkill on September 01, 2013, 03:12:47 AM
I think it's hard to maintain the spirit of "playing a game with friends" with a militant no-nonsense policy. If you want to encourage dialogue and fun, you have to give people some breathing room, and a consequence of that is you might have to tolerate some nonsense.
I was referring to the no-nonsense aspect of the rules. I'm fine with some nonsense on the part of the forum participants. We don't have a rule against it, nor against being silly, or having fun. I personally am very lenient about lots of behavior that some of the other forum mods don't like. It's not like I'm not the perpetrator of some silly one-liners or off-color jokes.
If at first you don't succeed, don't take up skydiving.


Quote from: Kwanstein on September 01, 2013, 02:35:54 AM
Or just copy whatever rules Google or some other big company has. They probably spent ten million dollars developing theirs, so it's probably good!
Isn't Google's tag line something like "Don't be evil" or something?
If at first you don't succeed, don't take up skydiving.


Quote from: Kwanstein on September 01, 2013, 02:35:54 AM
The opening sets the tone and what that opening suggests is crude and tactless. Start instead with something important and firm, then head forward with a subtle joke to show that although you're a firm boss you're not an uncaring tyrant, then go back to standard firm stuff, then end with "P.S. don't be an !@#$%^&," if you're really intent on including that line.

Or just copy whatever rules Google or some other big company has. They probably spent ten million dollars developing theirs, so it's probably good!

Considering the chain of events thus far, I don't think that being direct is a problem. Some people apparently really hate the forum. Therefore, using direct language to state what won't be tolerated seems like a good plan. I mean, if the Mods are going to be strict they might as well set that expectation right off the bat and not try to stick any frills on it. Some people might find that reassuring.

Look, no matter what the rules say, someone is inevitably going to get pissed at the Mods and accuse them of being unfair, tyrants, etc.. It happened with the Titans, it happened with the Magistrates, and it will happen with the Mods too eventually. Such is the curse of power. There will always be someone who is unhappy. You might as well just be clear that there will be no nonsense, and then no one can claim that you weren't honest about how strict you were going to be.


Quote from: Geronus on September 01, 2013, 07:24:03 AM
Considering the chain of events thus far, I don't think that being direct is a problem. Some people apparently really hate the forum. Therefore, using direct language to state what won't be tolerated seems like a good plan. I mean, if the Mods are going to be strict they might as well set that expectation right off the bat and not try to stick any frills on it. Some people might find that reassuring.

Look, no matter what the rules say, someone is inevitably going to get pissed at the Mods and accuse them of being unfair, tyrants, etc.. It happened with the Titans, it happened with the Magistrates, and it will happen with the Mods too eventually. Such is the curse of power. There will always be someone who is unhappy. You might as well just be clear that there will be no nonsense, and then no one can claim that you weren't honest about how strict you were going to be.

Personally I find the authoritarian tone more off-putting than the occasional dickish comments that I read. We're adults playing a game among peers, not kids being supervised by the drill sergeant from Full Metal Jacket.


Quote from: Buffalkill on September 01, 2013, 08:18:56 AM

Personally I find the authoritarian tone more off-putting than the occasional dickish comments that I read. We're adults playing a game among peers, not kids being supervised by the drill sergeant from Full Metal Jacket.

I agree completely, but apparently some people are unable to keep things in perspective, hence why we're having this whole discussion about the forum and better moderation in the first place.

That said, I'm not really arguing that "Don't be an !@#$%^&" is hands down the best way to write that rule, but I don't have the same problem with it that you do. It would not bother me to see it changed.


Keep the direct tone.

But do change it into positive, I agree with that comment. Tell people what to do, not what not. It's a fairly simple change - just say "do x" instead of "don't do !x" - but it has a strong effect.