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Embedding Realm Diplomacy in the RealmDetails.php

Started by anoobowner, September 12, 2013, 08:22:03 AM

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Title: Embedding Realm Diplomacy in RealmDetails.php

Summary: I think the continent diplomacy chart with the peace/war/federated/etc. should be embedded on the RealmDetails.php page. It seems to me to be extremely relevant information to the realm's details.

Details: When one realm takes another's land, the text comes up.
"Astrum has taken control of Forguthrie. The region used to belong to Niselur."
It seems strange that I can't learn about what their diplomatic relations are when I click the link text on the realms names, since they are really related.

Benefits: It saves a mouse click, and gives the realmDetails link more use.
Possible Exploits: None that I can imagine.

Or, add at the least add a link on RealmDetails.php to the diplomacy page. Just saving a couple mouse clicks.
VORASH FAMILY: Protheon--Riombara | Prospero--Morek | Pamela--Caergoth

"The thing with computer-generated imagery is that it's an incredibly powerful tool for making better visual effects. But I believe in an absolute difference between animation and photography." - Christopher Nolan


realm details shows ONE realm, so I assume you want a list of that realms relations to other realms?


Yes, it would be one row from the diplomacy page stating just the relations of that one particular realm with the other realms on the continent.
VORASH FAMILY: Protheon--Riombara | Prospero--Morek | Pamela--Caergoth

"The thing with computer-generated imagery is that it's an incredibly powerful tool for making better visual effects. But I believe in an absolute difference between animation and photography." - Christopher Nolan


Id totally want to see this implemented. It would safe much time/tabs.



If possible, make this accessible when choosing a new realm. Knowing the diplomatic situation of a realm can be a good help in deciding if it's right for you or not.


Quote from: Sacha on September 15, 2013, 05:59:09 PM
If possible, make this accessible when choosing a new realm. Knowing the diplomatic situation of a realm can be a good help in deciding if it's right for you or not.

It would be nice to see the complete diplomacy page for an island (or all the islands), actually. Could you make that a separate change request?


Quote from: egamma on September 15, 2013, 07:50:22 PM
It would be nice to see the complete diplomacy page for an island (or all the islands), actually. Could you make that a separate change request?

If the metadata exists, would it not be simpler to make this available on the wiki?
After all it's a roleplaying game.


Realm relations are not available from the external data feed.
If at first you don't succeed, don't take up skydiving.
