Author Topic: Who would you cast to play your character(s)?  (Read 6998 times)


  • Noble Lord
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Re: Who would you cast to play your character(s)?
« Reply #15: September 10, 2013, 08:39:27 AM »
I'm not sure about this, actually- I think Craig could play a very dark persona if given the chance. And Butler's role in 300 was certainly intense, but I wouldn't call it "dark". Indeed, the character Leonidas spent most of the movie in a sort-of state of "battle joy"; you really sensed that the character was happy, despite his circumstances, because he was exactly where he belonged.

When I think of Atanamir, I get a sense of a joyless, bottomless, almost Alexandrian ambition- not megalomania, but a strong belief that he can create a better world with his bare hands. Rather the opposite of Leonidas' simple warrior-king defending to the death his home and people.

I meant actually the hair and body type.
And I think having 1 million Persians invading Greece is similar to the gangbang of Perdan by 3, almost 4 realms.  ;)
Besides, Perdan is like Sparta a warrior realm.
So in character yeah somewhere inbetween Alexander and Leonidas - but definately not Colin Farrell in the appearance! :D