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Who would you cast to play your character(s)?

Started by Bendix, September 09, 2013, 05:28:49 AM

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What actor would you cast to play your Battlemaster character(s)?

When I read a novel, I tend to automatically cast the most vivid and interesting characters using actors from real life. For instance, if a character in a story has a sort of gruff and quiet demeanor, I might imagine that character being played by Tommy Lee Jones or Clint Eastwood. If a character is kind of mischievous or roguish, I might think Edward Norton or John Leguizamo, or possibly a comedian like Jim Carrey. If a character is English, I would cast an English actor or an actor whom I imagine could pull off an English accent (so not Clint Eastwood).

So here is a little exercise: Who would you cast to play your Battlemaster character(s)? Would the older eccentric and fun-loving Erik Eyolf be played by Michael Caine? Would the young Emperor Velax be played by James Franco? Would the steely and ruthless Atanamir be played by Daniel Craig?

I find that if you can picture an actor playing your character, you can learn things about your character that you yourself only know subconsciously. Our brains tend to associate actors with certain character achetypes (particularly if they're often cast in the same kind of role: Bruce Willis is usually a Police Officer, Ian McKellan is usually a wizard, etc.)

This was included in 'The Bendix Perspective' in lieu of article #3. I have decided to include it as a separate post because I am interested in seeing what more people come up with


Oooo, interesting.

Turin - Tough one, I'm leaning towards Sean Bean, He'd have to dye his hair blonde for the role. My second choice would be Bernard Hill (played Theodin in Lotr).

Tyrion - Brad Pitt from about ten years ago.

Sigurd- Tom Felton (Draco Malfoy)

Loki - Benedict Cumberbach

Dante Silverfire

Merlin Silverfire - Joe Pesci

Brom Silverfire - Donald Trump
"This is the face of the man who has worked long and hard for the good of the people without caring much for any of them."


Quote from: Bendix on September 09, 2013, 05:28:49 AM
Would the steely and ruthless Atanamir be played by Daniel Craig?

Nah Atanamir is darker. ;)

Atanamir - Gerard Butler as in 300

Hostamir - Arnold Schwarzenegger as in Conan

Herucalmo - Chris Hemsworth as in Thor

Ciryatan - Clive Owen as in King Arthur

Aldarion - Jake Gyllenhaal as in Prince of Persia

Eduardo Almighty

Michael Caine!? Alfred NOOOOOO! Erik is getting old  :(

Erik Eyolf - For an old one, I must say I would prefer Malcolm McDowell. Well, for the good old days too. Caligula can always be a good inspiration for someone like Erik, but be sure to have +18 to watch.

Dürion Eyolf - Hans Matheson as Mordred in The Mists of Avalon.

Henrich Eyolf - Mads Mikkelsen as Tristan in King Arthur or any actor with the "good guy" aura.
Now with the Skovgaard Family... and it's gone.
Serpentis again!


I for the one would cast people other than actors too:

Arthur- Johnny Depp

Alvin- Robert Pattinson with all his cliches.

Elicia- hmm.. Someone who strives for perfection, can break all rules to achieve victory.

Angela- None other than Lady GaGa! ;)
Just stay alive and kicking, raise your voice when its needed. Through reason you can show the mistakes of others, something violence can't do.

I don't break rules, I bend them- a lot.


Quote from: Dante Silverfire on September 09, 2013, 06:49:20 AM

Brom Silverfire - Donald Trump

A self-absorbed !@#$-up who somehow keeps getting away with blunder after blunder? Check :P

Amaury - James Purefoy

Sauvage - A younger Vincent Cassel

Thibaud - Bradley Cooper

Mathieu - Ryan Gosling


That's a very interesting question! I had to think quite a bit to come up with an answer, but I think these fit:

Pierre - Vincent Kartheiser

Joseph - Christopher Walken

Jos -  Jeremy Irons

Celine - Michelle Yeoh

After all it's a roleplaying game.


Heh, that makes me want to create a character fit to be played by Cristopher Walken >_>

Some of my previous characters

Ceowfyr the Brave - Mads Mikkelsen or Karl Urban

Sennianus the Mad - Ray Stevenson (basically a barbarian version of Rome's Titus Pullo)


Quote from: vonGenf on September 09, 2013, 07:33:44 PMJoseph - Christopher Walken

The mild-mannered Imperial Chancellor is played by the menacing Walken?

"We're gonna have a little... Q&A... and... at the risk of sounding redundant, please... make sure you're answers are genuine... how much food do you have in your granary?"


Here's mine. I actually wrote this over a year ago, but I changed Lendin's casting from Vinnie Jones to Mark Strong after having seen 'Low Winter Sun'.

Autrey- Kathy Bates (Misery, Harry's Law). I've always thought of Autrey as being heavyset, and Bates can play both crazy and menacing very well.

Lendin- Mark Strong (Sherlock Holmes(2010), Low Winter Sun). Strong plays a good straight-talking, no-nonsense kind of character. Although I usually think of Lendin as having hair.

Garamonde- Edward Norton with a big fake mustache (The Italian Job, Kingdom of Heaven). Norton is good at playing characters who can be both sly and sincere, often at the same time.

Julianne- Amber Tamblyn (Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants, House: M.D.). Full of awkward energy and good intentions, Tamblyn could capture Julianne's boundless enthusiasm.

Furious II- Giovanni Ribisi (Saving Pvt. Ryan, The Mod Squad). Ribisi retains a certain youthful naivete even when playing hard-knocks type characters.


Quote from: Bendix on September 09, 2013, 08:35:23 PM
The mild-mannered Imperial Chancellor is played by the menacing Walken?

"We're gonna have a little... Q&A... and... at the risk of sounding redundant, please... make sure you're answers are genuine... how much food do you have in your granary?"

He's gone soft over the years! :-) But he's never been really mild-mannered, has he?

I'm not saying I play him as Christopher Walken.... only that his face and demeanor fit those he usually shows. Especially the rare and weird smile.
After all it's a roleplaying game.


That's a tough question.

Bremer - Christian Bale. I think he's proved that he can play suppressed rage very well. He'd probably also have the moral ambiguities of the character: respectful of fellow nobles, but considers 1000 dead peasants before breakfast to be a good start to the day.

Rosalind - Eva Green. Has the dark looks I've always pictured for Rosalind. Also has the hard edge the character has, but also able to be soft and reasonable.

Cassandra - Emilia Fox (Silent Witness, Merlin). Has the deceptive appearance of physical fragility that suits Cassandra, and also an aura of goodness. But also able to be a plotter with an edge that possibly wouldn't be expected by looking at her.

Thomas - Jeremy Northam (The Tudors, Gosford Park). Probably too obscure for most people to know, but Thomas is a character who wishes the world was better than is it, and often finds his principles have to be put aside to get the job done. I reckon Northam would be good with that. He'd be about 15 years too old for the part, though, so make-up would have to work wonders.


Quote from: Atanamir on September 09, 2013, 08:45:01 AM
Nah Atanamir is darker. ;)

Atanamir - Gerard Butler as in 300

I'm not sure about this, actually- I think Craig could play a very dark persona if given the chance. And Butler's role in 300 was certainly intense, but I wouldn't call it "dark". Indeed, the character Leonidas spent most of the movie in a sort-of state of "battle joy"; you really sensed that the character was happy, despite his circumstances, because he was exactly where he belonged.

When I think of Atanamir, I get a sense of a joyless, bottomless, almost Alexandrian ambition- not megalomania, but a strong belief that he can create a better world with his bare hands. Rather the opposite of Leonidas' simple warrior-king defending to the death his home and people.

Dante Silverfire

Quote from: Sacha on September 09, 2013, 04:33:21 PM
A self-absorbed !@#$-up who somehow keeps getting away with blunder after blunder? Check :P

Hahaha. Don't forget the wanting to run for president every once in a while.
"This is the face of the man who has worked long and hard for the good of the people without caring much for any of them."