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New human rogue forces

Started by Poliorketes, August 22, 2013, 08:17:50 PM

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Title: New Human rogue forces

Summary: Add new human rogue forces to the existing monsters and undead.

Details: There will be one or various types of 'human-rogue' (peasant mobs, bandits, etc...) besides the non-human already existent.

Infiltrators (and maybe Diplomatic/Ambassadors) would spend an amount of gold and produce this kind of rogues. The bigger the amount of gold, the stronger the rogues will be. For a few gold coins you will only get some bad-armed peasants, but if you spend a obscene amount of gold, you will get a small army of mercenaries pretending to be a peasant mob.

In short, it will work as a 'monster summon scrolls' but with gold.

Possible Exploits: I suppose the same as scrolls.

Volunteer post from:,5006.0.html


There are some very, very rich characters, this could be devastating.

I can think of one possible abuse scenario: a conquering army enters enemy lands, spreads out, summons mobs, then regroups


To add:  I think it should take time over a day or two or longer. Then it is risky for you, because you can get captured in lands with which you are at war, or someone might spot you and wonder what you are up to.

Of course, to balance out this request, there should be a another one that suggests peasants be a lot more uppity in general, otherwise as soon as you see a random peasant mob form, you will know what they are, and plan appropriately. It will still be a nuisance, but no more than a large monster/undead mob (except the doubt over exactly how strong it is).

Quote from: Azerax on September 13, 2013, 11:16:33 PM
There are some very, very rich characters, this could be devastating.

I can think of one possible abuse scenario: a conquering army enters enemy lands, spreads out, summons mobs, then regroups

Only if they are all diplomats or infiltrators...  ???


Might be good to balance it out with loyalty. If you are trying to bribe loyal peasants they should likely pile on you and send you to their lord's prison...if they hate their realm they shouldn't even need a bribe, just a few weapons.

It actually sounds kind of neat. Could open up medieval guerrilla warfare.
Eoric the Dim (Perdan), Enoch the Bright (Asylon), Emeric the Dark (Obsidian Islands)

Orobos, The Insatiable Snake (Sandalak)


Quote from: Bael on September 13, 2013, 11:27:53 PM
Only if they are all diplomats or infiltrators...  ???

Because it's so hard to find/become a diplomat.

Unless you were talking about raising a few hundred men, then the forces you are raising would be pretty ineffective. And if you wanted to raise a decent sized force, the costs involved would be absolutely huge. For comparison's sake, take the cost of men at an average RC, of perhaps 40 gold/10 men. To raise 100 soldiers would be 400 gold. And you'd probably need at least 200 to be of any real use. So that's 800 gold just to hire them in the first place. And then you'd have to pay them at a rate of 330 gold a week. And of course you'd have to pay them, having them pillage and maraud until they were killed would be a bit ridiculous. Your average mercenary wouldn't do what you want without payment.

So we have a cost of 1,130 gold for the hiring of 200 front-line quality soldiers and their equipment, for one week. That's a lot of gold. If you want them to last for two weeks, that's 1,460 gold.

But where are these soldiers coming from? Do we really want to assume that soldiers of this quality training and equipment are just hanging out in the middle of nowhere waiting to be hired by some shady noble?

I don't think that this suggestion really makes much sense, unless the quality/number of troops involved were kept so low that they really wouldn't even be worth bothering with. Otherwise the costs involved would be so prohibitive that only the wealthiest of realms could possibly afford to invest in them. And by that time you'd almost certainly be better off just investing in your own army to begin with.
If at first you don't succeed, don't take up skydiving.



While its not very viable to do to cause mass devastation, it could be used by diplomats/infils during key moments (big battles mostly) to the turn the tides expensively. Investing in your army is better, but if you don't have the time for a refit, have everyone basically already maxed out, or want to show off your wealth then it makes sense to do on a rare occasion (which is what it should be).
"The true soldier fights not because he hates what is in front of him, but because he loves what is behind him."
― G.K. Chesterton


For the amount of effort it would take to code, does a rarely used "show off your wealth" option make sense?
If at first you don't succeed, don't take up skydiving.


Tom approved something just like this a few weeks ago. He even asked for someone to put the feature request into bug tracker.


Quote from: Indirik on September 17, 2013, 05:06:41 AM
For the amount of effort it would take to code, does a rarely used "show off your wealth" option make sense?
Fair enough.
"The true soldier fights not because he hates what is in front of him, but because he loves what is behind him."
― G.K. Chesterton


Quote from: pcw27 on September 17, 2013, 06:36:20 AM
Tom approved something just like this a few weeks ago. He even asked for someone to put the feature request into bug tracker.

"something like this" being the key word.

BattleMaster is not and never will be a game where gold alone decides. It should not be possible to raise a huge army out of nowhere just by throwing 100,000 gold at it.