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The assorted bits of Aldrakar Renodin's Life

Started by Renodin, September 30, 2013, 11:05:24 AM

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Her struggle was half-hearted, her desperation for comfort warring with the bitterness she felt for him and all his countrymen.  When she finally stopped fighting she fell to shaking, fighting back the sobs that she feared would lower herself in his eyes.  She never returned his embrace but stood with her arms at her sides, burying her face into the dip of his shoulder until he drew her closer.  For a long time Jocelin was silent, acutely aware of their proximity on a level that she'd never reached before.  The thunderous boom of his heart under her ear... the warmth of his skin against her forehead... Aldrakar was stroking her hair and whispering comforting nonsense, and all she could focus on was his breath across her temple.  And she willed it to end, because there was no sense in getting lost in his embrace.

After a time she regained control of herself.  Jocelin's shaking ceased, and she --reluctantly, it seemed-- drew away from him.  She didn't get far before she had to sit, absolutely exhausted from the day's exertsions.  A smooth stone on the brook's bank became her new seat, and she folded her legs under her and drew her skirts in close so they'd remain dry.  The iciness remained at bay, replaced with  noblewoman's composure, and her eyes seemed to see through the brush ahead of her to something miles beyond obtainable.  At length she spoke, her voice halting and unsure.  "I don't... know... that I belong here.  And if I do; if this is somehow where I'm supposed to wind up... how do I justify betraying those who've fought as I have?"  Living or dead?  "And if I could..."


Words in the Dark - Aldrakar

At length she spoke, her voice halting and unsure.  "I don't... know... that I belong here.  And if I do; if this is somehow where I'm supposed to wind up... how do I justify betraying those who've fought as I have?"  Living or dead?  "And if I could..."

-Jocelin Le Drake


Aldrakar watched as Jocelin took the few steps gingerly to her new perch. She arranged herself neatly and took on a ponderous demeanor or so Aldrakar thought. Her words came out and lingered much like the water that flowed in the brook. It too altered course and was never sure where it would go next. Past this pebble or that one but always going forwards towards some unknown and unspoken goal.

He took in her words and made to sit on his hunches next to her. A small cramp in his left calf informed him that he wouldn't keep that up though. Acting before the little cramp could get worse he sat down properly at the edge of brook atop a bunch of little rocks that weren't to sharp and he endured the discomfort without much visible sign of it. The knee of his left leg up and it's foot down with the right leg through the arch it created and rested on the ground. Aldrakar leaned back on both hands as he spoke, leaving Jocelin undisturbed.

"How do you justify betraying those that have fought?'' the tone of his voice deep as he drew the words out. Some time passed by where they simply sat side by side. ''You don't. You cannot betray them for you have fought beside them. You have done more than most have and sacrificed greatly in the process. Not that sacrifice removes betrayal though.'' He drew in breath to continue but halted, holding the breath for a moment as he considered his next words. ''You belong where you want to. No one but you decide where that is. Not I, not the people you ruled, not a King and certainly not those stars.'' Aldrakar smiled at that last bit as he pushed himself up on one hand and used the other to point up at the sky above.

''Why must we honor the dead? Because they died for a cause. We should remember the cause and respect their diligence or misfortune to have died for it. I believe there are few men or women who choose death whom rather would have lived with their ideals. We fought for peace, we still do, you and I.'' He looked at her. ''I already told you that you were no prisoner of mine and you may go where you will. You must even. You betray nothing and no one when you live for your ideals. I live for Peace, my sons, for the prosperity and safety of the people, for you, for myself.'' He looked back at the sky. ''Those that fight for ruin will see ruin visited upon them, I am sure of this. You are not like that and with you a great many other people. You fought for peace, you had people that told you to fight Luria to create peace probably. To carve out a new Homeland. Ruin?''

''That is not accusing you or anyone else for that matter. We all wished peace but it was war and still is. You know my heart in this and know of my efforts for peace. Perhaps the beasts of the west came for a reason, perhaps they just happened. I don't know. The minds of men and Kings are so that they will not give when a hand is taking from them. I do not know why, I am not a sage and not a King. I do know however that I've struggled for peace, only due to my good name have some not called me coward or worse but I care not. I want better days without bloodshed and without hurt. It hurt me greatly when you were sad and I received colder letters from you Jocelin. Colder and they seemed written by the hand of another, I was shocked and I was confused. Those words were not from the person I thought you were. You are not that woman for I've beheld you now this evening and I accepted you into my home and trusted you with the blood of my blood and you were kind. I am sorry for the cold words I used in response, it was weak of me.'' Aldrakar's jaw stood taut as he chewed on an imaginary morsel of food but continued after a brief moment.

''They like you though, and with children's eyes looked up at you and saw you for what you are. A true person with a golden heart brighter still than your eyes.''

Aldrakar smiled at the sky after which he lowered himself onto the ground, shouldering away some of the bigger rocks and tried to be as comfortable as he could be, crossing a single arm behind his head for it to rest upon. ''Damn rocks.'' He muttered into the night. He wiggled a particular rocky agent of torment from under his hip and threw it into the brook. Water splashed up as it broke the surface of the fast flowing water.

''You are free Jocelin. Free to be who you want  to be and with whomever you want, wherever you desire. You betray nothing with that and never will. Honor those that fell or still struggle with peace and happiness. Both of which you create yourself, on your own terms.'' Somewhere in the dark, among the ferns, a soft rustling sound emerged. A short while later a red bodied, palm crab came stumbling out and towards the edge of the brook where it sat and drank presumably. Only a cat would truly be able to see but they rarely care.

"You were great with the boys. They like you a great deal I think and thank you for telling me that I was lucky to have them, or proud.'' Aldrakar's eyes turned back to Jocelin. Wondering what her thoughts where but still being unable to read her mind or face in the dark that was the night.



She remained silent until he had finished, listening attentively.  Her expression was solemn but not mournful, and she seemed resigned to whatever path she saw for herself that he couldn't.  "I'm noble-born and a woman.  My life is less my own than you might think."  Jocelin cracked a smile as she watched Aldrakar dig a rock out from under him, tossing it aside when it was free.  She didn't speak of her vow to the nobility on this continent --to see the war ended in her lifetime, and all the realms brought to a compromise over land rights, and perhaps the establishment of a cease fire-- but there was no need: she lived and breathed it, and few had come to know her who did not know her desire for peace.  That she thought she could achieve it was equal parts confidence and arrogance.

Her attention was caught by the crab that came to the edge of the water across from them.  When it first appeared out of the underbrush her eyes --great and golden and (unfortunately, in this instance) keen even in the dark-- grew as large as saucers, and when it was only a few feet away she pulled her skirts tighter to her body and prepared to bolt.  Her stillness in the meantime was not relaxation but the tension of an arrow ready to loose at a moment's notice.  "Aldrakar..."  What the hell is that?  The thought went unspoken,  but it showed in her face.  Thankfully the palm crab scurried back into the brush when he began talking again.  Jocelin's gaze remained intent on the brush that it had disappeared into, one half of her straining to hear its movement away from them while the other half absorbed what he said about her and the boys.  It was the thought of Asher that brought her back down from her heightened state.  "No need to thank me for the truth."

"Do you really think I was good with them?"  Ljúfa was so young (and a girl) and as the youngest of her own siblings Jocelin hadn't much experience with young boys.  She could hardly remember her own brother at that age, having been only three at the time.


Ferns and little Eyes - Aldrakar

"Do you really think I was good with them?"  Ljúfa was so young (and a girl) and as the youngest of her own siblings Jocelin hadn't much experience with young boys.  She could hardly remember her own brother at that age, having been only three at the time. 

- Jocelin Le Drake


Growing content on the bed of rocks Aldrakar looked at at whatever it was that had Jocelin transfixed. ''Ohh don't worry. Probably a small bird or something. Never thought you were one to startle quickly.'' He smirked as his tone became that of a tease. ''You are in no danger, I'm sure I've told you that before already. You going to stay worried about what might lay in wait behind those ferns?'' He motions for her to come closer. ''I'll protect you.'' The words as much mockery as they might ring true.

"Do you really think I was good with them?" Jocelin asked him. ''Well.. I might not be around them as often as I'd like and I have received a lot of help raising them but yes. I do think you were good with them.'' Aldrakar made simple hand-gestures as he spoke that he wasn't conscientiously aware of. ''I mean, Asher clearly adores you. Sure, he wants to show Nibbles to everyone but I rarely see him so open and enthusiastic. Must be you.'' He glanced over at Jocelin and shrugged.

''Aldrakar II is a serious little thing really. I have to drag him by his pinky toe every time I want to pry him away from the sword masters and have him focus on something else. I fear he will become too austere and private.'' Thoughts and considerations passed over Aldrakar's face and he rummaged through them. ''With you he was, forthcoming?'' Aldrakar looked at Jocelin for confirmation and turn on his flank to face her as he continued. Using one hand and arm to support his head. ''He engaged you, wanted to help you, served you food even! He's usually more uncaring about people he doesn't know and always very proper, mimicing the stoic nature of the swordmasters. Right down to the way they bow! It's infuriating at times.''  A rueful smile spread across his face as his eyes perceived an image only he could see.

Slowly he returned to the present and caught her eye, surprising himself. ''You though. You think I'm very free? hmm?'' His eyes and brow tempting her to answer his question. ''I am the Lord of one of the Greatest Cities ever, the Realm depends on it to flourish. The entire Nobility demand justice of me and due to my good name expectations are ever increasing. Do I mind or even care? No. I do what I do because I believe in it. I've not asked for any title I have except that of Sulorte and Giask. I think you know those two stories. All the others were given unasked. We are as free as we allow ourselves to be I think. Look at Asher. He didn't want to have dinner inside so he had all the servants and Little Luc scramble to make arrangements outside! the little devil.'' Aldrakar chuckled softly.

''You are Noble Born Jocelin and definitively a woman.'' His smile turning to a grin he couldn't hold at bay. ''Don't let either be a burden you impose on yourself for I see only wonder and much to admire.'' His grin subsided and all that remained was a small smile.

''We should probably get inside, keep you safe from whatever it was that scurried through the ferns. Your little nemesis hmm?'' He couldn't help himself from laughing, displaying his white and good teeth. ''And to think my guardsmen were scared of you!'' his smirk returned.



"I wouldn't have known... about the boys, I mean."  She dipped her head modestly.  Jocelin joined him on the ground, her knees tucked under her so as to remain out of the dirt.  Various river-worn stones dug into her knees, but if she minded there was no indication of it.  She regarded him with amusement equal to his own.  "I'm sure Aldrakar will turn out alright... both of them."  Mischief danced behind those golden eyes.

"...All the others were given unasked.  We are as free as we allow ourselves to be I think.  Look at Asher.  He didn't want to have dinner inside so he had all the servants and Little Luc scramble to make arrangements outside!  The little devil."  She stared at him for a long minute when he'd finished, her expression inscrutable.  By the time she was ready to respond it was too late: Aldrakar mentioned retiring for the evening.  She nodded, only just then realizing how tired he was.  The fair lady stifled a yawn behind a finely-boned hand; with her skirts gathered in one hand she tried to push herself off the ground with the other.  "Your guards were afraid of--"

A smooth stone slipped out from under her palm.  Jocelin followed, falling forward on the rocky bank.  They hadn't been sitting far from the brook, and one arm splashed in the water while the other remained pinned under her body.  For nearly a full minute Jocelin sputtered in the muddy silt, uttering obscenties completely unfit for a lady of court.  Whatever small animal had been nearby crashed away from them in the brush, startled by her outburst.  It wasn't until she was finished that she pushed herself up on her hands and knees, the ends of her fine hair muddy and dripping.


As if nothing had occurred at all Jocelin tried again, pushing herself to her feet.  She walked several paces away and then slumped over against a tree, all the while leaving bits of debris and dead plant matter in her wake.  Her shoulders shook as if she cried... but a laugh came instead.  Jocelin hid her face on the tree's trunk to stifle the sound, laughing so hard that when she did finally look at him her face was red with mirth and embarrassment in the moonlight.  A scrape on her chin bled, and the muddy smudges on her cheek only worsened when she tried to wipe them away with the back of her hand.  She tried to say something but was tongue-tied and only ended up hiding her face once more.


A Moment's Recluse - Aldrakar

"Your guards were afraid of--" and then it happened. The golden eyed lady took a tumble towards to the brook. Aldrakar got up from his position but as he did his ears lied to him. Spluttered curses and profanities arose from the not so graceful water nymph. An instant grin appeared, out of sight, on his face. He approached to where she lay but Jocelin recovered in time.

Forcing his face into a neutral and even slightly worry expressing he watched as Jocelin made her second attempt and this time succeeded to get up. She passed him by without a look but after only a few steps sought support from one of the old trees. True worry now sang quietly in Aldrakar's mind and he moved rapidly towards her. His lips parting as he wanted to ask her if she was alright but then he heard her laugh. He slowed his pace and it felt like a little elephant decided to remove itself from his shoulders.

Her laugh was uncontrolled, loud and rich. She turned to him. Red faced and a complete mess. Her eyes shone with unbridled joy and her mind probably didn't approve as a red hue rushed up her cheeks. She hid her face again from him. Infected by her laugh Aldrakar joined her in laughing as he walked over with slow, deliberate steps. When she turned again the back of her hand worked to remove a smudge of mud from her cheek but the rubbing only smeared it all over.

He moved towards her until he could only see her face and feel the warmth radiate away from her. She tried to hide her face again, the tree a very willing accomplice where she found herself lost for words. ''Let me see that.'' Aldrakar said softly as he reached a hand to her chin as to turn it so that he could see the scrape. It wasn't anything dangerous at all it seemed but he took his good time inspecting it gravely. His eyes tracing the line of her jaw and neck, a small smile ever on his lips. ''It's fatal, you're going to die.'' He worked with his other hand to grab the sleeve of his white linen shirt of that same arm. Not too difficult as they were usually too long anyway, he balled the fabric into a knot. In a very casual way he started to carefully dab the blood on her chin. ''A mark for life, you'll never look the same. Good thing you'll die from it really.'' His eyes met hers and he smiled reassuringly before turning back to his work.

''There, that should do.'' Aldrakar released the knot of linen and leaned back a fraction to take in her entire face. A moment passed and he found his thoughts banished, he looked at her lips and leaned in again. He brushed his lips against hers waiting for her response and placed a hand on her jaw, his index finger trailing up to her hairline. The overcast rustling gently as the night's breeze toyed with it. A torch spluttered along the path they had departed earlier and the water of the brook still made its gurgling noise.



She let him turn her face toward his, her chin stinging now that the initial shock of slipping had passed.  Under her skirts she also felt sore in the knees, and a scrape on her palm that was the equal to the one on her face made itself known.  The grave quality of his expression did nothing to dampen her sudden spirits, for the accident had reminded her of a similar event with her brother.  They'd been playing on the bank of one of Thysan's many hidden streams when she'd slipped on a mossy stone and ended up in the freezing (yet thankfully shallow) water.  Two days of the worst cold she'd ever experienced had put a healthy respect for her brother's uncanny balance in her.

"It's fatal, you're going to die."  She deadpanned, playing along with his mock concern.  "Will you at least write my eulogy?  Say I was the greatest thing ever to fall into your pond."  There was an odd stillness to her as he cleaned her chin with his sleeve, a sort of breathless anticipation that had nothing to do with her fall.  The color remained in her cheeks, and her heart pounded frantically between her ribs.  "I feel it," She murmured to no one in particular, unconcerned for the time being if there would be a scar.  There might have been more forthcoming if his expression hadn't changed the way it did.  Aldrakar studied her face, his eyes lingering so long on her lips they seemed to tingle under the power of his gaze.  As when they were locked arm-in-arm she was acutely aware of the shape and heat of him.


His hand cupped her jaw, his fingertips keenly-felt points of gentle pressure in her hair.  Her entire body thrilled at the contact and sparked to life when his lips brushed hers.  Jocelin's mouth opened against his with a sigh, inviting him to greater exploration.  She swayed into the kiss, mere fractions of space between them as she managed to retain some self-control.  An invading thought kept her from giving in completely to his charms.

I must ask Glaumring.

Her late husband's friend and spiritual guide, and through him, her own.  She had come to Luria Nova for the purpose of joining the Cult more fully; as a widow with a young daughter, that seemed the best way to honor Erasmus' memory and find peace with herself.  Another woman might have put aside the past in favor of the warmth in front of her... but others did not hold their duties in such high regard as she.  And as tempting as pursuing the end of this single night with a man she'd come to know through a hundred letters was...

Jocelin's lips closed.  With another sigh --this one subdued-- she parted from him.  Her eyes shone in the darkness.  "I have to ask... before I pursue whatever this is, I must go to the Temple.  Lord Glaumring is expecting me."


An end to the Garden - Aldrakar

Aldrakar felt her lips part and her body relax as Jocelin sighed. Then there was hesitation, a stifling set of heartbeats later and her lips closed and she moved away from him, a second sigh sounded but this one downcast where the first was in stark contrast.   "I have to ask... before I pursue whatever this is, I must go to the Temple.  Lord Glaumring is expecting me."

Lord Glaumring? He is an agent of Chaos by his own word. Aldrakar watched Jocelin struggle with whatever thoughts she had and reached up to scratch the back of his head. He blew out some air as he felt the sensation of anticipation turn to sourness and tried to defy it. In an attempt to veil the disappointment he stretched his arms and look up at the overcast of stars high above them. She likes me, no two doubts about it. The thought made him smile and whatever tension was left in him ebbed away. Men are some of the vainest and simplest creatures at times.

He looked at Jocelin and walked up to her. ''Then you should ask. Ask Glaumring what you need and if you find he gives you positive answers, return.'' He brushed aside some of her mud stained locks and chuckled softly. ''You're a mess. A good mess though!'' He wrapped an arm around her shoulder and led her back to the Palace. They wound through the gardens again, passing the aviary and the same array of flowers and plants, still lingering in the glow of torch- and moonlight. His fingers gently squeezing her shoulder or arm whenever he wanted to share a sight with her and words were left unspoken for most of the walk back, at least, by him.

Arriving at the plaza outside of the Palatial Wing 2 servants moved up with haste as they spotted the disheveled Jocelin. Aldrakar warded them off with a stern look and they melted like snow before the sun. As they did Aldrakar made a flick of his head towards the entrance which followed by a sharp shake, a dismissive gesture. The brighter of the two servants grasped the intend and rushed to the hallways that lay beyond the entrance. By the time Aldrakar and Jocelin arrived it was empty of servants or guards, none to witness Jocelin's state of dress. The warmth of a dozen small braziers and fireplaces greeted them and Aldrakar slipped his arm off of her shoulders and ran a hand over her back, gently rubbing it in an attempt to bring some warmth back into her. The action both as simple as it was but also in consideration of her. She might not like other people thinking we are close.

The palace stretched before them and seemed without end. Curiously enough they encountered almost no servants and only a handful of guards who stood like statues. At last they arrived at the end of a corridor which they reached after a flight of orange marble stairs. The end was marked by a large marble arch  shot through with orange and delicately sculpted and inlaid so that it held the landscape of a setting sun over an orange lake. ''You see those doors over there?'' Aldrakar pointed at a set of beautifully worked wooden doors. Inlaid with amber and gold to make the Seal of House Renodin. ''Beyond those doors you will find me and the boys. Everything up until this arch from those doors are my personal quarters. Not really personal, I could never sleep in all the beds at the same time. Its the family wing or at least, that's how I call it. Pick any room and use anything like it was your own home. If you are gone in the morning I will not wonder.'' He smiled at her and reached down to boldly plant a kiss on lips. ''Whatever this is, it is good. Good night Jocelin.'' With those words spoken Aldrakar moved on alone towards the amber inlaid door and pushed past them.



Jocelin sensed his disappointment and tried to alleviate it with another quick kiss, this one shy and fleeting.  She dropped her head and then peeked up at him with timid eyes, the effect somehow lost by her great height.  At being called a mess she managed a lopsided grin, only just then realizing that she was shaking.  The night was warm, but the mud and water of the creek hadn't been.  She was glad for the arm Aldrakar put around her and huddled close, easily as silent as she'd been when they first met.  Only this time the silence was more companionable, and a tiny smile nestled on her lips as they walked.  At times when he pointed at something interesting or beautiful in the garden she only looked and nodded, unwilling to break the quiet between them.

She was clearly relieved when Aldrakar sent the servants away, and looked askew at him as she began to notice the lack of servants on errands that passed them.  As a sign of her gratitude she laid her head on his shoulder for a moment, breaking the barrier of propriety that she'd brought down between them.  Her spine arched under his unexpected touch, seeking more of it, and she swayed on her feet, unbalanced.  Jocelin recovered mid-stride and carried on as if nothing had occurred.

When they came to the steps her attention was caught by the ornateness of the etchings.  Both above and below, whoever had sculpted it had invoked the feeling of a day ending.  But her expression was not one of idle curiosity: there was criticism in her eyes, not for the artist nor the artwork but for something more personal than that.  It was the same look a knight would have as he surveyed the enemy lines, seeking a worthy challenge.  She seemed to find it, and grunted with pleasure.  It was at this time that Aldrakar kissed her, and she realized that she'd missed the first part of what he'd said.  Internally Jocelin chided herself for such a misstep... but inwardly, she thrilled that he would kiss her again after her previous rejection.  Jocelin met his boldness in equal measure, but again cut it off too abruptly.  "I will be gone," She warned him, breathless, "But I'll be back.  I came to this realm to become a priestess; tonight..."  Jocelin trailed off.  There were no words for how happy she was to spend an evening with him after so long, but she still felt reservations.  Loyalty, to her dead husband and their marriage; guilt, that she had let Aldrakar kiss her; joy, that he had. She longed to discuss these things with someone, and who better than a man who was not only her former husband's friend and advisor, but who had become her own?

Aldrakar said his goodnight and left for his quarters.  She lingered in the hall until he was gone, and then chose the closest door to her to spend the night. It was too dark to make out any details, but she got the impression of a high ceiling and an impressive array of furniture.  Jocelin found her way to the bed in the dark and underdressed, letting her damp clothes fall in a heap on the floor.  The cool night air struck her skin, and she crawled into the big empty bed and buried herself in it.  Long used to wearing a nightgown, the silk sheets felt strange against her bare skin.  It didn't help that she was cold.  I know what'd help.  She thought of Aldrakar and his warmth beside her and giggled, scandalized by her own thoughts.  Jocelin hid her face in the foreign pillow.

Sleep didn't come for another hour.


In the morning Jocelin faced a dilemma.  She found that the castle's servants had brought her luggage from the prison into her quarters.  Far from being embarrassed about the intrusion on her sleeping (naked) self, she now had to choose what she would wear that day.  Arranged on the bed were two gowns (her clothes from the night before had mysteriously vanished); one, the severe black ensemble that she'd worn after Erasmus' death, before she'd been far enough along in her pregnancy to outgrow it.  The other was a bottle-green kirtle with as low a neck as she dare... still appropriate for a lady, in truth, but risqué for Jocelin.  Her golden eyes flickered from one to another, debating which she would wear that morning.  One she desired Aldrakar to see her in; the other seemed the most appropriate choice to meet Glaumring in.  Common sense began to pull her toward the first... but a helpful voice from beside her chest saved the day.

"Apologies, m'lady... would you like this dress with the others?"

She turned to look... and grinned, finally decided.  A few minutes later she slipped out to find Aldrakar, eager to bid his small family good morning.


Family Breakfast - Aldrakar

The Sun had risen first that day. With an Olympian effort it was raining warmth down onto the world below it. The city around the Golden Palace was acutely aware of this cycle and the streets and docks and even parks were already filling up with the bustle of human activity. The cool of night rapidly being banished for another day of mild warmth despite it being autumn, fortunate that is was only early autumn and the ocean wind had yet to make its presence known in force. A month or so later in the year and that very wind would likely be a gale and rip the sails of unskilled sailors and captains alike.

Jocelin discovered the attentiveness of the castle servants and their uncanny ability for stealth if not discretion. Like apparitions they made castle life work. With a little help she found herself dressed in exactly that which suited her tastes and started to wander the castle halls and rooms. Seeking that which she was parted from the night before, Aldrakar and his sons.

Moving through the ''Family Wing'' she could hear words floating away towards her. ''Will lady golden eye join us like yesterday Da?'' Asher's voice. It was uncertain, hopeful and tinged with sadness at perhaps the expression he read on his father's face. If she followed the sound she would learn it came from a room that existed in the northern reaches of the Family Wing. A room divided between being indoor and having a generous outside space in the form of a balcony. Very carefully designed as to give the appearance it was an actual extension of the same room, only without walls.

''Lady Jocelin is asleep still Asher, I believe she has urgent business to attend to. Like Da does often hmm?'' A short pause followed which may have found Jocelin within line of sight as to observe or otherwise. ''Ohhhww..'' Asher looked downcast and slumped for a moment. That moment only lasting until his father gave him a look that informed the boy to straighten his back which he did. ''She was nice, she liked Nibbles.'' Asher accepted a piece of freshly sliced bread from his father. Still warm and topped with what looked like some sort of cream or herbal butter?

The room was lavish but only in its design and creation. Furniture was ornate but the most extravagant pieces that were meant mostly or entirely to impress visitors were long removed. More functional pieces had replaced it, pieces that were made to be used and lived with or on.. in the case of Aldrakar II. The boy had crawled on top of the table and struggled with a side of cold ham. It lay perfectly atop of a silver platter and arrayed with cooked fruits, now cold, herbs for decoration and even a cluster of dark red grapes set beside it.

Aldrakar II wielded a large, iron pronged fork and stabbed at the meat without much effect other than to disrupt the carefully prepared dish, aesthetically speaking. Aldrakar noticed it and chuckled. ''So much for our Family Sword Master eh? Let me try.'' He reached over and took the pronged fork from his son and used it to bring two moderate slices to Aldrakar II's plate that he carved for him. ''Want more little warrior?'' the boy shook his head as he smiled his thanks.

There were no servants in the room and not a sign either of guards. The table they sat at stood half inside and half outside on the balcony. From the Grand Docks a seaside breeze made the cream white, long curtains sway and dance. The cries of gulls rare but present and the vista that of the Great City of Giask. From the Noble district at the center, onto the Inner City, the Grand harbor and finally, the azure waters of the Euschean Sea.

Aldrakar was dressed in more formal attire than the night before, while that was an easy feat it was not entirely overdone. Breeches of excellent quality cotton dyed a hazel hue.  Around his waist an oaken leather belt finished with black bronze and covering his torso a rich brown velvet coat with horizontal lace of gold decorating the chest. His previously free, golden hair was tied back in a pony tail and his jawline smooth with a fresh shave. The single jewel rule still applied and that one piece was still his golden seal ring that sat snugly around his finger. Under the velvet coat there was a a fresh linen shirt much like the one Jocelin met him in.



She watched from the doorway for a time, her expression inscrutable.  Jocelin started to leave when Aldrakar II spotted her.  He didn't say anything --his mouth was full of food-- but instead sat up straighter and beckoned her over; Asher twisted in his chair to see whatever it was that had his brother's attention.  The younger boy's face broke into a wide grin, "Do you want to meet Nibbles today?"

The fair lady played along, knowing she was caught.  She slipped into the room and curtsied, the motion fanning her layered skirts wide.  Sapphire blue and steel gray panels made up the skirt, though the rest of the simple dress was the same gray.  Ivory white peeked out by her feet, and the sleeves of the underdress continued where the sleeves of the gray didn't.  Silver medallions set with sapphires encircled her waist, and her hair--usually worn in a net-- was instead twisted into an intricate bun.  A gold band on her left hand glinted; she didn't know what Glaumring would make of the fact she'd stopped wearing it, so she wore it today, expecting him to be none the wiser.  Her skirts rippled about her legs as she rose and joined them at the table.

Jocelin took the seat next to Asher and answered his question first, though her eyes remained fixed on Aldrakar.  "I have duties, sweet boy.  But--" She continued hastily, looking amused at the petulant frown that resulted from her answer.  "There's nothing that says I can't meet him before I go.  Perhaps your father will loan me a carriage from the stables..?"  A slim hand reached out and broke off a small cluster of red grapes.  Using only her fingertips she picked one of the small, sweet fruit and popped it into her mouth, covering it as she chewed.  Her eating was as smooth and controlled as most of what she did: effortless, and of course, needlessly so.  It was the practiced grace of a dancer... or a woman raised from girlhood to be presentable.

Between grapes she engaged with the boys, trading story for story.  They spoke of their exploits in the gardens; she shared tales of Thysan, reminiscing about the deep woods with its giant trees.  "You know the brook?"  Her gaze flickered to Aldrakar for a moment, and her smile was shy and secretive, "In Thysan there were a hundred brooks, only you couldn't find them all: the trees were so thick, they cut deep into the ground so they could flow.  One minute you're on the trail: the next, you've stepped off after a flower, and there's ten feet of empty space between you and the rocky riverbed beneath your foot.  My brother and I once found a fairy ring, and he told me they lived in those riverbeds and in wolves' dens, ever watchful for the demons from across the Draco River."

There was never really a timeline to her stories, and all of them were either about her own exploits or those with her brother.  She never once mentioned her mother or father, and any who remembered Lord Chuldah and his common wife would remember that Rue was her half-sister.  No mention of her either.


And then there were but 2

Enjoying a fine breakfast and at the same time socializing with his sons Aldrakar saw Jocelin enter the room. Sunlight spilled in from the huge balcony and while he sat there the wind made the cream white curtains akin to pseudo capes as they waved behind his seated person. Jocelin once more elected to sit besides Asher and the boy was obviously overjoyed at her choice.

The little boy's questions fired like arrows from a bow and the answers he got made his face a mirage of deep disapproval, excitement and boredom. His face as often manipulated by the muscles in his face as his hands as he planted them on it and pushed and pulled. Jocelin's eyes remained fixed on Aldrakar.  "I have duties, sweet boy.  But--" She continued hastily, looking amused at the petulant frown that resulted from her answer.  "There's nothing that says I can't meet him before I go.  Perhaps your father will loan me a carriage from the stables..?"

Aldrakar's deep blue eyes met her golden ones as she spoke the words and a grin threatened to overtake his entire face. ''A carriage?'' He said as the request broke him free from some very personal revelry. A frown coasted his brow for a split second. ''Of course. Just take any you like Jocelin.'' His words so casual as if it was no more than offering a polite handshake. Time passed and conversation was rich and intimate, like a family or gathering of very close friends. Aldrakar and Jocelin shared a furtive look at the mention of a certain brook that needn't have been furtive but it was anyway. Around this time a servant ventured into the room. It was Jalen, a young but accomplished official in Aldrakar's employ. The man made the smallest of bows as he favored speed and whispered something into Aldrakar's ear when he had made his way to his master's side.

Dabbing his lips with a cloth napkin Aldrakar rose and immediately drew the attention of his boys. ''Sorry boys, there's work I have to attend to.'' His eyes went to Jocelin. ''You have her to play with though! I'm sure she wouldn't mind.'' He grinned and both Asher and Aldrakar II joined him. He walked around the table and Jalen was shrewd enough to make himself vanish from the room without having to be asked. Aldrakar stopped at Jocelin's side and put his hand on hers. ''Don't forget to ask the priest for his council.'' He smiled at her and was in time to prepare himself for the double pronged assault from both of his sons. Both hugged him and begged him to stay, to drink one more glass, to take them with him, to return early, to bring a gift and many more such requests. Aldrakar agreed to many of them, especially the more absurd ones and with a flourish.

After their father had left the room Asher took it upon himself to tug at one of the Sapphire medalions that hung around Jocelin's waist. ''Let's go to Nibbles! He is waiting for us! Nibbles!'' His brother however had very different ideas and looked up at Jocelin with his big blue eyes. ''Want to watch me fight with the sword? I have training soon.. Please!''


Hey there! A little ''in between'' Rp that I used to add a bit of flair to unfolding events. Sorry if it is a bit vague without context but you'll have to manage for now. I trust you can.

Difficult thoughts and troublesome letters

It was a colder day today. The wind had the first real signs of winter's breath upon it and its strength had increased. The trees were noticing this as well and turned their leafs a golden brown. The season was shifting almost like the mood of the man whom sat inside his office. Aldrakar leaned with both arms onto the desk, willing it to move but the heavy oak refused. It was massive, solid and could stop a bolt from a crossbow if need be. A waste truly of the fine craftsmanship but then again, its only a thing, not a life.

Before him a small collection of letters was arrayed. He had read them before and again and again. His face contorted as he recalled the words upon their parchment. Some where soothing, apologetic and a return to the way things should be. The other, much shorter letters held mystery and a dark possibility. His fingers slowly slipped from their grip and slid over the letters, fingers grasping the two that vexed him most. Pushing himself up from the desk he threw them through the room and stood there in silent anger. His reply had already been send but the feeling never left him.

Closing his eyes Aldrakar sought refuge in the memory of happiness, Jocelin appeared to his mind's eye, his boys but also some of his sworn Knights whom had recently departed him. Their memory clashed with the tranquility he sought but failed to attain. Letting out air in frustration Aldrakar peered out the window to gauge the time of day, it was getting late, this further frustrated him.  Taking a deep breath he sat down at the desk again and drew close the nearest report he had to review and set his mind to the task. A thing that required a lot more concentration then it usually did and he hoped that by the time dinner was served, he would have regained enough composure for his boy's not to notice.


Hey again! Today a small Rp dealing with the arrival of Aldrakar in the Capital city of Askileon, nicknamed the Silver City. Its really just a description of the character being in transit but I like writing these kinds of things. It breathes some atmosphere into an otherwise stale set of game mechanics. We are the architects of our own fun after all.

Through the Capital

A myriad of small vessels roamed the waters right in front of the docklands of the Silver City. From tiny rowing boats servicing barges to big war ships cruising the far reaches warding off would be pirates along with regulating the tariff collection that occurred off shore. The one vessel they led through without a fuss was the one flying the flag of the Office of the Imperial Magistrate. Being a high governmental official had its perks and on suggestion of Jalen, Aldrakar employed it.

Disembarking robbed them of any time they had won on their schedule as a large company of soldiers usually brought its own difficulties. Logistics, Logistics Aldrakar thought to himself as he directed a knot of soldiers off the docks and into the main boulevard of Askileon. It cut a straight line through most of the Capital and went directly to the main gate, their destination. The people of the capital were not ignorant of his arrival and before long Aldrakar found himself beset by another small army, not his own men but lawyers, spokesmen and guild representatives eager to utilize this oportunity to get their voices heard. Jalen handled them along with a handful of staff from the Renodin Household. Few against many but quality usually overcame quantity, it proved true this day at least.

Passage through the capital city went rather smooth and Aldrakar and his men were exiting it before the sun had received much chance to start its downward trajectory as it promised to do, every day, in the hours past noon.


Hey there, once more I bring you a piece written not by my hand. Its from the Player of Jocelin Le Drake. Hope you enjoy it and just between you and me. I feel she's much better than me as describing situations and personal thoughts. I envy her skill at that a fair bit. Cheers!

Player of Jocelin Le Drake

Jocelin hadn't yet met with Glauming, but had instead detoured to Sulorte.  Her ride through the countryside that had changed hands numerous times had been silent and solemn; in fact, the closer she got to Aveston the more mournful she'd become.  It was during these private reflections that her clerk --who travelled with her everywhere and helped often with the tax ledgers she perused in her capacity as a courtier-- had fallen in alongside the window of her carriage, though of course he never rode abreast of the conscience noblewoman.  "It's finally come home, my lady; there's no need for sadness."

She'd looked at him askance, familiar with but disliking the times the old man tried to speak informally with her.  He often attended to her in other ways than just copying her words down, to the point that she thought he mistook her for a grandchild of his.  "I'm glad it is... but a lot of people died needlessly for it."  Why fight, if things were never going to change?

That ride had been days ago, and the Jocelin who now had her back to her former capital was smiling at the opposite wall of the carriage.  The curtains were drawn but she could still observe the city as it passed through the wispy material.  It wasn't that which made her smile, however; it was the castle at the port city's heart, and the family she'd become so greatly attached to these past few days.  Before she set sail across the bay for Poryatown she returned to them.

The day was ending when the gates closed behind the carriage.  A footman came out to meet her; Jocelin was already stepping down, her skirts held in one hand so she might hop down more easily.  Her eyes were bright and joyous... but on meeting the footman's she quieted.  She smoothed her skirts and headed inside, requesting to know where Aldrakar and his sons could be found.