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The assorted bits of Aldrakar Renodin's Life

Started by Renodin, September 30, 2013, 11:05:24 AM

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Aaand here is my response. I took on the role of the Captain of the Gatehouse. Decided they knew Jocelin came from D'hara or at least had ties to that Realm. Of course they didn't know she had been a Barcan and a Barcan Ruler at that hehe. Enjoy!

Questions at the Gate

If there ever was a Golden Season it most certainly must be autumn. The sun casts long rays nearly the entire day and where shadows mingle with the browns and yellow and reds of the flora so did those very rays grand magical glows to all it touched. The fields around the Great City were still full of life when Jocelin's carriage came to a halt on the city side of the Gatehouse.

She exited the carriage with ease and enthusiastically at that. From the formidable stone guardhouse that was build into the large gatehouse came a footman to greet her, officially. The gatehouse itself sported a small hearing court for local troubles, a monster bounty collection office, small dungeon and more still. Almost a small magisterial court. A detail of crossbowmen peered down from the gatehouse itself as they whispered boasts to one another as they ogled the Noble lady below. The only notice they gave were the regular outbursts of soft laughing they could not contain and really tried to suppress.

The Footman that went to meet Jocelin was a big man, decked in musculature gained over years of service and dressed in a heavy ring-mail armor that was well belted and around the neck a medalion of sorts that might've given notice of his actual station in the Garrison. The black haired man bowed, a simple and crude action. ''Captain Uleus, My Lady. I welcome you into the City of Giask.'' His words spoken in a full voice that carried easily. Jocelin inquired as to the whereabouts of Aldrakar and his sons. The man could not control himself from frowning at the word -sons- but he recovered quickly enough.

''The Lord of Giask should be at the Palace my Lady.'' He paused for a brief moment. ''However, that would be true if he didn't set sail yesterday for the capital. I've heard that he took his chosen warriors with him. I reckon he's marching against the latest D'haran invaders, my Lady.'' Laughter trickled down onto them as it escaped covered mouths at the mention of the word D'harans.

The Captain of the Gatehouse stood with a straight back as if he hadn't heard a thing. ''The Lord's sons whereabouts are not within my knowledge, I imagine they are with their mentors and tutors, my Lady.''


It continues! Here a bit written by the Player of Jocelin Le Drake. I always enjoy her Rp's they are well written and feel complete. No details left out or forgotten. Enjoy!


Jocelin heard the laughter from above and ignored it, concentrating instead on the man who'd come out to greet her.  Like most men he found himself of almost equal height to the noble lady before the gates, and it might even be said that she had a handful of inches on him.  With the setting sun at her back her shadow stretched beyond Captain Uleus, the first part of her to cross the threshold here at the gate.  She'd long since gotten over how awkward her height made some conversations, and in this case used it for a scolding.  For though she'd changed her colors to those of Luria, she had friends and family in D'Hara, people who had supported and sheltered her when her world was falling apart.  The shift that followed his words was startling: she went from a smiling girl eager to see Aldrakar again to solid ice, her stepford smile dangerous for all its sweetness.

"If the D'Harans are invading... truly, they must be repelled.  But if ever I hear an ill word spoken of them in my presence, or their name accompanied by laughter..." Her face had gone white, and her body shook with suppressed fury.  She met the eyes of each crossbowman above, lingering long enough to memorize their faces.  Some shifted uncomfortably; most, hardened soldiers that they were, met her with blank expressions.  When she'd gone down the line she continued, her voice projecting in grand style.  "I am not your Lady, but I am close to your Lord.  I know him to be a respectful man; would discipline follow, if I inquired after your lack?"  Shared glances between the men gave her her answer.  A cat with a canary could not have looked more predatory than she.

She let the threat hang and gave Captain Uleus her full attention once more.  "I was making for the capital next anyway."  Jocelin turned her back on the Captain, returning to the carriage.  But she didn't leave immediately; she stood on the lowered step and held onto the open door with one hand, fishing around on the seats with the other.  The golden lady returned to the captain with two velvet-wrapped bundles, both awkward in their size and shape.  "Will you send one of your men to deliver these to his lordship's sons?"  Her tone made it less of a request than a command.


I was challenged by Jocelin's player (indirectly perhaps) to write based entirely on NPC's. Me being me, challenge accepted. Here's the result. Hope you like it.

The Uleus Package

A white anger radiated from the golden lady. Captain Uleus stood rooted to the ground and kept a brave face like he had done in the battle-line against the Fissoans last year. This was a different terror however and he weathered it badly.  He stole a breath when Jocelin turned her attention to the crossbowmen atop the gatehouse but soon saw her words directed at him again.

But first she turned her back on the Captain, returning to the carriage.  She stood on the lowered step and held onto the open door with one hand, fishing around on the seats with the other. The golden lady returned to the captain with two velvet-wrapped bundles, both awkward in their size and shape. "Will you send one of your men to deliver these to his lordship's sons?"  Her tone made it less of a request than a command.

Elues's eye widened as he scrambled for a response. ''Yes, my Lady! Of course, I will see to it at once.'' His tone a lot more submissive and quite formal where before one might've detected light mockery. As he accepted the velvet-wrapped packages he cast a glance to his men on the gate that said: Don't you dare say a word to anyone about this! Of course half the garrison would know come dawn.

As the carriage with the golden lady in it departed it was eerily quiet for half a dozen heartbeats but then the gatehouse roared with laughter at their humbled captain. Eleus shouted at them to be quiet but it only got him ridicule. ''Why don't you deliver those package Eul!'' and so, eventually, he did. Day may have been fading but the big city never slept. Its streets now open air taverns and the boulevards became nighttime gardens for the commoners. Captain Eleus grumbled as he made his way through them and wished he could partake, he knew his men were.

After a journey that seemed to take an age he arrived at the steps of the Golden Palace of Giask in full dark. When the sun went down, it went fast. Torches lined the entrance to the prestigious complex and of course he didn't even contemplate to use the main entrance. That was only for Nobles. One of the Side Gates was his point of entry but the scrutiny was no less perhaps even more so because they could toy with him. 6 or so Chosen Guards of the Golden Palace barred his way and questioned him about his business. He received mockery for his claims but the proof was right there in his hands, velvet! No way that a captain could afford one, let alone two such lengths of the stuff.

After at least 20 minutes of needless delays was Eleus permitted to hand the packages over to a palace official and to, under guard, accompany it to the Scions of House Renodin. He really had very little choice in the matter so he agreed with bowed head. The packages were carried. one each by a servant and led by the official, a man of small physical stature but he had kind eyes at least, so Eleus decided.

The official took them to one of the west wings of the main palatial structure. Here they entered a room that extended into the garden. It was designed so that it blended with a terrace that in turn bordered a large pond. Beautiful and very Mediterranean. Soft limestone stretched seamlessly from the palace all the way to the water's edge and was richly furnished with reclining chairs and low tables and exotic, potted plants which gave off a fantastic scent. A small birdcage of gilded gold stood near the water's edge and from it 2 nightingales sang. Eleus was dumbstruck by all the wealth so easily on display. The official however took no note of it at all as he went straight to the water's edge. Here a low, round table of dark orange wood was surrounded by Romanesque sofa's. Space for 2 at most per sofa. The setup was completed by a set of large cast iron braziers which were wonderfully created of ''woven'' bars into a bell shape. Lying onto such sofa's and opposite of one another were Aldrakar II and Asher. A bit away sat a hazel eyed girl barely a woman whom's seemed the first to react to the presence of the newcomers.

''Yes Kirian what is it?'' Madelin's voice was soft and melodic yet with an undertone of authority. ''This man is Captain Eleus of the Outer West Gate, Lower City District. He has been instructed by the Lady Jocelin Le Drake to deliver these two package to the Scions of House Renodin.'' Kirian motioned first at Eleus and then at the packages being carried by the two accompanying servants. ''The packages have been checked?'' Her tone bespoke the true question as she was careful of her wards. Kirian nodded. ''Very well, thank you Kirian.'' Madelin gave him the smallest of smiles as she dismissed him and gestured for the 2 servants to approach and present the packages to the boys. Captain Eleus felt a bit lost, but he managed to catch the young woman's eye and understood he was to simply remain where he was, an easy enough task for a soldier.

The servants skillfully knelt down as they presented the velvet wrapped packages, themselves as unaware of its content as the boys were. Asher was the first to dig in and tore at the fabric. Ripping to bits a year's worth of wage for a fisherman in but moments as he amply employed a fork had previously been using to snatch boiled fruits from a small cup. Aldrakar II however attempted to carefully unwrap whatever was inside and took a great deal longer naturally. Whatever was inside however, it was sure to surprise and delight them, at least, so they both hoped.


And of course did the Player of Jocelin Le Drake deliver! and in what a magnificent way I must add. Enjoy!

Player of Jocelin Le Drake:

Jocelin had known exactly where to go in Sulorte for gifts for the boys.  First, she'd sent a servant to the very same artisan who'd designed the tack for her horse, the silver-gilded saddle that had been stolen from the stable of an inn she'd once stayed in.  The white leather had been interesting to watch her servants maintain, though of course she'd never touched it herself.  The bundle meant for Asher was no saddle, but as he tore it open the velvet fell away to reveal a soft brown bridle set with garnets.  It lay across a thick book of different riding styles, annotated for easier reading by a young reader in her own hand.  Jocelin knew only a little herself, but that hadn't meant she couldn't sit down with an experienced rider and dictate what he said.

The third item in Asher's gift was hidden in a soft leather pouch with a red drawstring.  When Asher loosened it and emptied the bag into his palm a trio of small wooden horses spilled out.  The first two landed in his small hand; the third bounced off his fingers and clattered on the floor.  He picked it up by its front legs and showed it to his brother, "Look Aldrakar!  It's Nibbles!"

Aldrakar only glanced up, intent on his own present.  The untorn wrapping finally fell away to reveal a wooden buckler painted with his family's heraldic device.  It was not meant for his hand but for his forearm, meaning the young swordsman could wear it regardless if he was using a one-handed or two-handed practice sword.  And another book, this time more ancient than his brother's, was a biography of master swordsmen from across Dwilight.  There was also a bag of candied grapes from some vineyard or another in Sulorte, though a tag instructed him to share them with Asher.  Aldrakar II's eyes lit up.


Jocelin reached the docks by nightfall... but encountered a problem.

"Do you know who I am?"  She demanded, furious still from her encounter at the gatehouse.  The man she spoke to was captain of a vessel bound for Askileon.  Dark eyes watched her outburst from a face worn with wrinkles, their perpetual squinting a legacy from years of sun-kissed waters and cloudless days.  His hair was thick and ropy; his clothes a collection of salt-rotted silks and brass medallions.  She'd have chosen another vessel if there'd been one (or at least someone who didn't smell like he'd napped in the bilge) but there hadn't been.  Not at this hour.

He had the good presence of mind not to spit in front of her through his rotted teeth, though she could see the ripple in his neck as he fought the urge.  The captain bowed low, his tone mocking, "I know who ye are, m'lady: penniless.  I don't take passengers who can't show me gold."

Jocelin's glare could put Captain Uleus in his place, but this man simply smiled, his polite expression bordering on insolence.  If he hadn't been right the fair lady might have contested him; instead she stared him down for one long, cold minute before turning away.  Humiliation made her walk just a little faster off the dock where his Victory's Slit was tied.  Behind her came a tsk and a splat of something wet slapping on the water.

Her bonds from D'Hara had become worthless since coming to Luria Nova, and against all common sense she'd used the last of her gold on gifts for the boys.  It also seemed that --though nothing could get her to admit it aloud-- there was a very likely chance that her visit to Sulorte had not been for nostalgia's sake.

With the infuriating captain out of earshot her gaze returned to the moonlit sea, where she imagined Aldrakar getting further and further away.  He was off to face the D'Harans in battle... and she hadn't been able to see him before he left.  She hated herself for it: she wanted no more bloodshed, but if someone had to bleed it couldn't be him.  There were reasonable reasons for her concern... though none that she wanted to admit aloud.

He'll be okay, Jocelin reassured herself.  Aldrakar was not Erasmus: he was a skilled swordsman, and it wasn't like there was going to be a duel to the death on the field.  And while it irritated her that she couldn't follow him across the bay, she had to trust that he'd be alright.  By that thinking she could now focus on her duties elsewhere.


Evening! Morning! Good afternoon perhaps. Whichever it is you elected to be your past time reading moment, Look here.. I've got a little treat for you. Aldrakar sitting about reminiscing old times. That and other stuff of course, go ahead and find you. We both know you want to.

The Dews

It still looked the same. Yesterday they rode along the coast and visited some 3 villages along the way. The houses were still build of good timber and the roofs still sported clay tiles. Tiles were expensive Aldrakar had learned but not here, not in the Dews. Prosperity favored these peoples. They lived in communities nestled atop or between large hills and the land was good to them. It was fertile land, good for cattle and good for crops. The ocean brought a veritable bounty in fish and kelp. Kelp tasted horrible Aldrakar thought but it was good grub for the peasants and soldiers. How he had risen since the days of his beginnings here.

Resplendent in a full field-plate armor of pristine quality with sheets of exquisite steel layered one atop and over the other. Spaulders engraved with his dynastic iconography and draped in snow white fur. His vambraces felt like the wristbands of heroes and his polished sabatons were worked into unforgiving grey walls. Engraved with intricate patterns of great carps swimming up a steel waterfall that reached just over his knees. Gently fluttering from his back was a thick cotton and leather cape of rich brown that knew a border of heavy gold thread and was clasped at his shoulders with round deflectors of steel worked with gold. A plated belt circumvented his girth and from it a scabbard hung, displaying an impressive, rose topaz pommeled sword. His helm was still attached to his saddle and the horse not far away, being held by Marc, a young squire.

How he had risen indeed since he had started out a Knight of Mattan Dews. Aldrakar stood atop a low hill, barely a man's height that was cut in twine by a little winding road that led to the entrance of this particular village. It bore no other name than Cale, the village of Cale. It was typical, snug and produced a lot of carrots. Aldrakar watched as his men and those of other Nobles were finishing the repacking of gear or actually already setting out, back to Ciarin Tut. The command had been given Not to Provoke an attack and the men were giving way to the League's Host. A few men botched a crate as they tried to tie it to a donkey. The poor beast balked and the crate shattered on the ground as it fell. Spilling the content of a good dozen bottles of wine.  The soldiers cursed the creature but it really had been their fault.

Aldrakar motioned with his steel hand towards the small group and one of his chosen men-at-arms strode towards them and sorted them out. He thought back on days long past. Seoras, do you ever think back of the time we spend here? Fighting beasts and returning home to Prince Hendrick's estate, covered in mud and full of grand stories. A smile banished the hard look that had claimed his features before as the thoughts came to him. You better! Because I do.

The horse whinnied, it thumped the grass impatiently with his hoof. Aldrakar turned his head to the beautiful beast. ''Easy Bescus, peace.'' His voice smooth and soothing. The ground gave a small bit of way as he walked over to Bescus. The wind provided a gust and in that moment Aldrakar pulled himself up into the saddle.. with help from Marc.  Bescus was a tall horse, a proper warhorse. Strong and fierce and trained to kick and bite and turn on the spot. In full armor it was virtually impossible to get up alone and Aldrakar prided himself that he had never needed a crane to be hoisted into the saddle. The day he needed that would be the day he stopped being a horseman he vowed. That or adopting lighter armor, probably the latter.

The familiar feel of the reins in his hand and feeling the power of the animal between his thighs made Aldrakar laugh out loud. Marc smiled a surprised smile, it was good to see his Liege happy. ''Marc, round up the stragglers and head for the regional capital of Hawk's Nest in Ciarin Tut. I fancy a bit of a ride.'' He grinned at Marc and the young man beamed. ''Yes Sire!'' At that Aldrakar gave a cheerful warcry and let fly the reins of Bescus. ''Ride! For the terrible dawn we meet with happy heart!'' Clods of dirt topped with grass flew up into the air as the Lord of Giask powered past the trains of marching soldiers. His golden hair spilling behind him and whipping about like a very short banner. From the flanks of the train and emptying encampments other riders joined him. Lesser Knights from Giask, Men-at-Arms and perhaps other High Nobles.

So Aldrakar made his way to Ciarin Tut in a very reckless but very fun fashion. His Stable-master would probably curse him for riding on his warhorse outside of combat but he didn't care.


Evening! Just a little snack, that's all. Can't be bad its just a little snack right?... Right? Go on.. indulge yourself. read on.

Dark wind and Clear skies

The hubbub of a hundred patrons provided a merry and companionable setting as Aldrakar enjoyed a goblet of deep red wine. A fire lazily consumed a collection of hardwood blocks in the near black sandstone hearth. The wood crinkled under the incendiary touch and heat radiated into the large room. It did so with cozy noises and the occasional soft pang as air escaped the pressure of the wood. It was one of the better Inns in Askileon.

In his hand Aldrakar held a small bit of parchment, his eyes had roamed it many times already this day.  The day had been long and his men lounged about when the smithies were busy restoring their gear. His eyes danced in the firelight and his wine stained lips formed a never ending smile. At his feet lay an ivory coated Labrador, a breed of dog. Its dark eyes steady on Aldrakar's other hand as he played with a bit of meat that he had intended to eat himself but as he caught the look of the loyal and patient dog he changed his mind.

''Its your lucky night, here you go.'' And with that he throw the morsel to the dog whom expertly caught it in its maw, also expertly ignoring Aldrakar's words at that.


Got something dark for you today. Its perhaps a grave situation but still, its pretty grim if you ask me. Decide for yourself and hopefully.. enjoy!

The Last Day of Autumn

The day was fleeting. The sun cast long shadows across the land and a cold wind reigned in the streets of Askileon. Near the Palace Hill at the main square a big crowd was gathered. They braved the weather, they braved the cold and they cheered the justice to be exacted upon one of their betters. The main square was a big place with its huge slabs of solid rock, arches but for this occasion it seemed small. At the north side of the square, where it faced the stars if there hadn't been any clouds, a channel ran along it. One of the main waterways for the Silver city. On the central bridge, the largest and most decorated one, stood a wooden construction.

Erected there and subsequently blocking passage over the main bridge stood the execution pavilion. There was no gallows, there was no chopping block but neither was there a breaking wheel or any such. There was a rope.

Part of the pavilion was designed to be a small tribune where officials of the Judicial body sat. Grey haired men in resplendent robes and with much fine jewelry. Their faces all frowns and disdain. Some even wore Galero's or other fancy headpieces. In their middle sat a youth, nay, a man looking young by comparison. A blond haired man with the distinguished build of a warrior but dressed in the official clothes of the office of the Imperial Magistrate. Full ornate.

The crowd of commoners growled, leered as their patience was running thin and who could blame them it was dreadful weather. Thin droplets of rain started to cascade from the heavens. Woven into fine sheets of water as it washed over them. The grey and white bridge shone wet. A company of guards in black and gold uniform over armor escorted a double donkey drawn cart. Affixed to an upright beam in the cart was a man. His hair a mess, his face angry, sad and defiant. He was no commoner and they all knew it. They knew it for his fancy clothes, now stained. They knew it for his arrogant posture, a feat indeed in his condition. They knew it, for they knew his name.

The Magisterial Guards were strong and they forced the Noble from the cart with little mercy. Jeers erupted from the angry crowds and with it came rotten vegetables, eggs, turds and small stones. The guards ignored it, the Noble was targeted. He looked clean by comparison from the time the cart arrived and when the Noble was on the Pavilion on the main bridge.

The Imperial Magistrate beheld the Noble being presented by the Guards. They made him face the tribune and held him upright. Rain poured down upon his naked face, his wet hair clinging to his chin.  ''Sir Ushio of House Puff!'' Aldrakar's Voice Boomed from the Tribune. ''These are the Crimes you have been found guilty off!'' The crowd's insanity and rage achieved a new crescendo. '' ...and High Treason!'' where the last words that were audible from Aldrakar's mouth.

Aldrakar stood up from his seat. The canvas over the tribune shielding him from the rain and elements but the wind rebelled and tugged fiercely on it. He raised an arm and pointed with a gloved black hand at Ushio. ''You are hereby sentenced to Death. Hung from the neck until dead.'' With that he sat down again. His face so hard it could have been chiseled from granite.

Ushio struggled for a moment as the Magisterial Guards put their hands on him. He wasn't strong enough and they outnumbered him. Some in crowd yelled their approval, their hate, they gave voice to their struggle that was know as inequality and vented it onto the Sentenced Noble. A thick rope was force over Ushio's neck, he avoided it twice through agility but 2 hard punches to his gut saw his efforts in vain. They ushered him to the edge of the Main bridge and halted.

The Guards looked to the Imperial Magistrate for confirmation. Aldrakar gave a solemn nod, his face dark. The guards pushed Ushio off the bridge. One of the guards grinned and his white teeth were wicked in the dim light of dusk. The crowd moved, it ceased its noise. A gurgle seemed to cut over the entire square. The body gave a series of spasms. Rain lapped Ushio's body. The rope stood suddenly taut and Ushio moved no more, save for a gentle sway that slowly ceased.


Mornin', just a little descriptive Rp of Aldrakar arriving at the City of Giask. I feel that these kinds of Rp's really help other players get a feel for the game, the atmosphere and the general scene of things. I try to encourage by example and some pick up on it. When they do I usually try to tell myself I helped a tiny wee bit with that. Which is hubris hehe.

The Cold Sea

Turquoise was the ocean, it was this color only at the shore usually but seasoned fishermen knew that you could find more such azure spots further out. In truth, wherever the sea was shallow you could find this shade of ocean. Where the white sands or rock reflected the light of the sun through a thin layer of clear water. It is a beautiful thing to see but as any seaman worth his salt knows, its a dangerous beauty.

The ship cut through the small waves with ease. the sails stood taut and Aldrakar was at the prow. His hands nestled in gloves made of supple, brown leather. His fingers gripped the railing as he looked at the City of Giask. It wouldn't be long before they would start mooring the ship. Sailors were already preparing the pegs for ropes, unfastening poles, sails prepared for stowing and canvas hauled from storage. He gave them a passing glance but his mind didn't linger on their activity. That morning a bird had found them and brought a worrisome report. A Lurian army suffered a defeat in the lands of the Morek Empire. A sickly smile appeared on his lips briefly. And here I am traveling from one big city to another. Dishing out justice. The thoughts sounded bitter to himself and he was glad for the bit of solitude he found at the front of the ship.

The Grand harbor stretched out before them, it engulfed their now tiny ship. The arms of the hundreds of cranes worked the vessels within their reach. Despite it being winter, the merchants and ferries continued to brave the waters of the Euschean sea. A special dock was reserved for the Lord of Giask. A beautiful, fortified piece. Here Aldrakar disembarked, over a hundred Armored Skirmishers were disgorged with him and they stood tall. Proud to be back in the City of their Lord. A small crowd of commoners had gathered to witness the event. Some cheered, some yelled but overall their mood was positive, even on a cold day such as this.

Aldrakar raised a hand in greeting to them. His oak brown cape spilled behind him and revealed his suit of clothes in military fashion. Very fine but also hinting strongly at his martial intentions. He briskly passed the crowd, his captain organizing a guard to accompany him. Before he could mount a horse however Aldrakar was waylaid by a cluster of officials. They are more adept at this than seasoned campaigners! He sighed and relented.

The officials reported substantial improvements in the city's inner workings. Commercial disputes settled, trade lanes reopened, Grain shipments distributed effectively, legal matters resolved.  It peaked Aldrakar's interest. The cold wind competed for his attention and nearly won. He tugged his cape more tightly around his body as he drank in the reports standing beside readied horses. Bescus pawed the pavement with his hoof, he didn't like waiting. Imperious Horse.

His eyes and the words of the officials taught him that Jocelin was to thank for this. She was in the City? He grinned and wrapped the reports together hastily. He pushed them back into the hands of the nearest official. ''Good work! Make sure she isn't hindered in any way!'' A fierce smile conquered his face as he accepted the challenge of the biting wind and faced it head on. His golden hair akin to the waves of the ocean and he rode.

Headed for the Golden Palace, his home, his sons and perhaps a lovely woman? He let Bescun gallop to his heart's content, much to the dismay of roadside merchants and their stalls all along the main boulevard. Some of the younger generation cheered their Lord as he rode through the streets so brazenly and called out his name.


Hey there! The Jocelin / Aldrakar Saga continues! I'll be posting a string of Rp's written by my hand but also by the Player of Jocelin Le Drake. She is in all ways a beautiful and skilled writer. I often marvel at her ability to characterize and convey meaning. Anyhow.. Here they are, enjoy!

From the Palace to the Office - Aldrakar

Cold winds urge him on. Bescus grunted and powered through the broad boulevards. The large horse reluctantly halted at the grand entrance to the Golden Palace. A veritable procession of servants streamed from the sides, main stairs and stables to attend to their Lord. Huge tropical gardens stretched left and right of the imposing entrance, dotted among the flora large fire-pots burned low. Buried in the soil and ensured the more delicate plants could endure the colder days of the already mild winter. It also added a fanciful glow to the entire place.

Still mounted Aldrakar called out to a meticulously dressed young man. Exceptional blue silks and fine cream white cotton. His hands decorated with at least 3 rings of precious metals with even more precious gems set in them. ''Is she at the Palace Jalen?!'' Bescus raised himself up on his hind-legs and when he came down on all four again his front hooves clashed mightily with the rock below.

Jalen manouvered away from the great horse and addressed his Lord. ''No, she is not, master. She was here though and she..'' He was cut off by the combined yelling of Asher and Aldrakar II as they rushed down the steps towards their father. ''Boys!'' Aldrakar called out to them in good cheer and he dismounted, not wanting Bescus to harm them. The boys crashed into him as he lowered himself and scooped them up, one on each arm. Their voices a riot and the servants tending to the horse, bringing refreshments and also the ever daring yet reluctant officials with their reports, standing close by.

Jalen was the first of the servants to attempt to intercede ''Master Aldrakar? The Lady Jocelin was last seen leaving the Palatial grounds somewhere this afternoon.'' This got Aldrakar's attention. ''She has been tending to the City one could say.'' Jalen's voice became slightly teasing as he knew he was building up suspense. ''Out with it man! Where is she?'' Aldrakar's voice forceful but also full of joy. ''The main taxation office I believe, that is.. if I've got my information right.'' Jalen always had his information right, it was more kind and subtle mockery. Aldrakar did not mind it and had a retort most fitting. ''Boy's! This man is a danger to the City! We must defeat him! Go! get him! Rwaarrr!'' He unleashed both his progeny upon the young official and poor Jalen didn't stand a chance.

Content knowing Jalen got what he deserved at the hands of two young Noble boys he gestured for Bescus before a servant led him away towards the stables. Glancing back he saw how Jalen gave in and fell to the floor in good humor. His cloths ruined but all three of them laughing. It was good to teach the boys about the bonds people share and also good for the servants to know that they were all people first and foremost. Bescus however didn't like the noise and his ears showed it. ''Alright, off we are then, you grump.'' Aldrakar told the Horse and indeed, they were off.

Night was falling and as one might expect from a metropolitan city, it bustled day and night. Candles, braziers and torches illuminated the vast city. Music rang in the squares and laughter burst from every tavern door. The grain ships were being unloaded and the endless stream of carts filled the streets leading up the granaries. An undertaking that was impossible during day when those very streets were filled with people.

With just 4 guards, all fresh recruits from the newly inaugurated Heavy Cavalry training center did Aldrakar arrive at the Taxation office. The place was walled, it had its own guards and looked rather beautiful actually. Good stone, fine plants and designed to last in case of an assault. The small gates swung open as the men on duty recognized the man that approached and Aldrakar rode into the small courtyard with gusto. Here he brought the mighty horse to a standstill and leapt with fresh energy from him.

His hands working to un-glove them and his eyes searching.



The sound of the gate opening without caught Jocelin's attention.  Heavy armor crashed against itself, and the cloudy glass window did little to suppress the sound of hoof boots clattering in the cobbled yard.  A cacophony of unidentifiable noises followed; her imagination marked it as either armored bodies dismounting or a multitude of pots and pans raining from the sky.  Whatever it was, she sat back and stretched at her desk, her joints cracking audibly from long hours of sitting still.  Willing her suspicion as to the source of this noise to be true, Jocelin marked the pages she was on and stepped to the window, half-intending to return to the office after.  The warped glass distorted her view of who had arrived; Jocelin pulled it up and leaned out, shivering as she did against the worsening winter weather.  Torches had been  lit around the building, and there was no mistaking the man who dismounted in the torchlight.


The excitement in her tone was undeniable, and even Jocelin didn't try to hide it.  As quickly as she'd arrived at the window she was gone, leaving it open behind her.  She gathered her skirts and descended the stairs two at a time, propriety forgotten.  At the bottom her fine slippers (as tall as she was, there was never a reason for lifts) caught the edge of her skirt; she tripped down the last two steps, not falling but instead hurtling herself against the wall opposite the staircase.  A clerk stared at her from the far end of the narrow hallway, perhaps having forgotten that she was even in the building and wondering why a noble lady was throwing herself down the stairs.  Jocelin groaned and pushed herself off, gingerly working the wrist she'd caught herself with.  And so Aldrakar would find her: bruised, bespectacled and sore, but otherwise undamaged.


You shall.. Kinda pass - Aldrakar

He walked several steps in the courtyard, taking in the place. It was made of whitewashed rock walls. Good oaken doors promised a hard time getting though them without a key and the small watchtower build into the border of the enclosing wall gave it a wee bit of a militaristic aroma. Leather boots sounded against the cobble and behind him Bescus asserted his dominance over the other horses by snorting heavily and shaking his massive head. The horses of the 4 heavy cavalry men were quick to challenge and quick to realize that they were outmatched by the towering beast that was Bescus.

Aldrakar was tucking his leather gloves in his belt when his ears registered a strange noise coming from somewhere inside the taxation building. The front door opened and from it an older man emerged in good clothing with a stern face. He bowed and before he could utter his name and rank Aldrakar was upon him. ''I'm looking for the Lady Jocelin, have you seen her?'' The man faced down the fountain of vitality that was Aldrakar and replied calmly. ''But of course Lord. She's been here most of the day.'' He faltered for a moment when Aldrakar made to move but didn't. ''Would it please the Lord to see our records?'' The man brought it very convincingly. His eyes soft and his lips almost pleading. A natural born negotiator. Aldrakar squinted his eyes almost instantly. ''I did not come here to review your ledgers. They should be in order and if they ain't the clerks at the Palace will find out. You know this.'' Aldrakar subconsciously tried to peer over the smaller man's shoulder. The older man made himself big in response and tried to fill the space that was the doorway.

After an awkward half a dozen heartbeats Aldrakar stared the older man down. Realizing he was trying to keep him out. ''What's going on? Stand aside.'' His tone light but hardening. The senior clerk winched and made a pained expression. ''Just a moment longer your Lordship.'' Aldrakar pushed past him, knocking the smaller man aside. 2 of the now dismounted heavy cavalrymen quick to follow their Lord.

Exploring the interior of the Tax Office Aldrakar spotted several clerks working overtime, good furniture, heaps and heaps of scrolls and ledgers and Jocelin. Getting up from the base of the staircase. His eye first traveling up said stairs but found no perpetrator. He moved to help her get up. ''Jocelin.'' Are you alright? the words unspoken but definitely expressed. 



Jocelin was no worse for the wear, though perhaps bruised beneath her gown.  She shot a scathing look at the clerks and --seeing that they were pointedly trying to avoid her gaze-- stood taller, satisfied.  It was only when she heard her name that she remembered just why she'd come sprinting down the steps.  Her eyes found those of the man who'd helped her up.  I missed you.  She never uttered it for fear of coming off too strong, but her smile said as much.  There was a hyper-awareness in her of everything about him that had sent her rushing out the door.


As always, the presence of others and her own sense of propriety made her wall herself off.  Jocelin tamed her expression and looked him over, her happiness bubbling just below the surface.  "Are you well?"  I heard about the execution.  She studied his face for signs that everything was right with his world, her golden eyes as piercing as they were when studying documents.  Over his shoulder the man who'd stopped Aldrakar at the door hovered; Jocelin fixed him with that stare.  He lingered a moment and then beckoned to the others to clear the room.  Not a minute later they were alone.

"I've kept myself busy."


The Answers - Aldrakar

"I've kept myself busy." Her voice level, modest but he believed he also heard that untamed laughter that had become such an embedded memory since her tumble in the palatial gardens of Giask. As she recovered and realized her purpose and then in quick succession realized the presence of other Aldrakar had already blocked them out. He was never a hiding man, not emotionally nor physically or even spiritually however the latter was most definitively the most secluded of the three.

''How I've been?'' His voice direct, it trailed and didn't stop making sound after the final word. His mind working the possible answers. He didn't like a good deal of the options available. His gaze belied some of those thoughts and he didn't try to hide the feelings that must show when the nastier events passed his mind's eye. ''I've been in suspense.'' He studied her face. ''What did Glaumring tell you? Did you get the answers your were looking for? The first thing I got from you is a short letter and it was only one small letter!'' He couldn't help himself smiling. ''I've send at last two dozen!'' Easily overstating the fact but acting dramatic. ''I could've broken my wrist you know.'' His lips covered his white teeth again but a smile remained and his hand sought to hold hers.

''So, what did you learn? and don't tell me the exact number of trade ship captains that haven't payed the proper amounts of tariffs or some such!'' His eyes smiled more than anything else but they didn't entirely linger on Jocelin though. His mind directed them to study the stair case also. ''Must be either really good news or really bad, if you were in such a rush to tell me.'' He looked owlish at her. ''Or am I simply -That- stunning? No idle flattery now, give me the truth.''



"I never saw Glaumring."  She'd tried, but business and other distractions had kept them apart.  Now he was miles beyond her reach.  "But I saw another.  An acolyte at the temple pointed the way."  A large donation was... not owed, but earned, and she would give it gladly.  As he chastised her a smile grew on Jocelin's face, for she knew it to be in jest.  Even his pointed glance at the staircase wasn't enough to shame her.

An idea occurred to the normally severe noblewoman, and she smirked.  For someone so forthright as Aldrakar the following silence must be maddening... or so she hoped.  Would a little more suspense be unwelcome?  The hand that sought hers was instead caught, and she turned it delicately between her two hands so that his palm faced the ceiling.  Jocelin tsked, her thumbs deliberately massaging the inside of his wrist in slow, deliberate circles.  She turned it this way and that, feigning intense study.  "I'm sorry to have caused you any discomfort."  Her fingers laced themselves through his.  The color rose in her cheeks, and she became acutely aware of voices elsewhere in the building.  But they themselves were still alone, and she silenced any other doubts Aldrakar might have with a kiss.  Her lips first found the corner of his mouth with a chasteness befitting a noble lady; the one that followed was properly improper as she opened her mouth against his, her free hand rising between them to rest along his stubbled jaw.


First Admission - Aldrakar

Jocelin held his hand, she massaged it gently. "I'm sorry to have caused you any discomfort." Time seemed to stretch but Aldrakar would purr like a big cat if only he could. At the same time would he impatiently whip his tail from left to right with the same metaphor in mind. Her fingers laced with his. He looked at her and saw the color of cherries form perfect moons on her cheeks. His lips parted to speak but the intake of breath he was unable to use for words where her lips met his. She remained a tease in his mind. First the corner of his mouth and he didn't move, then she truly kissed him. Her hand on his jaw and he leaned forwards, his hands roving from her sides over her back and pulled her close.

After a long series of moments he disengaged from her but was possessive enough to hold her in a loose embrace. Allowing her to lean back slightly as he held her waist with extended arms. ''I must be -That- stunning.'' He laughed aloud but soon focused his attention back on her. ''Whatever this is, it must be good.'' He let go of her and moved towards the exist of the taxation office. ''Let's go, I think we've worked hard enough for one day.'' He looked up through one of the windows. One hand working the door, the other extended towards Jocelin. ''Ever rode a warhorse?'' His faced betrayed his skeptical thoughts.