Author Topic: The assorted bits of Aldrakar Renodin's Life  (Read 72845 times)


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Re: The assorted bits of Aldrakar Renodin's Life
« Reply #30: November 18, 2013, 10:44:39 AM »
Continued. But here there is no need really for warning of any kind. Just some silly Aldrakaring. It is kinda the conclusion of the string of RPs. Aldrakar has to return to the war-front and Lucini has to tend to the Justice department. Kinda curious combination. Judge and General in love.

To kill or not to kill.

Feeling Lucini stir and move closer to him prompted Aldrakar to hold her closer with the one arm he had free to hold her with. His eyes peering at the door for a moment until the obvious sounds of activity started to vanish from behind it. ''Kill her?'' A short pauze ensued. ''She'll die at once!'' He proclaimed as he lifted his torso into an upright sitting position. Snatching up one of the pillow he accurately threw it at the door in a fluent motion. The pillow arched lazily through the air before crashing against the door. Aldrakar looked down at the beautiful huddle that was Lucini under the blankets. ''Death by pillow.. first attempt seems to be a failure.''

Leaning down towards her face Aldrakar wanted to plant a kiss on her cheek but found his path blocked by jet black hair. Brushing them aside with his hand it felt natural to him to simply guide her face to turn to his before kissing her tenderly on the lips. His blue eyes only showing themselves after the kiss was completed. Ignoring the second part of her inquery ''Attempt two shall be succesful, I swear it.'' Aldrakar withdrew entirely and pushed himself off from the bed and stood up.

In the sneaking rays of sunlight that had penetrated the curtains Aldrakar strode naked towards the door. ''I'm certain this pillow will be a lethal murder weapon. Look at the cutting edge on it!'' He proffesed in mock amazement as he snatched the pillow up again with a simple display of agility as he bend down to grab it with one extended arm while keeping his legs straight.

Unlocking and then opening the door of the bedchamber Aldrakar held the pillow up menacingly as he strode boldly out of the room. A sound of something soft landing some distance away could be heard and soon was followed by Aldrakar entering the room again. This time however he carried a tray of morning foods. A steaming teapot and several fried pieces of meat and egg. Warm, aromatic bread and several other items not quite visible at first glance. He set the tray down at the end of the bed where he had taken seat.

''You'll have to come and get it if you want any of this.'' He said in a teasing manner but also with an undertone of truth. His hands ripped apart a piece of bread in twine and saw both of them decorated with some of the red fried meat. Bringing the first part to his mouth and eating it he set the second aside in lucini's general direction. Munching on the food Aldrakar looked at the origin of the sunlight and quietly contemplated for a short time. His eyes looked over to Lucini while turning his head to her with a small smile. His mouth was too full to actually properly speak and the thought almost made him laugh out loud.

An annoying fact wormed its way into his mind and with it his demeanor turned more business-like. He got up from the bed and started to collect his clothes. Arranging them in a sloppy manner he started to dress. After getting into his trousers and fastening his belt he looked up at Lucini. ''The ship will set sail soon. I'll have to hurry.''