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The assorted bits of Aldrakar Renodin's Life

Started by Renodin, September 30, 2013, 11:05:24 AM

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Hello again, hope you enjoyed your day so far. If you haven't and are in desperate need of a little distraction I may have got what you need.
A roleplay about Aldrakar becoming a Cavalier. Now now, don't shy. Go ahead and read, even if you had a smashing day!

Vows of Chivalry

The land was alive. Riding through the fields of the far flung lands of Santoo the thought of war could be forgotten if only for a brief moment. Nature did not bow under the heavy weight which man had put around its neck. The day was young but the sun was already determined to reach its zenith and secretly conspired to not leave it for a very long time indeed. With this promise of a light and warmth inundated day, Aldrakar had decided to try and arrive before the day became too hot yet again.

A family of ducklings was waddling through the towering blades of grass and reeds that cluttered the riverside. The life-giving waters enabling the land to blossom to its fullest. Flowers blanketed the land and every bush was fragrant. Aldrakar gently urged his horse on as he drank in the simple wonders around him and simply smiled. Today the dark thoughts would be anchored. He had not been able to locate Lucini, his wife. Not a man nor woman knew where she was it seemed.

The end of the road would be close to Falstor Manor. It was the ancient yet humble abode of his friend and also Grandmaster of the Order of the White Rose. It was situated near the very first Order Chapter house which was the finish of this particular journey. It lay not very far away now. The road led around the servant houses of the manor and then as it went uphill one could spot the chapter house when reaching its diminutive peak.

Placing a bare hand on the neck of the chestnut-brown, hunter horse Aldrakar brought it to a gradual stop. He swung a leg over the side and dropped down and instantly felt the effects of sitting too long in the saddle. ''Thanks friend'' He murmured to the horse as he scratched it behind its ear and continued with fastening its reins to a post that stood silent vigil outside the chapter house.

A young man with the countenance of a boy clad in simple grey, woolen clothes came out of the building to greet him. ''Lord Senechal Aldrakar! Its been an age M'lord!'' The youth said and finished it with a toothy smile. ''Just Aldrakar today Orbin. You know I've never stood on protocol like that.'' The gentle tone disrupted as Aldrakar jabbed playfully at Orbin's rips. He in turn blocked deftly and his martial training showed in that instance. ''Good.'' Aldrakar proffered as he looked the youth over.

Together they entered the Chapter house and their footfalls made them seem like giants as the cobble resonated and the silence amplified the sound. A small crowd was gathered in the main hall of the modest stone building. Aldrakar took his place in the center of the congregation and knelt down. Feeling a pang of loss for the absence of his Flaming Broadsword Aldrakar discovered inner resolve as he drew a steel, straight longsword instead. He held it up horizontally in front of him with both hands as if presented it to those around.

Forming the proper sentences with his mouth did he wait a moment until the last of his restlessness faded to nothing. ''Today, I, Aldrakar of the House Renodin ask you gathered here to witness my vows and acknowledge my sincerity in upholding them.'' A pleased murmur buzzed from the people gathered that were draped in cloth of various  shades of grey. Orbin's face stood our from the crowd as he looked both solemn as he tried to look as dignified as some of the older men and fiercely proud as he looked at Aldrakar.

''I shall take up arms and will my body to the utmost of its limits to defend all that cannot do so themselves and to ever be a shield and guardian of the weak.
So do I vow.''

''In all my days I am still blessed to exist among the realm of the living shall I in all regards uphold justice and see it rendered on all those that shun it or use it for gain or benefit or detriment of others or those that commit crimes base and cruel.
So do I vow.''

''In my heart will I hold dear all that show kindness to me and will forever try to show that kindness to all that I may encounter. Never shall I leave a soul in the dark of night when I sit at a warm fire and neither will I stand aside as weather or man or beast would rob this virtue to be displayed from another.
So do I vow.''

''Regardless of religion, origin or situation upon which I find, all women shall I treat fairly, with honor and will defend them when any would deign to threaten them. I will hold sacred the matrimony of wedlock and observe the duty of husband should I so be entwined.
So do I vow.''

''My wrath, fury and fierce nature as a warrior I will temper and only unleash on those deserving of its devastation. The rage and the unbridled blood-lust will not consume me and I will bar my heart and mind from its temptations.
So do I vow.''

''When I utter forth into the world the words that I am able to speak they shall be laden with truth and always bereft of lies. When others do I find to spout lies it shall be my duty to correct their words and remove doubt from spoken word.
So do I vow.''

''Whenever a fellow Knight of Virtue or Cavalier or Man of Honor asks me for my assistance I shall not turn him away. Upon my honor, I shall do all that I can do to see his request fulfilled and see the greater good prevail.
So do I vow.''

Aldrakar paused a moment and locked eyes with the people that intently looked at him and listened to his words. He then carefully sheathed the blade he had held up for all this time and raised himself with dignity from the kneeling position he had been in. ''We have borne witness and accept your intent, Aldrakar, Man of Honor.'' The voices sounded like one but was in truth were that of many, all spoken almost in sync.

That marked the day that Aldrakar Renodin was accepted as a Cavalier and made his promises to the world and were now another compass by which he could judge his actions and that of others. In the recesses of his mind though, he hoped it would also be enough to soothe the pain that the loss of Lucini ushered evermore into his heart.


Hello thar. This post will detail an RP not from me but directed at Aldrakar. I hope I have permission to post it here but I have a wee feeling I do hmm?  Enjoy!

* Written by the Player of Ellyn Coquard

A chance encounter

"Miss you shouldn't be out here," the man said when Elly slammed into him. "My apologies m'lord," Elly said softly trying to put up her hood with one hand, her fiery curls tousled around her face. The solider looked her over as if he should know her, and Elly prayed that he would let her pass. Dismissing her with a wave, Elly hurried down the lane to the Inn. The man watched her leave, wondering why more woman didn't look like her, and wished he had the time to have asked her her name, but duty called. He finished his small patrol before mounting his horse and heading back the way he came.


Elly didn't breathe till she was back at the inn. The run in with the Ranger caused her heart to sit in her throat. Brushing her friend Mae aside she grabbed a piece of parchment and scribbled a note, painstaking and hopefully legibly with an almost useless hand. There was only one she could write, only one that may be able to help her. Rynn couldn't risk helping her, but she knew one that might be able to.  Blurred by a few tears Elly slowly wrote the letter.


I have put myself in a bit of trouble and hope that you can help me. The silly schoolgirl in me used an opportunity to try to meet up with the Emperor, only to be tossed in a holding pen and kept captive for over a few days. I apologize now for the tears that stain this letter as they are from both a bit of heartbreak as well as pain. I fear now for my life, as Shinnen Purlieus is now back under the Lurian flag any time they could throw me in the dungeon and deport me back to the Lighthouse. I'm in no condidtion to fight anyone, and I had thought that Sholan would have been happy to see me, though perhaps he took one look at me while I was dozing, and thought I a waste of his time. Though injured, worn and beaten no one would look their best.

I don't know where else to turn at this hour, I cannot ask Rynn for help as the Lurians would slaughter him quickly. I will try to stay indoors and not make a spectacle of myself. I thought me a goner when I ran into a  Ranger, but thankfully he thought me a peasant. If you can help me I would appreciate it, but I understand if you cannot. If you cannot please get word to Crown Prince Rynn, as he will need to know of my fate, whatever it might be. I have sent my bird Kleio with this letter, he will always know how to find me.


Elly looked over the letter, the random droplets making the ink run in a few spots, but not important ones. Whistling for Kleio she sent off the letter, before collapsing in pain and exhaustion.


On of the  Rangers made his way back to camp, telling a story about what happened in Shinnen Purlieus. He was telling how he was on patrol and a fiery red head about bowled him over. "She looked to be meek and mild," he said, thinking back to the encounter. "But she looked to be made of steelier stuff," he finished, taking a drink. "I should have asked her name but she seemed to be coming from the Emperor's camp, though she looked as if she had seen better days. Dirty and disheveled, definitely most likely not what the Emperor would go for," he all but chuckled. "She seemed to have an injured wing too, but she could still keep me company any day of the week with a bit of a bath and some finery," he said boasting to his friends.

Looking over his shoulder he wondered if Sir Aldrakar had heard anything he said. He wasn't sure about the man but was learning. A short time later a bird flew into camp, a missive around his leg. The solider  chased the bird down, cursing him when the bugger nipped at his finger. "Bloody hell bird, give me the letter." Finally retrieving it he noticed it was for Aldrakar. Taking it over he cleared his throat. "Sir, a letter for you."


Of course I had to write a reply. Its not a complete package as one would say but a Link in the chain. Perhaps I will post more in the same vein. But before I rhyme myself silly. Best get that posting part done. Have fun!

Message from a Birdie

With the struggling, little bird in one hand and offering the parchment with the other Aldrakar couldn't help but smirk. He was wearing a simple but well made suit of leather clothing. The word armor would have suited better but with the few adjustments to it resembled close enough. Traditional oaken brown mingled with blacks and cream white's made up the scheme of colors out of which it existed only to be topped with sun kissed hair that fell till his shoulders wherever it may. ''Thank you Ranger.'' Aldrakar said to the man as he accepted the parchment and unfurled it to read. Glancing back at the Ranger arguing with the bird ''set in the cage with the other messenger birds. Give it some fresh seed.'' Aldrakar motioned with a tanned hand and resumed reading.

His legs bore him away to the garden or rather practice yard of the Local Royal Rangers Guildhall. The news demanding seclusion so that he could think for a while. While his brow imitated two mountains tumbling towards one another his mind raced with the potential meanings of the small letter he held in his hands. A nearby peach tree offered shade from a warm and bright sun and at the same time settled its fragrant scent onto Aldrakar's person. ''Shinnen Purlieus..'' the word was formed and spoken without much intend and as soon as it was said Aldrakar's gaze left the parchment and stared towards a far away horizon. His thoughts forming and his resolve gaining purpose.

At a brisk pace he returned to the room where he first received Ellyn's letter and looked about for the Ranger in question. Locking eyes with the man Aldrakar spoke in a authoritative voice. ''Find a messenger to reach the Emperor this eve rather than tomorrow. Have the words spoken to his Imperial Highness that Ellyn Coquard is within our borders and that she needs our help. Upon my honor I will vouch for her if he requires it.'' The Ranger paid close attention and seemed actually happy to be given a task to preform for the man who helped build his guild. ''Furthermore'' Aldrakar looked at the man. ''Please get me a scribe and send him to the study here.'' A warm smile heralded the end of speech and the Ranger nodded emphatically. ''As you will it, Master Aldrakar.'' With that the Ranger departed with haste to undoubtedly do which he was tasked to do.

Aldrakar was seen making his way to the little study at this local Royal Rangers guild-house. A poor name for a simple room with a desk and a basic writing kit, it would do however. It would do to aid a friend.


Mornin' its been a while again and I felt like writing a little something. This Rp will illustrate in a small way the scene in one of the border regions of Luria Nova where it borders that of her enemies. Aldrakar is meeting some friends and trying keep warm despite it being autumn! Enjoy.

The Banners of Shinnen Purlieus

The wind was picking up. Its arms ethereal but ever strong and always tugging on the world it swept through. The houses and establishments of Shinnen Purlieus were being boarded up. Many homes that stood on the outskirts of the towns were being converted into a defensible ring. Stakes driven into otherwise open roads, pointing their sharp ends outwards and promising impalement to rushing horses and men.

As soon as summer had given in to Autumn it was clear it would be a messy week. Yesterday had already brought a little amount of rain and surely tomorrow would inundate the land. The towns and roads were packed with soldiers. Greaves soiled with wet mud, armors dull of shine and oft mended a dozen times already. Tents could be found on every open space or hilltop. Banners and livery the only colorful things after the leafs that turned golden and brown.

The mood was good though, battles were getting won and it had just been payday. Every soldier liked being paid and liked it even more if he could spend that coin on beer and women. Unfortunately for them, that would have to wait. Most of the amenities that they were craving for were suspended or simply had departed long before. The lands of Sun Hall had, for some time now, been turned into a war-zone between the realms of Barca, D'hara, Luria Nova and Fissoa with the odd Asylonian mixed in.

Pacing through the thin sludge that floated over the dirt path that led to Knight Talt's encampment Aldrakar drank in the sight that was so very common nowadays. Aldrakar had donned his old armor, he had it returned to him by several loyal servants of Sun Hall. A suit of heavy leathers under a cover of splint-mail and ring-mail mesh. Bellowing behind him was his deep and rich, oaken brown cape. It was still lined with the furs of white minks and thick enough to be a shield against the mercurial weather.

Several of Sir Talt's men recognized him approach and waves merrily at him. Aldrakar had to smile, Talt was perhaps the most dutiful man he knew. Reaching the closest of the seasoned men-at-arms Aldrakar clapped his hand on the man's shoulder and exchanged a few lines that had both men grinning like teenage boys. His eyes scanned the small encampment but failed to spot Sir Talt. ''Give him my warmest of regards.'' He asked of the soldier who in turn nodded reassuringly.

With that Aldrakar walked away, the wind still attempting to chill him to the bone but thwarted by the heavy cape and heat produced by exertion. Even though the armor was build with practicality in mind it was still a bit of a chore to walk around in it. He visited the camps of several other people that day. Sir Cordun, a man ever steadfast. Sir Duer, a man one should always be happy to have on one's side in a fight. Sir Ronan, a man Aldrakar called Lord regardless of title, a fine man. Eddard, his old neighbor when he himself still ruled Sulorte and shortly stopped at the camp of Lady Sibylla. A woman more akin to combat than to any other venture.

As the day grew old and the sun already sinking away beyond the far off horizon Aldrakar felt his legs protest but he refused to remove his armor. The enemy was just beyond the boundaries of the townlands and he would be ready if it was needed. He ended his tour at Castle Madigan where he was admitted by the servants of his Grace, the Duke Hendrick.

A long day getting reacquainted with long lost friends and colleagues.


Hey again, just a wee little Rp I wrote for a Guild Aldrkar is in. The Order of the White Rose, a place for true knights, chivalry and all that. Felt like writing something small, nice and sweet. Like a Belgian chocolate ( a Bon-Bon).

A Good Heart

Discussing training regimes with several of his new soldiers Aldrakar noticed a young man offer challenge to another. The other seemingly offended a girl. The offender had slapped her and yelled at her. The young man rushed to her aid. He helped her back on her feet and as she shuffled behind him he in turn faced the bully.

They ended up in a viscous fist fight that showed neither of them had any true skill. The bully was stronger and mashed the young man's face blue with crimson lines streaking down the corner of his mouth and from his nose. Laughing did the bully turn away and leave, the girl knelt and comforted her champion.

Aldrakar gave a look to the soldier that was talking to him and the man understood the need to stop talking. Walking over towards the couple Aldrakar pulled out his straight sword and allowed the wind to pull at his rich brown cape. ''Stand boy.'' The young man obliged naturally but winched as pain made itself known. Swirling the blade upwards with deft flair did Aldrakar place it on the young man's shoulder.  ''You are now my shield bearer and I shall instruct you in the ways of war so that you may stand against all that would do harm to the innocent, do you accept?''

The young man's face lit up like the mid summer sun and the girl gasped. He agreed and that was that. A man with a good heart was rewarded and the future should prove to be a little bit more bright.


Hey again, today I have a little more grim Rp for you to enjoy. Its a small bit of writing that was meant to set a tone. Its a warzone and been more of a wasteland for a good long while now. This Rp I wrote to accompany my character traveling from one region to the other.

Arrival in Thar Gortauth

With a northern wind guiding him from Garuck Udor Aldrakar rode at the head of a company of men. Not the Shieldguard of old but these were new men. They bore not only the sword and the shield but also the javelin and the sling. As the roads slowly turned from excellent to poor and all along its fading veins do now bodies lay in shallow graves or simply left in the ditches. The countless battles, the skirmishes between common born families. One believing in the old realm and the other in the new realm.

Rotten was the air they breathed. Popping sounds mixed with bubbling rhythm was the chorus of decomposing carcasses as they sang the song of the day, its name was death. With damp pieces of cloth the men shielded mouths and nostrils and in a solemn procession did the Rendorian Armored Skirmishers make their way to the front-lines of Thar Gortauth.

Passing a dilapidated hovel crowed with entirely too many people Aldrakar offered alms to the poor, the wretchedly poor.


Hallo and stay a while. This here Rp I wrote in anticipation of a big battle between the realms of Fissoa and Luria Nova. Some 1255 men vs 955. Its a particular dilemma because Aldrakar has friends on both sides of the battle line. They are fighting directly for the honor of the Emperor as the Region they will be fighting in and over is the personal holding of the Emperor. Its being TO'ed by the Fissoans. Enjoy!

Before the eve of Battle

Long columns of men marched down the sloppy excuse of a road that existed between the lands called Grodno and the Imperial Holding of Outer Giask. It was the first day of winter but this far south, snow never touched the land. Birds that flew in the sky darted away as the reflected light of the hundreds of shining breastplates, helmets and unpainted shields blinded them. That very same armor would be saving lives in but a few hours from now.

Scouts darted in an out of the Luria warhost, some carrying letters but most had draw crude maps or offered guesstimates on the number of Fissoan's they were about to face. Last Aldrakar heard the Fissoan's outnumbered the Lurians 4 to 3, odds that gave him enough cause to worry. He tried not to show it to the men but they struggled with very similar problems. They laughed without merit at the jokes of their comrades and fussed over the smallest of things. These were not boys, these were grown men.

The recurring jolt of inspiration came in the form of army sergeants reminding the men that at least they had bellies full of food and never had to fight on an empty stomach! Something the enemies of Luria couldn't always claim! or so the sergeants insisted. Aldrakar studied the faces of his men and saw that it had little effect. He moved closer to their lines and marched with them. It was the least he could do and pretty soon he would be standing next to them when the storm of violence plucked them from life. One last honor to them when peace still reigned.

''Sir, do you think we can win the coming battle?'' Came that most dreaded of questions from an old veteran. His left eye milky and his face as crumpled as forgotten parchment. The man looked calm enough but nonetheless licked his lips in anticipation. Aldrakar looked him in the eye for a moment and gave a different answer than the one their eyes communicated to one another. ''We can. All we need to do is throw 3 javelins at the start of the battle, rush forwards when the arrow-clouds come our way and defend the streets the infantry take once we get into the town itself.  Think you can manage that?'' Aldrakar's feeble attempt at levity. To his surprise was he greeted by chuckling and laughter from all the men that had overheard. A hard smile decorated his face for a while as he thought: that's the fear of battle laughing.

The rest of the morning was spend in much the same way. Hard marching and trying to comfort each other as they inched ever closer to the beast that was known as battle. Most of it Aldrakar spend being in a bad mood. There was no avoiding it. Soren and Evelyn would be there and possibly friends of theirs. Duty, friendship, killing , what was to take precedence, who could tell?

Aldrakar spend his time trying to figure out a way to fulfill both his duty and not kill any friends. Unfortunately for him, that was a paradox that would stay with him until the moment battle was joined.


Hey again! double trouble it seem. I wrote a second but smaller Rp. This one is more on the religious side of things as Aldrakar attempts to garner some divine favor hehe.

Roadside Shrine

With the passing of morning and time every bringing fateful moment closer at hand did Aldrakar pause at a roadside shrine. It was an ancient looking thing. The stone eaten away by decades of rain and wind and moss. The small alcove was still functional though as a rain-shelter and it seemed as if at least someone still cared for it, albeit very infrequently.

Brushing aside some of the foliage he uncovered the worn symbols of the bloodstars. They looked out of place in way. This land is were this particular faith split in two and again it was a choice between friends. Why did the world always conspire to burden him with such choices. Kneeling down before the main altar Aldrakar said a few verses of the sacred texts. In the distance the trudging sound of a hundred hundred boots called to him. They would have to wait.

Rising to his feet he moved closer to the alter itself. Produced from his pocket, he placed 5 silver coins on the rough stone surface and smiled as he saw how an old root kept some of the masonry together. ''Watch over all of my friends that will attempt to do what is right and in the process take friends from friends.'' With that done he turned away from the near ruinous shrine and strode back to the marching army.

If the stars favored him he would not loose too many of them in the near future.


Hey everyone! Wall of text awaits you! 4 consecutive Rp posts were needed Ingame to deliver this battle report RP. Luria Vs Fissoa. Enjoy!

The Battle for Outer Giask

Two large armies stood sentinel as they watched the sun depart the land and left the world in twilight before night could claim dominance. One war host was Fissoan, led by several marshals and of course their Prince at Arms and in among their ranks, a wounded King. It was they that were the defenders, dug in and flanked by numerous barricades. As light left the world so did color and all the bright banners turned to shades of grey and ash.

Opposing them and standing out in the field stood a war host of Lurian born. They too were led by marshals and they too had their Imperial Marshal with them. There were several Kings and even the Emperor himself, even though this came as no surprise. Any man would defend his own home and that was exactly what he was doing. Just another man ready to fight and not there to command.

After long marching and having to witness, first hand, the devastation visited upon the border lands it was with determination that the Lurians looked on to the invaders. There were some voices that called for blood but they were surprisingly few compared to the battles Aldrakar had experiences with D'hara and Barca. His own unit of men stood at the ready. They knew their place was with the archer lines and if Aldrakar was honest with himself, he didn't much like it. ''We'll stick it to 'em Sirrah!'' one of his more ugly soldiers proffered ''Stick it to 'em good!'' The man motioned menacingly with a javelin. Aldrakar managed a hard smile ''Yes.. we will.''

Crickets and night creatures made the tall grass rustle, hundreds of lanterns illuminated the encampments. Each with their own cluster of fireflies and moths assaulting it, much like men would be doing soon. Aldrakar slapped at a mosquito which had landed on his neck. Checking the palm of his hand to see if he had killed it. He found a dark crimson droplet that was all splattered, with tiny wings mixed in. Taking a deep breath he wiped his hand on his surcoat, a little extra gore wouldn't matter.

The Lurian forces started to come alive as the soldiers were arrayed in battle formations and lines were being formed. The Fissoan's must have noticed, it is a hard thing to hide even when its dark. A veritable exodus of warriors saw the encampment all but abandoned. Knights were flanked by shield bearers, Lord by cadre's of bodyguards and sergeants surrounded by fighting men. A sea of torches marked their passing and large braziers roared their flames up at the sky as they stood as markers on the field.

The foot soldiers, the infantry deployed not too far ahead of the archers and mixed infantry that stood together. The various types of special forces also had decided to stand with the archers and but a single unit of cavalrymen held position at the far flank of them again. Aldrakar was given overall command of the Lurian Home Guard. He may have only been a Vice-Marshal again, but in the absence of the Lord Marshal Saul the task fell onto him. Most of the older Lurians remembered his name and little was actually required of him at this advanced stage. A few runners were send to the Lords and Knights to assure them of a loose formation and to adhere to the overall strategy.

Strapping on his helmet and securing his mailed gloves did Aldrakar take up position in the center of the Archer lines. When it came to it, he would rush forwards and be among the last defenders of the men without armor. In his heart he yearned to stand in the front row and be with the first to exchange blows. His page blanched as the boy saw Aldrakar clench his first around the pommel of his sword. Glancing back at the boy he said ''Calm yourself, today you will no longer be a boy.'' He peered at the Fissoan position before continuing. ''You've done well at weapons training Marc. If you wish it, you may accompany me into battle. Remember however, that this decision can be fatal and thus your last.'' Turning slowly to the 10 odd year boy Aldrakar had obviously already made up his mind but it was good if the boy did as well. Marc tried to steel himself but dry lips and involuntary quivers betrayed him. Placing a noticably heavy mailed hand onto Marc's shoulder Aldrakar smiled to the boy as he looked down at him. ''Fear is never wrong Marc, it tells you that you still love life and will be a better warrior than the one who wishes death.'' Unable to help himself Aldrakar chuckled softly and threw a look back at the encampment. ''I need you to safeguard the donkey's Marc, they are vital to the army.'' Pauzing a moment he let the words sink in. ''Make sure none of them run away and that none are stolen. Understand?'' Marc nodded vigorously and bowed ''I won't let any filthy Fissoan get near them!'' He all but peeped. "There are no such Fissoans here tonight Marc. Only warriors and men doing their duty.'' He gave the boy a stern look that ended with a wink. ''Go now!'' He made a mock swipe with his arm that saw Marc dart off like an arrow.

With the final preparations over with and both forces ready to begin their clash it was time to close the gap. Ugly brass horns cut through the night to signal the beginning and were succeeded by elegant trumpets in honor of the Emperor and his most exalted vassals. Which in turn were followed by a steady beat of drums ready to make drones out of the soldiers as they dictated the pace. Lord Imperial Marshal Aylwin stood near the right flank of the Archer line. Aldrakar couldn't spot him from this distance and neither saw his banners but knew his friend was somewhere there, inspiring men to greater heights. He looked to the men around him and saw that they all looked at him, even those not of his own unit.

''What are you all looking at? You know what comes next and what is expected of you.'' He drew his sword and let its shimmer in the torchlight as he held it up. ''Make sure you don't need to use this! They have more swordsmen than us and as you can feel, there is a lot of wind.'' He stepped out of the line and faced them. ''I am Aldrakar Renodin, you know my name and I have stood in every position of the chain of command and hear me when I tell you. There is nothing but virtue when you face your opponent. No strategy, no tactic, no brotherhood. It is you and your quality against that of the man or woman you face. It is your virtue against theirs.'' He pointed the sword at the Lurian soldiers. ''If you use this to save a fellow soldier it is your virtue bestowed upon them and for all to witness. Let it shine like the moon that will look upon you when the evening grows old!''

Some men cheered, some were silent and some were starting up at the dark sky where the moon was making her entry. Giving Aldrakar's words something spiritual and made the men aware of not only their moral duties.

Shortly after the Lurian War host started to move in orderly fashion towards the Fissoan position. They in turn had prepared defenses more based on depth rather than spread. They had a clearly distinguished infantry line that had dug in and behind that stood their lines of archers and cavalry. As it was neither side had opted to use fortifications and the only defenses available to the Fissoans were trenches, palisades and barricades. Make no mistake however, these things are more precious than gems when faced with arrows.

As the nightingales sang in the trees and the frogs that croak after dark made their presence known so did the anger of man. Marching a short distance Aldrakar ordered a halt and to have hunting bows strung. His men went about it with practiced ease and with the comfort or friendly lines before them. The first tactical move was unveiled as the Lurian infantry, outnumbered that fateful eve, filled out from the vast line of Lurian combatants. In quick pace did they form a solid and rigid line of shields, spears and swords that took up the center of the field. The ground was hard enough and blessedly clear of holes and rocks.

''Notch Arrows! Take aim!... Loose!'' Called the various sergeants and lieutenants. Swarms upon swarms of both lit and unlit arrows sped through the dark sky and fell in among the Fissoan defenders who were wise to keep heads down and shields up. Unbeknownst to Aldrakar had he given order to target the Royal Battalion of King Waldor of Fissoa in the opening phases of the battle. It was after all the largest, cohesive unit of enemy infantrymen.  The Lurian infantry made a slow advance and were content to let it rain death upon the Fissoans. They in turn hunkered down and possibly ground teeth as screams erupted from their ranks.

It did not remain one side for long and soon the arrows bumped against arrows as their sailed high through the air. Lurian soldiers were being struck but miraculously nowhere near as hard as the Fissoans. For some unknown reason 3 incredibly brave Fissoan Nobles had urged their men forwards and ahead of their main battle line. They stood shoulder to shoulder and died that way. Not having struck a single blow with a sword nor with the lance but those three Nobles were left with pincushions in but moments. As it proved to be later on, it were actually 2 Fissoans and 1 Asylonian.

With the Lurian Infantry edging closer and feeling emboldened with the apparent gift presented to them did the battle grow in intensity. Aldrakar's skirmishers unleashed a volley onto a target he would have rather skipped. The banner of the Silver Swords was not really visible but the order was to target the larger blobs of men. That is exactly what his Skirmishers did. Sleek arrows dove into Soren's ranks and Aldrakar wished he had the eyes of a young eagle but could do nothing.

The Infantry lines roared their defiance and fear at one another. Weapons banged on shields and a terrible noise that stays with a man for an age and then some if ever he is exposed to it. The thunder of hooves was masked by this noise. The Riders of Lady Marshal Evelyn, the Queen of Fissoa charged home and rode down in reckless abandon an entire line of Lurian infantry. Marking at least half a dozen Lurian units and bleeding a double number of their men. Her sword was seen as earth bound lightning, flashing across the front line.

Answering this call was Lord Ronan, his Divine Chargers smashed into Fissoan soldiers that had eagerly emerged from their defensive works to rush to the aid of their Queen. It seemed a contest who could deliver more shock and awe but to those who had to face them, they were like terrible gods reaping souls. Both nobles were pulled down from their horses and had to fight for dear life. Remarkably both battled their ways out of the clutches of their enemies with heads raised high and blood washing them in glory.

Aldrakar looked on with a stone in his stomach as he saw Evelyn go down but felt relieve as he saw her emerge but bloodied. ''More arrows men! There are still opponents running about!'' He quickly brought himself back to the reality of things. Not realizing that he never sheathed his sword and still carried it in his hand.

As the Melee became a place of murder and dark chaos nobles were felled in droves. His Majesty, King Idesbald of Moon Hall took several arrows before he was forcefully taken from the battle by his own men. Marshal Taran Dallben of the Edreun, Niselurian Lurians was literally showered in arrows. That the man survived was an outright miracle as over 80 arrows littered his person, still crying his defiance.

It would seem the Emperor Sholan had his eyes on the Admiral of the Southern League and it were his archers that found the Prince at Arms Soren. The man vanished from sight of Aldrakar as countless arrows rained down upon his location. Never to emerge again, at least to the vision of Aldrakar.

The Fissoan Sally, if you could call it that, was devastating. Their superior amount of infantry crushed the Lurian armsmen. Fortunately the Lurian ranged battle was proving to be the equalizer. Brutal fighting was visited upon all outside of Outher Giask that night. Limbs were cleft from torso and blood was thrown and descended from the heavens as hundreds of arms made chopping motions.

It was over relatively quickly, in the span of less than an hour was the Lurian infantry beaten. Not shattered perhaps as they retreated early but their fair share was annihilated. In turn the Fissoan line was bloodied and taking continuous hits from the Lurian archers. It was here that utter courage was shown or perhaps utter insanity. Lord Zajar of Luria rushed to the fore. Holding up his own banner did the man take the point and made his men, some 3 dozen, follow him. They unsheathed simple blades and carried small shields. Not truly infantry and neither archer.

''Men! hear me! Shoulder bows and ready for melee!'' Aldrakar screamed at the top of his lungs. He wanted to be there with him but knew already that he would be too late. Like a caged hound did he inch forwards and then again back. His eyes were wide and his sword powerless as he looked on and saw Lord Zajar take on the Prince at Arms himself! A massacre! Soren beats Zajar but both were forced to retreat. Arrows the cause of one, too many blades the other.

The King Waldor too was forced to leave the battle as his men were being picked off by seeking arrows and his own failing health. At least so it seemed to Aldrakar. Was this it? No more Infantry on either side and Archers exchanging long ranged death?

As the last remnants of swordsmen and axemen are mercilessly killed off do the arms of bowmen burn with effort but are urged on to settle this matter, once and for all. With great heaves and with screeching arrows falling onto lightly armored opponents do the Lurian forces steadily overwhelm the Fissoans. During this time is Lord Imperial Marshal Aylwin forced to exist the battle. His men exhausted and with numerous losses. Aldrakar saw the enemy was shaky and couldn't wait anymore. This was not true battle. He wouldn't let others keep on dying while he stood at a distance.

Marching together with another Lurian Noble did they make way for the center of the battlefield. They instantly became the focal point of the remaining Fissoan archers. This drew fire away from Lurian archers and cemented the victory perhaps, it diverted losses rather than anything else. Naturally did Aldrakar's small force not withstand the Fissoan barrage and had to retreat as well.

The evening grew silent somewhere halfway towards dawn and had seen the Fissoan combined army defeated by the Lurian War host. Massive amounts of casualties and the dead would rot where they lay for there were too few hands to carry or bury them all. Aldrakar looked down at his armor and saw only the blood of others upon it. Flashes of the battle shot through his mind and fueled by them did he rush towards the battlefield. Running like a madman did he try and check the bodies of the fallen. He tried to remember where he had seen Soren and Evelyn fall. Where he saw Idesbald sag to the ground and where so many others he knew.. or had known? got struck down.

The main Lurian host delivered pursuit as the Fissoan attempted an organized retreat. And thus was it that the Imperial Lurian Seat of the Emperor Sholan was defended from the Fissoan Combined Armies.


Back again, it seems its Rp hotness all around. People writing a lot of good stuff and I am an entirely enjoying myself. Next up is an Rp about Aldrakar Interacting with the Fissoan Army.

A White Banner

Walking through the Lurian encampment Aldrakar saw the horrors that the dark of last night had obscured. With a cold touch to the wind and grey skies promising rain did he make his way past the rows of tents housing the wounded, the dying and some of the dead. Many grim faced healers or medicae wore dark rings under their eyes from exhaustion and stress.

Screams ripped through the tents and canvas yet again proved a poor insulator. The wet grinding noise that came from the secluded areas sent a shiver up his spine. Amputations. Rubbing his face with a dirty hand Aldrakar tried to dispel his queasiness. His eyes locked on his hand for a short moment, his mind thanking the gods he never lost a limb to the bone-saw.  He had not slept much and had cleaned himself with watered down wine. The alcohol would clean some of the smaller cuts and while it also aided him in staying awake. It stung.

His armor was a filthy mess. More brown than any other color. Just as much the cause of mud as it was of caked blood and never drying sweat. He had removed his mailed gloves and his helm was bobbing from his belt. Striding past yet another tent filled with the wounded, his eyes did not detect any familiar faces. He raked his fingers through his coppery hair and fiddled with a dried clod of dirt and blood that had taken up residence there. He threw it to the ground when he managed to dislodge it.

The men in the camp had churned the land into a paste and little brooks had appeared where the bodily fluids couldn't be absorbed by the earth no more. It at least offered an easy trail to follow. The crimson, reeking water... water?

Spending an hour or so trying, checking the wounded both friend and foe Aldrakar felt sullen but somewhere also relieved. Though there were many wounded, he knew very few of them in person. Taking a moment to himself he produced a short missive from the Fissoan King and eyed its 2 frank lines. He nodded to himself and pushed the small parchment back under his armor. His feet brought him to a small enclosure of barrels where some of the healthy men had attempted to create an escape. Rough laughter and empty skins and kegs of ale were all about. Aldrakar let them be, his hands only reached for a banner that sported a length of white cloth. It was in essence an unused Banner ready to take the crest of a nobleman but it would do fine in its current state.

He marched in a brisk pace back to his own tent and was welcomed by his page, Marc. The boy had eyes too few as he tried to drink in all that happened around him. Aldrakar paid him no heed and went straight for his own banner. He drew a dagger from his belt and cut the heavy piece of cloth that marked his own crest free from its stand. With some skill he then tied it to the White banner. His crest just below that of the white crest, secured with hemp rope and a leather strap. ''Aldrakar..?'' Came the soft voice of Marc as he tried to comprehend what it was his master was doing. ''Fetch my horse Marc, do it now.'' Came the brisk reply. The boy of 10 summers rushed out of the tent at once and did as he was told.

Testing the makeshift banner for strength Aldrakar felt satisfied at this new contraption. His eyes wandered across the room that was his personal tent and fell upon his shield. He would be needing that he thought and so he moved to picked it up. A heavy thing. It was a heater-shield but iron always weighed much. Best used on horseback and as it happened to be. That was exactly his intended mode of transport.

Shield and double banner in hand did Aldrakar walk out of his tent and noticed the first droplets fall from the heavens. Perhaps the gods were now kind enough to wash away the muck and grime created last night. Perhaps even their eyes watered at the sight of it and wished it gone.

Marc brought up a fine looking, dark brown coated hunter horse. Not quite a heavy war horse but with plenty of speed in it should the situation require it. Aldrakar took the reigns after shouldering his heater-shield and mounted up. Some of his men had gathered and by instinct had prepared to move with their commander. ''At ease. You will not be joining me for this ride.'' Registering surprise on their faces Aldrakar continued. ''Something I have to do by myself, see to your friends. Sit at their sides and offer them comfort before they depart this world. I'm sure all of you will have comrades being visited by the healers as we speak. Go to them and I will go to mine.'' With that he urged the horse on with his heels.

The beast responded quickly and Aldrakar was glad for the beast's good training. His men looked after him but the sergeant soon reminded them of Aldrakar's suggestion. Bless that man Aldrakar thought.

Riding through the camp eyes fell upon him and men called out his name in questioning tones. Why was the Lord Vice-Marshal riding alone with the double banner? They were not told as Aldrakar only manouvered his mount through the maze of people until he exited out into the battle field. The place very much still looked like that. Corpses, looters, scribes taking tally of the dead and noting down crests on thick parchments. Aldrakar rode past them and felt joy at the feeling of freedom it gave him.

Soon he came close to his intended destination. The Fissoan encampment had seen much activity. They were beaten and it seemed their leaders had opted to leave rather than stay for another battle. A wise choice Aldrakar conceded. Moving closer he felt a familiar, inner voice whisper to him. It teased him with potential. It spoke of unseen arrows. It hinted at an early grave. He tried not to give in to that voice too much and simply lowered his shield so that he wore it on his arm.

This shieldarm also sported the hand that held his reins as the other held firmly the double banner. A white crest on top and the Rendorian crest just below. Beads of sweat formed upon his brow as his eyes informed him of dozens of Fissoan archers taking up position. Spearmen mixed in with swordsmen and others simply brandishing whatever weapon available to them formed a rough line. They didn't leave their camp defenses but clearly showed that they were ready to skewer him if he came any closer. Perhaps the archers had other plans entirely though. Aldrakar snorted and cleared his throat as he slowed his horse to a walk.

He pushed the double banner up into the air. Looking to see what kind of reaction it would get him. The inner voice explaining in a sugar sweet voice of how he would soon be on the ground, dead, riddled with arrows. Aldrakar had not drawn his sword and if he would then he would have to drop the banner and he did not want to do that.

Moving ever closer to the Fissoan camp Aldrakar tried to affect calm but felt his heart racing. Getting into shouting range he spoke up ''I am Aldrakar of House Renodin. Your enemy last night and still this morning.'' Gulping down air for another round. ''I salute you for valiant action in the dark of night and praise your bravery as you marched against a rain of flaming arrows.'' His eye found an archer notching an arrow to his bow and he knew a moment of dread. ''I have a letter from your King.'' Aldrakar stabbed the double banner down into the soil next to him. The motion exposing him to danger but he committed to the action and as he had hoped, the banner stood erect when he let go of it.  Slowly he rose again, waiting for the pain of an arrow.

Settling back into the saddle he allowed the heater-shield to rest against his lower torso. Not raised but close at hand, just in case. ''I have looked at the wounded in our camp and I did not find the Lady Evelyn, Queen of Fissoa. I beg you to tell your King this as it was his request of me.'' he licked his lips and felt his racing heart calm down. If they hadn't shot by now, they surely wouldn't he hoped. ''Let the white of this banner mark peace and a clean slate. I hold no grudges against any of you and will forgive any action you made last night. I hope you will be able to offer me the same kindness.''

Sensing his time was over Aldrakar made the brown hunter horse turn slowly. He hoped it looked capable enough but really all he truly felt was trepidation. Turning his back on men who had fought to the death not hours ago. Riding back to the Lurian camp Aldrakar forced himself not to ride faster than a canter and waited nervously until he was knocked off his mount by a seeking arrow. That thickly sweet inner voice promising him that it would be very painful and agonizing indeed.


You guys and gals are lucky this week. It seems there is plenty material to write Rp's about! This one is a more personal one for Aldrakar. It involves his late wife, Lucini. Her city and how he deals with his feelings in that regard.

A familiar setting

Moving with his men under and through the huge arching gates of Giask he felt a pang of loss. Memories now firmly locked away in the past never to repeat assailed him. He looked longingly towards the dominant ducal palace. Once the home of the Talratheon Dynasty and where he would go to meet his wife. The former Lady of Giask, Lucini.

The streets were less crowded now. Even the most populated city in the civilized world had its darker days and this was a page from that chapter. Gaunt faces belonging to paupers lined the boulevards. Where Lurian architecture was draped with Asylonian banners Aldrakar knew an ember of anger in the pit of his stomach. He never had disliked the Asylonians and he always respected the alliance the two realms once enjoyed but this was in his mind, a Lurian city still.

As he led his men through the familiar streets and past so many memorable sites that stirred vivid feelings in his breast were it the little people that spoke up. They recognized his family crest and called out to him and lauded him with simple flowers and attempted to touch him. Aldrakar felt strange and was at first unsure how to react but settled on affecting magnanimity. He smiled at them, spoke reassuring words and held hands for brief moments of time. A bond solidified in his heart and he would do what he could for these people of Giask.

Arriving at the huge docklands he had gathered quite a crowd even though he had urged them to continue their duties and jobs. ''I'll return soon again brothers and sisters. Better times are ahead, you all know it and we must all endure what it is we must endure.'' He looked out over them from the prow of the ferry that would take him to the Silver City of Askileon. ''Unity, through power.'' The words came from his mouth. They were the words of House Talratheon and the people knew them.


Hey there! Welcome once again to the Renodin Story Emporium! Today we have on offer a very special story. Its second in what could be a very nice Rp between 2 people. Read quickly! before you find time lost on you!

A chance meeting en route to the Capital

Standing on the deck of the ferry from Giask to Askileon ,with the cold winter wind buffeting his face Aldrakar was disturbed in his quiet contemplation.
He stood at the railing that circumvated the entire deck. His hands resting on the thick beam that capped it and the gentle crashing noise of waves his only companion, until now.

Sarea edged forward as she approached Aldrakar. She hadn't met the man before and she didn't want to make any mistake or breach in etiquette. She cleared her throat in an attempt to catch his attention and it worked. Aldrakar looked to his side and found a small, dark haired woman standing there. She was dressed in well maintained but simple clothing, considering her mistress's standing. He took his time to consider this new person and let his deep blue eyes drink in her expression, 2 thirds uncomfortable and 1 third annoyed.

The winter wind liberated one of his long golden locks from his ears and blew right into his face, making Aldrakar blink involuntarily. He calmly brushed it aside and as he focused once more on the common born woman she was holding out a small letter. ''For you M'lord, from the Lady Ellyn Coquard.'' Aldrakar accepted the missive and knew confusion as he unfolded it. ''How did you..'' He stopped mid sentence. ''She is on-board M'lord.'' Sarea cut in. Arching his eyebrows in surprise Aldrakar glanced at the small parchment and smiled internally. A fearless servant, he liked that. "Lead the way, it seems this is an invitation.'' He gave Sarea a good natured smile that revealed many healthy and good, white teeth.

Ducking low to avoid bumping his head in the compact space that was the stairwell that led to the private chamber of Ellyn. He was assailed by the swaying of the ship as the waves played with the little vessel. Not once but twice did he have to brace himself or risk tumbling down the steps. Sarea seemed vastly more adept at this sort of thing and she looked right at home. Reaching the door of Ellyn's quarters did Sarae knock twice in quick succession and then called out to her mistress. ''Lord Aldrakar is here to see you Mistress Ellyn. I'll be coming in now.''

As Sarea opened the door she gave Aldrakar a look. ''Wait here please M'lord. I need to tend to the mistress. I'll fetch you when she is ready to receive you.'' Again Aldrakar was slightly amazed at this servant's brazen display of courage. It must have something to do with the way Ellyn handled them, he was sure of it.

Waiting patiently in the confined space outside of her door he remained until Sarea would -fetch- him. The thought alone made him smirk privately.


Hey there, the following Rp was written by the Player of Ellyn Coquard. She  deserves all the credit and I am including it here so you may enjoy a more complete retelling of the Rp Chain.

Ellyn - Aldrakar 2


Kleio chirped at the porthole, and Elly whistled him over. He dropped a few letters in her lap then went off in search of lunch. Elly slid a finger under the wax seal so familiar to her, the mark of the Crown Prince Rynn. Reading the letter brought tears to her eyes. She had thought upon her move all but Rynn and Jocelin had forsaken her, cast her aside without another thought. Then to find out not only Sholan but Aldrakar sent a missive to Rynn... though Aldrakar told Rynn things Elly hadn't had a chance to tell him herself.

Wiping away the remnents of tears, Sarea entered the room again. "M'lady, the viscount is here to see you," she told Elly. Elly wiped her face once again, hoping that she looked presentable. Running a hand through her hair she nodded to Sarea. "You can let him in, I'm not going to look much better than I do now," she said, moving to sit up and wincing in pain.

A very unladylike expletive fell from her lips as Sarea rushed over to help her sit up, fluffing up the pillows. Elly started to blush slightly, hoping that he did not here the words that fell from her lips. "Viscount Aldrakar I presume?" Elly said cordially. Elly wasn't shy looking him up and down. She racked her brain trying to place him, calling upon memories of long ago.

The battle at the Lighthouse was what seemed forever ago, and the battle she was in was a myraid of bodies and arrows and blades. She lost a friend that day, and almost lost her own life. Elly chuckled softly, before opening her mouth to speak. "Well I have to say it is a pleasure to finally meet you and put a name to a face," she said brightly. "I apologize for my lack of curtsy, but as you can see I shouldn't be out of bed."

Elly guestured to the chair besides her bed and laughed as Sarea took a seat on the otherside of the bed, hovering like a protective guard dog. Elly sighed but knew it was pointless to argue. Sarea didn't want her to leave the estate, but Elly wanted to make the trip. It was obvious she was not safe on her own, so perhaps with Sholan and the rest she would be safer. Sarea also trusted no one other than the Emperor himself.

Picking up the letter from Rynn she waggled it at Aldrakar. "I see you have already started to inform the Crown Prince of things I haven't even shared with him? Or had time too? Though I must thank you as it helped him bring the family in line when they were speaking ill of me..."

Elly sipped her tea. "Would you care for a glass of tea? They say I cannot drink yet for a bit..."


And here I'll post the reply to that Rp of the Player of Ellyn Coquard. This one's mine, all glory goes to mmeeeee!

Ellyn - Aldrakar 3

Tea on a Boat

Ducking his head low he stepped into the cabin of Lady Ellyn Coquard. It was a small space, sparingly furnished but it still enjoyed a hint of elegance or luxury here and there. Mostly brought on by Ellyn herself probably. Aldrakar took a brief moment to steady himself as a wave toyed with the ferry and caused an unlit lantern to creak as it swung from left to right. His hand firmly against the doorpost.

An incomprehensible but distinct female voice greeted him but he couldn't quite make out the words. As his eyes adjusted to the dimness of the cabin he moved closer to where he saw Ellyn lay in bed. A few steps was really all that was needed. His finely tooled leather boots making soft thumping sounds as he tried to be light-footed. ''Viscount Aldrakar I presume?'' Ellyn's voice welcomed him. Her tone made him smile calmly. ''Good Morning former Prime Minister. Did we not come to an accord in relation to our mutual social standing in light of one another?'' He said in a teasingly formal way. His blue eyes bright with laughter.

As he exchanged a glance with Sarae he held up a disarming hand before he went to accept the proffered seat next to the bed. The chair creaked as it accepted Aldrakar regained bulk. Months of training with his men, long marching days and eating plentifully had done much to restore his former physique. ''Pleasure is all mine Ellyn.'' Aldrakar said to her as he rested his arms on his lap and leaned towards her, causing blond hair to spill to the sides of his face. Dark like a setting sun when beheld in the shaded room that was Ellyn's cabin. ''You look terrible tough, an old woman more akin to a birch than a vibrant woman dashing through life.'' His tone disarming and the corners of his mouth arching upwards into a smirk.

Across the bed however 2 embers of eyes bore a hole in him. Looking up a bit and accepting the challenging look of Sarae Aldrakar winked. Which didn't quite settle the trusted handmaiden.

The exchange was interupted as Ellyn waves a piece of parchment at his face. "I see you have already started to inform the Crown Prince of things I haven't even shared with him? Or had time too? Though I must thank you as it helped him bring the family in line when they were speaking ill of me..." Directing his attention back to Ellyn he licked his lips before replying. ''It seemed only the right thing to do, you spoke highly of him and something of your protector. With news of your injury he should at the very least be informed I thought.'' Studying Ellyn's face for a moment he continued. ''Are you alright? should we open a window. You seem to be sweating.'' Aldrakar motioned towards her cheeks where some residual tears had found a haven from the drying handkerchief used before.

Not really waiting for a response he stood up and continued to open a small window that permitted a steady ocean breeze into the stuffy room. As he resumed to take his seat Ellyn offered him a cup of tea. Crafty woman, the thought that came to his mind. ''Why yes, I would like some.'' He accepted the bitter liquid but affected pleasure as he gave an appreciative grunt after the first sip. A keen observer might have detected his hand lowering the cup out of sight though.

Allowing time to create a small silence to stretch between them he used it to take a closer look at the woman he had been corresponding with for all these months. A former enemy and D'haran to boot. The first real D'haran that truly seemed to want peace. ''I believe you still have something of mine.. hmm?''


Written by the Player of Ellyn Coquard. All credits naturally goes to her and also a fair bit of gratitude from my side.

Ellyn - Aldrakar 4


"You look terrible tough, an old woman more akin to a birch than a vibrant woman dashing through life,'' she heard him say, and she suppressed a smile. "Well compared to you dear sir, I am an old woman, old enough to be your mother," she couldn't help but tease. Elly new she looked like something the barn cats had dragged in, but until she felt better she didn't right care. Elly frowned when it seemed he didn't care for the tea. Elly guestured to the cup. "Would you care for something else to drink? They will only let me have tea and I have nothing good hidden," she told him.

Elly guestured to Sarea. "Find him something good to drink, and myself as well. I am tired of boring tea...." Sarea frowned at her mistress, then looked at Aldrakar, then back to Elly. "I must stay and watch you," she said curtly. "No, you must go find drinks, I will be fine," she emphasized. Elly lowered her voice to a whisper to Sarea. "He's not going to harm me, he's not going to kill me. I'm sure he's also aware that the Emperor himself would come after him if anything untoward would happen." Elly dismissed Sarea and watched her leave.

"I am sorry for that," she apologized. Elly shifted to sit up better, brushing her errant hair out of her face. What she wouldn't give to sink into a hot bath, but until her side heals there would be none of that. ''I believe you still have something of mine.. hmm?'' Aldrakar asked.

Elly nodded and motioned to him. "If you will hand me that leather pouch on the table," she requested of him. She watched him rise and move to the table, returning with her pouch. Opening it she tilted it, dumping the signet ring on a silver chain into her lap. Putting aside the pouch she picked up the chain, unclasping it and sliding the ring down until it was by itself in her hand. Coiling the chain back in her lap she closed her hand around the ring. "I do have to thank you for the protection this could have given had it been needed," Elly stretched slight, tired of being forced to stay in bed. "Unfortunately nothing could have protected me in the Ember Estate from Blackmane, but I'm still alive and mostly well, so that is to be celebrated," she told him, holding out her hand.

She uncurled her fingers and the ring sat in her open palm for him to take. Elly looked at the door. "One would think drinks wouldn't take long to get..." Elly looked back at Aldrakar. "My hospitality is lacking it seems here on this ship, but hopefully the company is not."