Author Topic: The assorted bits of Aldrakar Renodin's Life  (Read 73605 times)


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Hello again, hope you enjoyed your day so far. If you haven't and are in desperate need of a little distraction I may have got what you need.
A roleplay about Aldrakar becoming a Cavalier. Now now, don't shy. Go ahead and read, even if you had a smashing day!

Vows of Chivalry

The land was alive. Riding through the fields of the far flung lands of Santoo the thought of war could be forgotten if only for a brief moment. Nature did not bow under the heavy weight which man had put around its neck. The day was young but the sun was already determined to reach its zenith and secretly conspired to not leave it for a very long time indeed. With this promise of a light and warmth inundated day, Aldrakar had decided to try and arrive before the day became too hot yet again.

A family of ducklings was waddling through the towering blades of grass and reeds that cluttered the riverside. The life-giving waters enabling the land to blossom to its fullest. Flowers blanketed the land and every bush was fragrant. Aldrakar gently urged his horse on as he drank in the simple wonders around him and simply smiled. Today the dark thoughts would be anchored. He had not been able to locate Lucini, his wife. Not a man nor woman knew where she was it seemed.

The end of the road would be close to Falstor Manor. It was the ancient yet humble abode of his friend and also Grandmaster of the Order of the White Rose. It was situated near the very first Order Chapter house which was the finish of this particular journey. It lay not very far away now. The road led around the servant houses of the manor and then as it went uphill one could spot the chapter house when reaching its diminutive peak.

Placing a bare hand on the neck of the chestnut-brown, hunter horse Aldrakar brought it to a gradual stop. He swung a leg over the side and dropped down and instantly felt the effects of sitting too long in the saddle. ''Thanks friend'' He murmured to the horse as he scratched it behind its ear and continued with fastening its reins to a post that stood silent vigil outside the chapter house.

A young man with the countenance of a boy clad in simple grey, woolen clothes came out of the building to greet him. ''Lord Senechal Aldrakar! Its been an age M'lord!'' The youth said and finished it with a toothy smile. ''Just Aldrakar today Orbin. You know I've never stood on protocol like that.'' The gentle tone disrupted as Aldrakar jabbed playfully at Orbin's rips. He in turn blocked deftly and his martial training showed in that instance. ''Good.'' Aldrakar proffered as he looked the youth over.

Together they entered the Chapter house and their footfalls made them seem like giants as the cobble resonated and the silence amplified the sound. A small crowd was gathered in the main hall of the modest stone building. Aldrakar took his place in the center of the congregation and knelt down. Feeling a pang of loss for the absence of his Flaming Broadsword Aldrakar discovered inner resolve as he drew a steel, straight longsword instead. He held it up horizontally in front of him with both hands as if presented it to those around.

Forming the proper sentences with his mouth did he wait a moment until the last of his restlessness faded to nothing. ''Today, I, Aldrakar of the House Renodin ask you gathered here to witness my vows and acknowledge my sincerity in upholding them.'' A pleased murmur buzzed from the people gathered that were draped in cloth of various  shades of grey. Orbin's face stood our from the crowd as he looked both solemn as he tried to look as dignified as some of the older men and fiercely proud as he looked at Aldrakar.

''I shall take up arms and will my body to the utmost of its limits to defend all that cannot do so themselves and to ever be a shield and guardian of the weak.
So do I vow.''

''In all my days I am still blessed to exist among the realm of the living shall I in all regards uphold justice and see it rendered on all those that shun it or use it for gain or benefit or detriment of others or those that commit crimes base and cruel.
So do I vow.''

''In my heart will I hold dear all that show kindness to me and will forever try to show that kindness to all that I may encounter. Never shall I leave a soul in the dark of night when I sit at a warm fire and neither will I stand aside as weather or man or beast would rob this virtue to be displayed from another.
So do I vow.''

''Regardless of religion, origin or situation upon which I find, all women shall I treat fairly, with honor and will defend them when any would deign to threaten them. I will hold sacred the matrimony of wedlock and observe the duty of husband should I so be entwined.
So do I vow.''

''My wrath, fury and fierce nature as a warrior I will temper and only unleash on those deserving of its devastation. The rage and the unbridled blood-lust will not consume me and I will bar my heart and mind from its temptations.
So do I vow.''

''When I utter forth into the world the words that I am able to speak they shall be laden with truth and always bereft of lies. When others do I find to spout lies it shall be my duty to correct their words and remove doubt from spoken word.
So do I vow.''

''Whenever a fellow Knight of Virtue or Cavalier or Man of Honor asks me for my assistance I shall not turn him away. Upon my honor, I shall do all that I can do to see his request fulfilled and see the greater good prevail.
So do I vow.''

Aldrakar paused a moment and locked eyes with the people that intently looked at him and listened to his words. He then carefully sheathed the blade he had held up for all this time and raised himself with dignity from the kneeling position he had been in. ''We have borne witness and accept your intent, Aldrakar, Man of Honor.'' The voices sounded like one but was in truth were that of many, all spoken almost in sync.

That marked the day that Aldrakar Renodin was accepted as a Cavalier and made his promises to the world and were now another compass by which he could judge his actions and that of others. In the recesses of his mind though, he hoped it would also be enough to soothe the pain that the loss of Lucini ushered evermore into his heart.