Author Topic: The assorted bits of Aldrakar Renodin's Life  (Read 73618 times)


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Hello thar. This post will detail an RP not from me but directed at Aldrakar. I hope I have permission to post it here but I have a wee feeling I do hmm?  Enjoy!

* Written by the Player of Ellyn Coquard

A chance encounter

"Miss you shouldn't be out here," the man said when Elly slammed into him. "My apologies m'lord," Elly said softly trying to put up her hood with one hand, her fiery curls tousled around her face. The solider looked her over as if he should know her, and Elly prayed that he would let her pass. Dismissing her with a wave, Elly hurried down the lane to the Inn. The man watched her leave, wondering why more woman didn't look like her, and wished he had the time to have asked her her name, but duty called. He finished his small patrol before mounting his horse and heading back the way he came.


Elly didn't breathe till she was back at the inn. The run in with the Ranger caused her heart to sit in her throat. Brushing her friend Mae aside she grabbed a piece of parchment and scribbled a note, painstaking and hopefully legibly with an almost useless hand. There was only one she could write, only one that may be able to help her. Rynn couldn't risk helping her, but she knew one that might be able to.  Blurred by a few tears Elly slowly wrote the letter.


I have put myself in a bit of trouble and hope that you can help me. The silly schoolgirl in me used an opportunity to try to meet up with the Emperor, only to be tossed in a holding pen and kept captive for over a few days. I apologize now for the tears that stain this letter as they are from both a bit of heartbreak as well as pain. I fear now for my life, as Shinnen Purlieus is now back under the Lurian flag any time they could throw me in the dungeon and deport me back to the Lighthouse. I'm in no condidtion to fight anyone, and I had thought that Sholan would have been happy to see me, though perhaps he took one look at me while I was dozing, and thought I a waste of his time. Though injured, worn and beaten no one would look their best.

I don't know where else to turn at this hour, I cannot ask Rynn for help as the Lurians would slaughter him quickly. I will try to stay indoors and not make a spectacle of myself. I thought me a goner when I ran into a  Ranger, but thankfully he thought me a peasant. If you can help me I would appreciate it, but I understand if you cannot. If you cannot please get word to Crown Prince Rynn, as he will need to know of my fate, whatever it might be. I have sent my bird Kleio with this letter, he will always know how to find me.


Elly looked over the letter, the random droplets making the ink run in a few spots, but not important ones. Whistling for Kleio she sent off the letter, before collapsing in pain and exhaustion.


On of the  Rangers made his way back to camp, telling a story about what happened in Shinnen Purlieus. He was telling how he was on patrol and a fiery red head about bowled him over. "She looked to be meek and mild," he said, thinking back to the encounter. "But she looked to be made of steelier stuff," he finished, taking a drink. "I should have asked her name but she seemed to be coming from the Emperor's camp, though she looked as if she had seen better days. Dirty and disheveled, definitely most likely not what the Emperor would go for," he all but chuckled. "She seemed to have an injured wing too, but she could still keep me company any day of the week with a bit of a bath and some finery," he said boasting to his friends.

Looking over his shoulder he wondered if Sir Aldrakar had heard anything he said. He wasn't sure about the man but was learning. A short time later a bird flew into camp, a missive around his leg. The solider  chased the bird down, cursing him when the bugger nipped at his finger. "Bloody hell bird, give me the letter." Finally retrieving it he noticed it was for Aldrakar. Taking it over he cleared his throat. "Sir, a letter for you."