Author Topic: The assorted bits of Aldrakar Renodin's Life  (Read 73611 times)


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Of course I had to write a reply. Its not a complete package as one would say but a Link in the chain. Perhaps I will post more in the same vein. But before I rhyme myself silly. Best get that posting part done. Have fun!

Message from a Birdie

With the struggling, little bird in one hand and offering the parchment with the other Aldrakar couldn't help but smirk. He was wearing a simple but well made suit of leather clothing. The word armor would have suited better but with the few adjustments to it resembled close enough. Traditional oaken brown mingled with blacks and cream white's made up the scheme of colors out of which it existed only to be topped with sun kissed hair that fell till his shoulders wherever it may. ''Thank you Ranger.'' Aldrakar said to the man as he accepted the parchment and unfurled it to read. Glancing back at the Ranger arguing with the bird ''set in the cage with the other messenger birds. Give it some fresh seed.'' Aldrakar motioned with a tanned hand and resumed reading.

His legs bore him away to the garden or rather practice yard of the Local Royal Rangers Guildhall. The news demanding seclusion so that he could think for a while. While his brow imitated two mountains tumbling towards one another his mind raced with the potential meanings of the small letter he held in his hands. A nearby peach tree offered shade from a warm and bright sun and at the same time settled its fragrant scent onto Aldrakar's person. ''Shinnen Purlieus..'' the word was formed and spoken without much intend and as soon as it was said Aldrakar's gaze left the parchment and stared towards a far away horizon. His thoughts forming and his resolve gaining purpose.

At a brisk pace he returned to the room where he first received Ellyn's letter and looked about for the Ranger in question. Locking eyes with the man Aldrakar spoke in a authoritative voice. ''Find a messenger to reach the Emperor this eve rather than tomorrow. Have the words spoken to his Imperial Highness that Ellyn Coquard is within our borders and that she needs our help. Upon my honor I will vouch for her if he requires it.'' The Ranger paid close attention and seemed actually happy to be given a task to preform for the man who helped build his guild. ''Furthermore'' Aldrakar looked at the man. ''Please get me a scribe and send him to the study here.'' A warm smile heralded the end of speech and the Ranger nodded emphatically. ''As you will it, Master Aldrakar.'' With that the Ranger departed with haste to undoubtedly do which he was tasked to do.

Aldrakar was seen making his way to the little study at this local Royal Rangers guild-house. A poor name for a simple room with a desk and a basic writing kit, it would do however. It would do to aid a friend.