Author Topic: The assorted bits of Aldrakar Renodin's Life  (Read 73640 times)


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Mornin' its been a while again and I felt like writing a little something. This Rp will illustrate in a small way the scene in one of the border regions of Luria Nova where it borders that of her enemies. Aldrakar is meeting some friends and trying keep warm despite it being autumn! Enjoy.

The Banners of Shinnen Purlieus

The wind was picking up. Its arms ethereal but ever strong and always tugging on the world it swept through. The houses and establishments of Shinnen Purlieus were being boarded up. Many homes that stood on the outskirts of the towns were being converted into a defensible ring. Stakes driven into otherwise open roads, pointing their sharp ends outwards and promising impalement to rushing horses and men.

As soon as summer had given in to Autumn it was clear it would be a messy week. Yesterday had already brought a little amount of rain and surely tomorrow would inundate the land. The towns and roads were packed with soldiers. Greaves soiled with wet mud, armors dull of shine and oft mended a dozen times already. Tents could be found on every open space or hilltop. Banners and livery the only colorful things after the leafs that turned golden and brown.

The mood was good though, battles were getting won and it had just been payday. Every soldier liked being paid and liked it even more if he could spend that coin on beer and women. Unfortunately for them, that would have to wait. Most of the amenities that they were craving for were suspended or simply had departed long before. The lands of Sun Hall had, for some time now, been turned into a war-zone between the realms of Barca, D'hara, Luria Nova and Fissoa with the odd Asylonian mixed in.

Pacing through the thin sludge that floated over the dirt path that led to Knight Talt's encampment Aldrakar drank in the sight that was so very common nowadays. Aldrakar had donned his old armor, he had it returned to him by several loyal servants of Sun Hall. A suit of heavy leathers under a cover of splint-mail and ring-mail mesh. Bellowing behind him was his deep and rich, oaken brown cape. It was still lined with the furs of white minks and thick enough to be a shield against the mercurial weather.

Several of Sir Talt's men recognized him approach and waves merrily at him. Aldrakar had to smile, Talt was perhaps the most dutiful man he knew. Reaching the closest of the seasoned men-at-arms Aldrakar clapped his hand on the man's shoulder and exchanged a few lines that had both men grinning like teenage boys. His eyes scanned the small encampment but failed to spot Sir Talt. ''Give him my warmest of regards.'' He asked of the soldier who in turn nodded reassuringly.

With that Aldrakar walked away, the wind still attempting to chill him to the bone but thwarted by the heavy cape and heat produced by exertion. Even though the armor was build with practicality in mind it was still a bit of a chore to walk around in it. He visited the camps of several other people that day. Sir Cordun, a man ever steadfast. Sir Duer, a man one should always be happy to have on one's side in a fight. Sir Ronan, a man Aldrakar called Lord regardless of title, a fine man. Eddard, his old neighbor when he himself still ruled Sulorte and shortly stopped at the camp of Lady Sibylla. A woman more akin to combat than to any other venture.

As the day grew old and the sun already sinking away beyond the far off horizon Aldrakar felt his legs protest but he refused to remove his armor. The enemy was just beyond the boundaries of the townlands and he would be ready if it was needed. He ended his tour at Castle Madigan where he was admitted by the servants of his Grace, the Duke Hendrick.

A long day getting reacquainted with long lost friends and colleagues.