Author Topic: The assorted bits of Aldrakar Renodin's Life  (Read 73639 times)


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  • Mighty Duke
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Hey again, just a wee little Rp I wrote for a Guild Aldrkar is in. The Order of the White Rose, a place for true knights, chivalry and all that. Felt like writing something small, nice and sweet. Like a Belgian chocolate ( a Bon-Bon).

A Good Heart

Discussing training regimes with several of his new soldiers Aldrakar noticed a young man offer challenge to another. The other seemingly offended a girl. The offender had slapped her and yelled at her. The young man rushed to her aid. He helped her back on her feet and as she shuffled behind him he in turn faced the bully.

They ended up in a viscous fist fight that showed neither of them had any true skill. The bully was stronger and mashed the young man's face blue with crimson lines streaking down the corner of his mouth and from his nose. Laughing did the bully turn away and leave, the girl knelt and comforted her champion.

Aldrakar gave a look to the soldier that was talking to him and the man understood the need to stop talking. Walking over towards the couple Aldrakar pulled out his straight sword and allowed the wind to pull at his rich brown cape. ''Stand boy.'' The young man obliged naturally but winched as pain made itself known. Swirling the blade upwards with deft flair did Aldrakar place it on the young man's shoulder.  ''You are now my shield bearer and I shall instruct you in the ways of war so that you may stand against all that would do harm to the innocent, do you accept?''

The young man's face lit up like the mid summer sun and the girl gasped. He agreed and that was that. A man with a good heart was rewarded and the future should prove to be a little bit more bright.