Author Topic: The assorted bits of Aldrakar Renodin's Life  (Read 73647 times)


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  • Mighty Duke
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Hey again, today I have a little more grim Rp for you to enjoy. Its a small bit of writing that was meant to set a tone. Its a warzone and been more of a wasteland for a good long while now. This Rp I wrote to accompany my character traveling from one region to the other.

Arrival in Thar Gortauth

With a northern wind guiding him from Garuck Udor Aldrakar rode at the head of a company of men. Not the Shieldguard of old but these were new men. They bore not only the sword and the shield but also the javelin and the sling. As the roads slowly turned from excellent to poor and all along its fading veins do now bodies lay in shallow graves or simply left in the ditches. The countless battles, the skirmishes between common born families. One believing in the old realm and the other in the new realm.

Rotten was the air they breathed. Popping sounds mixed with bubbling rhythm was the chorus of decomposing carcasses as they sang the song of the day, its name was death. With damp pieces of cloth the men shielded mouths and nostrils and in a solemn procession did the Rendorian Armored Skirmishers make their way to the front-lines of Thar Gortauth.

Passing a dilapidated hovel crowed with entirely too many people Aldrakar offered alms to the poor, the wretchedly poor.