Author Topic: The assorted bits of Aldrakar Renodin's Life  (Read 73615 times)


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Re: The assorted bits of Aldrakar Renodin's Life
« Reply #60: August 02, 2014, 10:09:19 PM »
Hey everyone! Wall of text awaits you! 4 consecutive Rp posts were needed Ingame to deliver this battle report RP. Luria Vs Fissoa. Enjoy!

The Battle for Outer Giask

Two large armies stood sentinel as they watched the sun depart the land and left the world in twilight before night could claim dominance. One war host was Fissoan, led by several marshals and of course their Prince at Arms and in among their ranks, a wounded King. It was they that were the defenders, dug in and flanked by numerous barricades. As light left the world so did color and all the bright banners turned to shades of grey and ash.

Opposing them and standing out in the field stood a war host of Lurian born. They too were led by marshals and they too had their Imperial Marshal with them. There were several Kings and even the Emperor himself, even though this came as no surprise. Any man would defend his own home and that was exactly what he was doing. Just another man ready to fight and not there to command.

After long marching and having to witness, first hand, the devastation visited upon the border lands it was with determination that the Lurians looked on to the invaders. There were some voices that called for blood but they were surprisingly few compared to the battles Aldrakar had experiences with D'hara and Barca. His own unit of men stood at the ready. They knew their place was with the archer lines and if Aldrakar was honest with himself, he didn't much like it. ''We'll stick it to 'em Sirrah!'' one of his more ugly soldiers proffered ''Stick it to 'em good!'' The man motioned menacingly with a javelin. Aldrakar managed a hard smile ''Yes.. we will.''

Crickets and night creatures made the tall grass rustle, hundreds of lanterns illuminated the encampments. Each with their own cluster of fireflies and moths assaulting it, much like men would be doing soon. Aldrakar slapped at a mosquito which had landed on his neck. Checking the palm of his hand to see if he had killed it. He found a dark crimson droplet that was all splattered, with tiny wings mixed in. Taking a deep breath he wiped his hand on his surcoat, a little extra gore wouldn't matter.

The Lurian forces started to come alive as the soldiers were arrayed in battle formations and lines were being formed. The Fissoan's must have noticed, it is a hard thing to hide even when its dark. A veritable exodus of warriors saw the encampment all but abandoned. Knights were flanked by shield bearers, Lord by cadre's of bodyguards and sergeants surrounded by fighting men. A sea of torches marked their passing and large braziers roared their flames up at the sky as they stood as markers on the field.

The foot soldiers, the infantry deployed not too far ahead of the archers and mixed infantry that stood together. The various types of special forces also had decided to stand with the archers and but a single unit of cavalrymen held position at the far flank of them again. Aldrakar was given overall command of the Lurian Home Guard. He may have only been a Vice-Marshal again, but in the absence of the Lord Marshal Saul the task fell onto him. Most of the older Lurians remembered his name and little was actually required of him at this advanced stage. A few runners were send to the Lords and Knights to assure them of a loose formation and to adhere to the overall strategy.

Strapping on his helmet and securing his mailed gloves did Aldrakar take up position in the center of the Archer lines. When it came to it, he would rush forwards and be among the last defenders of the men without armor. In his heart he yearned to stand in the front row and be with the first to exchange blows. His page blanched as the boy saw Aldrakar clench his first around the pommel of his sword. Glancing back at the boy he said ''Calm yourself, today you will no longer be a boy.'' He peered at the Fissoan position before continuing. ''You've done well at weapons training Marc. If you wish it, you may accompany me into battle. Remember however, that this decision can be fatal and thus your last.'' Turning slowly to the 10 odd year boy Aldrakar had obviously already made up his mind but it was good if the boy did as well. Marc tried to steel himself but dry lips and involuntary quivers betrayed him. Placing a noticably heavy mailed hand onto Marc's shoulder Aldrakar smiled to the boy as he looked down at him. ''Fear is never wrong Marc, it tells you that you still love life and will be a better warrior than the one who wishes death.'' Unable to help himself Aldrakar chuckled softly and threw a look back at the encampment. ''I need you to safeguard the donkey's Marc, they are vital to the army.'' Pauzing a moment he let the words sink in. ''Make sure none of them run away and that none are stolen. Understand?'' Marc nodded vigorously and bowed ''I won't let any filthy Fissoan get near them!'' He all but peeped. "There are no such Fissoans here tonight Marc. Only warriors and men doing their duty.'' He gave the boy a stern look that ended with a wink. ''Go now!'' He made a mock swipe with his arm that saw Marc dart off like an arrow.

With the final preparations over with and both forces ready to begin their clash it was time to close the gap. Ugly brass horns cut through the night to signal the beginning and were succeeded by elegant trumpets in honor of the Emperor and his most exalted vassals. Which in turn were followed by a steady beat of drums ready to make drones out of the soldiers as they dictated the pace. Lord Imperial Marshal Aylwin stood near the right flank of the Archer line. Aldrakar couldn't spot him from this distance and neither saw his banners but knew his friend was somewhere there, inspiring men to greater heights. He looked to the men around him and saw that they all looked at him, even those not of his own unit.

''What are you all looking at? You know what comes next and what is expected of you.'' He drew his sword and let its shimmer in the torchlight as he held it up. ''Make sure you don't need to use this! They have more swordsmen than us and as you can feel, there is a lot of wind.'' He stepped out of the line and faced them. ''I am Aldrakar Renodin, you know my name and I have stood in every position of the chain of command and hear me when I tell you. There is nothing but virtue when you face your opponent. No strategy, no tactic, no brotherhood. It is you and your quality against that of the man or woman you face. It is your virtue against theirs.'' He pointed the sword at the Lurian soldiers. ''If you use this to save a fellow soldier it is your virtue bestowed upon them and for all to witness. Let it shine like the moon that will look upon you when the evening grows old!''

Some men cheered, some were silent and some were starting up at the dark sky where the moon was making her entry. Giving Aldrakar's words something spiritual and made the men aware of not only their moral duties.

Shortly after the Lurian War host started to move in orderly fashion towards the Fissoan position. They in turn had prepared defenses more based on depth rather than spread. They had a clearly distinguished infantry line that had dug in and behind that stood their lines of archers and cavalry. As it was neither side had opted to use fortifications and the only defenses available to the Fissoans were trenches, palisades and barricades. Make no mistake however, these things are more precious than gems when faced with arrows.

As the nightingales sang in the trees and the frogs that croak after dark made their presence known so did the anger of man. Marching a short distance Aldrakar ordered a halt and to have hunting bows strung. His men went about it with practiced ease and with the comfort or friendly lines before them. The first tactical move was unveiled as the Lurian infantry, outnumbered that fateful eve, filled out from the vast line of Lurian combatants. In quick pace did they form a solid and rigid line of shields, spears and swords that took up the center of the field. The ground was hard enough and blessedly clear of holes and rocks.

''Notch Arrows! Take aim!... Loose!'' Called the various sergeants and lieutenants. Swarms upon swarms of both lit and unlit arrows sped through the dark sky and fell in among the Fissoan defenders who were wise to keep heads down and shields up. Unbeknownst to Aldrakar had he given order to target the Royal Battalion of King Waldor of Fissoa in the opening phases of the battle. It was after all the largest, cohesive unit of enemy infantrymen.  The Lurian infantry made a slow advance and were content to let it rain death upon the Fissoans. They in turn hunkered down and possibly ground teeth as screams erupted from their ranks.

It did not remain one side for long and soon the arrows bumped against arrows as their sailed high through the air. Lurian soldiers were being struck but miraculously nowhere near as hard as the Fissoans. For some unknown reason 3 incredibly brave Fissoan Nobles had urged their men forwards and ahead of their main battle line. They stood shoulder to shoulder and died that way. Not having struck a single blow with a sword nor with the lance but those three Nobles were left with pincushions in but moments. As it proved to be later on, it were actually 2 Fissoans and 1 Asylonian.

With the Lurian Infantry edging closer and feeling emboldened with the apparent gift presented to them did the battle grow in intensity. Aldrakar's skirmishers unleashed a volley onto a target he would have rather skipped. The banner of the Silver Swords was not really visible but the order was to target the larger blobs of men. That is exactly what his Skirmishers did. Sleek arrows dove into Soren's ranks and Aldrakar wished he had the eyes of a young eagle but could do nothing.

The Infantry lines roared their defiance and fear at one another. Weapons banged on shields and a terrible noise that stays with a man for an age and then some if ever he is exposed to it. The thunder of hooves was masked by this noise. The Riders of Lady Marshal Evelyn, the Queen of Fissoa charged home and rode down in reckless abandon an entire line of Lurian infantry. Marking at least half a dozen Lurian units and bleeding a double number of their men. Her sword was seen as earth bound lightning, flashing across the front line.

Answering this call was Lord Ronan, his Divine Chargers smashed into Fissoan soldiers that had eagerly emerged from their defensive works to rush to the aid of their Queen. It seemed a contest who could deliver more shock and awe but to those who had to face them, they were like terrible gods reaping souls. Both nobles were pulled down from their horses and had to fight for dear life. Remarkably both battled their ways out of the clutches of their enemies with heads raised high and blood washing them in glory.

Aldrakar looked on with a stone in his stomach as he saw Evelyn go down but felt relieve as he saw her emerge but bloodied. ''More arrows men! There are still opponents running about!'' He quickly brought himself back to the reality of things. Not realizing that he never sheathed his sword and still carried it in his hand.

As the Melee became a place of murder and dark chaos nobles were felled in droves. His Majesty, King Idesbald of Moon Hall took several arrows before he was forcefully taken from the battle by his own men. Marshal Taran Dallben of the Edreun, Niselurian Lurians was literally showered in arrows. That the man survived was an outright miracle as over 80 arrows littered his person, still crying his defiance.

It would seem the Emperor Sholan had his eyes on the Admiral of the Southern League and it were his archers that found the Prince at Arms Soren. The man vanished from sight of Aldrakar as countless arrows rained down upon his location. Never to emerge again, at least to the vision of Aldrakar.

The Fissoan Sally, if you could call it that, was devastating. Their superior amount of infantry crushed the Lurian armsmen. Fortunately the Lurian ranged battle was proving to be the equalizer. Brutal fighting was visited upon all outside of Outher Giask that night. Limbs were cleft from torso and blood was thrown and descended from the heavens as hundreds of arms made chopping motions.

It was over relatively quickly, in the span of less than an hour was the Lurian infantry beaten. Not shattered perhaps as they retreated early but their fair share was annihilated. In turn the Fissoan line was bloodied and taking continuous hits from the Lurian archers. It was here that utter courage was shown or perhaps utter insanity. Lord Zajar of Luria rushed to the fore. Holding up his own banner did the man take the point and made his men, some 3 dozen, follow him. They unsheathed simple blades and carried small shields. Not truly infantry and neither archer.

''Men! hear me! Shoulder bows and ready for melee!'' Aldrakar screamed at the top of his lungs. He wanted to be there with him but knew already that he would be too late. Like a caged hound did he inch forwards and then again back. His eyes were wide and his sword powerless as he looked on and saw Lord Zajar take on the Prince at Arms himself! A massacre! Soren beats Zajar but both were forced to retreat. Arrows the cause of one, too many blades the other.

The King Waldor too was forced to leave the battle as his men were being picked off by seeking arrows and his own failing health. At least so it seemed to Aldrakar. Was this it? No more Infantry on either side and Archers exchanging long ranged death?

As the last remnants of swordsmen and axemen are mercilessly killed off do the arms of bowmen burn with effort but are urged on to settle this matter, once and for all. With great heaves and with screeching arrows falling onto lightly armored opponents do the Lurian forces steadily overwhelm the Fissoans. During this time is Lord Imperial Marshal Aylwin forced to exist the battle. His men exhausted and with numerous losses. Aldrakar saw the enemy was shaky and couldn't wait anymore. This was not true battle. He wouldn't let others keep on dying while he stood at a distance.

Marching together with another Lurian Noble did they make way for the center of the battlefield. They instantly became the focal point of the remaining Fissoan archers. This drew fire away from Lurian archers and cemented the victory perhaps, it diverted losses rather than anything else. Naturally did Aldrakar's small force not withstand the Fissoan barrage and had to retreat as well.

The evening grew silent somewhere halfway towards dawn and had seen the Fissoan combined army defeated by the Lurian War host. Massive amounts of casualties and the dead would rot where they lay for there were too few hands to carry or bury them all. Aldrakar looked down at his armor and saw only the blood of others upon it. Flashes of the battle shot through his mind and fueled by them did he rush towards the battlefield. Running like a madman did he try and check the bodies of the fallen. He tried to remember where he had seen Soren and Evelyn fall. Where he saw Idesbald sag to the ground and where so many others he knew.. or had known? got struck down.

The main Lurian host delivered pursuit as the Fissoan attempted an organized retreat. And thus was it that the Imperial Lurian Seat of the Emperor Sholan was defended from the Fissoan Combined Armies.