Author Topic: The assorted bits of Aldrakar Renodin's Life  (Read 75832 times)


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Re: The assorted bits of Aldrakar Renodin's Life
« Reply #60: August 04, 2014, 11:15:35 AM »
Hey there! Welcome once again to the Renodin Story Emporium! Today we have on offer a very special story. Its second in what could be a very nice Rp between 2 people. Read quickly! before you find time lost on you!

A chance meeting en route to the Capital

Standing on the deck of the ferry from Giask to Askileon ,with the cold winter wind buffeting his face Aldrakar was disturbed in his quiet contemplation.
He stood at the railing that circumvated the entire deck. His hands resting on the thick beam that capped it and the gentle crashing noise of waves his only companion, until now.

Sarea edged forward as she approached Aldrakar. She hadn't met the man before and she didn't want to make any mistake or breach in etiquette. She cleared her throat in an attempt to catch his attention and it worked. Aldrakar looked to his side and found a small, dark haired woman standing there. She was dressed in well maintained but simple clothing, considering her mistress's standing. He took his time to consider this new person and let his deep blue eyes drink in her expression, 2 thirds uncomfortable and 1 third annoyed.

The winter wind liberated one of his long golden locks from his ears and blew right into his face, making Aldrakar blink involuntarily. He calmly brushed it aside and as he focused once more on the common born woman she was holding out a small letter. ''For you M'lord, from the Lady Ellyn Coquard.'' Aldrakar accepted the missive and knew confusion as he unfolded it. ''How did you..'' He stopped mid sentence. ''She is on-board M'lord.'' Sarea cut in. Arching his eyebrows in surprise Aldrakar glanced at the small parchment and smiled internally. A fearless servant, he liked that. "Lead the way, it seems this is an invitation.'' He gave Sarea a good natured smile that revealed many healthy and good, white teeth.

Ducking low to avoid bumping his head in the compact space that was the stairwell that led to the private chamber of Ellyn. He was assailed by the swaying of the ship as the waves played with the little vessel. Not once but twice did he have to brace himself or risk tumbling down the steps. Sarea seemed vastly more adept at this sort of thing and she looked right at home. Reaching the door of Ellyn's quarters did Sarae knock twice in quick succession and then called out to her mistress. ''Lord Aldrakar is here to see you Mistress Ellyn. I'll be coming in now.''

As Sarea opened the door she gave Aldrakar a look. ''Wait here please M'lord. I need to tend to the mistress. I'll fetch you when she is ready to receive you.'' Again Aldrakar was slightly amazed at this servant's brazen display of courage. It must have something to do with the way Ellyn handled them, he was sure of it.

Waiting patiently in the confined space outside of her door he remained until Sarea would -fetch- him. The thought alone made him smirk privately.