Author Topic: The assorted bits of Aldrakar Renodin's Life  (Read 73642 times)


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Re: The assorted bits of Aldrakar Renodin's Life
« Reply #60: August 05, 2014, 11:25:02 AM »
Hey there, the following Rp was written by the Player of Ellyn Coquard. She  deserves all the credit and I am including it here so you may enjoy a more complete retelling of the Rp Chain.

Ellyn - Aldrakar 2


Kleio chirped at the porthole, and Elly whistled him over. He dropped a few letters in her lap then went off in search of lunch. Elly slid a finger under the wax seal so familiar to her, the mark of the Crown Prince Rynn. Reading the letter brought tears to her eyes. She had thought upon her move all but Rynn and Jocelin had forsaken her, cast her aside without another thought. Then to find out not only Sholan but Aldrakar sent a missive to Rynn... though Aldrakar told Rynn things Elly hadn't had a chance to tell him herself.

Wiping away the remnents of tears, Sarea entered the room again. "M'lady, the viscount is here to see you," she told Elly. Elly wiped her face once again, hoping that she looked presentable. Running a hand through her hair she nodded to Sarea. "You can let him in, I'm not going to look much better than I do now," she said, moving to sit up and wincing in pain.

A very unladylike expletive fell from her lips as Sarea rushed over to help her sit up, fluffing up the pillows. Elly started to blush slightly, hoping that he did not here the words that fell from her lips. "Viscount Aldrakar I presume?" Elly said cordially. Elly wasn't shy looking him up and down. She racked her brain trying to place him, calling upon memories of long ago.

The battle at the Lighthouse was what seemed forever ago, and the battle she was in was a myraid of bodies and arrows and blades. She lost a friend that day, and almost lost her own life. Elly chuckled softly, before opening her mouth to speak. "Well I have to say it is a pleasure to finally meet you and put a name to a face," she said brightly. "I apologize for my lack of curtsy, but as you can see I shouldn't be out of bed."

Elly guestured to the chair besides her bed and laughed as Sarea took a seat on the otherside of the bed, hovering like a protective guard dog. Elly sighed but knew it was pointless to argue. Sarea didn't want her to leave the estate, but Elly wanted to make the trip. It was obvious she was not safe on her own, so perhaps with Sholan and the rest she would be safer. Sarea also trusted no one other than the Emperor himself.

Picking up the letter from Rynn she waggled it at Aldrakar. "I see you have already started to inform the Crown Prince of things I haven't even shared with him? Or had time too? Though I must thank you as it helped him bring the family in line when they were speaking ill of me..."

Elly sipped her tea. "Would you care for a glass of tea? They say I cannot drink yet for a bit..."