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The assorted bits of Aldrakar Renodin's Life

Started by Renodin, September 30, 2013, 11:05:24 AM

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Bonesera, did I spell that right? Probably not. Anyhow. I have a nice, warm, little Rp for you. Its not about people for a change for about a city. Hope it catches the imagination as I envisioned but only you can tell me if I succeeded. Enjoy!

The new days of Giask

With the sun steady in the heavens and shining brightly over the massive city of old Luria did the sounds of laughter echoe once more through her streets. Children played and the sun kissed their skin and made their hair like straw. Thick and golden or reddish brown where it was once near black. Restorative works were well under way all across the city and many Lurian Nobles walked the streets.

Inns and taverns and squares alike were ablaze with renewed life and every bench and table was lined with revelers. Where war raged outside the epic city walls it was business as usual inside of them. More even, it was revival. Hope had once more been restored not in the past and neither focused on invader realms but on momentarily forgotten traditions. True Lurian traditions.

The walls were whitewashed again, giant frescoes restored and verdant boulevards restored with plume trees and rose bushes  of every color imaginable. Cobblers were breaking their backs as they laid fresh stones in the unending roads and ensured that carts heavy with craft were once more able to pump life into the housing blocks. Trade was returning to the isolated city.  Asylon had no trade, it had no true friends in the last moments of its existence and yet now. In her last days Lurian traders from Shinnen, Askileon and even far Poryatown, through road of Orz made it to Giask. Children ran and played, the skirts of girls almost translucent with the bight rays of the sun, not to mention what the maidens did in the fountains, and the tunics of boys nearly always torn for True Lurian stock played hard, worked hard and always kept their spirits high. At least that's what any mentor would tell you.

The smell of dung was also present and that of fresh earth. Pots were filled with good soil as vegetation was shown a new home and produced fresh air even in the inner quarters. The manure was from beasts of burden and the civic services of the city were still organizing to deal with this latest sign of prosperity. Life would return to the way it should be, True Lurian values and good but hard living. 

Aldrakar walked the streets dressed in a heavy cotton tunic of rich brown stitched with gold tread and adorned with creme white borders of an intricate design. His belt was made of well tooled boar-hide and gloves of soft doeskin dyed a light grey like the moon on some rare occasions. His hair was oiled and looked more dark than bright but still had that golden shine. His fingers were home to several rings and one in particular was opulent, it was a ring from Lucini. A heavy golden one that shouted decadence but for once, Aldrakar did't mind. He wore it proudly and the people knew it for what it was. A sign of old days returning. The good old days.

He was seem making many stops and his retainers, a cadre of perhaps 10 men all wore fine armors and swords and short-bows but also good cloaks and fineries that made them look less like hard soldiers and more like a part of the picture of a reviving Lurian colossus. For that was what Giask truly was, a Colossus of Luria rising once more.


Hey everyone! Wee little Rp just to illustrate Aldrakar taking up the Lordship of Giask. Little things help a great deal towards the bigger picture I feel.

With carts packed and servants milling about Aldrakar left the small tax collectors house he'd been occupying for these last weeks as the City was converted back to Lurian Rule. Now he and his family, the 3 boys trailing behind him, went up the main boulevard straight for the Ducal Palace that would be their new home. The Golden Roofed building with all its splendor still caught the imagination even though it sat in disrepair. Old glory fades slowly and a new Lord took residence.


Hello and welcome. Back so soon? No matter I like your presence regardless. Stay a while and read what I have for you. Its a piece on what I hope will become a nice little RP. send to 3 different people at the same time. Figured it would be nicer and be more in line with Lore and flair than a simple letter invitation only. Enjoy!

A Graceful Invitation

A runner came to reach you. It wasn't just a simple runner though but an official Herald decked in the rich brown colors of House Renodin but accentuated with the Golden symbols of the City of Giask. He wore a quality sword decorated with topazes and carried on his person a heavily decorated scroll-containers to be handed over to your person. Your guards, after stopping the man, allowed him to deliver his message, that being the sealed container.

Should you open it inside the following content is stored:

A heavy ivory scroll container engraved with a city scape of Giask in full glory. The sun gilded in gold and the sea set with tiny turquoise gemstones.

Contains: A heavy scroll of exceptional quality linen mixed with parchment fibers, fit for a dozen reuses at least.

QuoteEsteemed visitor to Giask,

It has come to my attention that you are currently in my city and possibly work towards its restoration. Where I would loathe for you to seek accommodations elsewhere in the many fine Inn's or minor palaces or even from befriended local nobility I would offer you temporary residence in the Golden Palace. All your needs would be provided for and given as my pleasure.

The deliverer of this scroll should act as your guide should you desire it and he was explicit instruction to be your guide and personal herald for as long as you desire to stay in my City.

I look forwards to your presence at the Palace and shall strive to welcome you at my table come dusk. You will forgive me if I cannot greet you initially, in person. The city demands my attention and so does the realm.

With respect,

Aldrakar Renodin
Margrave of Giask

As your eyes rise from the expensive scroll written in a beautiful hand (those familiar with Aldrakar might realize its not his handwriting) the graceful herald meets your gaze for a brief moment and dips into an exquisite bow. ''Am I yours to serve, shall I provide guidance to the Golden Palace?''


Hello again and welcome! Today I'll have an Rp in much the same vein as one of the earlier ones. (I guess the same is true for all the battle Rp's I've written hehe) Anyhow, a civil Rp for once. Noble conduct and all that. Enjoy!

An invitation to the Lord Ambassador of Morek

The bustling streets of Giask were lined with farmers once more happy to sell their goods gotten from the Lurian farmlands. Merchants reopened stalls laden with goods and the once empty fountains were jetting water high into the air again. Children were playing in the basins splashing one another while some were content to simply sit on its edge and gossip or tease. Several young mothers looked upon them with worry in their eyes or delight, the same was true for young women not quite yet a mother.

Flanked by 2 ornately garbed men at arms decked in partial plate and wearing surcoats of rich brown and decorated with the golden symbols of the City of Giask walked a Tall and handsome man. Short cropped, light brown hair and with warm, brown eyes set above a strong nose. He walks with purpose and people made way as he cut through the growing crowd.

His 2 companions looked fine but hardly as fine as he did. His mantle was akin to theirs and a rich brown indeed decorated with the symbols of Giask. he wore a splendid suit of clothing that seemed tailored fit to his frame and on his belt he wore a fancy sword studded with yellow topaz.

Upon arriving at the noble he was send to find did Juan made a measured but still elaborate bow. ''Greetings Light of the Auspicious Star, Elder of Sanguis Astroism Lyrus, Lord and Ambassador of the Morek Empire. My name is Juan of the House Aldamara and I present myself as Herald to the Esteemed house Renodin, under the instruction of the Lord of Giask, My master, Aldrakar.'' Rising from his bow he produced from his satchel a heavy ivory scroll container engraved with a city scape of Giask in full glory. The sun gilded in gold and the sea set with tiny turquoise gemstones.

He held it out to Lord Lyrus and waited politely for him or his servants to accept it. Juan smiled calmly and seem to hold the posture without any apparent effort.


Afternoon! Here I'll have an Rp for you that has nothing to do with warfare, nothing to do with plotting and nothing to with farming either. If that has your interest piqued I suggest you read on. Enjoy.

Toddlers in the Palace

The sun rose early today and banished the dark of night as it ascended towards its zenith. Where it turned the ocean a mirror of gold and the hills surrounding Giask lush and green so did its rays glimmer of the domes of the Palace. Tiny black ships sailed through golden waters and moved like those of an ever changing painting so beautiful. Aldrakar gazed out over the Grand Harbor from his high perch standing on the balcony of hos bedroom. His eyes tracing the goods from ship to dock to carts and in a long stream towards the warehouses and from there again to the markets. Shadows were long in the morning.

He turned away from the vista and headed back into his room. It was amazing. Not a month before was he sleeping in field tents and trudging through the cold mud of winter and spring but now.. His bedroom was larger than most ale halls. He looks about for a moment and knew mirth and chuckled. ''What am I going to put in here?'' He shook his head and walked to one of wardrobes. His hands guided him towards a fine fabric, he wasn't sure what it was called but it was really soft and nice. He clad himself in the robe and went bare feet to the exit, his stomach demanded food. Somethings never change.

Walking on the polished marble floors of the hallway he rubbed at his eyes in an attempt to wake his half slumbering eyes and dragged some hair from his face. He snorted. The robe fit brilliantly but Aldrakar had been too lazy to tie it properly, some of his bare chest was displaying and added to the -fresh from bed- look. Lamps were being refueled by servants who were both utterly silent and immaculate in their behavior. Aldrakar eyed them awkwardly and though. If we had soldiers so well trained we'd have won the war by now!

Arriving at a large, domed hall Aldrakar heard a familiar sound. The hall was circular, impossibly high and decorated with columns of pristine marble, the finest drapings and so much finery it shone like a tiny sun. It was bright, fragrant and even contained a small garden worth of exotic plants. Discrete servants attended Aldrakar and offered him a basin to wash his hands. Another informed him of messages received. A third told him of domestic issues in a soft voice and a forth held a list of visitors already waiting on him. Aldrakar frowned deeply and pushed through them. ''Later.. give me some time, alright?'' The familiar sound was that of his son, Asher, playing with 2 of the hounds. They were well bred wardogs but not held in any warcamp. They were raised from pup by the Stable-master and he had selected them for their good nature. Aldrakar had chosen to gift them to his sons so they may know the joys of having pet companions. They were as large as small cows and incredibly muscular but also playful.

They had quickly taken to guarding little Asher and Aldrakar II. The two boys in return favored them with play and bits of food. Ohh how that infuriated the kitchen chef. Aldrakar grinned and called over his son. ''Asher! Come give your father a kiss!'' He sat down on a very comfortable chair that by itself cost a fortune. He didn't care for the wealth. Asher rushed up to Aldrakar and Grog charged with him. Grog being one of the two War-dog pets, the brown one.

Aldrakar lifted Asher up with both hands and played with him for a while before the two embraced and Asher planted a kiss on Aldrakar's cheek. ''Where's your brother hmm?'' Aldrakar asked. Asher pointed to the other end of the long table and revealed Aldrakar II studiously coloring in a drawing made previously, the outline that is, by one of the court Poets. The man was dismayed at the havoc being exacted on his work but feinted a smile. Aldrakar put Asher down on his feet and petted Grog on his bulky head, the two exchanged a brief look and like soldier and Commander Aldrakar gave a curt nod. The dog seemed to understand and it was eerie.

Walking over to the other side of the table Aldrakar placed a hand on his son's shoulder and admired his work. Giving several pointers and then ruffled the boy's hair. ''Keep at it son.'' He then turned his attention to the poet. A well build man of considerable beauty. Aldrakar squinted his eyes at the man from close up. ''Don't turn him into a soft bodied lout.'' Several muscles flexed in his arms and neck and the poet seemed to have received the intended message.

Cracking his neck Aldrakar moved off again, servants pouncing on the opportunity to dote on him and draw his attention to issues requiring his attention. ''Shoo!'' He waved at them dismissively. ''Let me dress first you damned vultures!'' He said the words with joy and smiled broadly at them. They relaxed visually and returned his smile. ''I'll be dressed soon enough and then we can begin this circus again, alright?'' He exchanged looks with several of them. ''Alright then, I'll be back soon. Don't you get in your thick heads that I need help getting dressed!'' He grinned as he left for his bedroom.

And so another busy day began for Aldrakar Renodin, administration was almost more arduous than warfare, almost.


Good afternoon! It's been a while but then again I've been rather busy writing letters. That doesn't mean I haven't Rp-ed. I've just not posted them all here. Here I have a proper Rp again. One about shopping and money. Not exactly in the context you first might assume but read on and find out I'd say.

Swordshopping in Askileon

''What's that Sergeant?'' The words spoken with an undertone of sarcasm. The ocean in the back mirrored the blue of his eyes as Aldrakar turned his gaze to the leather skinned man dressed in linked mesh maille and a rich brown tabard depicting the Symbols of Giask and House Renodin. ''Sir, I just don't agree with giving away all that gold.'' The older man's face crumpled up with wrinkles as he frowned heavily. Wrinkles and scars, truth be told.

They were walking side by side through the streets of Askileon. The hustle and bustle of life streaming past them and the cries of gulls ever close by. Aldrakar paid a stallholder a few coppers for a wrap of warm bread stuffed with meat and vegetables which he readily took a bite from. The sergeant did much the same although he didn't have to pay. ''Does Giask need more coin? I don't think so, it's rebuilding well and even with the new projects there is just plenty of coin to go around.'' Licking some of the juice from his lips Aldrakar continued.

''It's not like the men need more pay, they are well provided for.'' His tone more imperious than he had intended and quickly realized his mistake in the expression of his companion. ''No sir, you are correct.'' The sergeant allowed some time to pass and occupied it with eating his own meal. The two of them passed by a smithy, a proper forge. The master Smith specialized in Swords that much was obvious from the fine array of blade on display.

''Master Aldrakar, Sir?'' Their eyes met. ''I understand the Realm needs coin but why try so hard to impoverish yourself at every turn?'' The question hang in the air between then as they entered the smithy's shop. They rummaged through the wares and felt several swords and tried their balance. ''The City was a Gift.'' Aldrakar said finally. ''It belonged to my Wife before me and now it belongs to me. I want the Realm to prosper and to do that I have to do as I do. Give gold to others.''

A smiling target dummy made of straw and leather straps and wood had little reason to smile as both Aldrakar and the Sergeant struck at it a couple of times, testing several more blades. ''Besides Sergeant, coin can only buy so much. Gratitude and Loyalty is rarely for sale.'' Aldrakar inspected a sword with an azure blue handle and a blade that showed the thousands of folds of steel that comprised its blade. Well polished and yet dark grey of sheen but with countless coiling veins of white.

''Smith, I'll take this one.'' Aldrakar called to the middle aged man with arms that could have belonged to an award winning wrestler. The Master Smith nodded curtly but his face lit up with a radiant smile. ''Aye, milord. A fine choice!'' Aldrakar glanced quickly at his Sergeant. ''I want it's sister blade also, for my man here.'' He indicated the sergeant with a simple hand gesture. The smith nodded again and set about collecting the two swords, scabbards and swordbelts. He also added 2 proper whetstones and 2 clay containers of oil and a good thick bit of cloth for cleaning.

Aldrakar paid the man in hard silver, probably more than he had to but he hadn't asked the price and didn't dicker either. Judging the Master smith's expression he had paid well enough. The man never ceased bowing and thanking him until he had exited the very street the Master Smith called home.


Welcome back, or.. if you are new to this thread: Hello! Stay a while and enjoy yourself. Here I'll share with you a small Rp that I wrote as a little something something for the Nobles and Advies that happened to be in Askileon Purlieus. With it I wanted to create a bit of ambiance. I imagined people would see things as they traveled, what could they be seeing as My char traveled through the same region? That kind of thing. Hope it had the desired effect of adding to the atmosphere.

Headed for the Silver City

Riding towards the outskirts of Askileon Purlieus from the outstretching farmlands and wilderness that lay beyond was a man with dark golden hair. The wind whipped it up as no ribbons or human hands had restrained it in anyway. It sprawled around an angular face with a strong nose set below sockets that held glacial blue eyes.

Close behind were 3 more riders, all companion cavalry by the looks of it. Behind them came a line of some 80 men with short recursive bows and an assortment of close combat weaponry. All of them wore the rich brown tabard of House Renodin and all of those were decorated with the symbols of Giask. A single man stood out, a grizzled veteran who bore an impressive banner that reached for the sky.

As the troop marched did its leader ride on and raised his hand as he hailed the various Nobles whom he could identify in Askileon Purlieus. They seemed headed for Askileon, that much was clear as there was no other destination really except the Silver City beyond the Purlieus.


Let's see if this fits. Haha! it does. I find that battle or combat orientated Rp's always take the most time. It just takes so much detail to properly describe a fight. So much to tell so much to keep track of. I hope you like this one. It's a bit of a read and it is a good fight, I hope you will agree at least at the latter. Enjoy!

A Silver Morning

Having arrived just this morning it the road still showed on him. Dirt clung to his cape, his hair sticky with dried sweat and his boots foul with the caked mud of last night's downpour. Strange, he thought to himself. He had been out traveling on the one night the heavens decided to open up and inundate the land with summer rains.

The clank and subsequent grunt that followed the impact brought him back to reality. ''Good!'' A gruff voice called ''Next time don't shift your weight so obviously.'' Aldrakar's eyes found his grizzled captain standing on the training court. The older man was educating one of the younger soldiers that made up Aldrakar's Guard. Askileon was a beautiful city. Where the summers were brutal had its inhabitants long mastered the use of waterways.

Crisscrossing the districts stood huge aqueducts decorated with art and some sported massive plaster-work cups, if you would. From them hung fragrantly blossoming vines and other such plants. On walking level there was an equal amount of visible amount of water coursing through the metropolis. Channels, fountains and regular cisterns exited in a neat but exceptionally intricate grid throughout the Silver City.  It was because of this that the sight of children playing in the fountains was common and a favorite way to escape the heat of the mid summer sun. Girls encroaching on womanhood were warded off by their mothers but this wasn't always as easy to do with the lure of the fresh water beckoning everyone.

Arriving in the morning gave Aldrakar an easy enough reason to avoid matters of state for an hour or two. He had to recover from his journey. That was his official  excuse anyway, in truth he enjoyed the time to himself. Time he could spend pursuing one of his favorite pastimes, swordplay. His eyes eagerly drank in the fluid motions displayed by the master swordsmen on the training squares at the Palace Baracks. His men were doing their best to measure up to the Royal Guard and perhaps a few of them did but a man not solely dedicated to the art will never truly surpass a master. These men were masters one and all. Having stood against invading armies, assassins and perhaps more challenging, each other.

Pushing himself off from the soft sandstone wall where the weapons were arrayed Aldrakar picked up two wooden training swords and slowly paced past the practicing men. The sun was already on the rise but it wasn't too hot yet, as any fighting knew this far south of the continent. Do the hard work early or rather late, else you toil in the sun. All around him he could hear grunting, whispered footwork skirting over the smooth stone surface of the square and the intermingled sounds of impact. Some soft and some hard as wood struck leather or against wood of another practice sword.

Aldrakar rested his preferred practice sword on his right shoulder, allowing his hand to cling onto its grip. The other he held in his other hand, allowing its tip to brush against the ground. With as much casual swagger as he could muster he continued on his way, spying out a potential parring partner. His eyes finally found a sun kissed man in his early thirties. Hair brown but light and skin that shone with sweat and health. He was handsome and had the quiet confidence of an excellent warrior. Their eyes met.

''Morning.'' Aldrakar offered. ''Morning Lord.'' The swordsman replied. His voice was soft yet rich. It vexed Aldrakar, a common born man yet so blessed by the gods with beauty and skill. ''You fight well, what is your name?'' The swordsman looked down as he smirked as Aldrakar addressed him again. ''My name is Astrada, Lord.''  He didn't elaborate and his eyes were bright as he looked Aldrakar over.

With deliberate and carefully measured motions did Aldrakar undo himself of his rich brown cape and took off his jacket. ''May I have the pleasure of testing myself against your skill Astrada?'' The items he handed to Marc, his teenage page, who in turn folded them and put them aside. Astrada bowed but never let his eyes leave Aldrakar. ''It would be my Honour, Lord. First to three?'' That meant, first man to score three hits on the other.

Aldrakar gave him a sidelong glance and nodded. ''Very well, first to three.'' He handed his sword-belt to Marc and then handed a practice sword to Astrada. No fancy motions, simply handing it to him, grip first. Astrada accepted but in the short moment that both men held the wooden sword an unspoken sense of seriousness descended upon them both. The spell broken as Aldrakar let go and both men eyeing one another.

The soft and gentle touch of the wind seemed like a lover's caress. The thin strand of hair that swung through his field of vision became transparent as his eyes focused on Astrada and the sound of his fingers gripping the handle of his wooden sword the only sound registered by his ears as all others were canceled out by deep concentration. One foot was placed in front of the other and then both men were joined in a graceful and expert dance of combat.

Astrada waited a long time and it made Aldrakar nervous. The man seemed to be a mountain of peace, he took time and it never made his resolve crumble. Feints were already registered by both sides as they faked steps and overcame these feints with fluid steps like a meticulously choreographed piece. He tried to bait Astrada to abandon his peace with several simple jabs and almost blatant offers to engage him but the man refused.

In an attempt to force a reaction Aldrakar took a direct step closer to Astrada. Dangerous as the closer you get the more difficult parrying becomes, especially with the long weapon that is the sword. It didn't seem to bother Astrada and he adjusted his guard but didn't do much else. A few blows were exchanged, low to the legs and working their way up to the waist but both men parried them with little effort.

Astrada exploded in a flurry of action as he seized up an opportunity when Aldrakar glanced at his feet. A powerful side-way cut to his shoulder threatened to breach his defence but Aldrakar got his parry in place in time. The cut transformed shape and became a chop, still to the shoulder. Aldrakar realized his error and struggled to lift his sword to correct his parry. His face became a snarling mass as he felt the muscles in his arm and shoulder protest as the endured the impact his parry earned him. Before he could recover for a counter had Astrada leaped back and had resumed his peaceful stance again. The only part of him ablaze where his eyes, like the cauldron of the vulcano.

The dance was on and the two were like two moths around an invisible fire they both coveted. Astrada tried again with a brilliant feint in the form of a true stepping in for a lunge but morphing his attack into a grapple. Aldrakar defended with a supposedly correct parry but soon found his sword arm gripped by a powerful hand. Astrada twisted up, his fingers burrowing into Aldrakar's flesh.  A soft roar escaped Aldrakar's lips as pain mingled with frustration and he rolled with the motion so to speak. He allowed the twist but followed it with his free hand and deflected the guard of Astrada's sword that was meant to smash into his face. Astrada was now faced with the difficult choice of either letting go of Aldrakar's sword arm and disengaging or trying to press the attack.

In his moment of consideration did Aldrakar heave him from the ground as he wrapped him free arm around Astrada's midrif and bore him down to the ground. The went down hard and erupted into a struggle. ''Halt!'' A booming voice called. They both ceased and saw a near bald and ugly giant of man watching them. ''Get up and ready for round 2!'' It was a real order and even Aldrakar felt the urge to instantly obey. The big man was the court master, the trainer.

Astrada got to his feet easy enough ''That is one to you I believe, Lord'' Aldrakar nodded, he found himself breathing heavily. Some of the men in the practice court were now watching them. It wasn't everyday that a Lord of the Realm came and parred with one of their own. The men were talking among themselves, Aldrakar gathered as much but his ears refused to hear the words. Round two began.

This time Astrada didn't wait. He advanced cautiously but with displayed danger as he cut and slashed at Aldrakar. Deflecting blows was easy enough but not when they came on and on. Gut, chest, leg leg and shoulder. The combinations varied and sped up as Astrada sought the opening.

Several feints were barely so for they whizzed past Aldrakar's face. His golden locks ranging far in front of his eyes as they stuck together with sweat. Teeth were shown as mouths opened to gulp down air. Vision became narrow, Astrada, his sun kissed brown hair. The incoming wooden sword. A whaff of sweat, not his own. Aldrakar felt his arms tire, he wouldn't be able to keep this up. Astrada seemed unfussed with the constant motions. He flicked his wrist and gave some of the most sublime feints and transformations he'd seen in a long time.

It was more instinct than rational thought or planning. Astrada had ventured too close in an attempt to raise the swordplay till their shoulders and above. Aldrakar was forced to join the high play and felt confidence flood him as he saw what he had to do. Kicking out with his right boot he scraped the shin and knee of Astrada. The man had expected it. He turned with the kick, his sword cut the air and his other hand pushed Aldrakar's leg, unbalancing him. Pain blossomed from the side of his gut. Like a thunder bolt had Astrada's sword fallen onto his body and it hurt like a rabbit biting your finger off.

The two disengaged and Aldrakar unconsciously placed his hand over the impact site. It was sore, it throbbed and he knew it would weaken his swordplay.  He nodded appreciatively at Astrada who didn't gloat but prepared himself for round 3. Aldrakar heard men cheering, he had a moment to wonder why but then the fighting continued.

He was given no quarter. Astrada fell upon him like a wave. Furious combinations executed with years worth of training. The two men danced for two dozen heartbeats and that was a long time in a fight, many mistakes could have been made but weren't. A devastating chop borne from a midrif swing promised to make mush of Aldrakar's gut, again. Astrada's blow had already passed Aldrakar's parry and in desperation did Aldrakar allowed himself to fall backwards and attempted to knee Astrada's grip or there about. He felt the impact of the ground and then of the sword. It didn't hurt that much, but it was a hit. Astrada lay beside him and looked surprised but composed himself quickly.

The blow would've been turned easily enough by armour if it was a real fight but the Big, bald man was relentless. ''That's a Hit! One for the Lord and Two for Astrada!'' Aldrakar pushed himself off from the ground and gave Astrada a nod that was returned. The fight was on again.

The two men joined in the middle of their space as they went at one another like death would be the price and life the reward. The hair on their heads danced like it had a life of its own. Drops of sweat leaped from their faces and stained the rock floor. Cut, cut, swipe. Followed by a test of wills as they exchanged lunges, one after the other and both tried to grapple like streetfighters. Both failed against the other.

Teeth flashed white and Astrada endured a savage blow he barely managed to parry and nearly broke through his parry. He had been forced in an awkward pose by Aldrakar but held. The fight continue as blows were traded but both men were getting tired.

The sun was starting to creep up on the training court. Slowly banishing the shade that remained. Astrada launched another of his dazzlingly quick attack combinations. Aldrakar had to simply back off at the end of the second combination arrayed against him. Astrada pushed on.

Both men had a good feeling for the other by now and getting the jump on your opponent was getting tougher. Astrada seemed to have a trick for this as he started to use his free hand to tempt Aldrakar. Threatening to push his blade, to force it away perhaps with his forearm when they got close or even to grapple.

Aldrakar didn't like the new stance of Astrada and answered with a series of heavy attacks. Swipes and chops, Astrada saw the attacks for what they were and dodged most of them, the rest he deflected expertly. More simpler blows were exchanged but they were started to become ragged. Meant higher or truer but becoming sloppy. Astrada managed a swordlock by mistake. The guards sang towards one another and then crashed together. Aldrakar was first to exploit the opportunity and levered his sword down at Astrada. The man was on his ass as if the ground had given away! The blade never touched him.

Astrada's fist shot out and struck Aldrakar on the side of his knee. A half scream sounded from his throat and he struck downward at the apparently, not downed opponent. Astrada succeeded in parrying the first blow, the second and the third he rolled away from. He got to his feet and caught Aldrakar's followup stab and then both their swords were linked together and to the side. They were abreast and Aldrakar utilized his speed to deliver a headbutt. Astrada evaded it, their heads scraped one another. He pushed Aldrakar off him and countered with his sword.

Attempting to regain his balance Aldrakar struggled to offer a proper defense. Astrada smirked. Left, left, top and swipe down. Aldrakar felt rather than sensed what was about to happen. In his mind's eye he could -see- the combination before it happened. His hands worked without thought. His parry was perfect, he carried Astrada's sword in a half circular motion from right to left, up and down and disposed of Astrada's blade there. In a mighty backhand he struck Astrada in the face with the guard of his sword.

Astrada recoiled from the blow and had one probing hand on his jaw, it would bruise later. ''That's two against two! Resume!'' The bald man called.

Aldrakar readied himself and felt sweat pour down his back and legs. His groin felt damp and uncomfortable. The wet fabric was making his skin raw. He tried to block out the discomforts. Astrada locked eyes with him and they exchanged a final nod.

They paced carefully towards one another. Started to circle and moved with tired limbs. Astrada made several obvious, bodily feints. Aldrakar responded with snap strokes of his sword. Pushed away easily enough but showed he still had bite in him rather than go defensive. Astrada went in low. He bend his knees and targeted Aldrakar's legs.

A desperate struggle ensued. Attacker and defender parried, struck and balanced. That last was perhaps the hardest of the three.

The years of perfection showed. Astrada was a beautiful swordsman and superb warrior. He measured his attacks and drew his lunges. He forced Aldrakar to jump. Something extremely taxing at this stage in the fight. Lifting a leg is much harder than lifting an arm. Just imagine the size difference.

Both men clawed for that small something that would deliver onto them victory. One last stroke of brilliance, some bit of luck. It came as Aldrakar trapped Astrada's blade under his boot. Fierce joy in his eyes as he brought his sword to bear against Astrada who was forced to abandon his sword to the ground. Jabbing and short cuts barraged Astrada. Energy surged through Aldrakar, the early elation of victory ever so close.

Astrada stumbled back and then he had him! It was a feint. Astrada faked stepping back and instead knelt down. Aldrakar had swung his blade in a right to left swipe at Astrada's shoulder. The man's arm shot out in a daring move and as he powered himself off his feet and towards Aldrakar. He the faster of the two. His arm managed to reach the guard of the sword and slightly beyond. Astrada first blocked the swipe and then pushed the sword away. Aldrakar saw the brilliance of the daring move but was powerless against it now. Both men went down, Astrada straddling Aldrakar. ''Yield, Lord?''

Aldrakar opened his eyes to find a sweating, panting Astrada sitting on top of him. The practice sword across his neck.

Joy flooded his body, it banished the pain and he laughed out loud into the silence that surrounded them. ''I yield! Amazing fight!'' Aldrakar called loudly. Astrada flashed him a roguish grin and stood up, offering Aldrakar a hand. ''It was a pretty good bout I'd say.'' He allowed himself. All around them men were laughing, clapping shoulders and cheering the two combatants.

Marc hurried up to them and offered both of them a drink of cold water. Naturally both Aldrakar and Astrada accepted eagerly, their eyes locked when they were both drinking deeply and both sparkled. Forcing himself to take a breath Aldrakar placed a hand on Astrada's Shoulder. ''Be my man, fight for me. I'll take care of you, your woman and your family.'' Astrada recoiled slightly and paused for a moment in thought. ''Whatever it is they pay you here, I will match it and double it. It is not the coin I care for but I would not be able to forgive myself if I didn't offer you service with me. You are an exceptional Swordsman and I would be honoured to have you by my side.''

Astrada looked around at the men cheering and laughing. A good many of them were nodding to him, encouraging him. He looked back at Aldrakar. ''Double pay and 20 pieces of gold up front, as a starting bonus.'' He offered his arm in a warrior's greeting. It was Aldrakar's turn to smirk. He clasped Astrada's proffered arm and nodded sagely.

And that is how Aldrakar employed one of the Swordmasters of Askileon.


Hey again! This time I've got something different. It's essentially a letter +
By that I mean I send a letter and wrote a little Rp or details around it to give that little bit extra flare or whatever you wanna call it. Enjoy!

The Scroll and the Case

One of your servants approaches you with a dark wood and long box or case. He places it near you and hands you a heavy and fibrous scroll, easily able to be used at least a dozen times more. Actually, it seems the scroll has never been reused before even.

QuoteLord Marshal Charles,

May late summer still hold as much shine as it did at its height.

This letter is just a social call, no worries. How have you been and what have you been up to? Myself I've learned that there are still things I can do to improve my swordplay. The other day I came upon a remarkable swordsmith in the craftsman district in the Silver City. A noisy place to be sure but I feel its good to occasionally walk the streets and let people see you.

The proprietor was a man that surely must have mountains and menhir's for kin! In his shop I found two exquisite blades. Folded Steel like the old Pian en Luries used to do. The natives of Askileon before the Empire. The blade is dark grey as you may see for yourself soon and all along there is this web of white lines like metallic marble! Truly a fabulous piece. As Fissoa's borders are usually drawn in blue on the world map I've taken the liberty to assume you would like the blue leather grip.

As I was saying, I've been shown a few tricks on the practice court as I had the pleasure of sparring against of the Swordsmasters of the Silver City Barracks. I had no clue he enjoyed that rank but I surely will remember now! We had a good bout, first to three hits. I managed to tackle him which apparently counted as a hit and then I managed another hit on him but I feel it was more luck then anything else. He squarely beat me and even knocked me off my feet. It was a joy to fight that man.

I've since employed him and should we ever meet in the future I will ensure he is present so you may meet him, Astrada of Askileon.

Your friend,

Aldrakar Renodin
Imperial Magistrate of Luria Nova
Margrave of Giask

After reading the letter your eyes wander over to the slender and long, mahogany box inlaid with mother of pearl in the symbols of House Renodin mixed with House Reding. The fittings seamlessly worked into the contraption and no metal work or hinges are showing, even when you open the box.

Inside you discover its lined with blue velvet and contains 3 mahogany supports topped with deep shaded aquamarine as to prevent damage to the wood. Upon these supports rest a beautifully forged longsword. Its blade is double edged and straight like an arrow. The metal is a deep anthracite in hue and contains an impossibly intricate network of hair-thin, white veins throughout.

The handle is large enough to hold with two hands but should you try the balance its clearly intended to be wielded with the one hand. Soft and immaculately tooled Nubuck  surrounds it and has soft nubs under it for ease of grip. The pommel is oval in shape and holds a singular marquise cut, splendid blue sapphire.


Evening, as I find it outside that is at least. Early evening mind you. I gots a little sumethin' something to share with you. I never actually shared a letter with the person in question and I have never communicated in any other way, other than a previous small Rp like this one (which failed I'm assuming). This time I try again and open up with a simply Rp that leaves a lot of options open to the prospective and also invited 'other player'. Hope you like it, its a different way of saying ''hi'' than writing the bog standard letter.

They are waiting

A small detail of Swordsmen stood at the Gates of the Silver City. They wore partial plate armor that was polished to a sheen. The fine metal covered or intermixed with bits of neatly worked fabric of a deep oaken hue and embroidered with golden thread, the image that of the Lord of Giask. They looked like professionals finally afforded the finery their skill deserved.

Upon spotting the outlandish Noble from the northern realm of Swordfell did they flowed into action. Stepping forwards with confident strides intent on intercepting the Lady and her guard of cavalrymen. One of the swordsmen hailed her. ''Well met and bid you stop! The Lord of Giask wishes to speak with you!'' If they were in time to reach her or indeed she would evade them was very much still a guess.


Hey there! Today a small-ish battle RP. There are two large armies arrayed against one another but only bits fight it seems. Enjoy!

Through Falling Snow

The wind blew strong and brought with it the white promise of the clouds. Like majestic dancers did the currents create dazzling shapes in the sky that ever transformed and made a guessing game of the task of sentries. The men on duty where wrapped in cloaks and wore scarfs and even gloves. Not because winter was so harsh but because they were not used to the cold. Grumble they did still though.

A staggered deployment saw the Lurian forces spread over several lines, one in front of the other. The rear most line on top the crest of a hill and the front most at its base. Archers and Cavalry waited with the best vision and the infantry, the sword and board at the bottom endured the not knowing. Shapes started to materialize from the west, north a little bit but definitively from the general area of Thar Gortauth. Black figures carrying banners of which none could read the heraldic yet. A light sprinkling of snow rested on the plain between the two forces.

Calls rose from the Lurian ranks and informed the infantry below. Spears were lowered, helmets fastened and more than a few took swigs from canteens not filled with water but rather stronger stuff. Marc handed Aldrakar a steaming skewer of roasted meat. He took it and began to eat it as he peered through the snow falling from the heavens. All around him stood his Armored Skirmishers. The greatest unit on the Lurian side and it bothered him that he was suggested to stand in the rear most rank. Marc was already busy preparing some heated wine as he addressed Aldrakar. ''M'Lord, don't worry so much. I've seen what it did to my Da' and he didn't live past 35 summers.'' The casual levity in the young page's voice made Aldrakar smile ruefully. ''If this war knows no end I'll be lucky to make it past 30 Marc. One of these days I'm wound to get an arrow to the throat.''

The men nearby shuffled uncomfortably as they exchanged glances. It was no secret they prided themselves on keeping their Lord safe. A solidly build sergeant with a deeply lined face guffawed. ''You won't die anytime soon Lord. Me and the boys have kept you alive this long and we don't intend to fail you now!'' The men grinned and Aldrakar nodded in appreciation. ''Thank you, but you won't fight all my battle for me. I'm not that old yet!'' He flashed one of his bright and full smiles and the men made approving sounds.

In as much time as it takes to retell that did the Combined Host of the League become visible. Fissoan Banners stood out the most. Their sapphire blues and sea foam white unmistakable. Intermingled with those were some D'haran banners. A frown creased Aldrakar's forehead. ''D'harans.. the League is committing to this battle?'' None felt like answering their Lord.

The Lurian Host stood their ground as was their intend and the League approached in one big line with a small reserve behind them. A single unit of black horsed cavalry behind them again. The majestic dancers that was the wind now suddenly turned into a vengeful hag as she tugged at every cloak and attempted to rip ever banner from hands or ground. Aldrakar's golden hair blew from his cape and whipped around freely, his oaken cape much the same. A statue on the hill that was very much alive.

War cries erupted from both lines as the last bit of land was crossed charging. Snowflakes and arrows. Both descended on the clashing hosts from both sides. Aldrakar found Prince of Arms Soren's Banner and absentmindedly pointed at it. Almost instantly did his men respond and a flight of arrows rained down on his friend's men. Anger spiked for a brief moment in Aldrakar as he glanced back at his men but he held his tongue. This was war.

The lines met and swords shattered on shields and spears plunged into bellies. Screams erupted and turned from brave and fierce to desperate and pleading. Men died and the snow turned crimson. very soon it became clear that the Lurian Rock would hold firm and the wave of the League broke upon it. Aldrakar knew a moment of confusion as he realized only about a third of the reported League forces were committed to the battle. It became a slaughter. Nearing the end did the Lurian cavalry storm downhill. Like an avalanche did they fall onto the soldiers of the League and trampled them into the ground.

It wasn't quite as one sided as this though as a deal of Lurian Nobles were wounded and more than a few believed in easy victory and acted rashly. Their recklessness earning them wounds and costing the lowborn lives. The battle was over quickly and only the First line of Lurians was engaged in true melee. More banners could be seen however. Just beyond the treeline as it were. Reinforces from the League were preparing to aid their more zealous compatriots. Another battle would come and this would could be more balanced but then again, war and battle are fickle masters of fate.

Aldrakar retired to his tent and began writing letters to his friends in the enemy camp.


Hello! Welcome, pull up a chair and make yourself comfortable. Care for some tea? No? that's a shame, you gonna get some anyone. If only to warm you hands hmm?  Here I've got an after battle Rp report thing. Not quite a battle Rp but it has bits of it. Much more of a, after the battle report. Aveston, Barcan Capital, first battle. D'harans, Astrumese and Barcan's of course, against Lurians. Luria won the battle. Here is Aldrakar as he wanders the streets of Aveston, his former Lordship in Sun Hall.

A Return to Aveston

A dog was barking. The pitiful creature's shrill sound incessant and it defied his last remaining bit of self control. His eye wandered over to where the mutt was tugging at a leather strap protruding from a ruined splint mail cuirass. It belonged to a dead Barcan warrior. His body broken and lodged in his chest were 2 heavy arrows probably fired from a war-bow. Aldrakar felt a tinge of regret bubble up from somewhere deep down inside him and only with a great effort of willpower managed to suppress it once more.

His steel sabbatons splashed down into the mud every step of the way. Grime reached all the way up to his armored thighs and memories of intense fighting flashed through his mind as he made his way through the gatehouse of Aveston.

A memory:
Quote''Fire! Damn it! Shoot at anything that moves! Shoot!'' The captain of his soldiers was in a frenzy howling orders over the ranks of his men. Left and right of his of his formation there were other Lurian Nobles and their men. Archers and Elites, exchanging missile fire with the League's forces still in Aveston. It had been a very long time since dawn and the beginning of the battle. Whistling in the air and burying all around him were arrows and slingshot bullets. He heard a gurgling sound to his left and as he glanced he took in the scene of one of his soldiers grasping a fat arrow shaft that had lodged in his throat. He turned his gaze back to the town and loosed an arrow of his own.

''M'Lord? what are your orders?'' Aldrakar snapped back into the present. He recognized the voice of his captain but not the gore covered man in front of him. ''Lord Marshal Edwyle has initiated a Take Over of the Town, instruct the men to assist and spread the word to the other Nobles. These are our people, show sympathy.'' The words flowed from him without much thought and his eyes had already started to wander. ''Yes M'lord, as you say!'' The captain saluted but Aldrakar didn't pay attention anymore.

He looked at the remains of a smoldering building near the gatehouse, once a Stable he guessed. He put a hand to the blackened beams that outlined its main entrance.

A memory:
QuoteThunder rose from the land as the hooves of the Lurian Cavalry charged over the field towards the town. What were they doing!? Aldrakar thought to himself. His hair was unmarked by grime although sweat had already claimed a place. It flicked through his field of vision like a bright golden curtain and as it lifted, one moment the Cavalry was full of pride and gusto and the next. Horses have a terrible scream. Leaning far out over the wooden battlements did the defenders shoot down into the exposed necks and rumps of the horses. Riders were thrown and their bodies broken as the massive bodies of the dying horses crashed into them. Even from this distance Aldrakar could hear the excited whoops mingle with the death-screams.

He lifted his hand from the scorched doorpost and time continued around him again. The street before him was riddled with arrows. It was a mud road but perhaps there were beams below the mud. He couldn't tell at the moment. The gatehouse he entered the town through was a scene from a horror story. Mangled bodies hung from all sides and blood had run freely from and over every part of it. Several mangy dogs were worrying on the fingers and faces of dead soldiers. Aldrakar tried to feel anger but was simply to tired.

A group of Lurian soldiers marched past him at that moment. In poor order and they were dirty but he didn't pay them much mind. He continued on his route. He wanted to see his old manor, if it still existed. He made his way through the outside ring of houses closest to the gatehouse and eventually entered the commons. Most of the houses were untouched by the battle save for the copious amounts of barricades. They had expected to fight for every street Aldrakar realized. Many of the inhabitants were cheering. Well, cheering is a big word. They did not mind the Lurians, they were Lurians after all. They also showed sadness however Aldrakar noted. They had come to grow fond of the Barcan Nobles. They offered refreshments, as they were available, to both Lurian and Barcan soldiers. The wounded of course.

Aldrakar thanked a comely woman of some 25 summers for a drink of water she offered from a wooden bucket. She looked at him with big, hazel brown eyes. Her hair kept down by a length of cloth that covered her head and was tied under her chin. Aldrakar drank deeply from the proffered, wooden spoon. His armor made sound. It had improved a great deal since his early days. Still practical but high quality steel where before it was bronze and it was engraved or adorned now. Not in the way where it was impractical for combat but still refined. Standing next to her at a well he took his time to carefully remove his dark steel gauntlets and hung them from his belt.

The woman looked afraid now and he made a few calming sounds like one would do to a skittish horse. He ran his hands through his filthy hair and pushed some of the muck and blood and whatever else was in there out. He motioned to the water and she poured it over his hands as he cleaned them. His ocean blue eyes caught hers and he nodded, she averted. Looking around at the town he produced a single gold piece from his belt and put it on the brick of the well and left her there.

He walked down towards the center of the Town and recognized the old buildings. Vesperi in style, the old Lurian style native to Sun Hall. He had to smirk at a Barcan statue placed at one of the administrative buildings. Perhaps a sign of their time in power. He resolved to have it brought to Giask and preserved. Wishful thinking probably, it might very well be smashed by drunk soldiers the coming eve.

Vertigo washed over him and he had to steady himself leaning against a stack of crates outside of a smithy. Inside there were pig-iron blades of horrible quality. They certainly tried to prepare themselves Aldrakar thought. He pushed himself away from the stack of crates and continued on his way. A duo of children rushed past him. One had something red in his hands. ''Stop! You bleeding mongrels!'' A voice called. In moments a burly man appeared. His face red, patchy beard and a bald forehead but still sporting a short pony tail.

The man came to a dead-halt upon seeing Aldrakar in full Battle Gear, including the gore. His mind worked and came to the conclusion the red could only have been an apple or tomato. ''Leave them be.'' He said to the red faced man. ''They've just lived through an assault and you can spare the food.'' The man blanched. ''Yes M'lord Aldrakar. Of course.'' He bowed deeply. Aldrakar frowned, do I know this man? ''For your trouble.'' He handed the man two pieces of silver and left him standing where he was.

The former Rendorian Estate lay before him. He was now in the Noble district of Aveston. A small community inside the town really, especially compared to the City of Giask he was now used to. He saw the area he had intended to become a botanical garden had been turned into a mustering field. Mud, stubborn grass and a collection of command tents. He smiled ruefully but that was all he could do before they attacked him.

From one of the nearby tents 3 men in studded leather armor burst through the flaps. 2 of them had swords and the third had a mace. ''There's a pretty Lordling we can sell!'' One of them called, he had an ugly nose and Aldrakar dubbed him Ugly. Ugly was the one with the Mace. The trio was upon him in moments.

By instinct entirely did his hand find its way to the handle of his sword and then it sang from its scabbard and gleamed in the mid day sun. A worked length of fine steel, silvered and engraved with beautiful craftsmanship. The first of the three assailants opened his attack with an overhead chop, a measured action really. Executed well enough but far from dangerous to Aldrakar. He moved with grace and without conscious thought. The armor allowing him much more freedom of movement that it would suggest at first glance. The chop missed and in the whirl of the dodge Aldrakar's blade severed the man's arm at the elbow in an upward motion. It cut cleanly through the join and a jet of crimson blood shot out.

The second attacker was more careful. He jabbed twice and made a feint through his footwork. Aldrakar was tired but battle is its own elixir. His mind told him that he was heavily armored and they were not. A man can take risks when he's wearing armor. He dashed forwards before Ugly could mingle into their fight. He slashed wide and returned the slash again, then stabbed and his opponent parried and gave ground. A skillful swordsman.

Aldrakar was sure to keep one hand ready to block blows to his head as if his vambrace was a makeshift mini buckler, which it could be. Ugly had caught up and was attempting to flank him. His foul breath a perfect match with his yellow teeth. A purebred trench soldier, Aldrakar thought. The other swordsman feinted twice more and tried to bait Aldrakar. He was dancing too much and Aldrakar decided to call him Dancer.

Judging Ugly to be a man that values his own life way too much Aldrakar continued to press Dancer. Stab, jab, high slash and return to guard. Dancer was well versed in the combo used against him and parried beautifully. As expected Ugly kept his distance but not so much that Aldrakar could dismiss him, forcing him to check on him and losing precious time and focus.

Dancer noticed as well and as Aldrakar checked on Ugly he made his move. He pressed into Aldrakar's reach and struck towards his elbow, a joint. The joints are where the armor overlaps and where blows are more keenly felt. Aldrakar growled in pain and felt his fingers grow numb for a heartbeat as pain lanced through him limb. Dancer grinned fiercely and readied his follow up attack, a stab. A double gripped stab, one of the few attacks able to penetrate armor.

Ugly had smelled his opportunity as well and had raised his mace to deliver an overhead blow. Aldrakar sensed Ugly being the more eager of the two and turned into the man's attack, using his free hand to grab Ugly's wrist and twisted it. Turning the man forward and between Aldrakar and Dancer. Ugly yelped and then Aldrakar rammed his sword horizontally somewhere at head-height, at Dancer and felt hard leather giving way under the force of his attack. Dancer sighed out air and Aldrakar felt a weight pull down his sword and aimed it downwards as Dancer slid to the ground. Leaving a gaping neck wound gushing blood.

Ugly went down too but he was whimpering now. His sausage like fingers clutching his buddy's sword that protruded from his belly. A red stain blossoming across it. Aldrakar stood over him and watched him. ''Please sirrah, I didn't mean to. They forced me, truly! Please! No!'' Ugly begged but Aldrakar raised his sword, point down and plunged it into his neck and body. Ending Ugly's life and misery. The usual end for men fighting born Knights. The same fate awaited the man with 1 arm.

He wiped the blade on Ugly's corpse and left the trio of fresh dead as they started to emanate the smells of death, particularly piss. He stood before the Rendorian estate and beheld it. It looked different with Barcan decorations but the same somehow. He wondered if Jocelin had lived here. Hoped she was still alive, he hadn't seen her banner.

Lurian Soldiers, his own actually, trickled into the Noble district and soon surrounded their Lord. He however preferred some distance and sat on the steps of his old estate and pondered life. 


Aaaand here is the Order to Assist the Sympathy Take Over as Aldrakar gave it. In Rp form to the Lurian Nobles in Aveston.

The Order for Take Over

Presiding over the devestation, the ruin of a battle that lasted hours, stood Aldrakar. Blood freely splattered all over his gear and himself a canvas of untold horror. His ear detected the crunching sound of gravel under boot. He willed his tired body to turn and face the approaching sound. It was his captain. Only recognizable because the man spoke. ''M'lord? what are your orders?'' Bits of coagulated blood flaked off him as he moved. Aldrakar released the grip on his sword and let its weight be borne once more by the scabbard that hung from his belt.

Quote''Lord Marshal Edwyle's men have already started a Take Over of the town, support it. Captain!.. these are our people, show them some sympathy. Spread the word, make sure they understand this is an order, not a request.''

His hand reached up and pointed at the scattered Lurian banners and Noble standards. ''Yes M'lord, at once!'' The captain saluted and departed again. Aldrakar however cared little, he was bone tired and allowed himself to sink onto a crate that would serve as a makeshift chair for now. Marc, his teenage page brought him some water that he gratefully accepted.


Hey there! I got a special treat today! It's not anything I wrote but something I feel must be shared. It was send to me privately but its far too good to be wasted on just me.

Written by the Player of Jocelin La Drake (Dwilight, Barca - D'hara, former Suffete of Barca and widow of the prior Suffete)

The shade of a Husband (Improvised name by me)

Jocelin stood at the window of her private chambers, looking out over the port city below.  Despite the late hour she could still see people in the streets; her eyes followed these small specks in silence, wondering if they knew they were being observed.  It was in that moment that she felt it herself, and she turned to the source.

A dark shadow stood beside the bed, blacker than the night surrounding it.  At the sight of it Jocelin clamped her hands over her mouth, stifling a scream that had not escaped her since fleeing Barca.  The rest of her was paralyzed, shaking so hard it was a miracle she didn't fall over.  Her heart thudded like a panicked bird in her ribcage and drowned out all sound.  She thought of the letters from Aldrakar and the Emperor that day, inquiring into the very thing that stood before her.  For there was no mistaking it from Erasmus: even without features it was his sharp-eyed gaze she felt, piercing her to the core.  The man known as the Black Judge had never made her feel as cold as she did now, but then, she had never been on the receiving end of his anger.

The shade didn't move.  Jocelin didn't either, and the night dragged on by seconds as they stared at one another.  Her panic faded in tiny increments, leaving her scared and angry.  This was the first time it had remained for more than a glimpse, and she hated it more for that than for anything.  She finally worked up the courage to speak.  "What do you want?"

Silence.  That otherworldly gaze continued to stare, accusing her of some crime.  And like so many others who had fallen beneath it in life she began to ramble, defending herself for something that was not her fault.  "I wasn't the one who dueled the hunchback!  How could I have known he would kill you?"  She had supported him, naïvely believing there was no way he could lose.  But Lord Chuldah had been grief-stricken by the loss of his wife --of her half-sister, the red-headed temptress who had borne a horde of children for him-- and could not have been more dangerous.  Or was Erasmus angry that she had not told him she was pregnant that day?  She placed a protective hand over her stomach, shielding a child already born.  "If I had told you... it would only have distracted you.  It was a matter of honor: there's no way the Suffete could have bowed out of a duel."

The shade remained.  Jocelin felt herself growing angrier at it.  "You've got no right to be angry with me!  You abandoned us when we needed you most!"

"Do you honestly think I was strong enough to carry on after you died?"  Widowed, pregnant, depressed from the loss of so many friends and family... at a time when she was supposed to be setting the example it was all she could do to find the will to live.  Instead, Lord Kori had become Suffete, and had threatened to tear her child from her body if she tried to leave.  Erasmus had been trying to revive an Empire from the West, and Kori had become obsessed with ensuring his progeny succeeded him.  Had he not eventually killed himself... but then Lady Jonsu had come to Barca, and before she could seek refuge in another realm Jocelin had risen to defend Barca from yet another monster.  A poor choice, but the only choice: the only person who had stepped forward to challenge Jonsu.

"I could not have saved Barca."  Surely he remembered the silence of the Senate, or how difficult it was to see referendums through when no one was voting?  She had tried to keep the Republic alive and had failed, coming here to D'Hara instead.  And could she really be blamed for abandoning Barca when she did, when the whole of her life had been stolen from her by inches?

The shade remained, accusing her of some crime of which she had no knowledge.  What else was there, if not that she had failed?  A creeping suspicion invaded her thoughts, dragging cold dread in its wake.  Was he angry that she still lived?  Her knees buckled; her vision dimmed, and as she sank to the floor she saw the shade move closer.  A strangled cry rose from her, a low moan of terror that was all she could manage.  The shadow loomed and reached for her...

She shrieked, a sound like someone being murdered.  The door was flung open, and a pair of guards entered with their hands on their swords.  They scanned the room, perhaps expecting to find an assassin or similar threat, but all they found was a panicked noblewoman huddled by the window in her nightgown.  One of the guards looked annoyed and left to fetch a maid; the other looked uncomfortable, averting his eyes from her mad stare.  The maid that came was the younger one from the nursery, the one that was often with Ljúfa.  And all at once she wanted nothing to do with any of them: she wanted her girl, to see for herself that the child was safe from the haunt of her father.

The maid led her back to bed, clucking like an old hen over her.  "Cold as ice!  You mustn't sit at the window, M'lady, not at this hour.  Into bed now: there's a girl... would m'lady like a candle by the bedside?"  Jocelin was so drained that it didn't occur to her she was being spoken to like a child.  She merely nodded, burying herself under the thick blankets to ward off her bone-deep chill.  The maid lit a candle and threw another blanket on for good measure.  And though the guards had left she remained, curling up at the foot of the bed should Jocelin need her.  The maid fell back into the sleep from which she'd been awoken... but Jocelin remained awake, aching with loneliness and fear as she waited to fall back to sleep herself.


I couldn't, not respond to that last Rp! If you skipped all the way to the bottom check out the previous post! Hurreh! Faster! Naow!
Anyways, if you were a proper reader of Rp's you didn't skip it and here is a little reward. I was inspired to write a bit of a mirror Image. Put the situations of the two people next to one another. Not a battle rp or anything like that. Just a day out of the Life of Aldrakar. Enjoy!

Summer's Glory

The day was warming already. Falling from the pristine sky overhead rays of gold shone down on a labyrinth of people and civilization. Chatter from the market stands competed with the hammer-falls from the foundries and yet again with the roaring laughter escaping the waterfront establishments, crude and resplendent.

In one of the dozens of City arming courts and fields a company of 50 head strong was being inaugurated into the Giaskian Garrison. Fine leather bands secured lamellar engraved with the creed of this particular company. Propositum est verum - Our Aim is true. A captain stood in front of the neat rows of bowmen. His chest out and his face radiant as he fired with pride. An aged man in ceremonial armor and a bellowing cape addressed them in an authoritative tone that struck home, word for word.

Wheeling away from that view and towards the colossal city walls, countless donkey and ox carts were making their rounds between the brick-maker encampments, kilns and the mason crews working on the walls. Sections were being being touched up on again, whitewashed in lime plaster and sun baked for good measure. Both the plaster and the workmen who could sleep on a bed of deep brown apricots and never be distinguished from them.

Life was going to be good this Summer. The restorative works of the past winter and spring were paying dividends. The streets of the Great City were clean, the boulevards in bloom and the fragrance of flowers, nectar, herbs and soaps spread itself freely throughout the maze of streets. Seems it paid off to fund the soap makers guild as one of his advisers had suggested. Shipowners need it, cities need it and it produces a nice smell as well! Aldrakar grinned to himself rather than anyone else but those around him didn't know that. They grinned back at him and Asher joined them.

Aldrakar rode a fine pearl coated gelding with Asher on a sable coated saddle-horse. Perhaps a modest creature by comparison but it sensed Asher's intention flawlessly. It's what made watching them ride such a pleasure. Surrounding them was Marc, the ever faithful page. He had grown into a strapping lad and had been awarded the title of Squire after the Sun Hall campaign had come to a close. Proudly did Marc ride on a mahogany courser wearing his new coat of plates styled in the new Giaskian fashion.

Watching Marc, Aldrakar admitted to himself that he had been a little too generous perhaps. Ahhh Damn it all, he served well and behaved like a Knight, let him have a taste while it lasts. A smile crept onto his face as the thought formed and his gaze moved to the next member of their little riding party. His eyes found Jorg, a wiry build man that never seemed to gain much weight. A hawk beaked nose and calm eyes that often smiled set in a face lined with years of combat. Around the four of them they only had half a dozen guards, really just handpicked militia men on horses.

The mounted militia men were fiercely proud to accompany their Lord and to Aldrakar it was a show that he Ruled fairly and trusted his people. Their little journey had taken them from the east Gate all the way down to the west Gate. Following the Sun and inspecting the City walls. Talking with foremen, overseers, master builders, patrol captains and the odd merchants here and there.  Asher was more interesting in speeding on the open plains but wasn't so disinterested that he refused the wondrous trinkets offered by the merchants.  It really changed, as it usually did, when Asher noticed his father being ''stolen'' away by the other people. ''All trying to talk to Da' and Da' not having time for me.'' as Asher liked to put it. He would often insert himself in private or semi private conversations people were having with his father and ask to be picked up which he often was. Being carried on his Da's strong right arm and able to see just as far as grown up people.

The day went as it came and the sun sank into the horizon. Aldrakar felt the muscles in his thighs protest after so much riding but it didn't dampen his spirits. The city was doing well, his son was doing well and the people were doing well. Yet, as his eye caught the first glimpses of the moon as it revealed itself from behind a pack of clouds he thought of Jocelin.

The thought couldn't have lasted long. ''Da?..'' a weary little voice interrupted him. ''Can I sit with you on your horse? I don't want to ride anymore and Nibbles is tired. He doesn't want to walk anymore.'' Aldrakar manouvered his horse along side Nibbles, the Sable Saddle Horse and in a fluid motion collected his son into his arms and placed Asher in front of him on the saddle. The little bundle of a boy nestled against his father's chest and he in turn cradled the boy in his arms as he held on to the reins and rode for home.