Author Topic: The assorted bits of Aldrakar Renodin's Life  (Read 72635 times)


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Re: The assorted bits of Aldrakar Renodin's Life
« Reply #75: August 06, 2014, 02:30:29 PM »
And of course my response. A bit of a puzzle perhaps but maybe it's fun if I don't reveal too much.

Ellyn - Aldrakar 5

The seal of protection

In the small cabin aboard a ferry from Giask to Askileon Aldrakar sat on a simple and creaking chair as he witnessed the powerstruggle between bedridden mistress and maid. "Find him something good to drink, and myself as well. I am tired of boring tea...." Ellyn Coquard said to Sarea, her handmaiden. The two argued quietly for a short while that saw mistress prevail, this time.

He tried to avert his eyes briefly and then simply accepted the situation for what it was. A friend visiting a sick friend. He leaned back into the chair and agreed with Ellyn.  ''I don't much care for tea.'' he rubbed the bridge of his nose to rid himself of a passing itch. ''I'm fine though, I didn't come here for a drink and neither does your hospitality dwindle because of its lack.'' He looked ruefully at her for a moment but it soon took on a more bright quality as she asked him to retrieve a pouch that lay on a nearby table. It was a simple thing to do and he didn't mind.

Expertly handling the ring which he discovered hung from a necklaces of pure silver Ellyn soon offered it to him. "I do have to thank you for the protection this could have given had it been needed. Unfortunately nothing could have protected me in the Ember Estate from Blackmane, but I'm still alive and mostly well, so that is to be celebrated." she said as she rebelled in a minor way against the confines that was the bed.

He reached out to take the ring from her upturned palm. ''It never really was protection, only a ring.'' As he withdrew his hand he looked at Ellyn. ''I should have send a trusted man instead of it. So we always think in hindsight I guess.'' Feeling a tension creep into his shoulders he shrugged heavily. Memories of the Emperor's fondness of Ellyn surfaced. At the same time did a growing sense of Duty urge him to leave. "One would think drinks wouldn't take long to get..." Ellyn said to dispel the growing silence.

Joining her in looking at the door Aldrakar rose from his chair and turned back to face Ellyn. ''I should be going. Its unbecoming for us to be in the same room alone.'' His face hardened a bit as the words exited from his lips. ''Thank you for the drink but it will have to wait until a time where you are restored to health and the setting is more receptive towards the concept.'' Straightening his leather and heavy cotton garb, akin to military uniform, Aldrakar paced towards the door. Arriving there he turned and made a formal bow. ''It has been a privilege Ellyn, I shall leave to you now to rest.'' A stern nod followed. He turned to the door and soon exiting through it. Sarea almost bumped into him with a hemp bound bottle of a deep verdant green color and some glasses. Wherever she had retrieved actual glasses on a ferry like this mystified Aldrakar but he didn't comment as he passed her by.


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Re: The assorted bits of Aldrakar Renodin's Life
« Reply #76: August 17, 2014, 12:47:10 PM »
Mornin'.  and if it ain't, just adjust it accordingly hehe. A short Rp I have for you today. An interaction quite unique and I hope that more people would use variations of it. Really shone a light on an area otherwise somewhat neglected I feel. The official bit I mean. Enjoy.


The quote-ed bits were actually quote-ed in the Rp format of message styles, as to represent an actual letter where the rest of the text is meant as actual RP.

Written by the Player of Sibylla Kildare:

Darius sat on his large throne, the portraits of his ancestors silently staring down at him. If they would be alive, the honorable path the Kildare family has taken would surely warm their spirits.

"Time is of the essence", he murmured as he shuffled through papers of potential spouses, his eyes jolting back and forth between the information each paper presented in his eyes. "There we go", Darius murmured as soon as he found Aldrakar Renodin. Darius stood up from his throne and walked towards Sibylla. She didn't pay much attention to him, obviously preoccupied with the urgent managing Orz required, until he stood over her shoulder and coughed, clearly a sign for a conversation start.
"Sibylla, I know that you are busy with the total war Luria has been engulfed into, but you have to start taking into consideration your age and more importantly, your family's legacy. This isn't a matter to be taken lightly and since you are my daughter, I would like to get your attention over that lad here", he said while waving Aldrakar's paper in front of her face.
"Fine", she said, "I'm pretty sure you could do much worse if given more laxity".
"Very well. I shall let the House's heralds submit a formal request of marriage to Viscount Renodin then", Darius said while walking towards the castle's main hall.

"Honorable Viscount Aldrakar Renodin,

I, Darius Kildare, of House Kildare, a Lurian noble house with ancestral ties to Shinnen, wish to formally offer my daughter's hand in marriage to you, Aldrakar Renodin, of noble House Renodin. For too long my daughter has went on without a spouse and it would be an honor for House Kildare to ally under strong and unbreakable ties with House Renodin."

May the Gods swiftly guide your hand,

Darius Kildare"

Written by me, in response:

The food was good here, as was the company. The house of mayor Gwindel wasn't big or grand but neither was his name. His family were governors of one of the settlements Sulorte was rich in and it was his family that remembered well the days when Aldrakar was the Lord of these lands. They had hosted him for a day now and with the evening meal come to and end Aldrakar had found himself on the balcony of the manor, overlooking a modest grove of olive trees.

In his hand was the letter written by Darius Kildare, Patriarch of the Kildare family. As the mild winter breeze toyed with the torchlight that illuminated the balcony Aldrakar sat down at a small table, just large enough for 2 people at best. He let his eyes wander over the parchment once more. ''Sibylla is a good woman..'' He rubbed his face with his hand and let it linger at his chin as he thought for a moment.

Putting the parchment down he took up quill and set to write a response.
Master Darius, Patriarch of the House Kildare,

Where a marital tie to the House Kildare, with ancestry linked to Shinnen would be a strong match for my person, must I inform you that there are already other marital negotiations ongoing. This fact prevents me from engaging in any other.

I am deeply honored you would consider my Dynasty a worthy party to the Lady Sibylla Kildare. It is unfortunate that no suitable males are present in the Empire of Luria Nova at this time.

With respect,

Aldrakar Renodin
Viscount of Garuck Udor

Aldrakar looked the letter over as the stars revealed themselves when the clouds drifted away from their obscuring duty. The next day that very letter was given to a messenger with clear instructions to deliver it in person and only to the Patriarch of the House of Kildare, come what may.


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Re: The assorted bits of Aldrakar Renodin's Life
« Reply #77: August 17, 2014, 02:01:21 PM »
Back again! This time with a little traveling Rp. Aldrakar visiting the lands of which he was first made a Lord way back, like.. way back. Enjoy!

Old memories

Riding past one of the more recent guard towers on the main road leading towards Sulorta Harbor Aldrakar found himself beset by an old emotion. He felt belonging tinged with a little bit of sadness. Savoring the feeling he motioned for his men to keep on marching. ''Sergeant, keep the men on the right path, I'll catch up in a while.'' Not waiting for an answer did he spur his horse on down a less trodden path.

Several soldiers looked up in mild amazement, one addressed the sergeant ''But sarge! What 'bout Bandits and their ilk? Sur'ley the Lord wan'sume protection nay?'' The man spoke crudely since birth and his bad teeth didn't aid him either. The sergeant however replied calmly, knowing Aldrakar could handle himself. ''Don't worry lad, he knows what he's doing. He used to Lord it over these lands. Know 'em like the back of  'is hand. Now get back in line!'' And so the soldiers found themselves harassed as usual, to make good time.

Down that lonesome path however, Aldrakar let his mount set the pace and allowed it the reins. He enjoyed the temporary freedom and the familiar sights of Sulorte but it wasn't long however before he came upon a guardhouse. A relic from another time really, a stone building expanded upon several times and dead smack at the edge of the road with a little tower sticking out over it. The guard on duty threw big eyes as he saw the fine horse and even finer dressed noble approach at speed. ''Oi! You thar! Stop! In name of the Lady Jocelin!'' The unnerved guard lowered his halberd but it didn't grand him any more courage.

Pulling hard on the reins Aldrakar brought the beast to a halt just out of reach of the pole-arm.  Pebbles spraying the guard who looked more sour by the minute. A whack heralded the opening of the tough oaken door of the guardhouse and out spilled 2 more guards. Rushing and wearing their helms unstrapped. ''W'ho goes therre!?!'' The initial guard shouted.

Gently urging the horse at a walk to the ancient stone watering trough Aldrakar fixed his deep blue eyes on the guardsmen who shrank away from his piercing gaze. Silence stretched as Aldrakar dismounted and tied the reins to the accompanying post. The only real sound coming from the horse who contently drank.

''I am Aldrakar Renodin and it is your duty to arrest me.'' He turned to face them and his armor backed up his claim at being nobility at least if not his daring manner. The guardsmen exchanged looks but only managed mutual confusion. Calmly walking up to the guardsmen Aldrakar made no motion to unsheathe his sword but his presence was enough to elicit a response from the three. ''Thas' close 'nough sirrah.'' Tension rose as Aldrakar obliged but gave time for the guardsmen to continue talking. Something they clearly hand't planned to do.

''I am from Luria Nova but my men are not with me now. Your Liege Lady is a friend of mine and if you decide to fight know that at least one of you will not breathe to see another day.'' He eyed the three and they in turn looked nervous, a direct martial challenge. ''We could of course always elect a more diplomatic course of action.'' Aldrakar offered a genuine smile. ''Let me leave a letter with you for the Lady Jocelin and know that she will be quite pleased with your efforts.'' A short pause which saw Aldrakar shrug mildly. ''If you accept I'll get on my horse again and ride away, no one needs to get hurt and all the gods will be happy. Lady Jocelin may be generous towards you for the service you did her and you'll have a good story for when you next drink with your friends.''

Aldrakar left the guards to glance and mutter between themselves as he moved back to his horse and retrieved from the saddlebag a leather bound package. He held it firmly for a moment as he untied the reins and mounted the horse. It responded willingly and smoothly followed his guidance. The guardsmen now found themselves in a hushed but heated debate. The horse walked up to the guardsmen and as Aldrakar arrived in reaching distance he placed a hand on the shoulder of one of the guards. '''Bli! What th..!'' The guard uttered. ''Peace!'' Aldrakar called as he had to restrain himself from chuckling. The guardsman looked up in astonishment as Aldrakar offered him the leather bound package. ''Give this to Lady Jocelin, please.'' The last word more a command than a pleasantry.

The guards were mute for all intended purposes as they stared after Aldrakar rode away the way he came and vanished from sight at the very first bend in the road.


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Re: The assorted bits of Aldrakar Renodin's Life
« Reply #78: August 17, 2014, 02:33:33 PM »
Kinda felt I couldn't just leave it at that hehe. Had to write an Rp to kill the suspense and reveal what the content of the package was. Well.. now you can find out also!

The Leather Bound Package

The next morning saw the world doused in a thousand thousand droplets of rain and more. Ocean wind from the euschean brought mist and covered the coastal villages. Many people remained indoors but those that had to venture out did so under heavy cloaks of leather if they could afford them but most wore thick woolen ones. Their fabric absorbing most of the water but it meant an additional burden to carry around. It was better at least than getting soaked.

Standing before you in your reception were three guardsmen. Water pooling around their boots as it cascaded from them freely. They looked like wet dogs. Dross expressions forced upon their faces as they shivered and with one of them even with clattering teeth. Ushering them forwards was a tall and muscular man. Resplendent in your heraldic colors worn over a suit of chain-mail stood one of your personal guards. His lip was curled upwards in disdain. He clearly thought himself eminently placed above these lowly road guards.

''Kneel!'' He roared over their heads and was quick to force the nearest to do just that with a hard blow to the man's knee with the haft of his battleaxe. The other 2 needed no further prompting. Walking past the kneeling figures did the heraldic guard address you. ''My Queen, these three came to deliver you this.'' He bowed low with practiced ease and flaunted his chiseled body but properly averted his eyes. In his hand he held a soft leather bound package which he held for you to take possession of.

The content:

A small jeweled pin depicting the local heraldic symbol of Sulorte in fine gold and orange topas.

A short list written in good handwriting detailing favorable, local wine makers in the region of Sulorte.

A letter containing the following message:

Lady Jocelin, Queen of Barca,

May this letter find you in company of its original companions nestled in a leather bound container.

For your knowledge it are a jeweled pin of Sulorte, a wine list and this letter. Where I am unsure how this package will reach you I found myself writing this letter as I now know I will be traveling through Sulorte. I miss its lands, it is very tranquil and peaceful. Empress Alice bestowed its title upon me many years ago.

It never needed much attention, the land or the people for they managed themselves pretty sufficiently. This letter is merely a pleasantry and a notice that should this letter reach you, I am or have traveled through the lands of Sulorte. Worry not for looters or vile acts. None such will be visited upon this land.

I hope you are well and that health is ever yours.

Your friend,

Aldrakar Renodin
Viscount of Garuck Udor

The heraldic guard waited for a time and as you accept the package he seems fully intend on removing the ''scum'' from this exalted room. He clearly want to teach the 3 poor guards a lesson but there is still time to intervene, should you want to.


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Re: The assorted bits of Aldrakar Renodin's Life
« Reply #79: August 18, 2014, 12:21:15 PM »
Ziiiing! Back again, this time not with my own writing but with the copious amounts of sweet Rp written by the Player of Lady Jocelin Le Drake of Barca. To be honest I was quite surprised and happily so. Read and find out why, but I'm sure you can already guess.

Written by the Player of Jocelin Le Drake:

Jocelin rested her hands upon her head, holding her hair out of the way while her handmaid cinched her dress shut.  It was taking longer than usual, and her thoughts had begun to wander when a hard jerk startled her from her reverie.  She glared over her shoulder at her servant, more irritable than she had meant to be, "Be careful!"

"I'm sorry m'lady... it won't fit!"

"Won't--" She pulled away and turned in the mirror, looking at herself sideways.  Normally flat in the front, the powder blue fabric lay tight over the gentle curve of her stomach.  She stared for a long time, and then her eyes softened.  "Fetch the green one."  The blue gown was taken away, and while she waited for the other Jocelin examined herself in the mirror more closely.  She lifted the front of her underdress, glancing surreptitiously to either side as if someone might see; there was no one in the room beside the maid at the wardrobe.  I could be mistaken, Thinking back on her eating habits, the past few weeks had found the normally conservative Jocelin hoarding sweets to deal with the constant stress of a realm at war.  But the thought of a La Pointe heir was much more appealing.  Erasmus will be pleased.  Did she tell him right away?  It might be more prudent to wait until she'd gotten too large to doubt her condition.  Besides, her husband was an observant man: he might have known before she did.

A hurried knock at the door made her turn, though there was a thick screen in place to keep intruders from laying eyes on their unprepared Queen.  She was wary about letting anyone outside her closest staff see her in any sort of disarray: Erasmus had married her with that purpose in mind, though the original idea of a union between them had been hers.  He was the strength of mind and will in their marriage: she was the face; the gentle influence; the one held beyond reproach.  Each one worked to benefit the whole they had made to great effect.

Another knock.  Her maid finished cinching her into a bottle-green gown that made the gold in her hair and eyes seem to shine.  She replaced her irritated scowl at being disturbed so early in the morning with a courtier's smile and bid the source of the noise to enter.  One of Erasmus' guardsmen entered, flanked on either side by the men her captain had posted outside her door.  Together they bowed, and then the first spoke, "Three couriers arrived today bearing a package for Your Majesty.  Shall I have them brought to the throne room?"

"No: bring them to the solar."  The throne room was where Erasmus received his visitors and held court; Jocelin much preferred the high windows and glass ceiling of the solar.  It was where their wedding had been held under a full moon, with Bloodmoon on their lips to make the colors shimmer.  The room had since become her own, and she entertained there when she could find a reasonable excuse to.  The low steps that encircled the room had made for an ideal dais, and a modest wooden throne had been crafted for the young Queen.  At this time in the morning the solar was also a tactical choice: as the clouds cleared the sun would be at her back, forcing those she received to squint.  Her hair would catch the light, and her eyes, and any who approached her would in later retellings refer to her as Barca's Golden Queen.

Her two armed escorts followed closely on the way to the solar, and her maid trailed behind them.  Though she trusted in her good reputation and the spirit of friendship between her and Viscount Aldrakar to keep her safe from Infiltrators, that was never a guarantee, and so she remained under guard even in her own halls.  They flanked the door on either side and posted;  her handmaiden hustled to one side of the room, ready at a moment's notice to do her mistress' bidding.  A long minute later and a trio of drenched guards came in, escorted by the most pompous of her personal guard.  Jocelin suppressed a groan as he pressed them forward, and sat bolt upright when he struck one of the road-stained guards behind the knee.  "Guardsman!"  Everyone in the room looked up, but her steady glare was fixed on one man alone, "We have been aching for an excuse to dismiss you from our service.  Do not tempt us so."  She had a singer's talent for projection, having been taught from a young age how to make herself heard without shouting.  As far as she could recall, the number of times in her life that she had had to shout could be tallied on one hand.  Called to task, the pompous man apologized with a bow, and forged ahead as if she had not just reprimanded him.

However, there was now a subdued edge to his delivery.  He presented the package that had been brought and waited for her to take it; she did not, not until she saw who it was addressed from.  The Viscount?

"Show us."  She was giving him permission to open it, for the package had been muddied on the way here.  He opened it with so much care and delicacy that she had to suppress the urge to roll her eyes, impatient as she was.  Mother would be pleased.  Too bad her family had fled the continent, cursing Dwilight for the monsters that plagued it.  She grew quiet as she saw the contents and read the letter Viscount Aldrakar had penned.  She noted his diplomatic phrasing, but a greater part of her was touched by his seeming sincerity, and she was relieved that no looting would take place.  Her good standing with the Lurians was doing more to protect Sulorte than her soldiers, held back in Aveston as she was.  If we were reconciled, Sulorte would be yours again, She vowed in silence, her heart hurting yet again for the necessity that was holding Sulorte for her own.  She hated the circumstances that had ignited war between them, a war that --at the time-- she'd been too young and compliant to prevent.  Now that there were fewer Barcans she was a respected woman, but Jocelin often found herself wondering if that would be so if their numbers had been greater.

She bid her handmaid to fix the pin to her chest, the weight of it greater than its size suggested.  While she was hidden from the rest of the room by the body in front of her she closed her eyes, working out what she was going to say before she said it.  Words were not paint to her as they seemed to Sir Aldrakar, but responsibilities, weights placed on a scale opposite the gravity of what they spoke of.  Too much praise and she was weak; too little, and she risked offending.  Her fellow nobles rarely seem to notice (nor care) that their reputations were built on their words, even to the lower class.  For someone like her her image was her greatest asset, and she cultivated it as a farmer did his crop.

"You men are from Sulorte?"  She wondered if they were from the Barca-that-was or if they'd been born Lurian but suppressed the urge to ask.  Such questions had become taboo among the commonfolk.  Jocelin didn't wait for a response; she bid the embarrassed guard to step forward and whispered something into his ear, to which he snapped a sharp salute and left the room.  Her smile brightened considerably after his departure, and she focused that golden gaze on the three knelt before her.  "We would not send you back to your posts without rest nor a hot meal first.  I will bid my staff to prepare hot baths in your quarters if you wish it."  She looked at them all steadily, expressing her opinion that they needed them without saying as much.  "We have bid our... enthusiastic... guardsman to bring us one of our clerks.  We were a trader once, and still have some contacts along the coast."  If these vintners are willing I would like to see their business expanded abroad.  "This war may have made trade difficult with the neighboring regions, and we would like to preserve Sulorte's treasures as best we can."

"For your integrity and the obvious care you took in conveying Viscount Aldrakar's gift to us, it would please us if you would deliver a gift in return.  Be here tomorrow at dawn, and you will be rewarded again for your service."  She indicated that they were dismissed... and then paused.  Her curiosity was burning her up inside.  "We have never met Viscount Aldrakar... he seemed a goodly man?"


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Re: The assorted bits of Aldrakar Renodin's Life
« Reply #80: August 18, 2014, 01:12:31 PM »
Naturally I could not simply let that Rp go unanswered. So here you can read about the 3 Roadside Guards, Andas, Nils and Inoric. Enjoy!

3 Guards and a Queen

"For your integrity and the obvious care you took in conveying Viscount Aldrakar's gift to us, it would please us if you would deliver a gift in return.  Be here tomorrow at dawn, and you will be rewarded again for your service."  She indicated that they were dismissed... and then paused.  Her curiosity was burning her up inside.  "We have never met Viscount Aldrakar... he seemed a goodly man?" With that Queen Jocelin Le Drake settled her golden gaze on the trio of very misplaced guardsmen of some outer road somewhere in the hills of Sulorte.

All the way to the Solar of the Barcan Castle, previously a Lurian Castle.. did the three road-guardsmen exchange nervous glances. Andas was the eldest of the three, a thickset man with a patchy beard trying to hide his various chins, one flapping over the other. Nils was the shortest, though none knew his age. Not even himself, 'lost count' he would claim if ever anyone asked. He seemed younger than Andas though and a lot thinner. Inoric made up the third of the trio and he was a merry man, simple of wit but always ready with a cheesy story or two.

Their relief was plain to see when the pompous guard left the room but that only lasted a very short time as the Barcan Queen posed them a seemingly simple question. What did they remember of Aldrakar Renodin? The question was shared without words as their eyes met and ever so slowly edged back to meet those of the Queen Jocelin.

The Queen's maid gave a particularly loud Hmmppf! at the obvious breach in etiquette from the lowly guardsmen but their faces only displayed confusion at the maid. Andas clearly didn't to be the first to make an ass out of himself and firmly kept his lips sealed. Inoric was plainly intimidated and so it was Nils that spoke up.

''Err..'' The first sound escaped Nils's throat. ''We's never really met ' em either M'lady.'' His shifty eyes carefully scanned the room as he tried to gauge the reaction of the castle guards and looked quite like a frightened lizard both in frame and posture. Noting that none had intervened he took it as a sign to continue.
''He's a fanceh une tha'.'' Gaining some confidence he used a bit of flair in the sense that he used hand gestures. "He rode al'oone on this brown horse, nay 'an warhorse either.'' Nils thought for a moment and picked his words, however broken they were. ''Dark brown 'orse with one of them gut saddles. A fine beast if ever I saw one!''

A sharp nudge to the ribs shook Nils from his memories as he found that Inoric had jabbed him with his elbow. ''Tell ' er about the -Rider- not that Bloody 'Orse!'' Inoric suggested forcefully. Fear mixed with shock flashed over Nil's face and his voice quivered as he continued. ''Tha' rider, yesh! Euhmm..   He was a tall man, a giant! with Hair like yours!'' Nils was quick to point at Jocelin but recoiled as soon as the guards scowled at him. Andas, biggest of the three of them had had enough and shoved little Nils out of the way so he could face the Queen.

''He was a man with golden hair that cut till 'ere.'' Andas made a slashing motion with his flat hand that indicated shoulder length. ''Loose and carried by the wind. He rode alone and wore armor made of smaller plates and little rings of iron or steel.'' Andas glanced back at his two friends and gave them a reassuring look. ''From what I gathered he was nay afraid of us. He never drew 'is sword and got off 'is 'orse. Him told us to a'rrest 'im but that he would kill one 'o us if we tried.'' A deep frown appeared on Andas's face. ''Then he said he was a friend of yours and said many fancy words, me and my friends here..'' He indicated with his hand. ''Tried to decide what to do but then he got on 'is 'orse 'gain and handed us that package there.'' this time he indicated the now remains of the package with a very un-extended arm.. for fear of the castle guards.

''If you ask me yer Majasteh, he's either a fool or a brave man 'o war. I nay wanna fite 'im.'' Andas shook his head quickly and repeatedly, making his various fatty chins dangle like cherries from a tree. ''Handsome bloke with white teeth like the sands of the beach down at tha  'Arbor.'' Having spoken at length the trio fell silent and became ever more compact as they awaited whatever came next. Fortunately for them, the maid spoke up and broke the silence. She took them to their chambers and ensured with stern hand that they all took a bath and saw to it that they were fed good food and allowed to sit at the hearth in the commons room.

For Andas, Nils and Inoric it was a slice of heaven and their roaring laughter was heard throughout the cast and only cut when they realized someone was paying attention. Which was really hard not to do..


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Re: The assorted bits of Aldrakar Renodin's Life
« Reply #81: August 18, 2014, 01:21:56 PM »
Here I got something truly unique for you. It may seem simple and rather ordinary even but take moment and consider that the this Rp sprang from a tiny little detail I gave earlier to this player in a letter that contained lots of details hehe. I am humbled by the simple perfection it embodies and am grateful to have been the recipient. Enjoy!

Written by the player of Evelyn Challons:

A messenger would arrive at Lurian Lands, a few hours after the sun has risen. The young man, weary as he was from the long journey nonetheless kept his duty in mind, carrying a package and letter to hand over. The letter sealed with the insignia of House Challon, a seal no doubt familiar to Aldrakar at this point.

The package unlike the letter however is adressed to Aldrakar Renodin II, Aldrakar's son. Inside the package is a small note, along with a small toy horse. A well crafted toy horse, black in colour. The horse looks smoothened out here and there, no sharp edges seen to make it suitable for any child, with the horse's expression worked into a docile one. Definatly a toy that has earned a craftsman a good amount of silvers for.

The note is written in clear letters, with a bit of a flair to it. Clearly from a feminine hand.

Young Lord Aldrakar II,

This is Kato. She is still young and has no friends as of yet. Many are afraid of her because of her black fur, yet she is very friendly and kind.

She needs someone to take care of her. Will you be able to do this and be her friend?

~Lady Evelyn Challon-Graves of Fissoa

Followed by a letter addressed to the father:

Lord Aldrakar,

I recall how you mentioned your son feared thr larger, black horses. To hopefully aid in conquering those fears, I have dispatched one of my messengers with a gift for him. A black, toy horse.

Perhaps with the toy, he will be ale to overcome his fears in time. Regardless, I wish not overstep any bounds and hope I have not offended with this gift.

~In friendship,

Evelyn Challon
Margravine of Madina Gardens
Marshal of the Fissoa Privateers


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Re: The assorted bits of Aldrakar Renodin's Life
« Reply #82: August 18, 2014, 02:08:48 PM »
Naturally such a unique and insightful Rp deserves a reply. I chose to flesh out the actual gift giving and include Aldrakar's 2 sons. Hope you like it and if you don't you probably wouldn't have made it this far into my compendium of Rp's hehe.

The Son and the Black Horse

Encamped with one of the armies of Luria stood the sturdy and fairly large tent of Aldrakar. Winter may be mild in the south but it still had its tempers. It was a marching camp and as such it was all mobile and temporary. The servants had pitched the tents, horses were being tended and food boiled or if lucky cooked fresh, over a wood-fire set in a shallow pit.

There were hard and tough men all around and a fair amount of their female equivalent. The warriors of Luria were hardened through years of battle and campaigning. This also made the marching camp exceptionally efficient, everyone knew what to expect and what was expected of them in turn. Where the military side of things ended the family side of things made an entrance. Many soldiers brought their wives and even children. Campaigning in the homeland made that an easier endeavor than abroad fortunately and Aldrakar was no different.

The cheering and laughing greeted him as he walked back from the command tent and approached the location of his own. Asher, the youngest of his two sons was riding a black and white spotted pig. Much to the displeasure of his older brother, Aldrakar II. Older only by moments though but in an argument it mattered, especially to the two boys. Where they were only 3 or close to 4 summers they had the will and fire of their father, yet to be tempered with self imposed virtues and education. They ran to their father as soon as they spotted him. ''Daaaaaa!!'' being yelled at the top of their lungs and crash-huggled his boots and knees as they clung to him.

Aldrakar chuckled heartily and ruffled both their heads with his hands. ''Which one of you grew most today? Hmm?'' Both of the boys exclaimed it was them of course and Aldrakar lifted both of them on one arm each. Pushing them up higher and higher one after the other in a mock contest until he placed both of them on his shoulders. Draped like this with cheering little boys he greeted his usual staff that awaited his arrival back at his tent.

Putting the boys down and kissing both of them on the cheek Aldrakar was approached by a page, Marc was his name. ''My Lord, a messenger delivered this for you.'' Marc held out a letter tied to a package and gave it to his master. Sitting down at the fire on a stool Aldrakar set about to reading it while at the same time a bowl of stew was pushed into his other hand. Eating and reading he called over Aldrakar II. The boy ran to his father and all but crashed into him. ''Whoow boy, manners, stand up straight like you've been taught.'' Aldrakar arched an eyebrow. Aldrakar II smirked and straightened his posture with his arm neatly hanging to the side of his body. ''Good, here you got mail..'' Aldrakar pressed the package into his son's tiny hands and he in turn threw big eyes and set about in a frenzy to open it. Aldrakar could only chuckle softly as he resumed eating.

The little boy saw the toy, the fine black horse carved from wood by the hand of a master woodcarver. He loved it instantly and pressed it against his cheek until Aldrakar thought it would fuse. ''Do your letters son, read it.'' Aldrakar indicated the accompanying letter with the wooden spoon he had employed to eat the stew. His son stole a seat next to his father and put the black toy horse gingerly in between of them, like a revered guest.

''T..twiss ish Kao..'' Aldrakar II looked up at his father. He nodded ''This is Kato.'' The boy resumed reading and his father helped him and when the letter was finished it to became a treasured guest. Aldrakar produced a leather pouch from his belt and gave it to his son. ''Keep Kato in there when you don't play with her and also the letter, so you know who gave it to you.'' The boy nodded and beamed. ''Remember that giving is good and is a path walked by the good.'' The words were heard but perhaps not really understood. Aldrakar smiled warmly to his son and put his arm around him. The boy however noticed little of it as he let himself sink against his big father and played all the while with the little black toy horse, Kato.


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Re: The assorted bits of Aldrakar Renodin's Life
« Reply #83: August 20, 2014, 09:48:15 PM »
Hey there, a long Rp this time. With a bit of mixed feelings. Its grim, it a bit dark but very real. Its a night attack on the city of Giask.  It holds special meaning to Aldrakar because that city used to belong to his wife, the mother of his two children, sons. I also want to dedicate it to the Realm of Asylon. If this is truly an end I hope it did them justice. Even though I think they will reemerge in the not so far away future. Enjoy.

A City of Shadows

Nights lasted an age and never yielded much to the sun. The land was blanketed once more in darkness as the last light of the world was beset upon once more by the minions of the moon. Her stars crept up to claim their places in the heavens high above and left only sparing rays to shine down onto the world of mortal men. Winter had ushered in the Sable Season.

The high walls of Giask stood lined with torches and black banners making striking sounds as the wind's gale tried to tear them from their posts. Indomitable and ancient they lay as mountains around one of the greatest cities in Dwilight. Inside were the men and women of Asylon, defending their last bastion. They knew what waited, what sprang on them like a panther with ivory white teeth.

On the other side of those massive walls in the fields surrounding the mighty city, waited a huge host of Lurian born, of Asylonian Born, of Niselurian born, the blood of many nations united under Lurian banners. Aldrakar marched with his men, his eyes always returning to the ever darkening silhouette of the City of his late wife, Lucini Talratheon Renodin. ''I'll.. I..'' He shook his head, no oath should be made he felt and his face hardened he set his mind to the task ahead.

A huge swarm, a legion, a fire touched snake of men and beasts and machines bore down on the City. Ladders, catapults, portable shields of heavy wicker and more. A town's worth of servants and a small realm's worth of combatants stood ready to fight. Atop the battlements stood the Asylonians, they looked back behind them at times. Down to the warriors waiting in the streets of Giask, ready to repel the attackers that might spill over or through the walls.

As the last of the sun's presence vanished from the world so the horns blasted. Boots stamped the soil into a paste. The light of stars glimmered off the naked weapons held in hands, a spectral legion of faceless murderers. The only white visible their teeth and the hot plumes of respiration that exited their helms.

Shouts rose from the walls and weapons were banged against shields, bells rang as the defenders roared their defiance! A rumbling reply roiled against the high walls like a crashing wave of rage. Compassion was shed and fear filled men's hearts and warred with anger, with love. The Angels of Death took flight upon the arrows of men and cut the air with their wails and soon they were followed with the agonizing screams of the dying.

Like the first droplets foreboding a storm did the first Asylonian soldiers tumble from the walls. Their armor shimmering in the torch- and moonlight as they smashed onto the ground far below. A fair number transforming into bloody abominations of flesh and metal like the stuff of nightmares. The bite of arrows found sir Velden Calanar whom was fortunate to have been pulled back by his most courageous captain. Sparing him from a moral wound that now only had found his shoulder.  Not far from that position, more eager than most person was Sir Perotin Dmitros. His wild cries like a demon upon the battlements daring his foes to come close. The might of the wind carried his voice and made him seem superhuman.

His frightful image brought him arrows, arrows that marked him and caught him in the gut. Probably caught by his armor but his image was now removed from the walls. Sir Zaxer Melinco however was less brazen. His efforts at coordination garnered him the attention of Chosen men. Men who took their time and picked their targets. Zaxer was unlucky to come into their sights. In a daring display he leaned out for but a second to point out a strategic target but in that split moment was showered in arrows. If not for his armor he would've likely died but good armor saves life. Even his face was touched by an arrow, resulting in a gash.

The siege had entered its first phase and the sky was frightful and beautiful at the same time. Silver, glimmering rain fell horizontally before it descended onto the earth. Screaming and screeching instead of tapping gently, arrows. Aldrakar swallowed hard as he gave orders to his men. He would not be among those to storm the walls and he felt regret mounting, that was his calling, to stand face to face with sword in hand. The thick of it. With his sword he indicated sections of the wall to pepper in missile fire and his Armored Skirmishers did as he instructed them.

Siege ladders and even 2 towers made their way to the Walls of Giask but not without resistance. Not without a hundred hundred arrows pelting them and for those approaching the walls with their shields raised above their heads. Them awaited falling rocks and worse. Liquid fire.

Hooked spears, halberds and axes were ready as those above awaited those below. Huge ladders rose against the walls and men climbed them. In full armor and some even from the reverse side. Climbing the rungs hanging from them. While this provided some cover it was not enough for many. Before his eyes Aldrakar saw an entire siege ladder get engulfed in orange and red and bright yellow as a pot of boiling soon burning oil was poured over them. Flaming men danced their last steps before they fell to the ground in death.

The Asylonian defenders fought valiantly and managed to crush their foes with boulders, with axes and with fierce headbutts. Smashing noses, hacking at hands and crushing heads and helmets. It proved not enough. The Lurian men at arms were gaining a foothold on the walls and the Asylonians archers were loosing the ranged battle. Velden Calanar had returned to the fore and stood, shouted probably to encourage his men. He was battling for what he was worth like a true Knight. His already pieced body suffered another wound. A quarrel from a crossbow found him somewhere close to his spleen. This time he had to retire. His men pulled at him and he tried to stop them but his body was too weak.

Sir Min Garwyn was directing his veterans but caught the eye of Sir Jericho Barrons and it was his hand that pointed.  Arrows followed the motions and struck down Sir Min. An arrow to the thigh and several men died to save him.  Aldrakar saw it happen and tried to act in time but not in time to spare Sir Min the wounds. His Armored Skirmishers found their Mark however and Sir Jericho found himself under heavy fire. Trying to duck away he was just too slow and several small arrows found his person. Most logging in his armor but some did more than superficial damage.

The Lurian forces pressed the attack and the Walls were slowly taken. Kings of Luria had their banners fly high in the dark sky and were only lit by what torches and braziers could illuminate. In a storm of Iron and of Steel where voices drowned in the howling wind did men die with screams gone mute. Swords flashed like silvery shadows and the ring of armor only reached those directly around. The deadly play made even more difficult as the wind tried to nudge everyone off the wall. Cloaks and Capes came alive and a morbid theater was played out for all to see.

With the walls being taken by the Lurians did Sir Zaxer Melinco make another heroic appearance. His singular action took down 3 Lurian warriors but in his reckless abandon and with the swing of his weapon in mid air did more Rendorian missiles find him. It pushed him aside and his armored arm saved him as he shielded himself. Pulled away by his cape with hands belonging to most trusted companions. The fight now took to the streets.

A booming sound heralded the opening of the Gates. Lurian fighters surged forwards and a sea of steel forced itself through the otherwise immense gates of Giask. First among them were the chargers of Ronan Maelodor. His horsemen were the tip of the spear and spears they met. Brave Ronan was dehorsed by a militiaman. The spear wicked and well forged. It sought his heart but the man could not place it better than his gut. Ronan was seen shouting in pain or fury or both. Then his image vanished in the sea of steel.

Sir Jericho Barrons had clambered down the steps, fighting all the way. The Kings of Luria were monsters in battle and tore everything to shreds when unleashing their inner Deamons. Jericho saw the mass of warriors in the streets of Giask. The plaza before the Great Gate was a slaughterhouse. Desperate men and women fought desperate men and women, there was no getting out. He joined the fray and his sword sang a tune from death's lyrics. Shintuk II's men found him though. In a tight formation had they moved through the crammed battle and now fell upon Jericho with unbridled fury. Cuts and slashes forced Jericho back and perhaps even to the ground. Life giving blood spilling from his body.

The streets were being lost, the fight was taken to the inner city, to the docks..

The Kings of Luria led the charge and over their heads there was a never ending cloud of arrows raining down on the Asylonians. Windows had been boarded up, doors locked and it seemed a stampede. Spears and swords for Horns and scared men trying to run for their lives or making final stands. The beast gored them, but not without sustaining injury. 2 Kings of Luria, Kamron and Idesbald took wounds. Both in melee and both were outwitted for a moment. A brief pause where their guard was circumvented and where steel met flesh.

Near the end or perhaps just before the end, hooves found a Royal body. The Chargers of Ronan, perhaps with him among their number found King Willhelm Buffalkill. He fought but was overcome as the Horsemen crashed into his men. Forcing space to be gone and for the weaker of the two to go down. A man is never as strong as a horse and neither was Willhelm. With a great display of martial prowess that yet proves too little, his flesh was marked by the sword and by the hoof.

Those that could, hid in the dark alleys. Some slithered away, more hid in taverns or in inns. Several managed to reach boats but most died. The battle for Giask never seemed much of a battle on paper perhaps but it were death-throes for those that were there.

Aldrakar walked the streets of the city of his lost Beloved and cried. Weeping without shame and he led the images of Lucini flood his mind. All around him soldiers were running with weapons still in hand. Seeking fleeing Asylonians or other more sinister opportunities, not Aldrakar though. He cried for her, to let her go from his heart and allowed space in it, for another. So ended yet another dark night for Giask, the Sun would reveal the horrors of men come morning.


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Re: The assorted bits of Aldrakar Renodin's Life
« Reply #84: August 20, 2014, 10:17:11 PM »
Hey there, a little complementary Rp written by a close friend of Aldrakar IC, of course. It speaks of Aldrakar and I wanted to save it. Hope you don't mind. Enjoy though, its politically loaded.

Written by the Player of Hendrick Madigan, former King (duke) of Sun Hall

A message bearing the Madigan seal is sent to all nobles of Luria.

I, Hendrick of House Madigan, King of Sun Hall, Master of House Madigan, Regent to the Emperor, and Heir to the Imperial Throne do hereby abdicate all my titles and holdings.

I will it that all titles hereditary - including the ancestral claims to the Shinnen Domain (granted in perpetuity by the advent of the Third Empire) and my family home in Thar Gortauth - as well as the title of Master of House Madigan pass to my son Seoras, until such time as my true born heir Caedemon comes of age.

Of Caedemon, I wish that my dear friend and former Knight, the most noble Aldrakar Renodin be responsible for his care and upbringing. I also must note that Lord Aldrakar is to be forever considered a legend of Sun Hall and like a son to me.

I bid the Emperor make a selection of his new Heir and Regent at his earliest convenience.

My regards to all,
Hendrick of House Madigan


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Re: The assorted bits of Aldrakar Renodin's Life
« Reply #85: August 20, 2014, 10:36:14 PM »
Because 1 Rp per great battle is never enough.

The Imperial Banner

With men surging around him and blood running in between the cobble upon which he stood Aldrakar drank in the nighmarrish vista and it burned into his mind. Bodies lay everywhere, dark crimson sprayed onto homes and drenched the city walls. As he took a step and then another he nearly tripped over a severed arm sporting a mangled hand.

Dogs were howling, barking and a desperate few of them, with ribs showing, gnawing on corpses with mad eyes full of glee. A heavy frown making way for resolution as it conquered his face. Aldrakar climbed a pile of crates and leaned against an Asylonian banner that stood on top of it. He gripped it with both hands and gave a great heave under which he roared his lungs out. Casting the banner aside it soon vanished under the boots of many Lurian soldiers.

''You! hand me that banner!'' He shouted to one of the Emperor's standard carriers. The Aquila of Luria Golden upon a field of Azure and Cherry Red. It was shrouded with shadows but the large braziers at the Main Gate of Giask provided enough light to give it a nasty glow.

Seeing the Soldiers like a river all around him and the pile of crates like a rock he planted the Imperial Lurian Banner where before stood the Asylonian. Wood splintered and holding the shaft with one hand Aldrakar closed his eyes as the nighttime wind tugged at his dark golden hair.


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Re: The assorted bits of Aldrakar Renodin's Life
« Reply #86: August 25, 2014, 04:13:10 PM »
Hey there, glad you're back. Today I got a nice little bit of writing about family values I suppose. Aldrakar in Giask with his 2 boys and then a third of a sort. Enjoy!

A Third Son

The day was gaining. The sun provided warmth, dispelling the lingering cold of the night that came before. Color, by the spouting seeds that blanketed the earth. The day grew slowly as light outlasted darkness. Aldrakar looked out of a small, stained glass window set in the ancient cobble wall. He saw children playing.

Since the Take over of Giask he had made a small tax collectors station his base of operations. It had quick access to the craftsman district to the west of the city. He had been focusing on them for they were the beating heart of Giask or so he believed. All produce went to them and transformed into something else of even greater value.

The room was small but well designed, much like the entire building. Figures a tax collector to spend money wisely and frugally. Putting down the quill several black droplets splashed onto the desk. Once they dried none could discern these new ones from the old ones. The desk was akin to a leopard and so it didn't fuss Aldrakar. Leaning back on the protesting chair he extended his arm and pushed open the little window, it too protested a little bit.
''Asher! Bring Caedemon inside will you, I want to speak to him.'' Aldrakar called to his youngest son. Asher stopped dead in his tracks as he let a leather ball roll away from him. ''Yes Daa!'' His reply followed swiftly.

Aldrakar glanced around the small enclosure that existed as part of the tax collectors office. It was lined with low olive trees providing shade and entirely meant as decoration. The placed was tiled with soft limestone, broken white in hue and gave off or attracted, whatever it was, a lot of dust. Servants swept often but it could always do with some more.

Enjoying the quiet for a brief moment Aldrakar heard the impending sound of running children. Some irregular knocking on his door preceded 2 children entering the small office. Aldrakar's eyes met Asher's. ''Thanks son.'' The look was enough to inform the boy that he shouldn't stay and he left again, leaving Ceademon, the Son and Heir of Hendrick Madigan, former King of Sun Hall alone with a renowned warrior.

Ceademon was a quiet boy, 11 summers by now and should know all the proper skills. He was trained hard by his father and relentlessly pushed to be the very best. A prodigy for any other family but just a Madigan to me, Hendrick had intoned. Aldrakar studied the dark haired and slender boy for a moment. The boy grew nervous and made a bow ''Caedemon Madigan, I bid you a good morning my Lord.'' he peeped. Sun spilled into the small office and reflected off the swirling dust particles giving the room an ethereal sheen.

''At ease boy, we know one another.'' His lips spread in a warm and welcoming smile. ''How are your studies going?'' Rooted in place Ceademon needed little time to reply ''My Latin is superb, Etiquette likewise, with Stewardship I made an error with my last project and Lurian History I was given top marks by Master Gilver.'' The words gave Ceademon confidence and Aldarkar smirked as he perceived it.

''What about poetry? What do you know of tactics, how good is your technique with a Rondel dagger and which type of fabric is best for marching tents?'' Arching his eyebrows high Aldrakar stared at a startled Ceademon. The boy was trained rather classically and knew little of the outside world. The nasty, dark and cruel, real.. world. ''I know some of the Askileon wordmaster's words.'' The boy remarked in a soft and defensive voice. The impressive warrior made an exaggerated nod. ''What.. is a Rondel sir..?'' White flashed on Aldrakar's face. His teeth catching the light and soon he laughed. ''It is a fine dagger that you'll need when you fight armored foes boy. Don't worry, you'll get familiar with one soon enough. What about the tents?''

Ceademon put a hand to his chin as he took on a thinking posture, a stance taught by etiquette and Aldrakar allowed some time. ''Cotton?'' Ceademon said at last. ''No. Cotton isn't the best.'' Aldrakar leaned back in his chair. ''Your father has asked me to resume your education Ceademon. Your numbers and letters are fine, continue them you shall but.'' He rose from his chair and crossed the small room towards the door. ''You'll have to do some catching up if you are to be a knight as well.'' He opened the door and strode deftly through the hallway towards the exit. ''You can ride but not fight from horseback. You don't know weapons and are a middling fighter at best for your age. You need to learn morals and poetry so you can truly see the beauty of the world and know its darkness when you face it. Darkness is a master at deception Boy and you need eyes able to perceive it.''

Ceademon had to run to keep up with the tall Warrior that was Aldrakar and felt unease at the prospect of his future. Little did he know that he was provided a huge boon by his father. Pushing open the door Aldrakar allowed Ceademon to catch up with him and together they stood facing the enclosure. Asher and Aldrakar II stood there looked back at them.  The first a tiny bit shorter than the latter and both perfect replica's of their father if only much younger. ''Sons, Ceademon is now one of us. See him like a brother and treat him like family.'' The two boys regarded the older boy for a moment and Ceademon looked uncomfortable. ''Yes Father!'' Both sons chirped almost simultaneously. Aldrakar knew joy as he saw the three of them, Ceademon, Asher and Aldrakar II play with the ball that afternoon. Children made friends easily just as they could be cruel easily. Aldrakar stared at Ceademon and thought back on Hendrick, it was hard to realize the man would not be returning. Then he turned back to the papers again. Work was never done.


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Re: The assorted bits of Aldrakar Renodin's Life
« Reply #87: August 26, 2014, 11:33:44 PM »
Another bit of reading for your singular enjoyment. Not entirely true though. I wrote this Rp in response to a request from a new player joining Luria Nova. He was a famous warrior and general of Asylon and in his Rp joining Luria the old char died and a new knight arise from said dynasty. It was unique and epic and amazing. Really much detail and of course superb quality. I marveled. Here my humble Rp to help his char along on the way to reclaim some heritage. The old char died giving up armor and sword to his family but it got lost kinda.. Enjoy!

Heirlooms of a distant Knight

-In response to Helicaon Dmitros-

The sun was out today. Its rays warmed the roofs and puddles of rainwater were quick to vanish before its gentle stream of light. Aldrakar walked the streets of Giask and often stopped to talk with influential merchants, guild-masters and lesser nobility. Most of the higher nobility had been driven out and so a new order was settling in. An awkward reshuffling where low nobles replaced middle tier ones or even climbing all the way to the higher echelons of Giaskian Nobility. A tricky situation that demanded lots of attention and delicate debates and negotiations.

All was for the betterment of Giask however and Aldrakar made time available, he made the rounds and he put in his time on social calls. This morning he went to visit a minor noble who claimed to have found a magnificent suit of armor and wished to negotiate a fair price for it. He needed the money to ''secure'' a trade license for his family. Apparently he was in the fish oil and clam trade. Aldrakar had a small entourage with him that included his young page Marc and Ceademon, son of Hendrick Madigan. The boy had to learn politics so he had to come along.

Arriving at the edge of Giask, the western most district they rode up to a small estate. It really was just a tiny manor positioned on a cliff rise and flanked by meager rows of peach trees. The land was ill kept and the enclosing wall was shabby at best. A gaunt faced gate guard pushed open the creaking Iron gate. It looked like it belonged to another age entirely.

Not wanting to invite Aldrakar indoors the noble had arranged a barbecue. Several cream white, linen covered tables stood around a red brick contraption which fumed smoke as a cook was trying his best to prepare a meal of roast clams and rabbit. It was clear there were issues and everyone was on edge.

Aldrakar and company dismounted, horses handed over to instantly overworked servants and crowded stables. The lesser noble, Patrius by name greeted Aldrakar and the two exchanged some pleasantries. The ensuing meal was strange. Aldrakar affected pleasure and the food was decent but there was so much unspoken stress in the air. The retinue was larger than all the servants combined which didn't help either.

After what seemed to last an eternity Patrius finally took Aldrakar aside and led him to the back garden. Displayed in an open armoire made of dark brown oak inlaid with ivory and silver stood arrayed a magnificent suit of splendid armor. Truly a masterpiece but after staring at it, admiring really, Aldrakar noticed signs of wear and use. His face took on a neutral expression and he looked back at Patrius.
''Looks exquisite no? Master Aldrakar?'' The man smiled just too broadly.

Patrius didn't seem to have noticed that Aldrakar also had seen the wicked steel saber that lay below the armor on a separate stand. Designed so that it would fit perfectly in the wielders hand and protect it in ever swing with its natural, almost organic curve. So great was the craftsmanship that Aldrakar instantly discarded the notion that his low Noble acquired it by honest means.

Putting his hands together to form a triangle with his finger Aldrakar looked down for a bit and then look up at Patrius. He pursed his lips. ''This armor was never yours to sell.'' Glacial eyes bored into the weak man and his spine turned to liquid. Beads of cold sweat formed as Aldrakar swelled with an intake of air. ''You will deliver these items to my domicile in Giask and see to it personally that they arrive before the sun sets and without damage.'' Aldrakar's voice was calm like a mirror lake. Patrius nodded frantically ''Yes.. yes... Of course how could I think to sell the spoils of a dead man.. how ignoble! hehehe...''

Aldrakar left shortly after, but not before he informed the servants of what was to happen to the masterfully forged armor and saber.  A Gold Lurian to any servant informing him if anyone planned otherwise. This ensured that none would think of spiriting the equipment away.

That very evening Aldrakar had that very ivory and silver inlaid armoire in his office and every bit of its content was present. It didn't please him though, a great warrior had died in it and never really got to experience the pleasure of using it. The next of kind should be informed.

The following morning Aldrakar send heralds out around the city to inform the people of the Masterful armor and Saber, their features, distinguishing markings and overall what it looked it. He hoped that a rightful heir would claim it, otherwise he had no clue yet what to do with it.


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Re: The assorted bits of Aldrakar Renodin's Life
« Reply #88: August 27, 2014, 05:32:17 PM »
Good afternoon.  I know that's a gamble on my side but if you never risk it, you never gain it. So risk it I say! Totally not related to the below Rp but still some solid life advice hmm? Enjoy the writing, its part of an ongoing introduction of the character Helicaon Dmitros. The most epic new character ever in my opinion.

A Long Sun

Morning had made room for noon and as the world turned so did the sun cast long shadows just before the night claimed all. At this time, when shadows and sun were warring came a heavy knock on the door of Aldrakar's office in Giask. A man at arms opened the door as the servants had been given leave for the day. A master should never push his people and allow pleasure to rekindle hearts in time entirely of their own.

A man introduced himself as Gustaf and did so with practiced etiquette even though his garb told a different story. The sway of his body as he walked belied skills not so courtly and his eyes possessed the sheen of understanding. The man at arms was wary and asked for weapons. Gustaf produced a small array and then a dagger more. The soldier and him exchanged long looks that spoke entire book chapters.  They were both men that had seen war and they came to a silent accord. Death if you try anything.

Gustaf was led into the room where Aldrakar sat at his desk. A small room with humble furniture and decorations. A stray toy horse painted black lay on the ground. Aldrakar rose from his chair to greet the visitor but decided instead to collect the toy as he noted that Gustaf was a commoner, at least by appearance. Gustaf held some distance as Aldrakar moved through the room. The noble warrior picked up the toy and ran his hand along the neck of the tiny horse. ''And whom do I have the pleasure of receiving at dusk?'' Aldrakar didn't wait for a reply and instead leaned against the desk, half sitting on it as he faced Gustaf, in his hands sat the toy horse still. 

''My name is Gustaf, Lord Aldrakar. I learned that you are in possession of a suit of armor and a saber that I seek.'' Gustaf said the words confidently and made several appropriate hand gestures as he spoke. Aldrakar studied the man and calmly continued to listen. ''Helicaon Dmitros is next in line for one of the items and another noble for the other object.'' Gustaf expected a reply by now but as none came he continued. ''I would make sure the items see their proper recipient if you would relinquish them into my custody, my Lord.'' The two men exchanged a look and neither wavered.

Aldrakar's placed the docile looking toy of a black horse on the desk and pushed himself away from it. ''How do I know you are not lying..'' He let several other sentences die as he fell silent. ''You don't.'' Gustaf offered. ''In a short while there will be a servant of the noble Patrius claiming a man assaulted one of his servant and threatened his person. This is true, it is how I learned you have the armor and saber. Report me to the guards or slay me where I stand but do so knowing that I did not try to break in.'' Gustaf looked dead serious. ''People say you are a man of Honor and so I came to you like this, asking. Give me the armor and sword and I will see them restored to proper owners.'' Heavy bonking could be heard on the door of the small building. ''Let me in! I must see Lord Aldrakar Immediately!'' It was the shrill voice of Patrius.

The grim faced man at arms peaked his head into the office and Aldrakar nodded. The scarred face showed the smallest of smiles and vanished. ''Gustaf..'' Aldrakar began. ''I will see you provided with a cart, 4 armed men and my page to see to the armor.'' In the background the protests of Patrius could be heard as he was declined entry. ''Make sure you bring the items along a safe route and see that they reach whomever it is, deserves them.'' Akdrakar took careful steps towards Gustaf, eyeing him cautiously but soon just warmly. ''You are a good man.'' He placed a hand on Gustaf's shoulder who was slightly taken aback, not used to the treatment.

Turning back to the desk Aldrakar called for Ulfkil, the grim man at arms and told him to gather 3 of his finest to escort Gustaf and he was to lead them himself. The mean looking warrior nodded his assent and left again. ''Don't worry, Ulfkil is a good one to have in a fight.'' Aldrakar said as he penned a quick note which he gave to Marc after calling the boy of 11 summers into the room. ''See to the arrangements Marc, don't disappoint me, make me proud.'' The boy saluted quite like a tiny soldier and set about achieving the given task.

So Gustaf was seen leaving the compound with a leather covered cart containing the armoire with splendid armor and the masterful saber. Drawn by an ox and flanked by 4 seasoned swordsmen that once belonged to the Rendorian Shieldguard. Not to forget Marc the page, he sat next to the nameless driver who seemed an honest sort.


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Re: The assorted bits of Aldrakar Renodin's Life
« Reply #89: September 01, 2014, 04:06:33 PM »
Hello there. This time a short Rp about Aldrakar arriving in Askileon, the capital and promptly leaving again. Just had to do some Banking stuff but I felt like writing something to illustrate. So a little gossip story seemed right. Just to give the other players in the City something nice to read. Send only to those in the city mind you, not realm wide.

No name given

The ferry flying the colors of House Renodin was sighted mooring a busting pier. Most curious amongst their number was a company of bankers. Bankers! of all the variety of people one might spot on a dock their ilk rarely left the comforts of their decadent dwellings. Spring however must've ushered them out but surely it wasn't just good weather than had drawn them.

A blond haired man of fairly impressive posture departed the ship, at least impressive from a distance I'm sure.. or so I'm told. Anyhow, as this man disembarked and was flanked by a quartet of swordsmen donned in the Livery of House Renodin did the small company of bankers rush him. A keen observer could spot a small litter behind them. A chest upon it and several mean looking guards around it, armed with short swords mind you.

The chest found its way up onto the deck of the ship where it soon vanished from sight, below decks. The blond man, one Aldrakar if I heard correct turned on his heels and went back up the gangplank! Several bankers waved documents in the brisk air but were met with glares from the Bondsmen. That's how I heard it at least. Aldrakar only saw the docks of Askileon before he went back to Giask again. Silly nobles, who can understand them anyway.

The soldier muttered the story to his friends as you per chance overheard. Supposedly he heard it again in a tavern, from a wine merchant who happened to have been on a ship next to the Renodin's. Commoners, who can trust them anyway.